Specimen Information

Alligator mississippiensis
Alligator mississippiensis
(American alligator)
Native Transplant

Specimen ID1695449
Common NameAmerican alligator
LocalityIsolated portions of the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, north of the Tennessee River.
Mapping AccuracyAccurate
HUC8 NameWheeler Lake
HUC8 Number06030002
HUC10 NamePiney Creek
HUC10 Number0603000208
HUC12 NameLower Piney Creek
HUC12 Number060300020803
Collection Day22
Collection Month6
Collection Year1979
Year AccuracyActual
Potential Pathwaystocked for conservation
Reference 1
Ref. Number:37972
Author:Akesan, T.
Title:Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge: Annual Narrative Report: Calendar Year 1979
Publisher:US Fish and Wildlife Service
Reference 2
Ref. Number:37973
Author:Akesan, T.
Title:Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge: Annual Report: Calendar Year 1980
Publisher:US Fish and Wildlife Service
CommentsTo establish a reserve conservation population, on June 22, 1979 55 juvenile alligators sourced from the Lacassine NWR, LA, were stocked into isolated portions of the Wheeler NWR north of the Tennessee River. Soon after release one alligator was shot and killed by a local fisherman, while two were removed by trapping in June and July 1980 due to political pressure. The surviving alligators may have contributed to later sightings and an apparently extant population in this area as of 2022. Two "rather large" alligators were observed in the Wheeler NWR earlier in 1979.
Record TypeLiterature
Number Stocked55
Year Classjuvenile


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/28/2024].

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