Impact of Introduction: Potential:
Skistodiaptomus pallidus is an efficient omnivorous predator, with the ability to prey on preferred rotifers and microzooplankton from large distances. It also consumes algae and practices cannibalism, which may allow populations to persist when resource availability is low (Williamson and Butler 1986; Williamson and Vanderploeg 1988). It has also been known to attain very high densities in suitable habitats, reaching 10,000 per m3 in a Lake Erie marsh to unknown consequences (Krieger and Klarer 1991). Skistodiaptomus pallidus became the primary calanoid copepod in a particularly eutrophic portion of Lake Tahoe, dominating two previously common species, Leptodiaptomus tyrrelli and Epischura nevadensis (Byron and Saunders 1981). Additionally, based on evidence from an Ohio lake, it has been suggested that S. pallidus is an intermediate host for the parasitic worm Tanaorhamphus longirostris, although study of this occurrence has been limited (Hubschman 1983). Documented evidence combined with its record of spread across the U.S. (Byron and Saunders 1981) have led some recently colonized areas, like New Zealand, to express concern over the potential effects of S. pallidus on native ecosystems (Duggan et al. 2006).
References: (click for full references)
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