Impact ID | 3046 |
Impact Type | Competition |
Study Type | Observational |
Study Location | Field |
Impact Description | In Tamiami Canal, FL, Butterfly peacock Bass stomachs contained mostly Spotted Tilapia, Shad (Dorosoma spp.), and Brook Silverside, with Butterfly peacock Bass, Largemouth Bass, Mosquitofish, Swamp Darter, crustaceans (Macrobrachium sp., Procambarus sp., and Palaemonetes sp.), Bluegill, and African Jewelfish. In the same study, crustaceans were the primary dietary item for Largemouth Bass, whose stomachs also included Butterfly Peacock bass, African Jewelfish, Black Acara, and Mosquitofish. |
Reference | 25764 |
Great Lakes Region | No |
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