Hydrilla verticillata
Hydrilla verticillata

10 results for Hydrilla verticillata (hydrilla)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Reference
2946 Hydrilla verticillata Recreation Observational N/A A survey of local anglers’ willingness to pay for Hydrilla verticillata controls are one... 5148
2979 Hydrilla verticillata Recreation Experimental Field Mean total replacement value per hectare of vegetated area was $59,738 for hydrilla for estimating... 10239
3037 Hydrilla verticillata Recreation Observational Field Hydrilla restricts boat access and impedes other recreational activities such as angler access and... 31435
3061 Hydrilla verticillata Recreation Anecdotal N/A Hydrilla can interfere with swimming and boating by anglers and waterskiers in recreational waters. 33831
3075 Hydrilla verticillata Recreation Observational Field Hydrilla has affected tourism and navigation in Guatemala. 33837
4651 Hydrilla verticillata verticillata Recreation Observational N/A A survey of local anglers’ willingness to pay for Hydrilla verticillata controls are one... 5148
7062 Hydrilla verticillata Recreation Observational Field Hydrilla verticillata seriously impedes recreational and commercial boating and prevents... 10511
7063 Hydrilla verticillata Recreation Observational Field Large Hydrilla verticillata mats prevent access to many of the prime locations used for... 5137
7064 Hydrilla verticillata Recreation Observational Field In the late 1980s, Hydrilla verticillata populations at Lake Guntersville, Alabama... 28606
7065 Hydrilla verticillata Recreation Observational Field Hydrilla verticillata infestations in just 2 Florida lakes have prevented their... 14150

View all impact types for Hydrilla verticillata
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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/28/2024].

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