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Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Zimmerman, B. 2012. Ohio non-native fish collection data, sampled during survey work on update to Trautman's (1981) "Fishes of Ohio". Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Columbus, OH. Created on 12/01/2012. Accessed on 11/30/2017.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 30851
Type: Database
Author: Zimmerman, B.
Date (year): 2012
Title:Ohio non-native fish collection data, sampled during survey work on update to Trautman's (1981) "Fishes of Ohio"
Publisher:Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Publisher Location:Columbus, OH
Accessed on: 11/30/2017
Created on: 12/01/2012
Keywords: Ohio, Neogobius melanostomus, Morone americana, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Osmerus mordax, Notropis hudsonius, Fundulus catenatus, Fundulus diaphanus diaphanus, Gambusia affinis, Lepomis microlophus, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius aruatus, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Hybognathus hankinsoni, Salmo trutta
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Carassius auratus

    OH - Marsh adjacent to Toussaint River, southeast of Toussaint River mouth, Carroll township
    OH - Portage River, confluence of South Branch and Middle Branch, Freedom township
    OH - Magee Marsh, Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, Benton/Carroll township
    OH - Poe Ditch, intersection of Poe Rd and Dunbridge Rd, east side of Bowling Green, Bowling Green/Center township
    OH - Dillon Reservoir, Hopewell/Licking township
    OH - West Branch Nimishillen Creek, Canton City Park on east side of I 77 across from Pro Football Hall of Fame, in Canton, Canton township
    OH - Chippewa Lake, sampled most of shoreline, 5 miles southwest of Medina OH, Lafayette/Westfield township
    OH - Muddy Creek, at SR 590 bridge, Washington township

Ctenopharyngodon idella

    OH - Newell Lake, east of CR 18, south of Bellefontaine, Union township
    OH - Muzzy Lake, west of SR 44, 2.5 miles south of Ravenna OH, Rootstown township
    OH - Muskingum River, below Lowell lock and dam, near Lowell OH, Adams township
    OH - Muskingum River, at Conesville AEP poweplant, at Conesville OH, Franklin township
    OH - East Twin Lake, east of SR 43/Cleveland Canton Rd, 3.5 miles north of Kent OH, Franklin township
    OH - North Reservoir, around islands and east shore, 3 miles east southeast Barberton OH, Coventry township
    OH - Round Lake, along SR 3, northeast of Loudonville, Lake township
    OH - Dillon Reservoir, Licking and Hopewell township
    OH - Meyers Lake, west of US 77, in Canton OH, Canton/Plain township
    OH - Round Lake, along SR 3, 1.5 miles northwest of Lakeville OH, Lake township
    OH - Chippewa Lake, sampled most of shoreline, 5 miles southwest of Medina OH, Lafayette/Westfield township
    OH - West Twin Lake, west of SR 43/Cleveland Canton Rd, 3.5 miles north of Kent OH, Franklin township

Cyprinus carpio

    OH - Round Lake, along SR 3, 1.5 miles northwest of Lakeville OH, Lake township
    OH - Brush Lake, west of CR 130 or Brush Lake Rd, Rush township
    OH - Muskingum River, below Duncan Falls/Philo lock and dam, between Duncan Falls and Philo OH, Wayne/Harrison township line
    OH - Walnut Creek, ust Little Walnut Creek Rd, Harrison/Walnut township
    OH - East Twin Lake, east of SR 43/Cleveland Canton Rd, 3.5 miles north of Kent OH, Franklin township
    OH - Muskellunge Creek, at US 6 bridge, Jackson/Washington township
    OH - Honey Creek, dst CR 6 in Forrest Park, Eden township
    OH - Meyers Lake, west of US 77, in Canton OH, Canton/Plain township
    OH - Cuyahoga River, at Waterworks park , Monroe Falls township
    OH - Sprindfield Lake, sampled shorline around much of the lake, at Lakemore OH, Springfield township
    OH - Nettle Lake, electrofished entire shoreline, Northwest township
    OH - Maumee River, below Grand Rapids dam, at Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids township
    OH - Riley Creek, ust Phillips Rd, Richland township
    OH - Baker Lake, west of SR 559, north of Mechanicsburg, Goshen township
    OH - Moxahala Creek, at first riffle ust from Muskingum River at SR 555, at South Zainesville OH, Springfield township
    OH - Marsh adjacent to Toussaint River, southeast of Toussaint River mouth, Carroll township
    OH - Cuyahoga River, park near SR 59, in Kent, Franklin township
    OH - Muddy Creek, at SR 590 bridge, Washington township
    OH - Scioto River, dst confluence with Scioto Brush Creek, , Rush/Clay township
    OH - Sandusky River, below Pioneer Mill Dam, in Tiffin OH, Tiffin township
    OH - West Branch Nimishillen Creek, Canton City Park on east side of I 77 across from Pro Football Hall of Fame, in Canton, Canton township
    OH - Sugar Creek, dst East Bluelick Rd and dst dam, Bath township
    OH - Peidmont Reservoir, lower and upper basins, Flushing township
    OH - Dillon Reservoir, Licking and Hopewell township
    OH - Magee Marsh, Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, Benton/Carroll township
    OH - Scioto River, ust US 23, north of Piketon, Pee Pee/Seal township
    OH - West Twin Lake, west of SR 43/Cleveland Canton Rd, 3.5 miles north of Kent OH, Franklin township
    OH - Scioto River, 1.5 miles dst SR 348, south of Lucasville, Rush/Valley township
    OH - Rock Creek, Heidelberg University Campus, in Tiffin, Tiffin township
    OH - North Reservoir, around islands and east shore, 3 miles east southeast Barberton OH, Coventry township
    OH - Dohner Lake, north of Galehouse Rd, 2 miles southwest of Doylestown OH, Chippewa township
    OH - Maumee River, at Weir Rapids, Washington township
    OH - Sandy Creek, SR 183 bridge, in Minerva , Paris township
    OH - Miller Lake, west shore line, south of Lakeview OH, Coventry township
    OH - Tuscarawas River, ust Tuscarawas Rd SE, east of Tuscarawas OH, Warwick township
    OH - Maumee River, above Grand Rapids dam, at Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids township
    OH - Crystal Lakes, largest and most southern lake, Crystal Lakes, Bethel township
    OH - Auglaize River, at Osman Rd, southeast of Lima, Perry township
    OH - Charles Mill Reservoir, Mifflin township
    OH - Wetstone Creek, at SR 746, 3 miles north of Ashley OH, Westfield township
    OH - Muskingum River, mouth of Brush Creek, 2 miles southeast of South Zainesville OH, Brush Creek township
    OH - Scioto River, ust SR 335 adjacent to TR 443, east of Omega , Jackson township
    OH - Muzzy Lake, west of SR 44, 2.5 miles south of Ravenna OH, Rootstown township
    OH - Sandusky River, dst Hayes Ave, in Fremont, Fremont township
    OH - Honey Creek, from confluence with Sandusky River ust 1/2 mile, Hopewell township
    OH - Middle Branch Nimishillen Creek, Plain Township Park ust Easton St NE, Plain township
    OH - Long Lake, sampled suitable areas around shore, 3 miles east of Barberton OH, Coventry township
    OH - Turkeyfoot Lake, south of SR 619, southeast of Barberton OH, Franklin township
    OH - West Branch Saint Joseph River, from Michigan SR 120 bridge to CR 8 bridge, Bridgewater township
    OH - Poe Ditch, intersection of Poe Rd and Dunbridge Rd, east side of Bowling Green, Bowling Green/Center township
    OH - Cross Creek, at intersection of CR 74 and TR 166, 1 mile north of New Alexandria OH, Cross Creek township
    OH - East Twin Lake , east of CR 18, south of Bellefontaine, Union township
    OH - Silver Lake, at YMCA Camp Wilson, west of Bellefontaine, Harrison township
    OH - Muskingum River, below Rokeby Dam, southeast of Eagleport OH, Bloom township
    OH - Little Beaver Creek, dst State Park Group Camp Area at mouth of Longs Run, north of Calcutta, St. Clair township
    OH - East Fork White Water River, ust Braffetsville-North Rd , Harrison township
    OH - Olentangy River, dst US 23 bridge, Liberty township
    OH - Cuyahoga River, east of Rapids Rd at Eldon Russell county park, 3 miles south of Burton OH, Burton/Troy township
    OH - Massies Creek, at Indian Mound Preserve ust of Williamson Lane, west of Cedarville, Cedarville township
    OH - Clear Creek, ust US 33 bridge, north of Rock Bridge, Goodhope township
    OH - Jackson Lake, northernmost end of lake, 2 miles northwest of Oak Hill OH, Jefferson township
    OH - Doke Lake, along east side of TR 187 and just south of TR 186, south of Bellefontaine, Union township
    OH - Rush Creek Lake, at end of TR 173, northeast of Bellefontaine, Rushcreek township
    OH - Silver Lake, west of South Scarff Rd or CR 8, west of New Carlisle, Bethel township
    OH - Sayres Pond East, north of Lippincott Rd and west of Yearion Rd, Concord township
    OH - Walhonding River, at Six Mile Dam , Bethlehem township
    OH - Olentangy River, along Panhandle Rd, Troy township
    OH - Aquilla Lake, east of Aquilla Rd, 3 miles southeast of Chardon OH, Claridon township
    OH - West Branch Cuyahoga River, at SR 87/Kinsman Rd, 2 mile west of Burton OH, Burton township
    OH - Rocky Fork of Paint Creek, from old dam below Rockyfork Reservoir to near confluence with Paint Creek in Seven Caves Park, Paint township
    OH - Wolf Creek, just south of SR 62 at CR 53 bridge, west of Killbuck, Killbuck township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Norman Run, 3.5 miles dst Ironton OH, Hamilton township
    OH - Ruby Lake, west of TR 187, south of Bellefontaine, Union township
    OH - Chippewa Lake, sampled most of shoreline, 5 miles southwest of Medina OH, Lafayette/Westfield township
    OH - Glady Creek, ust Couchman Rd/TR 35, 5 miles southwest of West Liberty OH, Harrison township
    OH - Walhonding River, from confluence with Killbuck Creek to 1 mile ust confluence with Tuscarawas River, 3.5 miles east of Warsaw to 1.5 miles northeast of Coshocton OH, Bethlehem/Keene/Jackson townships
    OH - Hoover Reservoir, upper basin, Genoa township
    OH - Big Walnut Creek, ust Winchester Pike Rd, Madison township
    OH - Snow Lake, east of Snow Rd, 3 miles northwest of Welshfield OH, Burton/Troy township
    OH - Blanchard River, along TR 208 and dst River Bend park, east of Findlay, Marion township
    OH - Long/Bonnet Lake, southeast of SR 3, northwest of Lakeville OH, Washington township
    OH - Kokosing River, at confluence with North Branch Kokosing River, north of Mount Vernon OH, Morris township
    OH - McMillen Lake, east of TR 201, southwest of Bellefontaine, Union township
    OH - Maumee River, ust I 75 near first two islands, 1 mile north of Rossford OH,
    OH - Muskingum River, at Conesville AEP poweplant, at Conesville OH, Franklin township
    OH - Gordon Creek, at Jericho Rd, Mark township
    OH - Big Walnut Creek, ust Lockbourne Rd, Hamilton township
    OH - Punderson Lake, west of SR 44, 3 miles west southwest of Burton OH, Newbury township
    OH - Blanchard River, above old mill dam, in Findlay, Findlay township
    OH - Hocking River, along Buckeye Rd SE, Goodhope township

Fundulus catenatus

    KY - Fishing Creek, at confluence of Pilot Creek, west of Eubank
    OH - Massies Creek, at Indian Mound Preserve ust of Williamson Lane, west of Cedarville, Cedarville township
    KY - Red River, at mouth of Wolfpen Creek along 715 in Red River Gorge, north east of Slade
    OH - Captina Creek, ust of second crossing of SR 148, west of Powhatan Point, York township
    OH - Right Fork of Morgan Fork, at confluence of Pike Lake Run, 4 miles northeast of Latham OH, Benton township
    MO - Little Piney Creek, at SR T/Water St, in Newburg MO
    OH - Morgan Fork, adajent to CR 3/Morgan Fork Rd behind fire station, 3.5 miles east northeast of Latham OH, Benton township
    MO - James River, at Shelvin Rock Rd MDC access, 5 miles southwest of Nixa MO
    OH - Oldtown Creek, from confluence with Massies Creek ust about 1/2 mile, Xenia township

Fundulus diaphanus diaphanus

    WV - Ohio River, at mouth of Wheeling Creek, in Bridgeport, Pease township
    OH - Ohio River, at gravel outwash of unnamed tributary run, 2.4 miles south of Eureka OH, Ohio township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Blair Run by Sunfish Creek State Forest, 5 miles south of Powhatan Point, Switzerland township
    OH - Sunfish Creek, at first series of riffles along SR78, 1 mile west of Clarington, Salem township
    WV - Ohio River, below Gallipolis Lock and Dam, near Eureka OH,
    WV - Ohio River, at head end of small island dst from Willamson Island, 1 mile dst of Paden City WV
    WV - Ohio River, dst Hannibal Lock and dam, near New Martinsville WV,
    OH - Ohio River, at gravel outwash at mouth of Hildebrand Run, 1 mile south of Eureka OH, Ohio township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Barnes Run, across from Paden City, Lee township
    OH - Stillhouse Run, at intersection of Boltz Hill Rd and Stillhouse Rd, 1.5 miles northeast of Clarington, Salem township
    WV - Ohio River, dst Bellville Lock and Dam at gravel outwash across from Forked Run State Park, 2.5 miles south of Reedsville OH, township
    WV - Ohio River, below Willow Island Lock and Dam, near Willow Island WV,
    WV - Ohio River, at tail end of Paden Island ust from Paden City boat launch, near Paden City, Lee township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Wills Creek, near Wellsville, Yellow Creek township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Charely Creek, between Burlington and Chesapeake OH, Fayette township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Texas Creek, in Duffy, Ohio township
    PA - Ohio River, below Montgomery Lock and Dam, 2 miles northeast of Shippingport PA,
    WV - Ohio River, at mouth of small tributary directly across the river from Leith Run, 3 miles ust St. Marys
    WV - Ohio River, at head end of Paden island ust from Paden City boat launch, near Paden City WV, Lee township
    OH - Peidmont Reservoir, lower and upper basins, Flushing township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Island Creek, at Costonia, Island Creek township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Narrows Run, 1 mile south of Sardis, Lee township
    OH - Muskingum River, below Devola lock and dam, near Devola OH, Muskingum township
    WV - Ohio River, below Racine Lock and Dam, 3.5 miles south of Racine OH,
    WV - Ohio River, at head end of Willamson Island, south of Paden City WV
    WV - Ohio River, below Bellville Lock and Dam, near Reedsville OH, township

Gambusia affinis

    OH - Black Run, at Waggner Riffle Rd and Black Run Rd, Green township
    MO - Little Piney Creek, at SR T/Water St, in Newburg MO
    OH - East Fork Little Miami River, dst Milford Parkway at New Finley Ray Park, 1 mile east of Terrace Park OH, Miami/Union township
    OH - Little Rush Run, under SR 7, south of Rush Run, Warren township
    OH - Stillhouse Run, at intersection of Boltz Hill Rd and Stillhouse Rd, 1.5 miles northeast of Clarington, Salem township
    OH - Muskingum River, dst stockport at end long straight stretch as headed dst, 2.5 miles southeast of Stockport OH, Windsor township
    OH - Muskingum River, below Duncan Falls/Philo lock and dam, between Duncan Falls and Philo OH, Wayne/Harrison township line
    OH - Muskingum River, ust Philo Dam adjacent to SR 60, 1 mile west of Duncan Falls, Wayne township
    OH - Scioto River, from railroad bridge dst to US 52, west side of Porstmouth OH, Washington township
    OH - Sugar Creek, ust of US 77, in Dover OH, Dover township
    OH - Killbuck Marsh, near intersection of Valley Rd and Clark Rd, south of Wooster, Franklin township
    MO - James River, at Shelvin Rock Rd MDC access, 5 miles southwest of Nixa MO
    OH - Sulphur Creek, adjacent to Sulphur Creek Rd, Green township
    OH - Jackson Lake, at gravel causway on northern end of lake off of CR 12 or Antioch Rd, Jefferson township
    OH - Opossum Creek, at first series of riffles along beautiful ridge rd, 3 miles south of Clarington, Salem township
    OH - Muskingum River, below Rokeby Dam, southeast of Eagleport OH, Bloom township
    OH - Muskingum River, at public boat ramp under SR 208 bridge, in Dresden, Dresden township
    OH - Muskingum River, below Zanesville lock and dam under the Y bridge, in Zanesville OH
    OH - Scioto River, 1.5 miles dst SR 348, south of Lucasville, Rush/Valley township
    OH - Stillwater Creek, dst of Uhrich's Mill, in Uhrichsville OH, Mill township
    OH - Muskingum River, adjacent to SR 60 dst mouth of Coal Run, 0.5 miles dst Coal Run OH, Adams township
    OH - Walhonding River, from confluence with Killbuck Creek to 1 mile ust confluence with Tuscarawas River, 3.5 miles east of Warsaw to 1.5 miles northeast of Coshocton OH, Bethlehem/Keene/Jackson townships
    OH - South Branch Licking River, at Hoback park, in Heath, Newark township
    OH - Muskingum River, at mouth of Doudna Run, 2.4 miles south southeast of McConnelsville OH, Malta township
    OH - Licking River, at Dillon Falls Rd, at Dillon Falls, Falls township
    OH - Muskingum River, below Ellis Lock and Dam, Muskingum township
    OH - Wakatomika Creek, along Narrows Rd 3/4 mile ust SR 60, northwest of Dresden, Cass township
    OH - Scioto River, ust SR 348, west of Lucasville, Morgan township
    OH - Tuscarawas River, at SR 259/21st St bridge, 3 miles southeast of New Philadelphia OH,
    WV - Ohio River, dst Bellville Lock and Dam at gravel outwash across from Forked Run State Park, 2.5 miles south of Reedsville OH, township
    OH - Stout Run, at West Fork Rd bridge about 1 mile ust from the Ohio River, Green township
    OH - Ohio River, at gravel outwash at mouth of Hildebrand Run, 1 mile south of Eureka OH, Ohio township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Texas Creek, in Duffy, Ohio township
    OH - Muskingum River, at mouth of Moores Run, 3.25 miles north northwest of Malta OH, Malta township
    OH - Muskingum River, at mouth of Blunt Run dst Ellis Lock and Dam, 6 miles north of Zainesville OH, Muskingum/Washington township
    OH - Muskingum River, below lock and dam 10 dst the Y bridge, in Zanesville OH,
    OH - Scioto River, ust US 23, north of Piketon, Pee Pee/Seal township
    OH - Wards Run, at SR 140, in Slocum, Porter township
    OH - Muskingum River, adjacent to intersection of TR 123 and Muskingum River Rd/TR 32, 2.4 miles west northwest of Lowell OH, Adams township
    WV - Ohio River, at head end of Paden island ust from Paden City boat launch, near Paden City WV, Lee township

Hybognathus hankinsoni

    OH - McMichael Creek, near confluence with Pymatuning Reservoir, 5 miles south southeast of Andover OH, Williamsfield township

Lepomis microlophus

    OH - Round Lake, along SR 3, 1.5 miles northwest of Lakeville OH, Lake township
    OH - Crystal Lakes, small lake just north of Vine St, Crystal Lakes, Bethel township
    OH - Jackson Lake, at gravel causway on northern end of lake off of CR 12 or Antioch Rd, Jefferson township
    OH - Rocky Fork Licking River, at intersection of Hickman Rd and SR 79, at Hickman OH, Mary Ann township
    OH - Crystal Lakes, middle lake between Tulip St and Vine St, Crystal Lakes, Bethel township
    OH - Long/Bonnet Lake, southeast of SR 3, northwest of Lakeville OH, Washington township
    OH - Round Lake, along SR 3, northeast of Loudonville, Lake township
    OH - Salt Fork Reservoir, lower basin, Jefferson township
    OH - Jackson Lake, northernmost end of lake, 2 miles northwest of Oak Hill OH, Jefferson township
    OH - Rush Creek Lake, at end of TR 173, northeast of Bellefontaine, Rushcreek township
    OH - Middle Branch of the Shade River, at Bates Rd, Alexander township
    OH - Clear Creek, ust US 33 bridge, north of Rock Bridge, Goodhope township
    OH - East Twin Lake, east of SR 43/Cleveland Canton Rd, 3.5 miles north of Kent OH, Franklin township
    OH - Stewart Pond, north of Stewart Rd, 3 miles north of Kent OH, Franklin township
    OH - Long Lake, sampled suitable areas around shore, 3 miles east of Barberton OH, Coventry township
    OH - Ohio River, on boat ramp 1/2 mile ust Leith Run, 3.5 miles ust St. Marys, Grandview township
    OH - Crystal Lake, west of SR 44, 2 miles south of Ravenna OH, Rootstown township
    OH - Pippen Lake, east of Lake Rockwell Rd, 3 miles northeast of Kent OH, Franklin township
    OH - Long Lake, Coventry township
    OH - Turkeyfoot Lake, south of SR 619, southeast of Barberton OH, Franklin township
    WV - Ohio River, below Bellville Lock and Dam, near Reedsville OH, township
    OH - Storms Creek, at and along US 52, near Ironton OH,
    OH - Scioto River, ust US 23, north of Piketon, Pee Pee/Seal township
    OH - Muzzy Lake, west of SR 44, 2.5 miles south of Ravenna OH, Rootstown township
    OH - Ginat Run Embayment, marina with a spaceship looking boat on land at the entrance, Green township
    OH - Turkeyfoot Lake, Franklin township
    WV - Ohio River, dst Bellville Lock and Dam at gravel outwash across from Forked Run State Park, 2.5 miles south of Reedsville OH, township
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Charely Creek, between Burlington and Chesapeake OH, Fayette township
    OH - Scioto River, ust SR 335 adjacent to TR 443, east of Omega , Jackson township
    OH - Mogadoore Reservoir, between SR 43 and Congress Lake Rd, Suffield township
    OH - West Twin Lake, west of SR 43/Cleveland Canton Rd, 3.5 miles north of Kent OH, Franklin township
    OH - Miller Lake, west shore line, south of Lakeview OH, Coventry township
    OH - Dohner Lake, north of Galehouse Rd, 2 miles southwest of Doylestown OH, Chippewa township

Morone americana

    OH - Aquilla Lake, east of Aquilla Rd, 3 miles southeast of Chardon OH, Claridon township
    OH - Maumee River, ust I 75 near first two islands, 1 mile north of Rossford OH,
    OH - Magee Marsh, Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, Benton/Carroll township
    OH - Maumee River, at Weir Rapids, Washington township
    OH - Maumee River, at Audobon Island, 1.5 miles southwest of Maumee OH, Maumee township
    OH - Lake Erie, northeast of South Bass Island, Put-in-bay township
    OH - Sandusky River, dst Hayes Ave, in Fremont, Fremont township
    OH - Veterans Memorial Reservoir, Washington township
    OH - Lake Erie, around Gibralter Island, Put-in-bay township
    OH - Sandusky River, at Freemont waste water treatment plant, in Freemont OH, Freemont township
    OH - Cuyahoga River, east of Rapids Rd at Eldon Russell county park, 3 miles south of Burton OH, Burton/Troy township
    OH - Maumee River, Bluegrass Island/Sidecut Metropark, Maumee/Perrysburg township
    OH - Sandusky River, at end of Wittaker Dr/TR 71, 2.75 miles north northeast of Freemont OH, Sandusky township

Neogobius melanostomus

    OH - Sandusky River, at end of Wittaker Dr/TR 71, 2.75 miles north northeast of Freemont OH, Sandusky township
    OH - Little Pickerel Creek, at intersection of Stocker and Yetter Rd, Townsend township
    OH - Lake Erie, northeast of South Bass Island, Put-in-bay township
    OH - Lake Erie, around Gibralter Island, Put-in-bay township
    OH - Sandusky River, at Freemont waste water treatment plant, in Freemont OH, Freemont township

Notropis hudsonius

    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Charely Creek, between Burlington and Chesapeake OH, Fayette township

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    OH - Punderson Lake, west of SR 44, 3 miles west southwest of Burton OH, Newbury township
    OH - Vermilion River, Mill Hollow Park dst North Ridge Rd, Brownhelm township
    OH - Apple Creek, city park along US 30, south of Wooster, Wooster township
    OH - Rocky River, at most dst ford in Rocky River Reservation Park, township
    OH - Beaver Creek , Beaver Creek Preserve East of North Lake St and ust of SR 2, in Amherst, Amherst township
    OH - Yellow Creek, at about RM 1.0, Bath township
    OH - Pierson Creek, at Sperry Rd bridge, Kirtland township
    OH - Brandywine Creek, at about RM 1.5, township
    OH - Black Creek, at SR 520 and community park next to elementary school, in Glenmont OH, Richland township
    OH - West Branch Nimishillen Creek, Canton City Park on east side of I 77 across from Pro Football Hall of Fame, in Canton, Canton township

Osmerus mordax

    OH - Lake Erie, northeast of South Bass Island, Put-in-bay township

Salmo trutta

    OH - Macochee Creek, adjacent to SR 287 at intersection with CR 1, Monroe township
    OH - Apple Creek, city park along US 30, south of Wooster, Wooster township
    OH - Mad River, from US 36 dst to SR 55, Urbanna/Mad River township
    OH - Mad River, in Lions Park, in West Liberty, Liberty township
    OH - Clearfork of the Mohican River, Below Pleasant hill dam, HaNOV02er township
    OH - Macochee Creek, ust of McClain Rd, east of West liberty, Monroe township
    OH - Macochee Creek, at TR 166 bridge, Monroe township


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [3/14/2025].

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