Specimen ID | 283239 |
Group | Crustaceans-Crayfish |
Genus | Faxonius |
Species | virilis |
Common Name | Virile Crayfish |
State | WV |
County | Berkeley |
Locality | Potomac River at RV Park along State Route 11 |
Mapping Accuracy | Accurate |
HUC8 Name | Conococheague-Opequon |
HUC8 Number | 02070004 |
HUC10 Name | Back Creek |
HUC10 Number | 0207000404 |
HUC12 Name | Tilhance Creek |
HUC12 Number | 020700040408 |
Map | |
Collection Day | 5 |
Collection Month | 6 |
Collection Year | 2007 |
Year Accuracy | Actual |
Potential Pathway | released bait |
Status | established |
Reference 1 |
Ref. Number: | 24513 |
Author: | Loughman, Z. |
Date: | 2012 |
Title: | Orconectes virilis and Orconectes rusticus collection in West Virginia. |
Comments | Primary collection number: 070605-09. "potomac river at falling water rv park. Confluence of river with 2nd order stream. Multitude of habitats present. Moderate impacts present. Cambarus (c.) bartonii collected under large slabes and junction of stream. O. virilis also present in this site, moving in from river proper. Good site for future sampling efforts." |
Record Type | Literature |
Freshwater/Marine | Freshwater |