† Populations may not be currently present.
Status: The Black Carp has been reported in Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Missouri (Nico et al. 2005). The fact that Black Carp have been in the wild well over a decade in the lower Mississippi basin, including diploid adults, is evidence that the species may already be established or is on the verge of establishment in the United States (Nico et al. 2005; L. G. Nico, pers. comm.). At least 12 Black Carp captured by commercial fishers in Louisiana have been examined by biologists. However, Louisiana commercial fishers and local fish market operators who are familiar with Black Carp report that the species has been taken consistently over the past 15 years and that the total numbers of wild Black Carp captured in northern Louisiana alone is well over one hundred individuals (Nico et al. 2005; L. G. Nico, U.S. Geological Survey, unpublished data). One Louisiana commercial fisher, an expert in the identification of Black Carp, reported that Black Carp are taken on an annual basis. He has captured as many as three Black Carp in a single hoop net and as many as 10 Black Carp in a single week (Nico et al. 2005). To date there have been no confirmed collections of larval or small juvenile Black Carp in the wild; however, there have been no studies conducted for the expressed purpose of identifying spawning grounds or for targeting capture of larval Black Carp in the wild. In their discussion on captive Black Carp, Nico et al. (2005) stated “The total numbers of Black Carp in the United States at any one time is uncertain. During the 1990s, it was reported that the number being held by fish farmers and other entities in a few southern states totaled well over 400,000 individuals, including triploids and diploids (M. Freeze, memo to B. Collins, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stuttgart, Arkansas). At that time, there were found privately owned aquaculture facilities, located in Arkansas and Missouri, and each reportedly held more than 100,000 diploid and triploid Black Carp.” Relatively few commercial fishers in the Mississippi River basin are experienced in fishing large rivers or use appropriate gear (e.g., large hoop nets placed in deep water) for catching Black Carp (Nico et al. 2005; L. G. Nico, pers. comm.). To date, there have been no adequate field surveys conducted to determine the distribution and abundance of Black Carp in the Mississippi River Basin (personal communication, Leo Nico, USGS). During 2003 and 2004, Schramm and Basler (2004) employed AC electrofishing gear to sample selected waterways in proximity to open-pond aquaculture facilities in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Presumably because the effectiveness of electrofishing is largely limited to near-shore habitats and other shallow waters, the researchers concluded that the absence of Black Carp in their samples did not necessarily demonstrate an absence of Black Carp in the rivers sampled. According to information in Nico et al. (2005), because Black Carp typically inhabit the bottom, electrofishing would not be effective for the collection of Black Carp in large, deep rivers. According to Nico et al. (2005), there appears to be no existing, economically feasible method to completely eliminate Black Carp populations once they escape into large river systems. Great Lakes: Not established in the Great Lakes or its basin. The nearest record to the basin is in the Mississippi River near Henry, Illinois approximately 160 km away from the basin (Kroboth et al. 2019b).
References: (click for full references)
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Nico, L.G., J.D. Williams, and H.L. Jelks. 2005. Black Carp: Biological Synopsis and Risk Assessment of an Introduced Fish, American Fisheries Society Special Publication 32, Bethesda, MD. 337 p.
Porreca, A.P., S.E. Butler, J.S. Tiemann, and J.J. Parkos. 2022. Differential vulnerability of native and non-native mollusks to predation by juvenile black carp. Biological Invasions 24:495–504. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-021-02658-6.
Schofield, P.J., J.D. Williams, L.G. Nico, P. Fuller, and M.R. Thomas. 2005. Foreign Nonindigenous Carps and Minnows (Cyprinidae) in the United States—A Guide to their Identification, Distribution, and Biology. Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5041. U.S. Geological Survey, Tallahassee, Florida. 103 p. (Available online at https://archive.usgs.gov/archive/sites/fl.biology.usgs.gov/Carp_ID/index.html)
Schramm, H.L., Jr. & Basler, M.C. 2005. Evaluation of capture methods and distribution of black carp in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi: Final Report 1 June 2004-31 May 2005 Submitted to Region 4, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fisheries, Atlanta, Georgia. Mississippi State, Mississippi: U.S. Geological Survey, Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.
Wui, Y.-S. & Engle, C.R. 2007. The economic impact of restricting use of black carp for snail control on hybrid striped bass farms. North American Journal of Aquaculture 69: 127-138.
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