Specimen ID | 1691738 |
Group | Crustaceans-Crayfish |
Genus | Faxonius |
Species | luteus |
Common Name | Golden crayfish |
State | SD |
County | Pennington |
Locality | Deerfield Reservoir, Black Hills, South Dakota |
Mapping Accuracy | Accurate |
HUC8 Name | Rapid |
HUC8 Number | 10120110 |
HUC10 Name | Upper Rapid Creek |
HUC10 Number | 1012011001 |
HUC12 Name | Deerfield Lake-Castle Creek |
HUC12 Number | 101201100106 |
Map | |
Collection Year | 2019 |
Year Accuracy | Estimated |
Potential Pathway | released bait |
Status | established |
Reference 1 |
Ref. Number: | 37045 |
Author: | Galinat, G., M. Glon, and B. Dickerson. |
Date: | 2021 |
Title: | First report of golden crayfish Faxonius luteus (Creaser, 1933) in South Dakota |
Journal: | BioInvasions Records |
Volume: | 10 |
Issue: | 1 |
Pages: | 149-157 |
Comments | GenBank: MN964004.1 |
Record Type | Literature |
Freshwater/Marine | Freshwater |