Hydrilla verticillata
Hydrilla verticillata

Impact ID7056
Impact TypeInfrastructure
Study TypeObservational
Study LocationField
Impact DescriptionIn the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) system in September 1989, heavy late-season rainfall and consequent flood discharges caused large mats of Hydrilla verticillata to break loose. These mats clogged intake screens and forced the shutdown of two hydroelectric turbines at Guntersville Dam. Hydrilla mats floated over the spillway and blocked water intakes downstream at Wheeler Dam. The result was $170,000 in lost power plant revenues.
Great Lakes RegionNo
LocationTennessee Valley Authority (TVA) System

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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/28/2024].

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