Micropterus dolomieu
Micropterus dolomieu
(Smallmouth Bass)
Native Transplant

380 results for Micropterus dolomieu (Smallmouth Bass)
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Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number What's this? Drainage nameStatus
1402811   Big Fork (HUC8) non-specific1991 09030006 Big Forkestablished
1401953   Bois De Sioux (HUC8) non-specific1991 09020101 Bois De Siouxfailed
1401956   Bois De Sioux (HUC8) non-specific1991 09020101 Bois De Siouxestablished
1401950   Elm-Marsh (HUC8) non-specific1991 09020107 Elm-Marshestablished
1402813   Grand Marais-Red (HUC8) non-specific1991 09020306 Grand Marais-Redestablished
1402816   Rainy Headwaters (HUC8) non-specific1991 09030001 Rainy Headwatersestablished
1401951   Upper Red (HUC8) non-specific1991 09020104 Upper Redestablished
29192 CA Owens drainage1976 18090103 Owens Lakeestablished
160533 CAButteCitrus Grove pond near Oroville1931 18020159 Honcut Headwaters-Lower Featherestablished
28418 CAButteThermalito Reservoir1889 18020159 Honcut Headwaters-Lower Featherestablished
166959 CAEl DoradoEldorado National Forest2001 18020129 South Fork Americanestablished
30713 CO Big Thompson drainage1997 10190006 Big Thompsonestablished
30711 CO Clear drainage1997 10190004 Clearestablished
30710 CO middle South Platte-Cherry Creek drainage1997 10190003 Middle South Platte-Cherry Creekestablished
30497 CO Platte drainage1993 10190000 South Platteestablished
30027 CO South Platte (HUC6) non-specific1971 10190000 South Platteestablished
30764 CO South Platte (HUC6) non-specific1998 10190000 South Platteestablished
30316 CO southeast corner of state, just south of Arkansas River1980 11020009 Upper Arkansas-John Martin Reservoirestablished
30712 CO St. Vrain drainage1997 10190005 St. Vrainestablished
267300 COAdamsBarr Lake near Denver2000 10190003 Middle South Platte-Cherry Creekestablished
269669 COArapahoeQuincy Reservoir near Denver2008 10190003 Middle South Platte-Cherry Creekestablished
267305 COBentJohn Martin Reservoir2000 11020009 Upper Arkansas-John Martin Reservoirestablished
267306 COBentLake Hasty2000 11020009 Upper Arkansas-John Martin Reservoirestablished
269320 COBoulderBoulder Reservoir2008 10190005 St. Vrainestablished
269313 COBoulderBoulder Reservoir2009 10190005 St. Vrainestablished

Data Disclaimer: Number of records does not imply species abundance. This summary represent collection records only and may not reflect the actual distribution of established populations. These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [12/26/2024].

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