Specimen Information

Trapa natans
Trapa natans
(water chestnut)

Specimen ID1714025
Common Namewater chestnut
CountyNew London
LocalitySpalding Pond/Wyassup Brook (North Stonington, CT)
Mapping AccuracyAccurate
HUC8 NamePawcatuck River
HUC8 Number01100007
HUC10 NameLower Pawcatuck River
HUC10 Number0110000703
HUC12 NameAshaway River
HUC12 Number011000070301
Collection Day21
Collection Month7
Collection Year2023
Year AccuracyActual
CommentsOn July 21 we paddled Spalding Pond in North Stonington, which is an impounded section of Wyassup Brook where Pendleton Hill Brook feeds in, and spotted at least two large mats of water chestnut.
Record TypeNAS sighting report
VerifierIan Pfingsten
Number Collected20
Trapa natans
Trapa natans
Trapa natans


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/7/2024].

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