Specimen Information

Litopenaeus vannamei
Litopenaeus vannamei
(whiteleg shrimp)

Specimen ID4045
Common Namewhiteleg shrimp
LocalityLaguna Madre in the area north of the mouth of the Arroyo Colorado, near Arroyo City (approximately 20 miles north of Brownsville, TX.
Mapping AccuracyAccurate
HUC8 NameSouth Laguna Madre
HUC8 Number12110208
HUC10 NameUpper Pilot Channel-Laguna Madre
HUC10 Number1211020803
HUC12 NameUpper Pilot Channel-Laguna Madre
HUC12 Number121102080300
Collection Day27
Collection Month11
Collection Year1991
Year AccuracyActual
Potential Pathwayescaped captivity aquaculture
CommentsThe shrimp escaped through a hole in a mesh bag on a drainage pipe in one of the culture ponds operated by Chung Mei Shrimp Farms and Hung Shrimp Farms.
Record TypePersonal communication
VerifierDavid Simmons, TX Parks and Wildlife Dept. technic


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/28/2024].

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