Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Mills, E.L., D.L. Strayer, M.D. Scheuerell, and J.T. Carlton. 1996. Exotic species in the Hudson River basin: A history of invasions and introductions. Estuaries 19(4):814-823.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 13065
Type: Journal Article
Author: Mills, E.L., D.L. Strayer, M.D. Scheuerell, and J.T. Carlton
Date (year): 1996
Article Title:Exotic species in the Hudson River basin: A history of invasions and introductions.
Journal Name: Estuaries
Volume: 19
Issue: 4
Pages: 814-823
Keywords: invertebrates, fish, mollusks, crustaceans, plants, Hudson River, New York
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Alasmidonta marginata

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Ambloplites rupestris

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Amia calva

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Aplodinotus grunniens

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Bithynia tentaculata

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Campostoma anomalum

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Carassius auratus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Cipangopaludina chinensis

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Cordylophora caspia

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Craspedacusta sowerbii

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Ctenopharyngodon idella

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Cyprinus carpio

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Dreissena polymorpha

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Elimia livescens

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Esox lucius

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Esox lucius × masquinongy

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Faxonius immunis

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Faxonius obscurus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Faxonius rusticus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Faxonius virilis

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Fusconaia flava

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Gambusia affinis

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Ichthyomyzon unicuspis

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Lampsilis cardium

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Lepomis cyanellus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Lepomis gulosus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Leptodea fragilis

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Micropterus dolomieu

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Micropterus salmoides

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Morone chrysops

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Nocomis biguttatus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Notropis atherinoides

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Notropis stramineus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Noturus miurus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Percina caprodes

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Percina peltata

    NY - Hudson River, cove north of Kingston Point.

Pimephales promelas

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Pisidium amnicum

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Pleurocera acuta

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Pomoxis annularis

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Potamilus alatus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Procambarus acutus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Pyganodon grandis

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Radix auricularia

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Rhodeus sericeus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Ripistes parasita

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Salmo trutta

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Sander vitreus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Scardinius erythrophthalmus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Sphaerium corneum

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Umbra limi

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Valvata piscinalis

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]

Viviparus georgianus

    NY - Hudson River, freshwater tidal reach north of River Mile 30 (~168km upriver)[near Haverstraw]


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/1/2025].

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