Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records as well as those with scientific name Pila scutata listed in key words.

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REFTypeCut-and-Paste Reference
13575 Web Page Bishop Museum. 1997. Listing of species known from aquatic environments (brackish/fresh water) in the Hawaiian Islands. (Accessed 1997).
33063 Journal Article Chaichana, R., and T. Sumpan. 2014. The potential ecological impact of the exotic snail Pomacea canaliculata on the Thai native snail Pila scutata. ScienceAsia 40:11-15.
31947 Journal Article Cowie, R.H. 1995. Identity, distribution and impacts of introduced Ampullariidae and Viviparidae in the Hawaiian Islands. Journal of Medical and Applied Malacology 5(1993):61-67.
33388 Journal Article Cowie, R.H. 1997. Catalog and bibliography of the nonindigenous nonmarine snails and slugs of the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu, Hawaii 50:1-66.
14816 Journal Article Cowie, R.H. 1998. Patterns of introduction of non-indigenous non-marine snails and slugs in the Hawaiian Islands. Biodiversity and Conservation 7:349-368.
17255 Book Chapter Cowie, R.H. 2002. Apple snails (Ampullariidae) as agricultural pests: their biology, impacts and management. Pages 145-192 in Barker, G.M, ed. Molluscs as Crop Pests. CABI Publishing. Wallingford, UK.
31946 Journal Article Cowie, R.H., K.A. Hayes, C.T. Tran, and P. Levin. 2007. Distribution of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck) in the Hawaiian Islands (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 96:48-51.
31948 Book Chapter Cowie, R.H., K.A. Hayes, E.E. Strong, and S.C. Thiengo. 2017. Non-native apple snails: systematics, distribution, invasion history and reasons for introduction. Pages 3-32 in Joshi, R.C., Cowie, R.H., and Sebastian, L.S, eds. Biology and management of invasive apple snails. Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), Maligaya. Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 3119, 406 pp.
689 Report Devick, W.S. 1991. Disturbances and fluctuations in the Wahiawa Reservoir ecosystem. Project No. F-14-R-15, Job 4 Study I. Division of Aquatic Resources, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Honolulu, HI.
30721 Book Joshi, R.C., Cowie R.H., and Sebastian L.S. (eds). 2017. Biology and management of invasive apple snails. Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 3119.
33359 Book Chapter Lim, B.L. and J.W. Mak. 1983. Human Behavior and Zoonotic Diseases in Malaysia. Pages 49-72 in Croll, N.A., and J.H. Cross, eds. Human Ecology and Infectious Diseases. Academic Press Inc. New York, NY.
27940 Journal Article Low, M.E.Y., S.K. Tan, and T.H. Ng. 2013. Pila conica (Wood, 1828), or Pila scutata (Mousson, 1848)? The correct name for the native apple snail of Singapore (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae). Nature in Singapore 6:55-60. or
33389 Journal Article Mousson, A. 1849. Über die Land-und Süsswassermollusken von Java. Mittheilungen der Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich 1:264-273.
31950 Journal Article Smith, B.D. 1992. Introduction and dispersal of apple snails (Ampullariidae) on Guam. Pacific Science Association Information Bulletin 44(1/2):12-14.
31949 Journal Article Smith, B.D. 2003. Prosobranch gastropods of Guam. Micronesica 35-36:244-270.
13100 Book Staples, G.W., and R.H. Cowie. 2001. Hawaii's Invasive Species. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI.
33358 Journal Article Tan, S.K., Y.-L. Lee, and T.H. Ng. 2013. The status of the apple snail Pila scutata (Gastropoda: Ampullaridae) in Singapore. Nature in Singapore 6:135-141.
33390 Journal Article Tran, C.T., K.A., and R.H. Cowie. 2008. Lack of mitochondrial DNA diversity in invasive apple snails (Ampullaridae) in Hawaii. Malacologia 50(1-2):351-357.
19675 Database Walsh, S. 2010. Aquatic invasive species of Guam. USGS Southwest Biological Sciences Center, Gainesville, FL.
33391 Book Wood, W. 1828. Supplement to Index Testaceologicus; or a Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign, Arranged According to the Linnean System. 2nd edition. W. Wood, London.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/28/2024].

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