Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2015. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Northeast Lakes 1991-1994. United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 27764
Type: Database
Author: United States Environmental Protection Agency
Date (year): 2015
Title:Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Northeast Lakes 1991-1994.
Publisher:United States Environmental Protection Agency
Publisher Location:
Accessed on:
Created on:
Keywords: EMAP, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Alosa pseudoharengus

    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F21B
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F16G
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F1T
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F4G
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F3G

Ambloplites rupestris

    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GB
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F18T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F9M
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F20G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F9S
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F2GB
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F5GA
    VT - Joes at sampling station R
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F1M
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F10S
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F6S
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F10T
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F5S
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F3T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F7GB
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F8G
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F6G
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F16G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F2T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F17T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F4M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F12M
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F20G
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F24B
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F5T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F3GA
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F4M
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F5GA
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F5M
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F10S
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F12G
    VT - Joes at sampling station B
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F19G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F14G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F21G
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F15B
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F12B
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F07T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station S
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station Q
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station Y
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F11S
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F7G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F15G
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F7S
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F25B
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station W
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F1GB
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F4T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F13B
    VT - Joes at sampling station Q
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F26B
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F8T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F20M
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F16T
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F3T
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F9T
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F10B
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F16S
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F7GA
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F4M
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F3GB
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F3GB
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F05T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F14T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F14M
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F16T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F16M
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F5T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F9G
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F17T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F5S
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F5GB
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F17G
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F10M
    VT - Joes at sampling station S
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F14T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F7S
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F23G
    VT - Joes at sampling station I
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F10M
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F3M
    VT - Joes at sampling station J
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F2T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station C
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F20G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F19T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F23T
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F12G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F12T
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F7GA
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F24B
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F8B
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F10M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F15S
    VT - Joes at sampling station K
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F5T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F13N
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F2G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F3T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station V
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station K
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F4T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F11S
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F16T
    VT - Joes at sampling station M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F8G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F7T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F15T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F15M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F13B
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F13T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F12S
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F15B
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F17T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F7B
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F11S
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F13B
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F15T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F19G
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F2M
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F22G
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F6S
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GA
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F9T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station Q
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F1T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F11G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station H
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F8G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F3M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F19T
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F1T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F13S
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F19G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F12B
    VT - Joes at sampling station L
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F2T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F23B
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F1T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F4T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F2M
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F3T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5TJ
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F13G

Ameiurus catus

    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F6G
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F14S
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F12G

Ameiurus natalis

    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F3G
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F4GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F01G
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F5GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F8G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F9GA
    NH - French at sampling station O
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F15G
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F8GB
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station F
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F6GB
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F3G
    MA - Webster at sampling station K
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F8GA
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F7G
    MA - Webster at sampling station S
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F2G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F8G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F13G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1G
    NH - French at sampling station J
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F3GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F7G
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F4G
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F6GA
    MA - Webster at sampling station L
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GB
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F5GB
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F5G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F03G
    NH - French at sampling station K
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F11G
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F8S
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F24G
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F4GB
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F10G
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F7G
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F5GA
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F10T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F12S
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F6G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station J
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F7GB
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F2B
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F5GB
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F25G
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F11B
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F8G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F8T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F02G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F11G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F02G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F7GB
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F4G
    NH - French at sampling station N
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F6G
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F6GA
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F7GA
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F12G
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F5GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Webster at sampling station F
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F7G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F1TJ
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F13G
    NH - French at sampling station P
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F21G
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F3G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F18S
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F23G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GB
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F1T
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F6GB
    MA - Webster at sampling station L
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8G
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F12G
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F3GB
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F28G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F10G
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F4GA
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F2T
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F9G
    NH - French at sampling station M
    NH - French at sampling station L
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F5GB
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F8G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10S
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F10G
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F10G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F9G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F4GA
    NH - French at sampling station C
    NH - French at sampling station B
    MA - Webster at sampling station F
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F7GA
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F5GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NH - French at sampling station I
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GB
    MA - Webster at sampling station U
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F2T
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F6GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F7G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F24G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GA
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F4T
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F9G
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F6G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F3GA
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F3T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station K
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F1T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station A
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F04G
    MA - Webster at sampling station L+M
    NH - French at sampling station F
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F5G
    NH - French at sampling station R
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F6G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    NH - French at sampling station F
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F4G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F01G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F10G

Carassius auratus

    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5T

Cyprinus carpio

    NY - Mohawk Pool at sampling station F2T
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F7T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station E
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F3T
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F2G
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F13G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F15G
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F8B
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F8T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station J
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F10G
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F2GB
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station F
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F17G
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F3G
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F8GB
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F14G
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Stone Bridge Ponds at sampling station F1T
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    NY - Mohawk Pool at sampling station F5G
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F5G
    NY - Mohawk Pool at sampling station F1T
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F7T
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F8GA
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F4T
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F7GJ
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Mohawk Pool at sampling station F3T
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F16G
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station D
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F12G
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F5GB
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station E
    NY - Mohawk Pool at sampling station F4T
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F10G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F18G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F9T
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F7GA
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F9G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1G

Esox lucius

    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5GB
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F2G
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F6T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F4G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5GA
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F6GB
    ME - Ingham Pond at sampling station F1GA
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8G
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F4G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F3G
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F9NX
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F4G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F3T
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F8G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8G
    MA - Webster at sampling station H
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F12T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1G
    ME - Ingham Pond at sampling station F1GB
    MA - Webster at sampling station K

Esox niger

    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F3GB
    NY - Swede Pond at sampling station F3GB
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F12B
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F3GA
    ME - Little Papoose Pond at sampling station F3G
    NH - Kusumpe Pond at sampling station F7S
    NY - Melody Lake at sampling station F1T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F9GA
    ME - Torsey at sampling station F
    ME - Sturtevant Pond at sampling station F12B
    NY - Swede Pond at sampling station F4GA
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F7NJ
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F18G
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F4G
    ME - Sturtevant Pond at sampling station F11B
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F1T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F3T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F16G
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F1T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F2T
    ME - First Debsconeag at sampling station E
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F4GB
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F5G
    ME - Proctor Pond at sampling station F6B
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F9GA
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station S
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F10T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F6G
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station M
    ME - Torsey at sampling station A
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F11B
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F11B
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F4GB
    ME - Proctor Pond at sampling station F7B
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F24B
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F8G
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station A.5
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F1T
    ME - Torsey at sampling station E
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F1M
    NY - Swede Pond at sampling station F2T
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F9G
    ME - Hot Pond at sampling station F6GB
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F05T
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F3T
    ME - Ingham Pond at sampling station F5G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station L
    MA - Muddy Brook Pond at sampling station F6S
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    NY - No Name at sampling station F2T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10S
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F1T
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F3GB
    ME - Ingham Pond at sampling station F7S
    VT - Joes at sampling station N
    VT - Groton at sampling station D.5
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F10G
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F10G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F17S
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F24N
    ME - Upper Middle Branch Pond at sampling station F13G
    MA - Webster at sampling station T
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F6G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station H
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GA
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F9G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F15G
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Harding Lakes at sampling station F3G
    ME - Little Papoose Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station H
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F3GB
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Melody Lake at sampling station F5B
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F3T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F4G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station H
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F10G
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F1T
    MA - Webster at sampling station R
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F1S
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F16T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station C
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F02G
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F3T
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F7GB
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F7GA
    NH - Kusumpe Pond at sampling station F6G
    ME - Upper Middle Branch Pond at sampling station F1T
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F11B
    NY - Trout Lake at sampling station F1T
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F5GB
    VT - Tildys Pond at sampling station F1M
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F9S
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F6G
    NY - No Name at sampling station F8NJ
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F13G
    ME - Torsey at sampling station C
    ME - Fourth Machias Lake at sampling station F5T
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F12S
    MA - Webster at sampling station L
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F7GA
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station H
    NY - Swede Pond at sampling station F2M
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F8GB
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F7GA
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F8G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F08T
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F02G
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F4GB
    ME - Hot Pond at sampling station F1T
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F1TJ
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Muddy Brook Pond at sampling station F4GB
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F3GB
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GA
    ME - Little Papoose Pond at sampling station F4G
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F3TJ
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - No Name at sampling station F4GA
    VT - Joes at sampling station L
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F4GB
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11B
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F4GA
    ME - Torsey at sampling station G
    NY - No Name at sampling station F6S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F3T
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F3M
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F2S
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F6T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station W
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F3T
    MA - Lake Wyola at sampling station F7G
    ME - Torsey at sampling station C
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F17G
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F4G
    ME - Hot Pond at sampling station F8S
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F6S
    ME - Torsey at sampling station K
    MA - Webster at sampling station U
    NY - Melody Lake at sampling station F3G
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F8B
    ME - Chaffin Pond at sampling station F6B
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F5S
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F12B
    MA - Muddy Brook Pond at sampling station F3GA
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F6T
    NY - No Name at sampling station F1T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F21S
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F3T
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F2G
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F5B
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F4T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station U
    ME - Sturtevant Pond at sampling station F1T
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F4GA
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F19S
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    ME - Proctor Pond at sampling station F1T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station K
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F1T
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F12G
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F4M
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F14T
    NY - No Name at sampling station F7S
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F1T
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F4G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F03G
    NY - Trout Lake at sampling station F11S
    ME - Hot Pond at sampling station F5GB
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F7GA
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1G
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F3G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F2T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F18S
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F2T
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F3T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F1T
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F4GA
    VT - Tildys Pond at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F3T
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F2T
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F4G
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F4T
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F7T
    NY - Melody Lake at sampling station F4G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station T
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F2T
    ME - Sturtevant Pond at sampling station F18G
    ME - Torsey at sampling station N
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GB
    ME - Fourth Machias Lake at sampling station F7T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F13T
    ME - Torsey at sampling station C
    VT - Groton at sampling station A
    ME - Collins Pond at sampling station F9B
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F4T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F1TJ
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F4GB
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F4GA
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station V
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F22G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F8T
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F9T
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F4GA
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F5S
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F6G
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F3T
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F1T
    VT - Groton at sampling station D
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F2T
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F4GA
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F5S
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F4TJ
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F3GA
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F4T
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F11G
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F8T
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F4T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F6GB
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F02G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F19G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station A
    ME - Upper Middle Branch Pond at sampling station F16B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F4T
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F2T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F07T
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station N
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F13T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F14G
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F5MJ
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F7G
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F8T
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    VT - Groton at sampling station M
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station C
    ME - Ingham Pond at sampling station F3T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F4T
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F10T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F5T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F4GA
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F6G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F10N
    VT - Groton at sampling station K
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F21S
    VT - Joes at sampling station O
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station F
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F20G
    ME - Torsey at sampling station J
    MA - Holden Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    VT - Groton at sampling station I
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F11G
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station M
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F5T
    MA - Webster at sampling station L
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F17G
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F8G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F5T
    ME - Little Papoose Pond at sampling station F4G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F9T
    NY - Trout Lake at sampling station F15G
    NY - Trout Lake at sampling station F5B3
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F2M
    ME - Collins Pond at sampling station F8B
    MA - Webster at sampling station U
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F6GA
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F19S
    ME - Hot Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Danforth Ponds at sampling station F7G
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F3G
    MA - Wickett Pond at sampling station F6G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F1T
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F7G
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F6B
    ME - Hot Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F14G
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F6TJ
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F5GA
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F8G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F1T
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F28N
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F10G
    ME - Fourth Machias Lake at sampling station F4T
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F3GA
    ME - Sturtevant Pond at sampling station F13B
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    ME - East Branch Lake at sampling station F24N
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F12T
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F13B
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F15S
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F01G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station C
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F9G
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F7GJ
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F12T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F7GB
    ME - Collins Pond at sampling station F6G
    ME - Sturtevant Pond at sampling station F17G
    ME - Fourth Machias Lake at sampling station F8T
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F4T
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F3G
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F7GA
    ME - Upper Middle Branch Pond at sampling station F18B
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F3GA
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F7GB
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F5GB
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F23N
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F8G
    ME - First Debsconeag at sampling station C
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F18N
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F2T
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F1T
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F2T
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F9NX
    NJ - Harding Lakes at sampling station F2T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station Y
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F5GA
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F9GB
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F6S
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F18G
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F9T
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F3GB
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station R
    MA - Scokes Pond at sampling station F1T
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F4GA
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F11G
    ME - Hot Pond at sampling station F3T
    NH - Childs Bog at sampling station F6GA
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F3T
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F3T
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F4GA
    ME - Little Papoose Pond at sampling station F6S
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F6G
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F1M
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F4GB
    VT - Groton at sampling station I
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F25S
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F14G
    ME - Sturtevant Pond at sampling station F16T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    ME - Fourth Machias Lake at sampling station F22G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GA
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F19T
    ME - Hot Pond at sampling station F5GA
    ME - Little Papoose Pond at sampling station F5G
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F1T
    ME - Sturtevant Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - Trout Lake at sampling station F5T
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F4G
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F8T
    ME - Upper Middle Branch Pond at sampling station F11T
    NH - Childs Bog at sampling station F8G
    ME - Muddy Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F1T
    VT - Groton at sampling station N
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F8T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F25N
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F7GB
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station K
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F9NJ
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F5GB
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F8G
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F17G
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F1G
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station B.75
    NH - Kusumpe Pond at sampling station F9S
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F23G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F12M
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F13B
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station H
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F8GB
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F3GB
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F10T
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F1M
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F02G
    NH - Childs Bog at sampling station F7G
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F6GA
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F5G
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F13M
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F17T
    ME - Torsey at sampling station C
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F5GA
    ME - Collins Pond at sampling station F5G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F12G
    MA - Webster at sampling station B
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F5GB
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F7S
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F8S
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F10G
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F4G
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F2T
    NY - Swede Pond at sampling station F4GB
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station A
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F13G
    ME - Upper Middle Branch Pond at sampling station F17S
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F7T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F4T
    NH - Danforth Ponds at sampling station F9G
    NY - Trout Lake at sampling station F14G
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F9B
    ME - Little Papoose Pond at sampling station F7B
    ME - Cranberry Pond at sampling station F6S
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F12G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F6G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F11G
    ME - Little Papoose Pond at sampling station F3M
    VT - Joes at sampling station B
    ME - Ingham Pond at sampling station F2GB
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F5T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F5GA
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F15G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F10G
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F03G
    ME - Bog Pond at sampling station F01G
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    ME - Fourth Machias Lake at sampling station F18G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F7S
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F11S
    ME - Torsey at sampling station P
    NY - Swede Pond at sampling station F8NX
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F7T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8G
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F8NJ
    ME - Torsey at sampling station B
    NH - Childs Bog at sampling station F6GB
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F3T

Etheostoma fusiforme

    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F13S
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F15S
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F11S

Ictalurus punctatus

    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F20G
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F8G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F2G
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F6GA
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F6GA
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F6GB


    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F12G

Lepomis macrochirus

    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F1T
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F3T
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F13M
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F6GB
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F4M
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F2TJ
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F5G
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F3G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station C
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F2M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F13B
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F05M
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    NY - The Lake at sampling station F2M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F18T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F9B
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - The Lake at sampling station F4G
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F1B
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F03M
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F4G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F6GB
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F06T
    NY - The Lake at sampling station F3M
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F3M
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station L
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F2T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F11T
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F3T
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F2GB
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F1T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F22G
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F1T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F4G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F03M
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F10S
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F1S
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F3T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Webster at sampling station L
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F1B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F12S
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F8S
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F1S
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F5S
    MA - Webster at sampling station L+M
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F9GA
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F4G
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F1M
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3M
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F19T
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F9MX
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F2M
    MA - Webster at sampling station G
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F3S
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F6T
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F17S
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F06S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10S
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F2M
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F6M
    MA - Webster at sampling station H
    CT - Lower Kohanza Lake at sampling station F2GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F12S
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F2G
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F4M
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F6M
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F19B
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F3T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F6GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F04G
    MA - Webster at sampling station T
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F10M
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F3T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F6S
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F4TJ
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F5GB
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F3GA
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F4T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F4T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F19B
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F1M
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F10G
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F6B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F6G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station K
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F02G
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F3T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10S
    NY - The Lake at sampling station F1M
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F8MX
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F2B
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F7NJ
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F2M
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F4G
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F5GA
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F2T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GA
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3B
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F11S
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F5S
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F1T
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F6S
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F6GB
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F10G
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F2T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F5S
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F1M
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F13B
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F01G
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F5GB
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F19G
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F6GB
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F1T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F1M
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F8S
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F27G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F5GA
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F5S
    MA - Webster at sampling station U
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GA
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F1M
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F2T
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F4G
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F8GB
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F2M
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F3GA
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GA
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F3T
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F3TJ
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F8T
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F4M
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GB
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F07M
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F6S
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F5GA
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F5GB
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F5GB
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F1T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F8B
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F12B
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F2M
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F4MJ
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F4G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F3B
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F1T
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F5B
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1T
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F2GA
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F12B
    CT - Lower Kohanza Lake at sampling station F2GB
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F5G
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F2B
    CT - Lower Kohanza Lake at sampling station F4TJ
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F2M
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F9T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F7G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11B
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F5GA
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F6T
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F7MJ
    NH - Upper Peverly at sampling station F2G
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F4GB
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station H
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F3T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4M
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F3TJ
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F4G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station K
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F12G
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station D
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F2M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F6T
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F2M
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F4GB
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station E
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F7M
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F11G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F4G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F02G
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F3GB
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F7MJ
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F13T
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F11G
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4GB
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9B
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F1S
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Webster at sampling station N
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F02G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9BX
    NY - The Lake at sampling station F2T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F3TJ
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F5GA
    NY - The Lake at sampling station F3G
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F14B
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station G
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F7G
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F3G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F14T
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1M
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F6S
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F2S
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F12T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F6G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F1B
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F01G
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F13S
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F02G
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F2MJ
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F09S
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F3T
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F2M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F12B
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F2T
    NY - The Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F2M
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F05S
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F5S
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F4G
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F9NX
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F5B
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4M
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11M
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F4M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F17T
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F1T
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F01G
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F3S
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F6GB
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F10G
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F1T
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F16S
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F5G
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F20B
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F2T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F7M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F6T
    MA - Webster at sampling station D
    CT - Lower Kohanza Lake at sampling station F1M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F13S
    MA - Webster at sampling station F
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F23G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GB
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F1T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8M
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F5G
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F4M
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F3T
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F1M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F25B
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F11S
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F6T
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F2GA
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F3G
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F4T
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F8M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F5T
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F7T
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F12G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F2T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5M
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F9T
    CT - Wyassup Lake at sampling station F5B
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F13S
    MA - Webster at sampling station M
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F4G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F6M
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F4B
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F1B
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F18S
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3TJ
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3MJ
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8T
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4GA
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F7B
    MA - Webster at sampling station G
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F5S
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F3G
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station G-F
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8T
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F7MJ
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F3MJ
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F3S
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F5GB
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F10S
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5TJ
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F9G
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F6B
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5GB
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F6GB
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F4GA
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F15B
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station D
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F6B
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F3T
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F2M
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F02G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F07M
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F1T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F2T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F7M
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F14S
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F28G
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3GA
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F22B
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F6M
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F4GA
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F3GB
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F5G
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F5MJ
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station H
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F2MX
    MA - Webster at sampling station Y
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F6G
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F4GB
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station I
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F7T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F7B
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F9MJ
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F15S
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F3M
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F7NJ
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F5T
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4GJ
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F8GB
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F6T
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F15T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F7MJ
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F2S
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F1T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F4M
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F3M
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F9T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F7S
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8G
    CT - Lower Kohanza Lake at sampling station F3S
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F14S
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F8T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GB
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F4T
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F5G
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F10T
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F4T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F3M
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F2S
    NH - Upper Peverly at sampling station F1T
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F13S
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F12G
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F8G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F12S
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F16S
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F5GB
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station H
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F8GA
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F12S
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F2T
    CT - Wyassup Lake at sampling station F6B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F3G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station B
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F5M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F5T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station J
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F6GA
    MA - Webster at sampling station F
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F6T
    MA - Webster at sampling station B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7T
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F7TJ
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station M
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F2M
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F5GB
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F1T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F12T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station F
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F2T
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F1T
    CT - Wyassup Lake at sampling station F2M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F11S
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station H
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F5T
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F11S
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F11S
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F7MJ
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F2M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9M
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station A
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F7T
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F4M
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F4T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F9GB
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F1S
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F3T
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F14M
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F2M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8T
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F3T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9S
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1M
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F11M
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F6S
    MA - Webster at sampling station H
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F6T
    MA - Webster at sampling station K
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F1T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F5GA
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F7MJ
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F9B
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F7S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F01G
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F7B
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F6S
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station J
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F13T
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F6T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F6S
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F1B
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F1M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8M
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GA
    CT - Lower Kohanza Lake at sampling station F4MJ
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1M
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F1B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F1B
    MA - Webster at sampling station G.5
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F6NJ
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F10G
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F2S
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F4G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F2M
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F4GA
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F13M
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GB
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station C
    MA - Webster at sampling station L
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F8GA
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F08T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F2G
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station D
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station D
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10G
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F8NJ
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F8T
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F3T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F7S
    CT - Lower Kohanza Lake at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F17G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F9G
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F5M
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F2B
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F10B
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F1M
    MA - Webster at sampling station H
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F9T
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3GB
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F1M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F15T
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F23B
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F3GA
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F4MX
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F6G
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F4M
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F8G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F3T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F5M
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F4TJ
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F9GB
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F2G
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F8S
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F6S
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F3M
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F7T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F7T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F7G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F4T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F11T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F2M
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F1M
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F3GA
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F4T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F3GB
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F3G
    MA - Webster at sampling station K
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F7T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F2M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F4T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station G-F
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F8S
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station H
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F7B
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F13T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F3M
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F3T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F9S
    MA - Webster at sampling station Y
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4B
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F9GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F03G
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F7MJ
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F1M
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F2S
    NH - Upper Peverly at sampling station F3TJ
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F11G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F11B
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F07N
    CT - Wyassup Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station A
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10M
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F5M
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F1T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F1G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station L
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F12M
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F3MJ
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GB
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F6T
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F1M
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F6T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F1M
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F8B
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F7GJ
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1GA
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F1M
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station J
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F6B
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F3M
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F8M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1G
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F4G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F12S
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F2M
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F3MJ
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F1M
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F5GB
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11B
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F3S
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F2T
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F7GJ

Lepomis microlophus

    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station O
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station M
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station B
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station A.5
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station B
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station B
    VT - Groton at sampling station I
    VT - Groton at sampling station L
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station N
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station B

Micropterus dolomieu

    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F14T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F24N
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F1GA
    MA - Webster at sampling station S
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F8G
    ME - Ingham Pond at sampling station F5G
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F18N
    VT - Groton at sampling station M
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station B
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station E
    ME - East Branch Lake at sampling station F9GB
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F7GB
    MA - Webster at sampling station Q
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F12G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F15G
    ME - East Branch Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F20G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F6T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F14G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F17G
    ME - East Branch Lake at sampling station F13G
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F4GA
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F13G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F19G
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F4TJ
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F11G
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F25B
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F16B
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F12G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F7GA
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F4T
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F8G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F23G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F13G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F4G
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F7GB
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F7T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station Q
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F10M
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F3T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F01G
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F16G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F20G
    NY - Moody Pond at sampling station F4GB
    ME - Fourth Machias Lake at sampling station F25G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F18M
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F16G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F17T
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F20N
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F12G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F18S
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F23N
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F1T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F25G
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F2M
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F15N
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F26B
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F1T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F15G
    ME - Damariscotta Lake at sampling station F15G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F12G
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F22B
    NH - Seavers Reservoir at sampling station F4GB
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F19G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F27G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F16G
    ME - Damariscotta Lake at sampling station F18G
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F19B
    NH - Seavers Reservoir at sampling station F5GA
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station K
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F23G
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F2T
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F14M
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F20G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F7T
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F7M
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F10B
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F6G
    NH - Kusumpe Pond at sampling station F5GB
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F9B
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F7T
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station S
    ME - East Branch Lake at sampling station F17B
    MA - Webster at sampling station Q
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F12G
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F9G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F2GB
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F3M
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F6T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F4T
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F26B
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F5GB
    ME - Fourth Machias Lake at sampling station F19G
    NH - Seavers Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F5T
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F13M
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F17B
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F15G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F17B
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F24B
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F22G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F6T
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F15G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F15G
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F20G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F7G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F01T
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station E
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F10G
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    VT - Joes at sampling station L
    VT - Groton at sampling station N
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22N
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F19G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F8G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F21G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F23N
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F10G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F17G
    VT - Groton at sampling station D.5
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F5GA
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F4T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F09B
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F9G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F18N
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F5GA
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F10G
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F5T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F15T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F5M
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F23B
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F18B
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station B
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F8GA
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F10B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F8G
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F19G
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F6T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F20G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F24B
    MA - Webster at sampling station V
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F18B
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F18G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F15G
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F03G
    ME - East Branch Lake at sampling station F10G
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F27N
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station P
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F12G
    ME - Torsey at sampling station C
    MA - Webster at sampling station O
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F3T
    MA - Webster at sampling station N
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F13T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F21T
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F12G
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station M
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F8M
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F4T
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F22S
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F19G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F17G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F21N
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F20B
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F10G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F5G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F14G
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station N
    MA - Webster at sampling station L
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F6GB
    MA - Lake Wyola at sampling station F2T
    ME - Damariscotta Lake at sampling station F19G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F7T
    NY - Moody Pond at sampling station F3GB
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F2M
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F9GA
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F6G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GA
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F22G
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F8B
    NH - Kusumpe Pond at sampling station F3T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F9GA
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F22B
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F19G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F2T
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F3T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F3T
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F5G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11B
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F18G
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F8GB
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F24G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F5GB
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F11M
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F15M
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F8B
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F15G
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station B
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F21G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F20G
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F5M
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F6GB
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F18B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F16G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F12G
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F1B
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F22S
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F9G
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F16G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F13T
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F14G
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F18G
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F23B
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F14G
    ME - Torsey at sampling station C
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GB
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F16G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F10T
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station L
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station C
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F13T
    MA - Webster at sampling station P
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F28N
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F23B
    VT - Ticklenaked at sampling station B
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F14G
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station B
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F16G
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F17B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F2G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F13G
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F19G
    NH - Seavers Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F17G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F2M
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station K
    ME - East Branch Lake at sampling station F14G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F17G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8G
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F7GA
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F5T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F6T
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F11B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F11T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F16T
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F1T
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F21S
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F21B
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F19N
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F1M
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F1T
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F13G
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F20B
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F9G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F11G
    CT - Wyassup Lake at sampling station F1T
    ME - East Branch Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F5T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F08B
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F6G
    VT - Groton at sampling station L
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F24N
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F16G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F15T
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F13G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F9GB
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F3M
    ME - Pleasant Lake at sampling station F1T
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F14G
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F8G
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F5GA
    CT - Wyassup Lake at sampling station F6B
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F12G
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station E
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Webster at sampling station L+M
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F19T
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F9T
    ME - East Branch Lake at sampling station F16G
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F9G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F28G
    NH - Kusumpe Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F1G
    NH - Seavers Reservoir at sampling station F6G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F3M
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F20B
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F11G
    VT - Joes at sampling station K
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F18G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22S
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F12G
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F22G
    MA - Webster at sampling station K
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F15G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F8G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F5T
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F17G
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F7GA
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F11B
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F14G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F15G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F13B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F17N
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F04M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F5G
    ME - Torsey at sampling station A
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F23B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F18S
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F7GA
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F3T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F13B
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F19N
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22B
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station P
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F4T
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F13B
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F2M
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F15T
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F13B
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station Y
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F2T
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F2T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F17G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F10G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F3G
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F26N
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F16G
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F13G
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F7G
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F4G
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F10G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F3T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11B
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F17B
    ME - Barker Pond at sampling station F12T
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F15M
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F21B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F25B
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F14G
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F15G
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F12G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F27G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F15S
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F5T
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F3T
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F02G
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station Q
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F7GB
    ME - Mattanawcook Pond at sampling station F15G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F24B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F8T
    ME - Damariscotta Lake at sampling station F19M
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F7GB
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F11T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F15T

Micropterus salmoides

    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F02M
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F18T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F3G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station D
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F3M
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station W
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F3T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F11T
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F1S
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F15T
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F15S
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F02G
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F4TJ
    NY - The Lake at sampling station F3G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F8B
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F13S
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F7GA
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F4GA
    ME - Damariscotta Lake at sampling station F4T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F3S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F12S
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F8B
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F13N
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F4B
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F6GB
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F4T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22N
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F5GB
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F2B
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F12G
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F8GA
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station V
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F10B
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F6GB
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station C
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F4GA
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F12S
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F3MJ
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F5GB
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5TJ
    VT - Weatherhead Hollow Pond at sampling station F4GB
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station I
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station K
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F7M
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F6T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11B
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station A
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F25G
    NH - Childs Bog at sampling station F6GA
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F10S
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F7S
    NY - Melody Lake at sampling station F5B
    MA - Muddy Brook Pond at sampling station F1T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9M
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F9G
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Lake Wyola at sampling station F4M
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F6B
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F1T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station G-F
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F4M
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F12G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F1M
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F8GA
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F5GA
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F3M
    VT - Groton at sampling station K
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22S
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F2S
    VT - Weatherhead Hollow Pond at sampling station F3GA
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F6G
    MA - Scokes Pond at sampling station F3B
    NJ - Harding Lakes at sampling station F4S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F6G
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F2M
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F4T
    MA - Webster at sampling station L
    NY - The Lake at sampling station F4G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station S
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F5T
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1T
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F6GA
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F3GB
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5T
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F1GA
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F2M
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station E
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F8G
    ME - Chaffin Pond at sampling station F2G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F21S
    VT - Huff Pond at sampling station F1T
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F18S
    MA - Wickett Pond at sampling station F7GJ
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F3M
    NJ - Harding Lakes at sampling station F1T
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F11G
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F4G
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F1S
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F20G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F1S
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F6B
    MA - Webster at sampling station Y
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F11B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F4T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station F
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station M
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F8G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F13T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F9G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F6G
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F01G
    ME - Damariscotta Lake at sampling station F6T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F15B
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F6G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F1B
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F25M
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F01G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F3T
    CT - Wyassup Lake at sampling station F6B
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F4GB
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F9B
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F24T
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F5B
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F6T
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F2T
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F1TJ
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F7G
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F6S
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F4GB
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F3GB
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F2B
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F4T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F4T
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F6S
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F4M
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F2GA
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station R
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F9B
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F8GB
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F8G
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F2T
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F14S
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F6G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F11M
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F15S
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F4T
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F1T
    ME - Damariscotta Lake at sampling station F7T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F8S
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F8S
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F1B
    MA - Little Creeks Pond at sampling station F3GB
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F3T
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F14N
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GB
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F21B
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F5G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F1T
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F2T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F2G
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F12G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F8G
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F6GA
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F5GB
    VT - Weatherhead Hollow Pond at sampling station F4GA
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F9G
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F11B
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F14B
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F7GA
    ME - Chaffin Pond at sampling station F1M
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F3G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station H
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F8S
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F8GB
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F2M
    NY - Melody Lake at sampling station F4G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F3G
    MA - Muddy Brook Pond at sampling station F3GA
    ME - Chaffin Pond at sampling station F6B
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station E
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F19B
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F5M
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3TJ
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F7T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F9G
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F7B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F9G
    ME - Chaffin Pond at sampling station F4T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9B
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station K
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station G-F
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F1B
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F10G
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F07T
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F2T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F3S
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F12S
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F3G
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F06T
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F5S
    MA - Scokes Pond at sampling station F5NJ
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station G
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F11G
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F5GA
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F5T
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F7S
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F6B
    MA - Little Creeks Pond at sampling station F3GA
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F6GA
    VT - Huff Pond at sampling station F4T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F19G
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F17G
    MA - Webster at sampling station U
    VT - Huff Pond at sampling station F1M
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F2T
    VT - Groton at sampling station B
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F23G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F02T
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F3GB
    MA - Webster at sampling station Y
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3GB
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F10G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station Y
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F2T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F3T
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    VT - Weatherhead Hollow Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F9NX
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F13M
    MA - Holden Reservoir at sampling station F10N
    MA - Lake Wyola at sampling station F12B
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F10T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GA
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F10S
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3B
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F19B
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F13G
    VT - Groton at sampling station I
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F1T
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1GA
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F18M
    MA - Mirror Lake at sampling station F5B
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F4G
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F7S
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F6GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F9M
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F11S
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    MA - Mirror Lake at sampling station F7X
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F7T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F5G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F7T
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4NJ
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F4M
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F3MX
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9S
    MA - Webster at sampling station G.5
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F4T
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F2T
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F9T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F10N
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F6M
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F24B
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F3G
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GB
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F5GB
    NH - Childs Bog at sampling station F4T
    CT - Wyassup Lake at sampling station F3T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F4G
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F5T
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F3TJ
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F4T
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F2T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station J
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    MA - Wickett Pond at sampling station F5GA
    NH - Shellcamp Pond at sampling station F8G
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station A
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F9S
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F3GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F02G
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station H
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F3M
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F5M
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F4GB
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7T
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F3G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F02G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F15T
    ME - Collins Pond at sampling station F3M
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F8B
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F8G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F10S
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F6B
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F19B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station H
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F12T
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F6T
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F3T
    VT - Huff Pond at sampling station F3T
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station T
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F15T
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F13S
    ME - Collins Pond at sampling station F8B
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F02G
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F23S
    MA - Little Creeks Pond at sampling station F5NX
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    NY - Poolville Pond at sampling station F3G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GA
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F8GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10S
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F8T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F8T
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F1T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F10T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GA
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1G
    RI - Yawgoo Millpond at sampling station F07N
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F3G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11B
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F2GB
    MA - Lake Wyola at sampling station F11S
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F15B
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F12G
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F9B
    MA - Lake Wyola at sampling station F13B
    MA - Mirror Lake at sampling station F3G
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F15M
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F10G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F17N
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F11G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F7G
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F8S
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F2B
    NY - Moody Pond at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F6T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F11S
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F4M
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F13S
    RI - Quidnick Reservoir at sampling station F3S
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F7S
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F1G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F1G
    MA - Holbrook Lake at sampling station F3G
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F8T
    VT - Weatherhead Hollow Pond at sampling station F1T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9S
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F1T
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F10G
    NH - Upper Peverly at sampling station F2G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F4M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F5GB
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F3T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F7B
    NH - Skatutakee Lake at sampling station F4T
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F10N
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F9S
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F8GA
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F9S
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F9S
    NH - Danforth Ponds at sampling station F11B
    CT - Hemlock Reservoir at sampling station F6T
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F15S
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F10G
    MA - Mirror Lake at sampling station F5G
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - Melody Lake at sampling station F6B
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F2T
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F03G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F6T
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station I
    NH - Danforth Ponds at sampling station F9G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F9T
    NH - Childs Bog at sampling station F8G
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F7G
    VT - Groton at sampling station C
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F6NJ
    MA - Copicut Reservoir at sampling station F10T
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F2GB
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F10G
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F4GB
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F7GB
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F7MJ
    MA - Webster at sampling station P
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - Kingston Reservoir #4 at sampling station F4GB
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F5GB
    NH - Seavers Reservoir at sampling station F1M
    VT - Groton at sampling station L
    ME - Collins Pond at sampling station F5G
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F3T
    MA - Lake Wyola at sampling station F9G
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F6M
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F10G
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F2T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F11S
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F7GJ
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F7MJ
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F3T
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F5B
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station U
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F2M
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F15B
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F13S
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3GA
    NH - Seavers Reservoir at sampling station F7S
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F2GA
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F24S
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F1B
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F6B
    VT - Groton at sampling station N
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4B
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F11G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1G
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station L
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F3T
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F6S
    NH - Childs Bog at sampling station F3T
    CT - Wyassup Lake at sampling station F2T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F6M
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F6GA
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F12G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F12S
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station K
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station D
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F6GB
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F4G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F7GJ
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F5S
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F6G
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F7GJ
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F22S
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F6T
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F9T
    NH - Turkey Pond at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F17G
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F12B
    NY - Moody Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F4G
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F2M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F2G
    MA - Little Creeks Pond at sampling station F4TJ
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F8M
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F14S
    NH - Seavers Reservoir at sampling station F8S
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F4GA
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F3M
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F6T
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F2T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F13S
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F13B
    NH - Stubbs Pond (bass Pond) at sampling station F2T
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F17S
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station N
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F1T
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F11G
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F9G
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F14G
    NY - Davis Pond at sampling station F1T
    NH - Pratt Pond at sampling station F6B
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F8T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F13T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F5T
    ME - Collins Pond at sampling station F9B
    NJ - Pleasant Valley Lake at sampling station F6B
    MA - Webster at sampling station B
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station H.5
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F8G
    VT - Groton at sampling station M
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F10S
    NH - Island Pond at sampling station F3GB
    MA - Webster at sampling station L
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F20B
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - No Name (renzo Pond) at sampling station F7NJ
    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F18G
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F23B
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F6M
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F2MX
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station D
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F8M
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F2M
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F4T
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    MA - Queen Lake at sampling station F1G
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F4TJ
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F6S
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F7G
    MA - Little Creeks Pond at sampling station F2T
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F4G
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F6GB
    NH - Flints Pond at sampling station F6G
    MA - Mirror Lake at sampling station F4G
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F17B
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F4T
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F4GB
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    ME - Chaffin Pond at sampling station F1G
    VT - Groton at sampling station D
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F6S
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F5GA
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F7B
    ME - Torsey at sampling station
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22B
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F7T
    CT - Holbrook Pond at sampling station F5T
    NH - Seavers Reservoir at sampling station F4GA
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F10S
    VT - Abenaki at sampling station O
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F3S
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F4MJ
    NY - Mirror Lake at sampling station F6GB
    NH - Mirror Lake at sampling station F13S
    NH - Chesham Pond at sampling station F9S
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station J
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F6T
    VT - Burr Pond at sampling station F11S
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station A
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4GJ
    MA - Glen Echo Pond at sampling station F1T
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F27G
    MA - Lake Wyola at sampling station F1T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station L
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F17M
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F18M
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F1T
    VT - Huff Pond at sampling station F6M
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F3M
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F1B

Morone americana

    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F17G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F18G
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F5T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F7T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F13G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F10G
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F7T
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F20B
    ME - First Debsconeag at sampling station H
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F11G
    ME - Loon Lake at sampling station F4G
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F3T
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F12G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F7T
    ME - Loon Lake at sampling station F9G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F21B
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F12G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F22B
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F14G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F10G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F14G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F19S
    ME - Loon Lake at sampling station F6G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F16G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F10G
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F14G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F3T
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F13G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F19S
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F20S
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F1T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F13G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F14G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F6T
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F24B
    ME - Loon Lake at sampling station F1T
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F19G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F10G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F9T
    ME - Loon Lake at sampling station F5G
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F9T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F12G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F13M
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F23B
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F4T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F17G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F18G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F21S
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F9T
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Loon Lake at sampling station F18T
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F15G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F11G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F18G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F6T
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F5T
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F15G
    ME - First Debsconeag at sampling station E
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F20S
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F10G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F17G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F4T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F22S
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F2T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F16G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F11G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F2T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F15G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F17M
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F15G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F16G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F2T
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F8T
    ME - Loon Lake at sampling station F10G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F23T
    ME - Loon Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F18G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F8T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F5T
    ME - Loon Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F3T
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F8T

Necturus maculosus

    ME - Midnight Pond at sampling station F10S

Notemigonus crysoleucas

    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F4M
    NY - Trout Pond at sampling station F12S
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F6T
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F3G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F6B
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F4G
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F7S
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F03G
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F2GA
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F05T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F16T
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F6G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F9G
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F1M
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F4G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F2G
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F2G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F11B
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F02G
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F8B
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F04T
    NY - Palmer Pond at sampling station F03T
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F3T
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F5T
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F3T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F6G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F1G
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F3G
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F3G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F12B
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F1GB
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F9T
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F06M
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F5T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F23T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F24T
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F6B
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F25B
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F14G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F9G
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F07T
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F2GB
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F04T
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F8S
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F4GB
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F2M
    NY - Trout Pond at sampling station F10T
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F1T
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F5G
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F5G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F13B
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F08T
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F10G
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F2M
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F22G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F7S
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F7G
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F5G
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F06T
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F4G
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F3M
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F18G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F13T
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F1T
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F03G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F27B
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F04M
    NY - Reservoir No. 1 at sampling station F3G
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F10G
    NH - Trout Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F18N
    NY - Bennett Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F22T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F7G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F4G

Notropis heterolepis

    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F6GA

Notropis hudsonius

    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F25B
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F21B

Notropis volucellus

    VT - Huff Pond at sampling station F3T
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F8B
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F9B

Noturus gyrinus

    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F1B

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F5GA
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F4G
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F2GB
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F7NJ
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F2T
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F11G
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F7G
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F6G
    NY - Trout Lake at sampling station F14G
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station F
    VT - North Springfield Beservoir at sampling station F6GB
    NH - Nubanusit at sampling station S
    NY - Twin Ponds (e) at sampling station F4G
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F5GB
    NY - Green Lake at sampling station F3G
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F5GA
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F6GB
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station J
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F5G
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F5GA
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station F
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F7G
    MA - Windsor Reservoir at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Lake Wyola at sampling station F10G
    NY - Trout Lake at sampling station F15G
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F4G
    NY - Twin Ponds (e) at sampling station F5G
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Blenheim Gilboa Reservoir at sampling station F13G
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station B
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NH - French at sampling station I
    NY - Lake Petonia at sampling station F4GA
    NH - Pearl Lake at sampling station F5GB
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F5GB
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4GJ
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F10G
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F7G
    MA - Lake Whalom at sampling station F4T
    NH - French at sampling station I
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    VT - Stoughton Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4GA
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F4GB

Osmerus mordax

    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F6GB
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F4GB
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F12G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F15G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F2GA
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F12G
    VT - Fairlee at sampling station U
    ME - Munsungan Lake at sampling station F9T
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F10G
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F5GA
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F14G
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F7T
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F8GA
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F12G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F9GA
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F21G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F7GA
    NH - Second Connecticut Lake at sampling station F14G
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F6GB
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F13G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F5G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F9GB
    NH - Second Connecticut Lake at sampling station F15G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F4T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F3T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F13G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F13G
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F7GA
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F12G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F15G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F2GB
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F14G
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F18G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F20N
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F18G
    NH - Second Connecticut Lake at sampling station F9GA
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F20G
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F21B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F1GB
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F14G
    NH - Second Connecticut Lake at sampling station F13G
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F15G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F18G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F13G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Upper Shin Pond at sampling station F6G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F7GB
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F4G
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F20G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F16T
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Umbagog Lake at sampling station F13G
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F19G
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F17G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F24B
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F17G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F4G
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F11G
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F12G
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F7GB
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F21G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F19G
    ME - First Debsconeag at sampling station Z
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F17G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F16G
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F6GA
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F4GA
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F11G
    ME - Munsungan Lake at sampling station F15T
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F12G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F16G
    NH - Second Connecticut Lake at sampling station F9GB
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F18G
    ME - Big Reed Pond at sampling station F6T
    ME - Big Reed Pond at sampling station F1T
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F12G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F14G
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F8G
    ME - Munsungan Lake at sampling station F2G
    NY - Cross Lake at sampling station F10G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F19G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F19G
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F7GA
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F13G
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F13G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F11G
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F20G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F15G
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F7GB
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F14G
    ME - Upper Shin Pond at sampling station F17G
    ME - Upper Shin Pond at sampling station F7G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F22G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F10G
    NH - Second Connecticut Lake at sampling station F10G
    ME - Upper Jo-mary Lake at sampling station F10G
    ME - Upper Shin Pond at sampling station F5GA
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F14G
    ME - Big Reed Pond at sampling station F7S
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F5T
    NH - Second Connecticut Lake at sampling station F10G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F8G
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F11G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F9G
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F2G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F13G
    ME - Upper Shin Pond at sampling station F16G
    NY - Piseco Lake at sampling station F18G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F22B
    ME - Munsungan Lake at sampling station F22B
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F24G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F18G
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F2GB
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F19G
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F9G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F24G
    ME - Munsungan Lake at sampling station F17G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F16G
    ME - Long Pond at sampling station F19G
    NY - Neversink Reservoir at sampling station F7GA
    ME - Upper Shin Pond at sampling station F19G
    ME - Moxie Pond at sampling station F11G

Perca flavescens

    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F16G
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F6G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F8M
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F5T
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F3G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F2GB
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F2T
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F18T
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F9G
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F21T
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F2GA
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F15T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F9G
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F2M
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F11T
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F7T
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F3M
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F9GB
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F10G
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F7GA
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F2T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F14G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F14G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F13G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F21T
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F6G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F3M
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F22S
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F3T
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F16G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F4G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F6T
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F18G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22N
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F10N
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F5G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F11B
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F16B
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F13B
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F19N
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F20N
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F16G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F1TJ
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F6GX
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F7GA
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F02T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F10T
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F6B
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F1T
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F7S
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F1G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F9G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F14T
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F7S
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F2T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F23S
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F14T
    NY - Moody Pond at sampling station F3GA
    NY - Moody Pond at sampling station F4GB
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F19G
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F6B
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F12B
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F02G
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F03G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F18G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F11G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F19S
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F6T
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F5G
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F15B
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F6GB
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F10M
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F10T
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F13G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F10G
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F15G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F12G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F6M
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F7G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F9GA
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F22S
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F27N
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F15B
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F11T
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F17B
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F15G
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F17G
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F23B
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F3G
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F24B
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F11G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F6GA
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F3M
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F04T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F6G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F2T
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F2G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F2G
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F19G
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F9T
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F02G
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F8B
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F10G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F4M
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F21S
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F23S
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F25B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F18M
    NY - Moody Pond at sampling station F4GA
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22B
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F10T
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F1GB
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F15G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F16M
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F22B
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F1M
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F4M
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F7M
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F3T
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F11G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F10G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F13T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F14G
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F12B
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F18B
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F17T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F18T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F1T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F5T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F25S
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F22G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F03T
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F7G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F9GA
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F5G
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F4T
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F4G
    ME - Lake Cathance at sampling station F22B
    NY - Willis Pond (e) at sampling station F3T
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F8G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F2M
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F14B
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F19N
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F24S
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F18N
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F1T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F7T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F12G
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F12G
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F6T
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F13B
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F19G
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F01G
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F7GA
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F11T
    NY - Forth Chain Lake at sampling station F8T
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22S
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F18G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F4G
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F12T
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F20S
    ME - Second Lake at sampling station F8G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F8G
    NY - Garnet Lake at sampling station F01G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F26B
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F16S
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F3T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F5G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F4T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F21B
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F17T
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F11T
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F08T
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F15G
    NY - Hidden Lake at sampling station F1M
    ME - Depot Lake at sampling station F10G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F19G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F17B
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F21S
    NY - Hitchins Pond at sampling station F5T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F20G
    NY - Horseshoe Lake at sampling station F1GA
    ME - Crawford Lake at sampling station F22S
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F27B
    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F9G

Pimephales notatus

    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F16B
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F17B
    NY - Lake Placid at sampling station F12M

Pimephales promelas

    NH - French at sampling station Q
    NH - French at sampling station E
    NH - French at sampling station J
    NH - French at sampling station L
    NH - French at sampling station C
    NH - French at sampling station P
    NH - French at sampling station R
    NH - French at sampling station I
    NH - French at sampling station M
    NH - French at sampling station P
    NH - French at sampling station O
    NH - French at sampling station B
    NH - French at sampling station K
    NH - French at sampling station G
    NH - French at sampling station N
    NH - French at sampling station O

Pomoxis annularis

    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F5GA
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F5GA
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F1T
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F3TJ
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F1S
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F7GJ
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F5GB
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F4GA
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F2S
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F4T
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F3T
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F6GB

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    NJ - Harding Lakes at sampling station F3G
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F5GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4M
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F3S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F1M
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F10G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F12G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F2T
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F3TJ
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F3T
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F6G
    MA - Little Creeks Pond at sampling station F3GB
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F3T
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F5GA
    MA - Lithia Springs Reservoir at sampling station F3G
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F9GA
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F4GB
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F13G
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F18B
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F1M
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F7G
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F15G
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F6T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F7G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F01G
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F6GA
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F5GA
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F8G
    NJ - Batsto River Reservoir at sampling station F4GB
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F2GB
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F6G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F3S
    NH - Canobie Lake at sampling station F10G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F5GB
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F15G
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F8GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F1T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F8G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F1T
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F11T
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F2GA
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F9GA
    NH - Massabesic Lake at sampling station F22G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GB
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F1T
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F5GB
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F7G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F8G
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F3GB
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F22G
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F9G
    NY - Highlands Forge Lake at sampling station F7GB
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F8T
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F5T
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F5GA
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F03G
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F3T
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F15G
    MA - Williams Lake at sampling station F2T
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station G
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F5GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F1S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4M
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F2T
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F6GA
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F17G
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F7T
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F03G
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station H
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F12S
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F6T
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F6GB
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F4GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F11G
    MA - Kingsbury Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - No Name at sampling station F7S
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F2GA
    MA - Little Creeks Pond at sampling station F3GA
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F5T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GA
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F4TJ
    NH - Danforth Ponds at sampling station F9G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F03G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F04G
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F8GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10G
    NY - No Name (owego Ibm Pond) at sampling station F3GA
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F7GA
    NJ - Splitrock Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F3T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F10S
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F3T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F3M
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F2T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station E
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F02G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F7G
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F10G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F7S
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F5GB
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F4GA
    NY - No Name at sampling station F6S
    MA - Little Creeks Pond at sampling station F2T
    NY - No Name at sampling station F5GA
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F1T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F01G
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F10G
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F4T
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F22G
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F4T
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NY - Merriewold Lake at sampling station F4B
    MA - Little Creeks Pond at sampling station F5NX
    MA - Whitins Pond at sampling station F4G
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F6G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F4GB
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F3GB
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F7S
    NY - Highlands Forge Lake at sampling station F8G
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F9T
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F1T
    NJ - East Creek Pond at sampling station F8G
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F12G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F2S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F05T
    RI - Mashapoag at sampling station D
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F9S
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F4GA
    NJ - Medford Lakes at sampling station F9B
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GB
    CT - Aspetuck Reservoir at sampling station F8S
    CT - Hancock Brook Lake at sampling station F3GA
    CT - Fall Mountain Lake at sampling station F1B
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F3GA
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F1S
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F13T
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F7T
    CT - Community Lake at sampling station F2GB
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F23G
    MA - Kenoza at sampling station C
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F6S
    CT - Oxoboxo Lake at sampling station F13S
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F9GB
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F7S
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F20G
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    NH - Tolman Pond at sampling station F5GB
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F10G
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6T
    NH - Bellamy Reservoir at sampling station F3T
    NY - No Name at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Cedar Pond at sampling station F11G
    CT - Lake Plymouth at sampling station F5GA
    NJ - Oakwood Lakes at sampling station F3GB
    NJ - Daretown Lake at sampling station F5GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F5GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GA
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F24G
    NJ - Farmers Pond at sampling station F4T
    NY - New Croton Reservoir at sampling station F4G
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F3GA
    MA - Barrowsville Pond at sampling station F4GB
    CT - Wheeler Pond at sampling station F6GA
    MA - Walker Pond at sampling station F11G

Salmo salar

    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F20G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F15G
    ME - Square Lake at sampling station F14G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F22G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F19G
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F5G

Salmo trutta

    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F4GB
    VT - Waterbury Reservoir at sampling station F9GB
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station J
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station F
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F25G
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station J
    NH - Russell Pond at sampling station F1T
    ME - Unity Pond at sampling station F13G
    NH - Russell Pond at sampling station F2T
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F6GA
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NY - Carry Falls Reservoir at sampling station F9G
    MA - Webster at sampling station T
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station J
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station F
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F4GA
    NH - Russell Pond at sampling station F6G
    MA - Littleville Lake at sampling station F7GB
    MA - Webster at sampling station Q
    NH - French at sampling station I
    NY - Palmer Pond at sampling station F02G
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F14G
    NH - Russell Pond at sampling station F5GA
    NH - French at sampling station I
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F7NJ
    NH - Tewksbury at sampling station B
    NH - Russell Pond at sampling station F5GB
    NH - Tewksbury Pond at sampling station F4GA
    MA - Webster at sampling station D

Salvelinus alpinus

    ME - Big Reed Pond at sampling station F5AX

Salvelinus namaycush

    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F9G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F6GX
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F21G
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F8G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F24G
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F15N
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F7GA
    VT - Shadow Lake at sampling station F6GB
    NJ - Round Valley Reservoir at sampling station F13G
    MA - Wachusett Reservoir at sampling station F6GX

Sander vitreus

    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F17G
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F16G
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F12G
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F11G
    NY - Tully Lake at sampling station F7GB
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F2G
    NY - Delta Reservoir at sampling station F14G

Scardinius erythrophthalmus

    ME - Maranacook Lake at sampling station F24T
    NY - Ringneck Marsh at sampling station F2T
    NY - Schroon Lake at sampling station F24T

Umbra limi

    NY - Blue Mountain Lake at sampling station F22S


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/16/2025].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.