Dreissena polymorpha has a high environmental impact in the Great Lakes.
Zebra mussels can have profound effects on the ecosystems they invade. They primarily consume phytoplankton, but other suspended material is filtered from the water column including bacteria, protozoans, zebra mussel veligers, other microzooplankton, and silt. Large populations of zebra mussels in the Great Lakes and Hudson River reduced the biomass of phytoplankton significantly following invasion. Diatom abundance declined by 82–91%, and transparency as measured by Secchi depth increased by 100% during the first years of the invasion in Lake Erie (Holland 1993). As the invasion spread eastward during the years 1988 to 1990, successive sampling stations recorded declines in total algae abundance from 90% at the most western station to 62% at the most eastern (Nichols and Hopkins 1993). In Lake Huron’s Saginaw Bay, sampling stations with high zebra mussel populations experienced a 60–70% drop in chlorophyll a and doubling of Secchi depth (Fahnenstiel et al. 1993). Phytoplankton biomass declined 85% following mussel invasion in the Hudson River (Caraco et al. 1997). Increasing silica concentrations also suggest that decreasing phytoplankton populations are associated with dreissenid invasions. From 1983-2008, average spring silica concentrations in open water increased in Lake Michigan and increased slightly in Lake Huron, while summer silica concentrations experienced significant increases in both lakes. Dramatic increases in summer silica were initiated in the early 2000s in Lake Huron and in 2004 in Lake Michigan, though these seem to be associated with the expansion of quagga mussel (D. bugensis) populations in the lakes at those times (Evans et al. 2011). These findings indicate that the utilization of silica via primary production has likely decreased, and that Lakes Huron and Michigan are undergoing gradual oligitrophication (Evans et al. 2011). However, the extent of change that zebra mussels can exert on the phytoplankton community’s species composition is unresolved.
Zebra mussels readily reject blue-green algae, such as Microcystis, as pseudofeces (Vanderploeg et al. 2001), perhaps identifying the cyanobacteria internally based on chemical cues (ten Winkel and Davids 1982). The presence of this cyanobacterium does not inhibit filtering, except in mass abundances such as a bloom (Lavrentyev et al. 1995, Noordhuis et al. 1992). When invaded by zebra mussels, inland lakes with lower nutrient levels are more frequently dominated by Microcystis (Raikow et al. 2004, Sarnelle et al. 2010). A possible explanation was attained in controlled experiments, which indicated that excessive Microcystis growth could be related to a lower nitrogen:phosphorus ratio in environments with zebra mussels relative to those without (Bykova et al. 2006). Microcystis became a prevalent alga in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron following the invasion of zebra mussels. The introduction appeared to spur a number of other changes to the phytoplankton community as well, including a shift from shade-tolerant species to light-tolerant species (Fishman et al. 2010).
The zooplankton community has also been affected by the invasion of zebra mussels. Zooplankton abundance dropped 55–71% following mussel invasion in Lake Erie, with microzooplankton more heavily impacted (MacIsaac et al. 1995). Mean summer biomass of zooplankton decreased from 130 to 78 mg dry wt. m-3 between 1991 and 1992 in the inner portion of Saginaw Bay. The total biomass of zooplankton in the Hudson River declined 70% following mussel invasion, due both to a reduction in large zooplankton body size and a reduction in microzooplankton abundance. These effects can be attributed to reduction of available food (phytoplankton) and direct predation on microzooplankton. Increased competition in the zooplankton community for newly limited food, which could lead to a decline in individual zooplankter size, is predicted to result from zebra mussel infestation. Based on knowledge of their competitive abilities, hypotheses can also be formulated as to which species will prevail.
Zebra mussels can have a significant effect on nutrient cycling in invaded ecosystems. As stated in a hypothesis called the “nearshore phosphorus shunt,” zebra mussels can direct phosphorus and other nutrients to nearshore areas inhabited by mussels and retain them there, while offshore regions suffer from declining nutrient levels and often become mesotrophic or oligotrophic (Hecky et al. 2004). This is possible due to the ability of zebra mussels to filter a significant amount of the particles and nutrients that are entering the system (e.g., via a river or tributary), preventing the movement of nutrients to offshore areas. Production of feces and pseudofeces provide one mechanism by which usable phosphorous is then regenerated in the proximate benthos and water column, leading to increased primary productivity in the nearshore zone relative to the offshore pelagic zone (Hecky et al. 2004). This hypothesis could thus explain the sudden reemergence of Cladophora, a nuisance benthic algae, in the otherwise clear nearshore regions of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie following the invasion of zebra mussels (Auer et al. 2010, Hecky et al. 2004, Limburg et al. 2010). In further support of the hypothesis, Roditi et al. (1997) found that biodeposits of zebra mussels to be organically enriched, including 3.9% live algae by weight. Resuspension of this material occurred in their system, a tidal estuary, which may have mitigated the potential impacts of biodeposition to the benthos.
The filtering and excretion activity of zebra mussels can alter physical and chemical conditions. For instance, zebra mussels have been found to remove metals from the water column of Lake Erie and deposited them to the bottom at high rates (Klerks et al. 1996). In Lake Erie, the rate of biosedimentation through pseudofeces production was very high (28 mg/cm2 day at a density of 1180 individuals/m2) under turbid conditions, lending support to the hypothesis that zebra mussels are responsible for increased water clarity observed since mussel introduction (Klerks et al. 1996).
A change in the feeding behavior of lake whitefish may be related to the nearshore shunt hypothesis (Rennie et al. 2009). A study of 5 year old lake whitefish in South Bay, Lake Huron discovered a diet with a greater reliance on nearshore prey in this species following zebra mussel invasions. Stomach content analysis was used along with the measurement of isotopic ratios in fish scales over time. Following zebra mussel invasion, an increase of 3‰ δ13C and a decrease of 1‰ δ15N from isotope levels that had remained stable for nearly 50 years were observed. The proposed explanation is a transition in diet to nearshore benthic organisms, including zebra mussels, which are now suspected to be a common food item of lake whitefish (Madenjian et al. 2010). The mean depth of capture for lake whitefish also shifted inshore, suggesting that the diet and habitat of lake whitefish may be changing due to the indirect effects of zebra mussels on nutrient cycling and resulting food availability in the nearshore zone relative to the profundal (Rennie et al. 2009). Furthermore, while dreissenids now appear to be a contributing food source to whitefish diet, this shift appears to be less energetically profitable to whitefish, whose growth rate has declined following dreissenid invasion despite sustained levels of consumption (Pothoven and Madenjian 2008).
Populations of Diporeia spp., a native amphipod which once dominated benthic habitats, have decreased dramatically since dreissenids were first introduced in the 1990s. Diporeia populations at 30–90 m depths declined by 96% in Lake Michigan between 1994/1995 and 2005 and by 99% in Lake Ontario between 1994 and 2003 (Nalepa et al. 2009, Watkins et al. 2007). These findings agree with a 13 yr annual benthic survey (1997-2009) initiated by the EPA, which also found significantly reduced populations of Diporeia in Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Ontario (Barbiero et al. 2011). These declines were coincident with the initial expansion of D. polymorpha, but have continued to increase following expansion of D. bugensis and its gradual replacement of D. polymorpha (Watkins et al. 2007, Nalepa et al. 2009). Diporeia population decline is potentially due to reductions in phytoplankton abundance (an important food source) or through the introduction of toxins and pathogens associated with dreissenids and their waste products (Cave and Strychar 2015, Fahnenstiel et al. 2010, McKenna et al. 2017, Nalepa et al. 2006, Watkins et al. 2007). Diporeia is an important prey item linking the benthos to higher trophic levels, and it has been suggested that the shift from Diporeia to Dreissena has transformed the benthic community into an energy sink which may no longer support the upper food web (Nalepa et al. 2009).
Other effects include the extirpation of native unionid clams through epizootic colonization (Baker and Hornbach 1997, Schloesser et al. 1996). Zebra mussels restrict valve operation, cause shell deformity, smother siphons, compete for food, impair movement, and deposit metabolic waste onto unionid clams. Survival rates of native unionid mussels in the Mississippi River, Minnesota have been shown to decline significantly with an increase in zebra mussel colonization (Hart et al. 2001). Unionid mortality is correlated with zebra mussel fouling across a broad range of habitats; although other factors have contributed to unionid declines, zebra mussel colonization has increased the local extinction of unionid species by a factor of 10 (Ricciardi et al. 1998). To date, unionids have been extirpated from Lake St. Clair and the Detroit River, and in much of western Lake Erie and the upper St. Lawrence River (Ricciardi et al. 1996, Schloesser et al. 2006).
Increased water clarity allows light to penetrate further, potentially promoting macrophyte populations (Scheffer et al. 1993, Skubinna et al. 1995). As macrophytes can be colonized by dreissenid veligers, the macrophyte community may be altered if such colonization proves detrimental. Increased light penetration may also cause water temperatures to rise and thermoclines to become deeper (Schindler et al. 1996). As phytoplankton are consumed, the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration may drop. Indeed, inland lakes with zebra mussels have been found to have lower concentrations of DOC (Raikow 2002). Macrophytes could eventually compensate for this as they are also a source of DOC, but there may be a lag period between the time when phytoplankton biomass declines and macrophytes proliferate. This could produce a period of time when UVB light penetrates deeper into the water column, because DOC absorbs UVB radiation. Zebra mussels have also recently been shown to be able to directly assimilate DOC (Roditi et al. 2000).
The fate of pseudofeces once it is expelled is not well understood. It has been speculated that benthic deposition of feces and pseudofeces may aid bacterial productivity, thus producing a source culture that zebra mussels can feed upon (Silverman et al. 1996). Increasing amounts of biodeposits could have an impact on multiple trophic levels via changes to the physical environment. A current study in Brocton Shoal, Lake Erie, suggests that colonization of lakebed areas by dreissenid mussels and the consequent filling of remaining interstitial spaces with pseudofeces and fine-grained sediments may significantly eliminate valuable native habitat (S. Mackey, pers. comm.). Brocton Shoal, once thought to be an important area for lake trout spawning, appears to have diminished suitability as a spawning ground, potentially due to such impacts (S. Mackey, pers. comm.). It has also been proposed that biodeposition of feces and pseudofeces might cause observed increases in benthic macroinvertebrate populations (Stewart and Haynes 1994).
The fate of live algae bound into pseudofeces is not well known. Bastviken et al. (1998) speculate that phytoplankton which survives the pseudofeces process must be resuspended in order to survive, a process less likely to occur in inland lakes than in tidal estuaries. If survivorship following filtration is not equal among phytoplankton species, then this mechanism could alter community species composition.
Effects may continue through the food web to fish. Reductions in zooplankton biomass may cause increased competition, decreased survival, and decreased biomass of planktivorous fish. Alternatively, as microzooplankton are more heavily impacted by zebra mussels, larval fish population may be more acutely affected than later life stages. This may be especially important in inland lakes with populations of pelagic larval fish such as bluegills. Benthic feeding fish may benefit in contrast to planktivorous fish, or behavioral shifts from pelagic to benthic-feeding may occur. In addition, proliferation of macrophytes may alter fish habitat and thus, the fish community. Experimental evidence exists that zebra mussels can reduce the growth rate of larval fish through food web interactions (Raikow 2004). Conclusive negative impacts on natural populations of fish, however, have yet to be observed (see Bunnell et al. 2009 and 2014, Raikow 2004).
Biomagnification of toxic contaminants through the food web is another concern of zebra mussel invasion, especially because mussel predation by round goby Neogobius melanostomus has provided a link between Dreissena and higher trophic levels (Hanari et al. 2004, Jude et al. 2010). Biomagnification of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was observed in Gammarus amphipods associated with zebra mussels, indicating concentration of pollutants in zebra mussel feces or pseudofeces can transfer to other trophic levels (Bruner et al. 1994). Many species of birds known to be predators of zebra mussels occur in the Great Lakes region. While a new food source may benefit such predators, biomagnification of toxins into both fish and birds is possible. Tillit et al. (2009) documented levels of thiaminase activitiy in zebra mussels ranging from 10,600-47,900 pmol • g-1 • min-1 in Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario. This is 5–100 times more thiaminase activity than is found in most Great Lakes fish. Increased thiaminase activities can diminish and deplete thiamine levels necessary for fish health and have been known to cause early mortality syndrome (EMS) in some species (Fitzsimons et al. 1999).
Like other mollusks, D. polymorpha is capable of hosting a variety of parasites, although the parasite load varies across its introduced range and appears to be lower in North America (Mastitsky et al. 2010). In particular, D. polymorpha acts as an intermediate host of the trematode Bucephalus polymorphus, which has caused pathologies and mortalities in cyprinids across parts of Europe (Molloy et al. 1997). Such effects do not result from all infections of D. polymorpha by B. polymorphus, suggesting that other factors may be involved (Molloy et al. 1997).
Dreissena polymorpha has a high socio-economic impact in the Great Lakes.
Zebra mussels are notorious for their biofouling capabilities—colonization of water supply pipes of hydroelectric and nuclear power plants, public water supply plants, and industrial facilities. When inhabiting pipes, they tend to constrict water flow, thereby reducing the intake in heat exchangers, condensers, fire-fighting equipment, and air conditioning and cooling systems. Zebra mussel densities have been as high as 700,000/m2 at one power plant in Michigan and have reduced water treatment pipe diameters by as much as two-thirds (Griffiths et al. 1991). Continued attachment of zebra mussel can cause corrosion of steel and concrete, affecting its structural integrity.
Navigational and recreational boating can be affected by increased drag from attached mussels. Small mussels can get into engine cooling systems causing overheating and damage. Navigational buoys have been sunk under the weight of attached zebra mussels. Fishing gear can be fouled if left in the water for long periods. Deterioration of dock pilings has increased when they are encrusted with zebra mussels.
Direct economic costs have resulted from the invasion of zebra mussels in the form of maintenance and repair of power plants, industrial facilities, and other businesses, as well as research, monitoring, and control. A wide variety of estimations have been made regarding zebra mussel-related expenses, ranging from $92,000 per hydroelectric plant per year to $6.5 billion in total costs over 10 years (Lovell et al. 2006).
High levels of potentially toxic cyanobacteria (Microcystis in particular) have been documented in otherwise low-nutrient lakes invaded by zebra mussels (Sarnelle et al. 2010, Vanderploeg et al. 2001), sometimes proliferating in years just following zebra mussel invasion (Fishman et al. 2010). A similar correlation has been documented with the non-toxic nuisance green algae Cladophora. The reemergence of this species in Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, and Lake Michigan following the establishment of zebra mussels has been largely attributed to the resulting changes in nutrient cycling and water clarity (Auer et al. 2010, Hecky et al. 2004). Cladophora has received considerable negative attention from the public (Auer et al. 2010). Residents and business owners on Lake Ontario have attributed decreases in revenue or property values to beach fouling and excessive blooms following zebra mussel invasion (Limburg et al. 2010).
Although there is little information on zebra mussels affecting irrigation equipment, farms and golf courses could be likely candidates for infestations.
Moreover, reductions in zooplankton biomass may cause increased competition, decreased survival, and decreased biomass of planktivorous fish, including commercially important species.
There is little or no evidence to support that Dreissena polymorpha has significant beneficial effects in the Great Lakes.
Several species of native fish may prey on zebra mussels in varying degrees, including lake whitefish (Madenjian et al. 2010, Rennie et al. 2009), freshwater drum, pumpkinseed, yellow perch, and rock bass among others (Watzin et al. 2008), although the extent of benefit to these species relative to pre-invasion is unknown.
Increased water clarity following zebra mussel introduction is perceived as a benefit by some, especially business owners and residents on invaded water bodies (Limburg et al. 2010).
Experimental studies have shown that zebra mussels generally increase benthic macroinvertebrate densities, sometimes by more than 10-fold (Botts et al. 1996, Ricciardi et al. 1997, Ward and Ricciardi 2007). Some benthic fishes may benefit from the increased food resource.
Certain benefits of the zebra mussel invasion in Europe have been noted, including its role as a food source for fish and native waterfowl populations, some populations of which increased following zebra mussel introduction. Zebra mussels have also been used in biomonitoring of contaminants (Mackie et al. 1989).