Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records.

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Ref IDTypeAuthorDateTitle
42993 Report 2021Gulf & south Atlantic regional panel on aquatic invasive species minutes
42981 Report 2022GSARP spring meeting 2022
13239 Journal ArticleAckerman, J.D.1999Effect of velocity on the filter feeding of dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis): implications for trophic dynamics.
33799 NewsAddison County Independent2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Dunmore
13248 Conference ProceedingsAdrian, D.J., T.A. Ferro, and H.T. Keppner.1994Relative abundance of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in Eastern Lake Erie.
35577 Journal ArticleAndraso, G.M., M.T. Ganger, and J. Adamczyk2011Size-selective predation by round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) on dreissenid mussels in the field
31483 DatabaseAngradi, T.R.2018Nonindigenous mollusks and amphipods in the upper Mississippi drainage.
38453 NewsAnonymous0Lake Walter E. Long “fully infested” with zebra mussels
17234 OtherAnonymous1990Inland waters zebra mussel monitoring program.
18570 OtherAnonymous1994Lower Mississippi Valley zebra mussel newsletter.
18214 Web PageAnonymous2008Zebra Mussels Found in Electric Lake.
18781 ReportAnonymous2009Designation of infested waters, July 9, 2009.
18934 ReportAnonymous2009Zebra mussel phase 1 assessment: physical, chemical, and biological evaluation of 20 lakes and the Housatonic River in Berkshire County, Massachusetts.
24128 NewsAnonymous2011Zebra mussels found in West Quebec Lake.
24138 Web PageAnonymous2011Waupaca Chain O'Lakes Association News.
27011 NewsAnonymous2014DNR: Lake Virginia now infested with zebra mussels.
27052 OtherAnonymous2014Young zebra mussels again found in Red River.
27057 OtherAnonymous2014Zebra mussels discovered in Pomona Reservoir.
34088 NewsAnonymous2020DEC alters Rome hatchery use as zebra mussels found in Delta Lake.
38195 NewsAnonymous2022Zebra mussels discovered in Enemy Swim Lake
38353 NewsAnonymous2022News release: Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Henry and Red Rock Lake in Douglas County
38603 NewsAnonymous2022Zebra Mussels discovered in South Rush Lake
38745 NewsAnonymous2022News release: zebra mussels confirmed in Canisteo Mine Pit in Itasca County
41880 NewsAnonymous2023News release: zebra mussels confirmed in Wall Lake in Otter Tail County
41881 NewsAnonymous2023News release: zebra mussels confirmed in Long Lake in Kandiyohi County
41888 NewsAnonymous2023Storm Lake steadily sees water clarity gains
41916 NewsAnonymous2023News release: zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Plantagenet in Hubbard County
41917 NewsAnonymous2023News release: zebra mussels confirmed in Pine Lake in Stearns County
41918 Web PageAnonymous2023Zebra mussels discovered in Beaver Lake
41920 NewsAnonymous2023Minnesota DNR confirms starry stonewort in Long Lake near Hawick in Kandiyohi County
41933 NewsAnonymous2023Nebraska Game & Parks says zebra mussels found in Beaver Lake
42209 NewsAnonymous2023News release: zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Ann in Chanhassen
42324 NewsAnonymous2023Invasive zebra mussels now confirmed in North Carolina
42474 NewsAnonymous2023News release: Zebra mussels confirmed in Big Stone Lake
18500 ReportAnonymous. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.2005Final environmental assessment, Millbrook Quarry zebra mussel and quagga mussel eradication.
27895 Journal ArticleAshton, M.J., and R.J. Klauda2015The spread of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) from the lower Susquehanna River into the upper Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA
28429 OtherBaldridge, Ashley2016Southern Lake Michigan Annual Benthic Survey
28738 DatabaseBaldridge, Ashley2016Tech memo 164, Baldridge Unpub> Lake Michigan Dreissena Density Database 3 May 2016
29521 DatabaseBarnett, J.2016Arkansas ANS Database (unpublished data).
23441 OtherBarrett-O'Leary, M.1995Southern Region Zebra Mussel Newsletter.
41927 NewsBauer, D.2023Breaking news on the invasive species front
13251 Journal ArticleBially, A., and H.J. MacIsaac2000Fouling mussels (Dreissena spp.) colonize soft sediments in Lake Erie and facilitate benthic invertebrates.
29898 DatabaseBowen, A.2017Invasive species monitoring in the Lake Erie and Lake Huron, 2013-2016.
31326 DatabaseBowen, A.2018Invasive Species Catch 2017
14841 Journal ArticleBowers, R., J.C. Sudomir, M.W. Kershner, and F.A. de Szalay2005The effects of predation and unionid burrowing on bivalve communities in a Laurentian Great Lake coastal wetland.
27221 DatabaseBrady, V.2015Great Lakes Coastal Monitoring Project: inverts dataset (through 2013)
13214 Journal ArticleBrazner, J.C., and D.A. Jensen2000Zebra mussel [Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas)] colonization of rusty crayfish [Orconectes rusticus (Girard)] in Green Bay, Lake Michigan
32068 NewsBuchele, M.2018Zebra mussels have been found in Austin water intake pipes
24123 NewsBuck, R.2010DEP: Invasive Species Spotted in 2 more Connecticut Lakes.
29261 Journal ArticleButkas, K.J., and M.L. Ostrofsky.2006The status of unionid and dreissenid mussels in northwestern Pennsylvania inland lakes
38241 NewsC. Morris2022ODWC says invasive species, zebra mussels, found in Oklahoma lake
34393 Web PageCandlewood Lake Authority.2020Single zebra mussel discovered in Candlewood Lake.
18395 Journal ArticleCarlton, J.T.2008The zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha found in North America in 1986 and 1987.
24369 DatabaseCenter for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health.2019EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system
19747 DatabaseCentral Hardwoods Invasive Plant Network.2010Joint Aquatic Invasive Species Survey, 2010
13250 Journal ArticleClaxton, W.T., A.B. Wilson, G.L. Mackie, and E.G. Boulding1998A genetic and morphological comparison of shallow- and deep-water populations of the introduced dreissenid bivalve Dreissena bugensis.
13247 Journal ArticleClaxton, W.T., and G.L. Mackie1998Seasonal and depth variations in gametogenesis and spawning of Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis in eastern Lake Erie.
31172 Journal ArticleCollas, F. P. L., A.Y. Karatayev, L.E. Burlakova, and R.S.E.W. Leuven2018Detachment rates of dreissenid mussels after boat hull-mediated overland dispersal
32420 ReportColorado Parks and Wildlife.2019State Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Program, Summary for Colorado Legislators per SB 08-226
17235 OtherConn, D.B., S.R. LaPan, and G.C. LeTendre.1992Range expansion of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga mussels (Dreissena sp.) in the St. Lawrence River and the eastern basin of Lake Ontario.
9173 Journal ArticleCope, W.G., M.R. Bartsch, and R.R. Hayden1997Longitudinal patterns in abundance of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Upper Mississippi River.
27378 DatabaseCranberg, C., and R. Keller2020Illinois Database of Aquatic Non-native Species
13437 ReportCzypinski, G.D., A.K. Bowen, M.T. Weimer, and A. Dextrase.2002Surveillance for ruffe in the Great Lakes, 2001.
18708 NewsDanahey, M.2009Boating banned as lake gets unwanted guests.
39197 Journal ArticleDelmott, S.E., and D.R. Edds2014Zebra mussel maturation and seasonal gametogenesis in Marion Reservoir, Kansas, USA
9031 Journal ArticleDenson, D.R., and S. Wang1994Morphological differences between zebra and quagga mussel spermatozoa.
18601 Book ChapterDermott, R., J. Mitchell, I. Murray, and E. Fear.1993Biomass and production of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in shallow waters of northeastern Lake Erie.
13042 Book ChapterDermott, R., J. Mitchell, I. Murry, and E. Fear.1993Biomass and production of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in shallow waters of northeastern Lake Erie.
16628 Journal ArticleDiggins, T.P.2001A seasonal comparison of suspended sediment filtration by quagga (Dreissena bugensis) and zebra (D. polymorpha) mussels.
31833 ReportDriscoll, T., and D. Ashe2017Lake Livingston 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
13041 Journal ArticleElderkin, C.L., P.L. Klerks, and E. Theriot2001Shifts in allele and genotype frequencies in zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, along the latitudinal gradient formed by the Mississippi River.
38661 ReportEliopoulos, C. and P. Stangel2001Lake Champlain 2000 zebra mussel monitoring program
17806 DatabaseEPA Great Lakes National Program Office.2008EPA Monitoring Data.
21010 NewsFanto, C.2011Zebra mussels are spreading.
32298 ReportFarooqi, M., and M. De Jesus.2018Georgetown Reservoir 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report 
39067 NewsFern, A.2022Zebra mussels found in Buffalo Lake in Wright County
25935 DatabaseField Museum of Natural History.2013Field Museum of Natural History invertebrate collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
25897 DatabaseFlorida Museum of Natural History2013Florida Museum of Natural History invertebrate zoology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
13726 ReportFowles, M.2004Status of the zebra mussel in the Pittsburgh district.
18593 Book ChapterFraleigh, P.C., P.L. Klerks, G. Gubanich, G. Matisoff, and R.C. Stevenson.1993Abundance and settling of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veligers in western and central Lake Erie.
42839 Journal ArticleGantz, C.A., R. Miller, S. Wells, M.D. Sytsma, and A.L. Strecker 2023Mussel squeeze: dissolved oxygen and temperature can "squeeze" zebra mussels out of invaded reservoirs 
18600 Book ChapterGarton, D.W., and W.R. Haag.1993Seasonal reproductive cycles and settlement patterns of Dreissena polymorpha in western Lake Erie.
31091 Journal ArticleGatlin, M.R., D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long2013Invasive zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea) survive gut passage of migratory fish species: implications for dispersal
26212 DatabaseGBIF2013Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Database.
42999 DatabaseGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).2022Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Data Portal. Zebra mussels
30277 Web PageGraham, B.2017MDC confirms zebra mussels in three Jackson County lakes.
17446 DatabaseGreat Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC).2017Exotic Species Information Center.
18129 DatabaseGreat Lakes Information Network.2008Invasive Species Mapping in Michigan: Data Downloads.
9048 Journal ArticleGriffiths, R.W., D. Schloesser, J.H. Leach, and W.P. Kovalak1991Distribution and dispersal of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Great Lakes region
9049 Conference ProceedingsGriffiths, R.W., W.P. Kovalak, and D.W. Schloesser1989The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771), in North America: impact on raw water users
17941 Journal ArticleGrigorovich, I.A., J.R. Kelly, J.A. Darling, and C.W. West2008The quagga mussel invades the Lake Superior Basin.
17968 Journal ArticleGrigorovich, I.A., T.R. Angradi, and C.A. Stepien2008Occurrence of the quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) and the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Upper Mississippi River system.
38480 Journal ArticleHaag, W.R. and D.W. Garton1992Synchronous spawning in a recently established population of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, in western Lake Erie, USA
9050 Journal ArticleHaag, W.R., and D.W. Garton1992Synchronous spawning in a recently established population of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, in western Lake Erie, USA
39307 NewsHahn, N.2022Striped and severe: zebra mussels infest Balsam Lake
35539 Journal ArticleHallidayschult, T.C., J.E. Beyer, and K.D. Hambright2021Spatial variation in propagule pressure and establishment of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) within a subtropical reservoir
13074 Journal ArticleHarman, W.N.2000Diminishing species richness of mollusks in Oneida Lake, New York State, USA.
25960 DatabaseHarvard University2013Museum of Comparative Zoology specimen collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
9053 Journal ArticleHebert, P.D.N., B.W. Muncaster, and G.L. Mackie1989Ecological and genetic studies on Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas): a new mollusc in the Great Lakes
9052 Journal ArticleHebert, P.D.N., C.C. Wilson, M.H. Murdoch, and R. Lazar1991Demography and ecological impacts of the invading mollusc Dreissena polymorpha
38561 Journal ArticleHerod, J.J., T.L. Frye, and J.B. Sickel.1997Blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus; Ictaluridae) predation on the zebra mussel in the Ohio River near Paducah, Kentucky
32963 Journal ArticleHetherington, A.L., L.G. Rudstam, R.L. Schneider, K.T. Holeck, C.W. Hotaling, J.E. Cooper, and J.R. Jackson2019Invader invaded: population dynamics of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in polymictic Oneida Lake, NY, USA (1992–2013)
38598 NewsHofmeister, K.2022Invasive species found in Highline Lake
26684 DatabaseHowell, J.2014New collection locations for nonindigenous aquatic species in Kansas. Provided by J. Howell on 2014-01-06.
9058 Journal ArticleHunter, R.D., and J.F. Bailey1992Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel): colonization of soft substrata and some effects on unionid bivalves
39205 Journal ArticleHushak, L.J., Y. Deng, and M. Bielen1995The cost of zebra mussel monitoring and control
24058 DatabaseIllinois Natural History Survey.2002Mollusk records from collections of the Illinois Natural History Museum (unpublished data).
27462 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2018Pennsylvania iMapInvasives
27712 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2019New York iMapInvasives
25944 DatabaseiNaturalist2024 
24150 Web PageIndiana Department of Natural Resources.2002Zebra Mussels.
32214 Web PageIowa Department of Natural Resources.2016Zebra mussels found in Brushy Creek, Blue Pit.
30651 OtherIowa Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussels found in Big Spirit Lake.
31970 Web PageIowa Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels found in Storm Lake.
32212 Web PageIowa Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels found in Lost Island Lake.
32213 Web PageIowa Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels found in Storm Lake.
33331 Web PageIowa Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels found in Crystal Lake.
34449 Web PageIowa Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels found in Lake Manawa.
34831 Web PageIowa Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels found in Black Hawk Lake.
43475 NewsIowa DNR.2024Zebra mussels found in Saylorville Lake
38827 Journal ArticleJones, T.S., and G.R. Montz2020Population increase and associated effects of zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha in Lake Mille Lacs, Minnesota, U.S.A.
38044 NewsJudd, J.2022DNR: zebra mussels found on Grand Lake
24131 NewsKansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.2011Jeffery Energy Center Lake Latest Zebra Mussel Victim.
24121 NewsKansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism.2010Zebra mussel veligers found below John Redmond Reservoir.
14158 ReportKarns, B.2004Annual report: quantitative assessment of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha, Pallas, 1771) in the lower St. Croix River at native mussel beds.
24097 OtherKeller, D.2005Indiana Zebra Mussel Waters.
42478 NewsKirk, A.2023Colorado lake to be drained after invasive mussels discovered
18902 OtherKraft, C1990Zebra mussel update
39389 Journal ArticleLaney, E.E., and S.J. Spirlock1999Potential overland zebra mussel threat to Oklahoma lakes
18677 Book ChapterLeach, J.H.1993Impacts of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on water quality and fish spawning reefs in western Lake Erie.
13241 ReportLei, J., and A.C. Miller.1994Shell shape differences in Dreissena spp. Technical Note ZMR-1-21.
37970 Journal ArticleLocklin, J.L., D.N. Corbitt, and R.F. McMahon2020Settlement, density, survival and shell growth of zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, in a recently invaded low latitude, warm water Texas reservoir
26983 OtherLund, K., and C. Dawson.2014Zebra mussels confirmed in Hennepin County's Christmas Lake.
35223 Journal ArticleLund, K., K. Bloodsworth Cattoor, E. Fieldseth, J. Sweet, and M.A. McCarthy.2018Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) eradication in Christmas Lake, Minnesota.
13237 Journal ArticleMacIsaac, Hugh J.1994Comparative growth and survival of Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis, exotic molluscs introduced to the Great Lakes.
31694 Journal ArticleMallez, S., and M. McCartney2018Dispersal mechanisms for zebra mussels: population genetics supports clustered invasions over spread from hub lakes in Minnesota.
9079 Conference ProceedingsMarsden, J.E., R.E. Sparks, and K.D. Blodgett1991Overview of the zebra mussel invasion: biology, impacts, and projected spread
35542 Journal ArticleMarshall, N.T., and C.A. Stepien.2021Genetic trajectories of zebra and quagga mussel invasions across three decades: Lake Erie versus Hudson River populations
13347 Book ChapterMarvin, C.H., and E.T. Howell.1997Contaminant burdens in sediments colonized by Dreissena at two nearshore sites in the lower Great Lakes.
26949 Web PageMaryland Department of Natural Resources2012More zebra musels found in Chesapeake Bay
9082 Journal ArticleMay, B., and J.E. Marsden1992Genetic identification and implications of another invasive species of dreissenid mussel in the Great Lakes.
42342 NewsMayer, E2023GFP says Big Sioux River infested with zebra mussels
32767 NewsMcDarison, K.2019Zebra mussels found at Indianford, offer potential dam maintenance challenges.
18420 DatabaseMcMurray, Stephen (Missouri Dept. of Conservation).2009Zebra mussel data points in Missouri.
9093 Journal ArticleMellina, E., and J.B. Rasmussen1994Patterns in the distribution and abundance of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in rivers and lakes in relation to substrate and other physicochemical factors
24148 DatabaseMichigan Sea Grant.2001Michigan Sea Grant Inland Lakes Zebra Mussel Infestation Monitoring Program Record December 2001.
24070 Web PageMichigan Sea Grant.2005Zebra Mussel Infestation: Michigan Inland Lakes 1992 - 2004.
24090 Web PageMichigan Sea Grant.2006Zebra Mussel Infestation: Michigan Inland Lakes 1992-2005.
27950 DatabaseMichigan State University Board of Trustees.2019Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN)
37885 DatabaseMI-EGLE2022Unpublished MI-EGLE Monitoring Data (2 spreadsheets)
21011 NewsMiller, R.2011Zebra mussels spread, but not to Candlewood.
13065 Journal ArticleMills, E.L., D.L. Strayer, M.D. Scheuerell, and J.T. Carlton1996Exotic species in the Hudson River basin: A history of invasions and introductions.
9084 Journal ArticleMills, E.L., R.M. Dermott, E.F. Roseman, D. Dustin, E. Mellina, D.B. Conn, and A.P. Spidle1993Colonization, ecology, and population structure of the quagga mussel (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) in the lower Great Lakes
24081 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2007Notice of Waters Identified and Designated as Infested Waters.
24082 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2007Zebra Mussels Confirmed in Ramsey County Lakes.
18817 ReportMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2009Department of Natural Resources Designation of Infested Waters - July 9, 2009.
24111 NewsMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2009Zebra mussels found on Lake Le Homme Dieu in Alexandria.
24728 ReportMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2010Designation of Infested Waters - December 28, 2010.
24140 NewsMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2011DNR updates list of waters infested with aquatic invasive species.
26948 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2014Crooked Lake designated as infested with zebra mussels
26950 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2014Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Melissa in Becker County
26951 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2014Zebra mussels confirmed in Pickerel Lake in Becker County
26960 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2014Zebra mussels discovered in 2 Crow Wing County lakes.
27010 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2014Zebra mussels confirmed in Cass Lake in Cass County.
28094 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2015Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Ida in Becker County, Lake Sylvia in Stearns County
28117 NewsMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2015Despite treatment, 16 zebra mussels confirmed in Christmas Lake.
28966 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2016Zebra mussels confirmed in 3 Minnesota lakes
33492 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2019Zebra mussels confirmed in South Twin Lake in Mahnomen County.
38153 NewsMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2022Zebra mussels confirmed in Buchanan Lake in Otter Tail County
38155 NewsMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2022Zebra mussels confirmed in Long Lake in Kandiyohi County
38161 NewsMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2022Zebra mussels confirmed in Clear Lake in Crow County
38600 NewsMinnesota Department of Natural Resources2022News release: Zebra mussels confirmed in Crooked Lake in Douglas County
29055 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2016Zebra mussels confirmed in 4 Minnesota lakes.
29082 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2016Boat lifts focus of 2 new zebra mussel reports. Minnesota DNR News #76.
29106 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2016Zebra mussels confirmed in Lower Cullen Lake and nearby Lake Hubert in Crow Wing County.
29156 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2016Zebra mussels confirmed in Kimble Lake in Crow Wing County.
29175 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2016Zebra mussels confirmed in Adley Lake in Otter Tail County.
29188 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2016Zebra mussels confirmed in Franklin Lake in Otter Tail County.
30326 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussels confirmed in Douglas County’s Burgen Lake
30348 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Minnesota River listed for zebra mussels, invasive carp.
30353 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussels confirmed in Whiskey Lake, Chippewa Lake in Douglas County.
30610 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussels confirmed in Ten Mile Lake in Otter Tail County.
30629 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Single zebra mussel confirmed in Lake Harriet.
30630 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussels confirmed in Lakeville’s Lake Marion.
30631 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussel larvae confirmed in Garfield Lake in Hubbard County.
30653 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussels confirmed in Grant County's Elk Lake.
30656 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussels confirmed in Kandiyohi County’s George Lake.
30749 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussels confirmed in lakes in Crow WIng, Itasca counties.
30763 OtherMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2017Zebra mussels confirmed in Medicine Lake in Hennepin County.
31507 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Norway Lake and Diamond Lake in Kandiyohi County. [Minnesota DNR presse release June 18, 2018]
31534 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Jewett Lake in Otter Tail County, Floyd Lake in Becker County.
31688 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Amelia Lake in Pope County.
31883 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Eagle Lake in Kandiyohi County.
31884 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in East Silent Lake in Otter Tail County
31941 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in 3 metro area lakes.
32074 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018DNR confirms zebra mussels in lakes downstream of West Battle Lake.
32075 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Barrett Lake in Grant County.
32082 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Blandin Reservoir near Grand Rapids.
32083 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Sauk Lake in Todd County.
32084 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Big Pine Lake in Aiken County.
32105 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Round Lake in Otter Tail County.
32146 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Bde Maka Ska in Minneapolis.
32190 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Walker Lake in Otter Tail County.
32201 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Big Fish Lake in Stearns County.
32202 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Sugar Lake in Wright County
32203 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Pomme de Terre lakes and Perkins Lake in Grant and Stevens counties.
32221 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmes in Lake Sarah in Murray County.
32222 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Elkhorn Lake in Kandiyohi County
32228 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in several central Minnesota lakes.
32229 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake RIley, Carver County.
32241 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Bemidji in Beltrami County.
33262 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Bone Lake in Washington County
33410 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Hand Lake in Cass County; Upper Cormorant Lake in Becker County.
33447 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Alexander in Morrison County.
33461 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Oscar in Douglas County.
33485 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Maple Lake in Wright County.
33519 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Rouchleau Mine Pit near Virginia.
33541 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Grants Lake in Douglas County, West McDonald Lake in Otter Tail County
33606 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in McCarron Lake in Ramsey County
33687 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussel confirmed in East Battle Lake in Otter Tail County.
33696 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussel confirmed in Long Lake, Ramsey County
33699 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Eagle Lake in Otter Tail County
33764 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Spectacle Lake in Isanti County.
33775 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussel larvae confirmed in Red Lake in Beltrami County.
33823 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Swan Lake in Otter Tail County
33845 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels in Minnesota's Ten Mile Lake, lomond Lake, McDonald Lake, and Lotus Lake.
33853 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Water sample reveals zebra mussel larvae in Lake of the Woods.
33860 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Pimushe Lake in Beltrami County.
33925 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2019DNR, Red Lake Band specialists provide update on zebra mussel larvae in Red Lake in Beltrami County.
34397 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in Farm Island Lake in Aitkin County.
34423 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in Ball Club Lake in Itasca County.
34430 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in Long Lake in Becker County.
34460 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in Long Lake in Hubbard County anf Pickerel Lake in Otter Tail County.
34471 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in Bowstring Lake in Itasca County.
34506 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in Big Watab Lake in Stearns County.
34592 DatabaseMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020List of Aquatic Nuisance Species Infested Waters.
34743 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in a Sherburne County lake for the first time.
34791 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in Pleasant Lake in Wright County.
34830 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confined in Lake Minnie-Belle in Meeker County.
34847 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in Piersons Lake in Carver County.
34877 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2020Zebra mussels confirmed in Big Lake and Mitchell Lake in Sherburne County.
36128 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Pine Mountain Lake in Cass County.
36129 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Roe Mine Pit in Crow Wing County.
36211 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra Mussels Confirmed in Big Lake in Beltrami County.
36267 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Cedar Lake in Aitkin County, St. James Mine Pit in St. Louis County.
36855 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussel larvae confirmed in Rainy Lake in St. Louis County.
36864 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra musselz confirmed in Horseshoe Lake in Crow County.
37199 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels conformed in Smith Lake and connected lakes in Crow Wing County
37200 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Owasso in Ramsey County.
37201 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Woman Lake in Cass County.
37338 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Mahnomen Lake and East Mahnomen Lake in Crow Wing County.
37339 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in South Long Lake in Crow Wing County.
37401 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Leek Lake and Trowbridge Lake in Otter Tail County.
37402 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussel confirmed in Waverly Lake in Wright County.
37403 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Henderson Lake in Kandiyohi County.
37404 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Leven in Pope County.
37670 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2021Zebra mussels confirmed in Thunder Lake in Cass County.
38000 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2022Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Pulaski in Wright County.
38223 NewsMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2022News release: Zebra mussels confirmed in Embarrass Mine Pit in St. Louis County
38225 NewsMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2022News release: Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Koronis in Stearns County
38230 Web PageMinnesota Department of Natural Resources.2022Zebra Mussels Confirmed in Limestone Lake in Wright County
27782 OtherMinnesota Dept. of Natural Resources2015Zebra mussels reported in Lake Stella in Meeker County.
31621 Web PageMinnesota Dept. of Natural Resources2018Zebra mussel confirmed in East Loon Lake in Otter Tail County.
36414 Journal ArticleMorrison, A.L., M.A. Thelen, S.E. Howe, K.D. Zimmer, B.R. Herwig, D.F. Staples, and M.C. McEachran.2021Impacts of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on isotopic niche size and niche overlap among fish species in a mesotrophic lake
27858 DatabaseMuseum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory2010Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
9095 Journal ArticleNalepa, T.F.1994Decline of native unionid bivalves in Lake St. Clair after infestation by the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha.
13238 Journal ArticleNalepa, T.F., D.W. Schloesser, S.A. Pothoven, D.W. Hondorp, D.L. Fanslow, M.L. Tuchman, and G.W. Fleischer2001First finding of the amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus and the mussel Dreissena bugensis in Lake Michigan
15973 DatabaseNalepa, Thomas.2003Quagga and zebra mussel locations in southern Lake Michigan.
30349 Web PageNebraska Game and Parks Commission.2017Carter Lake suspect for zebra mussels.
38989 Web PageNew Brunswick Invasive Species Council2022Zebra mussels detected in Saint John River Watershed for the first time
25977 DatabaseNorth Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences2013North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences invertebrate collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
34420 Web PageNorth Dakota Game and Fish2020Zebra Mussels Discovered in Lake LaMoure
36865 Web PageNorth Dakota Game and Fish Department.2021Zebra mussels discovered in Lake Elsie.
37956 Web PageOklahoma Department of Wildlife2022Invasive zebra mussels confirmed in Shawnee, Ardmore lakes.
31490 Journal ArticleOlson, J. J.J. Robertson, T.M. Swannack, R.F. McMahon, W.H. Nowlin, and A.N. Schwalb.2018Dispersal of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) downstream of an invaded reservoir.
17233 OtherO'Neill, Jr., C.R.1991Aquarium release places zebra mussels in Reservoir.
18417 DatabaseOntario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH)2010Exotic species data for Ontario, Canada (unpublished).
18386 DatabaseOntario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.2006Zebra mussel sightings (unpublished data).
19331 DatabaseOntario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.2009OFAH Database All Species - 2009 Download.
19515 ReportOntario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.2010Invading species awareness program for Ontario, annual report for 2009/10.
13758 OtherParendes, L., and J. Ashley.2003Zebra mussel invasion in Edinboro Lake and Conneauttee Creek, Pennsylvania.
13075 Web PagePennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.2000Zebra mussels found in Edinboro Lake, Prevention measures outlined.
24106 Web PagePennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.2008Zebra Mussel Found on Susquehanna River at Conowingo Dam in Maryland.
13073 Journal ArticlePerry, W.L., D.M. Lodge, and G.A. Lamberti1997Impact of crayfish predation on exotic zebra mussels and native invertebrates in a lake-outlet stream.
38046 NewsPrior Lake City Government2022Zebra mussels confirmed in Spring Lake, Scott County
32886 Web PageProvince of Manitoba2019Larval Stage Zebra Mussel Found in Shoal Lake, Ontario
34424 Web PageProvince of Manitoba2020Aquatic Species Update.
36413 Web PageProvince of Manitoba2021Province takes steps to contain zebra mussels following discovery in Lake Manitoba.
39060 Journal ArticlePugsley, C.W., P.N. Herbert, G.W. Wood, G. Brotea, and T.W. Obal1985Distribution of contaminants in clams and sediments from the Huron-Erie Corridor. I-PCBs and octachlorosytrene
13797 Journal ArticleRaikow, D.F., O. Sarnelle, A.E. Wilson, and S.K. Hamilton2004Dominance of the noxious cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa in low-nutrient lakes is associated with exotic zebra mussels.
18587 Journal ArticleRicciardi, A., and F.G. Whoriskey2004Exotic Species Replacement: Shifting Dominance of Dreissenid Mussels in the Soulanges Canal, Upper St. Lawrence River, Canada.
42873 Journal ArticleRicciardi, A., and J.M. Hill2023Passive transport of a zebra mussel attached to a freshwater fish: a novel Dreissena dispersal mechanism?
9000 Journal ArticleRicciardi, A., R. Serrouya, and F.G. Whorisky1995Aerial exposure tolerance of zebra and quagga mussels (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae): implications for overland dispersal.
18599 Book ChapterRiessen, H.P., T.A. Ferro, amd R.A. Kamman.1993Distribution of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veligers in easter Lake Erie during the first year of colonization.
33097 DatabaseRudstam, L.G.2019Lakewide zebra and quagga mussel summary, Oneida Lake, New York, 1992 to present
28352 DatabaseRyckman, Fred.2016Zebra mussel collection data in the Red River of North Dakota, 2010-2015.
27752 ReportSager, C., D. Routledge, and M. Mauck.2011Lake of the Arbuckles fisheries management plan
27756 ReportSager, C., D. Routledge, and M. Mauck.2011Lake Texoma fisheries management plan
27828 DatabaseSam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History2014Recent Invertebrates Specimens
17403 ReportSangel, P.2004Lake Champlain 2003 zebra mussel monitoring program.
13755 OtherSchaner, T., and G.C. LeTendre.1990Sightings of zebra mussel in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River in 1990.
9112 Journal ArticleSchloesser, D.W., and W.P. Kovalak1991Infestation of unionids by Driessena polymorpha in a power plant canal in Lake Erie.
41903 Journal ArticleSchwalb, A.N., D. Swearingen, J.J. Robertson, J.L. Locklin, J.S. Moore, and M. McGarrity2022Living on the edge: thermal limitations of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in Central Texas
28461 NewsSimmons, M.2016Invasive mussels spreading into area lakes.
13244 Journal ArticleSmith, D.G.1998Differences in siphonal anatomy between Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis (Mollusca: Dreissenidae) in Lake Ontario.
34493 Web PageSouth Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks2020Zebra mussels confirmd in Lake Cochrane.
34575 Web PageSouth Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks2020Zebra Mussels Found in Lake Kampeska.
38590 NewsSouth Dakota Dept. of Game, Fish and Parks2022Zebra mussels discovered in Blue Dog Lake
33417 NewsSouth Dakota Dept. of Game, Fish and Parks.2019Zebra mussels confirmed in Lake Sharpe.
31508 DatabaseSouth Dakota Game, Fish and Parks.2018Aquatic invasive species by waterbody
38732 Journal ArticleStolzenburg, W.1992The mussels' message
13062 Journal ArticleStrayer, D.L., and L.C. Smith2000Macroinvertebrates of a rocky shore in the freshwater tidal Hudson River.
33146 Web PageTexas Parks and Wildlife2019TPWD Fall Zebra Mussel Sampling Found No New Infested Lakes.
31100 Web PageTexas Parks and Wildlife Department2017The zebra mussel threat
31108 NewsTexas Parks and Wildlife Department2018New zebra mussel findings in central Texas lakes
31525 Web PageTexas Parks and Wildlife Department2018Invasive zebra mussels found in Grapevine Lake.
34181 Web PageTexas Parks and Wildlife Department2020Zebra Mussels Discovered for First Time in a West Texas Reservoir
35266 OtherTexas Parks and Wildlife Department2021Zebra Mussels Eradicated from Lake Waco in Central Texas.
27053 OtherTexas Parks and Wildlife Department.2014Zebra mussels spread to Lake Waco.
30030 Web PageTexas Parks and Wildlife Department.2017Zebra mussels discovered in Canyon Lake.
30750 OtherTexas Parks and Wildlife Department.2017Zebra mussels discovered in Richland Chambers Reservoir
30764 OtherTexas Parks and Wildlife Department.2017Zebra mussels spreading at lakes Georgtown, Livingston.
35684 OtherTexas Parks and Wildlife Department.2021Zebra mussels detected at Lake Brownwood.
35849 OtherTexas Parks and Wildlife Department.2021Lake Brownwood, Medina Lake, and Inks Lake Now Fully “Infested” with Zebra Mussels
35850 Web PageTexas Parks and Wildlife Department.2021Zebra Mussels Detected at Medina Lake, Lake Placid Designated as “Infested”
36789 Web PageTexas Parks and Wildlife Department.2021Lake Worth fully infested with zebra mussels.
33145 Web PageTexas Parks and Wildlife.2019The Zebra Mussel Threat
30031 Web polymorpha, zebra mussel.
24104 NewsThe Associated Press.2008Invasive mussels found in Grand Lake, 2 reservoirs.
25760 DatabaseThomas, J., and J. Spaeth2012Ohio River nonindigenous aquatic species 1992 - 2010 (unpublished).
32308 ReportTibbs, J., and M. Baird.2018Stillhouse Hollow Reservoir 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31096 NewsTPWD News2009Lone zebra mussel found in Lake Texoma
31097 NewsTPWD News2009Zebra mussels spreading in Texas
31098 NewsTPWD News2012Zebra mussels found in Lake Ray Roberts
31099 NewsTPWD News2013Zebra mussels documented in Lewisville Lake
18900 ReportU.S. Air Force.2009Final summary report, zebra mussel eradication project, Lake Offutt, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.
39842 DatabaseU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service2020Benthic Macroinvertebrate AIS Early Detection efforts on Lake Superior
14257 Web PageU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.2005National Wildlife Refuge System Invasive Species.
35212 DatabaseUniversity of Minnesota Bell Museum2019Bell Museum mollusks
24064 Web PageUniversity of Wisconsin Sea Grant.2011Zebra Mussel Watch.
24165 Web PageUnknown.2008PA Zebra and Quagga Mussel Monitoring Program.
19779 at high risk for destructive zebra mussel invasion.
39195 Journal ArticleVanassche, J.M., W.H. Wong, W.N. Harman, and M.F. Albright2014Early invasion records of zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) in Otsego Lake, New York
13433 Journal ArticleVanderploeg, H.A., J.R. Liebig, W.W. Carmichael, M.A. Agy, T.H. Johengen, G.L. Fahnenstiel, and T.F. Nalepa2001Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) selective filtration promoted toxic Microcystis blooms in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) and Lake Erie.
37714 NewsVaughn-Holdridge, V.2021Zebra mussels invade Copcake Lake.
24101 Web PageVermont Department of Environmental Conservation.2011Lake Champlain Zebra Mussel Monitoring Program.
28787 DatabaseVinsel, R., and J. Tiemann2016Exotic aquatic mollusk collections in the Illinois Natural History Survey.
42341 NewsWater Canada2023Fisheries and Oceans Canada and its partners confirm the arrival of zebra mussels in New Brunswick
28667 ReportWater Resource Services.2015Laurel Lake drawdown 2015 report
36866 NewsWatertown Radio2021Zera mussels found in Lake Mitchell.
32223 ReportWestern Regional Panel Members2018Member Update Reports for the Western Regional Panel Meeting
19606 Journal ArticleWimbush, J., M.E. Frischer, J.W. Zarzynski, and S.A. Nierzwicki-Bauer2009Eradication of colonizing populations of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) by early detection and SCUBA removal: Lake George, NY.
27924 DatabaseWisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR).2017Lakes and rivers with invasives species
32219 DatabaseWisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR).2018Surface Water Integrated Monitoring System (SWIMS)
27104 Web PageWisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WIDNR)2014Zebra Mussel Locations.
24124 NewsWisconsin Department of Natural Resources.2010Zebra mussels found in Wisconsin Lake.
24110 Web PageWisconsin Department of Natural Resources.2012Wisconsin Waters with Zebra Mussels.
29170 OtherWisconsin Department of Natural Resources.2016Public asked to report zebra mussels and other invasive species to prevent the spread.
32230 DatabaseWisconsin Department of Natural Resources.2018Zebra mussel locations in Wisconsin.
17929 DatabaseWisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources.2008Aquatic Invasive Species Lists and Maps.
19334 DatabaseWisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources.2010Aquatic Invasives Data and Maps.
24083 DatabaseWisconsin Sea Grant.2002Zebra Mussel Infestations.
24152 Web PageWisconsin Sea Grant.2003Wisconsin Inland Waters With Zebra Mussels.
30975 NewsWisse, J.1982Wildlife News
26189 ReportWormington, A., C.A. Timmins, and R.M. Dermott.1993Distribution of zebra mussels on Canadian navigation buoys on the Great Lakes and upper St. Lawrence River, December 1992.
26830 DatabaseWunderlich, M.20122012 Eastern Finger Lakes Benthic Aquatic Invertebrate Assessment (unpublished).
24164 Web PageZoltak, J.2010Ontario Zebra Mussel Distribution.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [12/10/2024].

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