Tilapia mariae
Tilapia mariae
(Spotted Tilapia)

51 results for Tilapia mariae (Spotted Tilapia)
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Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number What's this? Drainage nameStatus
1712209   Canal off State Road 29 S, Everglades City, FL2023   
1730140 FLCollier[No locality description provided]2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1729995 FLCollier[No locality description provided]2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1728523 FLCollier[No locality description provided]2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1729347 FLCollier[No locality description provided]2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1728660 FLCollier[No locality description provided]2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1712197 FLCollierCanal off 66th Ave, Picayune strand state forest, FL2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1712244 FLCollierCanal off alligator alley, Alligator Alley, FL2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1712141 FLCollierCanal off Tamiami trailE, FL2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1712218 FLCollierEagles lakes Community park pond off the tennis courts, Naples, FL2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1724549 FLCollierGolden Gate Canal2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swampestablished
1724529 FLCollierImmokalee Road Canal2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swampestablished
1724577 FLCollierImmokalee Road Canal2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swampestablished
1724499 FLGladesLake Hicpochee Caloosahatchee River2023 03090205 Caloosahatcheeestablished
1724494 FLGladesOrtona Lock Campground2023 03090205 Caloosahatcheeestablished
1724555 FLHendryditch near SR80 and 8352023 03090205 Caloosahatcheeestablished
1712067 FLHillsboroughCreek at the end of Lightfoot Rd2023 03100203 Little Manateeestablished
1724452 FLLeecanal adjacent to SR78 and Skyline Blvd2023 03100103 Charlotte Harborestablished
1724483 FLLeecanal adjacent to SR78 and Skyline Blvd2023 03100103 Charlotte Harborestablished
1724562 FLLeecanal launch at Lake Mead Park off NE 12th Ave2023 03100103 Charlotte Harborestablished
1724472 FLLeeCanal off Academy Blvd2023 03090205 Caloosahatcheeestablished
1724531 FLLeecanal off NE 16th Pl and NE 12th St2023 03100103 Charlotte Harborestablished
1724567 FLLeecanal off NE 5th Terrace2023 03090205 Caloosahatcheeestablished
1712158 FLLeeCanal off Rio Grande Dr, Bonita Springs, FL2023 03090204 Big Cypress Swamp 
1724471 FLLeeCanal off SE 23rd Place, Cape Coral2023 03090205 Caloosahatcheeestablished

Data Disclaimer: Number of records does not imply species abundance. This summary represent collection records only and may not reflect the actual distribution of established populations. These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/7/2024].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.