Micropterus salmoides
Micropterus salmoides
(Largemouth Bass)
Native Transplant

186 results for Micropterus salmoides (Largemouth Bass)
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Specimen IDCommon NameStateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number What's this? Drainage nameStatus
37157 Largemouth BassNC Neuse (HUC6) non-specific1991 03020200 Neuseestablished
612570 Largemouth BassNCCraven[East Prong Brice Creek] upstream of SR 1100 [Catfish Lake Road] bridge, 2.1 miles [WSW] US 70, [ca. 7.8 air miles NW center Havelock]1976 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
613031 Largemouth BassNCCravenBachelor Creek, Highway 55 bridge, [ca. 3.3 air miles SE center] of Jasper, [ca. 8.0 air miles WNW center New Bern]1960 03020202 Middle Neuseestablished
612574 Largemouth BassNCCravenBatchelders [=Bachelor] Creek, 1.0 miles N Midway [? =Clark], [ca. 7.5 air miles WNW center New Bern]1960 03020202 Middle Neuseestablished
747033 Largemouth BassNCCravenBrice Creek, [ca. 5.6 air miles S center New Bern], [see remarks]1986 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
613030 Largemouth BassNCCravenBryson's [?=Brice] Creek, 4.0 miles S New Bern1951 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
612579 Largemouth BassNCCravenCreeping Swamp at NC 43, 2.4 air miles SE Calico, [ca. 14.7 air miles SW center Washington]1991 03020202 Middle Neuseestablished
747157 Largemouth BassNCCravenEllis [Simon] Lake at Camp Bryan, [ca. 18.7 air miles SSE center New Bern]1976 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
613035 Largemouth BassNCCravenLake Ellis Simon, [ca. 6.0 air miles WSW center Havelock]1980 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
613033 Largemouth BassNCCravenLittle Swift Creek, at Cayton, [ca. 11.3 air miles NNE center New Bern]1960 03020202 Middle Neuseestablished
746908 Largemouth BassNCCravenLong Creek, upstream side of bridge [SR 1700, Adams Creek Road], [ca. 22.3 air miles SE center of New Bern]1973 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
612571 Largemouth BassNCCravenMoseley Creek, at SR 1475/SR 1804 [William Pearce Road/Neuse Road], [ca. 9.9 air miles ENE center Kinston]1991 03020202 Middle Neuseestablished
613032 Largemouth BassNCCravenPalmetto Swamp, on US 17, [ca. 3.3 air] miles N of Vanceboro, [ca. 14.2 air miles SSW center Washington]1960 03020202 Middle Neuseestablished
612572 Largemouth BassNCCravenSlocum Creek, at Cherry Point Marine Air Base, [ca. 15.9 air miles SSE center New Bern]1960 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
612573 Largemouth BassNCCravenSwift Creek, 1.0 mile S of Vanceboro, [ca. 14.2 air miles NNW center New Bern]1960 03020202 Middle Neuseestablished
612575 Largemouth BassNCCravenTrent River, just off US 17, [ca.] 5.0 [air] miles [WSW center] New Bern1960 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
613034 Largemouth BassNCCravenTucker Creek, 1.0 mile upstream from mouth, [ca. 13.4 air miles SSE center New Bern]1960 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
612577 Largemouth BassNCCravenUpper Broad Creek, 2.0 miles [N] of Olympia, [ca. 5.9 air miles NE center New Bern]1960 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
612578 Largemouth BassNCCravenUpper Broad Creek, 2.0 miles SE of Olympia, [ca. 5.7 air miles E center New Bern]1960 03020204 Lower Neuseestablished
747177 Largemouth BassNCDurhamBackwater of Falls Lake, ca. 7.0 [air] miles NE [center of] Durham1986 03020201 Upper Neuseestablished
612533 Largemouth BassNCDurhamBuffalo Creek, [ca. 2.6 air] miles W of Quail Roost, [ca. 14.2 air miles NNW center Durham]1961 03020201 Upper Neuseestablished
612532 Largemouth BassNCDurhamEno River at Cole Mill Access at SR 1003 [Guess Road/NC 157], [ca. 5.8 air miles SW center Durham]1998 03020201 Upper Neuseestablished
612507 Largemouth BassNCDurhamEno River at Guess Road [SR 157], [ca. 5.8 air] miles NNW [center] Durham1966 03020201 Upper Neuseestablished
612530 Largemouth BassNCDurhamEno River at SSR 1003 (Guess Road, NC 157) bridge, 7.25 air miles SW Bahama1983 03020201 Upper Neuseestablished
612531 Largemouth BassNCDurhamEno River on SR 1632 [Red Mill Road], downstream of Little River, [ca. 8.0 air miles NNE center Durham]1977 03020201 Upper Neuseestablished

Data Disclaimer: Number of records does not imply species abundance. This summary represent collection records only and may not reflect the actual distribution of established populations. These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/17/2025].

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