Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records as well as those with scientific name Cynoscion nebulosus × xanthulus listed in key words.

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REFTypeCut-and-Paste Reference
820 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
822 Journal Article Anonymous. 1994. Water body records. Texas Parks & Wildlife News 1994(February 25):1-19.
13 Report Howells, R.G. 1991. Identification of orangemouth corvina, spotted seatrout and their hybrids. Management Data Series No. 57. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Fisheries Division, Austin, TX.
360 Report Howells, R.G. 1992. Annotated list of non-native fishes, mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic plants, in Texas waters. Management Data Series No. 78. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, TX.
108 Journal Article Howells, R.G., and G.P. Garrett. 1992. Status of some exotic sport fishes in Texas waters. Texas Journal of Science 44(3):317-324.
693 Book International Game Fish Association. 1994. World records. IN IGFA. World Record Game Fishes. International Game Fish Association.
274 Journal Article Shapovalov, L., A.J. Cordone, and W.A. Dill. 1981. A list of freshwater and anadromous fishes of California. California Fish and Game 67(1):4-38.
512 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
13707 Web Page Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 2001. Fish Records: Water Body - All Tackle. Created on 04/24/2001. Accessed on 06/15/2001.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/28/2024].

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