Specimen Information

Ceratopteris richardii
(triangle waterfern)
Native Transplant

Specimen ID1322919
Common Nametriangle waterfern
LocalityMarr's Spring behind Comer Hall, campus of University of Alabama
Mapping AccuracyAccurate
HUC8 NameUpper Black Warrior
HUC8 Number03160112
HUC10 NameHurricane Creek-Black Warrior River
HUC10 Number0316011205
HUC12 NameTwo Mile Creek
HUC12 Number031601120505
Collection Day24
Collection Month9
Collection Year1977
Year AccuracyActual
Potential Pathwayhitch hiker on aquatic plants? | planted ornamental
Reference 1
Ref. Number:28165
Author:Clark, J.L. (curator), J. Lopez-Bautista (curator), S. Ginzbarg, R.R. Haynes, and B. Keener.
Title:University of Alabama Herbarium (UNA)
Publisher:University of Alabama
Reference 2
Ref. Number:29204
Author:McCormick, C. (curator).
Title:North Carolina Botanical Garden Herbarium (NCU)
Publisher:University of North Carolina
Reference 3
Ref. Number:27722
Author:Keener, B.R., A.R. Diamond, L.J. Davenport, P.G. Davison, S.L. Ginzbarg, C.J. Hansen, C.S. Major, D.D. Spaulding, J.K. Triplett, and M. Woods.
Title:Alabama Plant Atlas. [S.M. Landry and K.N. Campbell (original application development), Florida Center for Community Design and Research. University of South Florida]
Publisher:University of West Alabama
CommentsUNA 00051647
Record TypeSpecimen
Earliest Recordnation
DisposalUniv. of Alabama Herb., Univ. of North Carolina Herb.
Museum Cat NumberUNA 00051647, NCU 00025216
VerifierS. Ginzbarg
Year Classvegetative
Ceratopteris richardii


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/28/2024].

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