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Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. 2009. OFAH Database All Species - 2009 Download.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 19331
Type: Database
Author: Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.
Date (year): 2009
Title:OFAH Database All Species - 2009 Download.
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Keywords: [Dark blue colored rows have been entered in NAS.]
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Butomus umbellatus

    ON - Moira Lake, Hastings Co. Huntingdon Twp. near Madoc
    ON - Moira River, Hastings Co., Hungerford Twp., near Actinolite and mouth of Skootamatta River
    ON - Stony Lake, Peterborough Co., Dummer Twp., near Crow's Landing and Catfish Bay, 0.5m depth
    ON - Trent River, Hastings Co., Sidney Twp., near Stirling at Glen Ross
    ON - Winnipeg River, Kenora District, Minaki to Little Sand Lake

Bythotrephes longimanus

    ON - Adelaide Lake, Algoma District, Olsen Township, Sault St Marie MNR District
    ON - Balsam Lake
    ON - Bark Lake, Renfrew County, Jones Township
    ON - Bark Lake, Haliburton County, Dudley Township
    ON - Bass Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Medora Township
    ON - Bear Lake, Sudbury District
    ON - Bear Lake, Haliburton County, Livingstone Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Beech Lake, Haliburton County, Stanhope Township, Bancroft MNR District
    ON - Bell Lake, Manitoulin District, Goschen Township,
    ON - Bella Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Sinclair Township
    ON - Big Bissett Lake, Renfrew County, Maria Twp.
    ON - Big Gull Lake, Frontenac County, Clarendon Twp.
    ON - Big Hawk Lake, Haliburton County, Stanhope Township
    ON - Biscotasi Lake, Sudbury District, Lillie Township, Chapleau MNR District
    ON - Boshkung Lake, Haliburton County, Stanhope Township
    ON - Bruce Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Medora Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Lower Buckthorn Lake, Peterborough County, Harvey Township
    ON - Calabogie Lake, Renfrew County, Bagot Township,
    ON - Carlyle Lake, Manitoulin District, Carlyle Township
    ON - Centennial Lake, near Renfrew
    ON - Chiblow Lake, Algoma District, Scarfe Township, Sault Ste Marie MNR District
    ON - Clear Lake, Parry Sound District, Humphrey Township,
    ON - Clear Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Wood Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Clear Lake, Ontario, Canada
    ON - Clearsilver Lake, Manitoulin District, Goschen Township
    ON - Clearwater Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Stephenson Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Crane Lake, Parry Sound District, Conger Township
    ON - Cross Lake, Nipissing District, Torrington Township,
    ON - Cummings Lake, Algoma District, Gould Township
    ON - Devine Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Stephenson Township
    ON - Diamond Lake, Hastings County, Herschel Twp.
    ON - Doe Lake, Parry Sound District, Mcmurrich Township,
    ON - Dotty Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Finlayson Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Drag Lake, Haliburton County, Dudley Township
    ON - Dunlop Lake, Algoma District, Bouck Township
    ON - Dyson Lake, Parry Sound District, Humphrey Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Eagle Lake, Parry Sound District, Machar Township, Ontario, Canada
    ON - Fergusons Lake, Renfrew County, Blithfield Township
    ON - Fletcher Lake, Haliburton County, Mcclintock Twp., Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Flower Lake, Kenora District, Dryden MNR District
    ON - Go Home Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Gibson Twp., Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Golden Lake, Renfrew County, Algona Twp.
    ON - Granary Lake, Algoma District, Mack Township
    ON - Greenwood Lake, Thunder Bay District
    ON - Gull Lake, Haliburton County, Lutterworth Township
    ON - Gunflint Lake, Thunder Bay District,
    ON - Halls Lake, Haliburton County, Stanhope Township
    ON - Hanes Lake, Algoma District, Gapp Township
    ON - Harp Lake
    ON - Head Lake, 0 km to Haliburton
    ON - Healey Lake, Parry Sound District, Conger Township
    ON - Helen Lake, Sudbury District, Nearest Town: Killarney, 15 km SE., Roosevelt Township,
    ON - Henshaw Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Medora Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Horseshoe Lake, Haliburton County, Minden Township
    ON - Kamaniskeg Lake, Hastings County, Bangor Township
    ON - S. Kashagawigamog Lake, Minden Township
    ON - Kashwakamak Lake
    ON - Kecil Lake, Sudbury District, Victoria Township
    ON - Lake Duborne, Algoma District, Striker Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Elgin County
    OH - Lake Erie, Elgin County
    OH - Lake Erie, Elgin County
    OH - Lake Erie, Elgin County
    ON - Lake Erie, Elgin County
    ON - Lake Erie, Elgin County
    ON - Lake Erie, Niagara Regional Municipality, Nearest Town: Port Colborne
    ON - Lake Manitou, 0 km to Sandfield
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Rainy River District, Spohn Township, Fort Frances MNR District
    NY - Lake Ontario, Nearest Landmark: Somerset area, KM
    NY - Lake Ontario, Northumberland County, Nearest Intersection: Hamlin Beach State Park.
    ON - Lake Ontario, Northumberland County
    ON - Lake Ontario, Northumberland County
    ON - Lake Ontario, Northumberland County
    NY - Lake Ontario, Northumberland County, Nearest Intersection: Braddock Bay area.
    ON - Lake Superior, Thunder Bay District, Nearest Landmark: Cloud Bay, KM
    ON - Lake Superior, Thunder Bay District, Nearest Landmark: Terrace Bay, KM
    ON - Lake Superior, Thunder Bay District, Nearest Landmark: Batchawana Bay, KM
    ON - Lake Superior, Thunder Bay District, Nearest Town: NeebingNearest Intersection: Little Trout Bay.
    ON - Lake Superior, Thunder Bay District, Nearest Town: Goulais Bay
    ON - Larder Lake, Timiskaming District, Hearst Township, Kirkland Lake MNR District
    ON - Leech Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Oakley Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Little Boshkung Lake, Haliburton County, Minden Township, Bancroft MNR District
    ON - Little Chiblow Lake, Algoma District, Montgomery Township, Sault Ste Marie MNR District
    ON - Little Hawk Lake, Haliburton County, Stanhope Township,
    MI - Little Trout Bay, Thunder Bay District
    ON - Livingstone Lake, Haliburton County, Livingstone Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Mackavoy Lake, Lennox and Addington County, Nearest Town: Township of Addington Highland, Effingham Township
    ON - Low Lake, Sudbury District, Nearest Town: Killarney, 15 km SE., Killarney Township
    ON - Maple Lake, Haliburton County, Stanhope Township
    ON - Mary Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Stephenson Township
    ON - Matinenda Lake, Algoma District, Timmermans Township
    ON - Mountain Lake, Haliburton County, Monmouth Township, Bancroft MNR District
    MN - Namakan Lake, Rainy River District, Nearest Intersection: Jug Island, 1 km W.
    ON - Otter Lake, Haliburton County, Mcclintock Township
    ON - Otter Lake, Parry Sound District, Foley Township
    ON - Oxbow Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Finlayson Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Paint Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Ridout Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Papineau Lake, Hastings County, Bangor Township
    ON - Peninsula Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Chaffey Township
    ON - Portage Lake, Parry Sound District, Conger Township,
    ON - Rainy Lake, Rainy River District, Halkirk Township
    ON - Rainy River, Rainy River District, Nearest Town: Fort Frances, KM , Crozier Township, Fort Frances MNR District
    ON - Red Cedar Lake, Nipissing District, Nearest Town: Marten River, 7 km SE., Mccallum Township
    ON - Rebecca Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Sinclair Township
    ON - Red Pine Lake, Haliburton County, Nearest Town: Township of Algonquin Highland, Sherborne Township,
    ON - Round Lake, Renfrew County, Brougham Township, Pembroke MNR District
    ON - Saganaga Lake, Thunder Bay District
    ON - Saganagons Lake, Thunder Bay District, Fort Frances MNR District
    ON - Shebandowan Lakes, Thunder Bay District, Nearest Landmark: west shore middle of lake, KM, Haines Township,
    ON - Silver Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Morrison Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Silver Lake, Parry Sound District, Humphrey Township
    ON - Sinaminda Creek, Algoma District, Del Villano Township
    ON - Skeleton Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Watt Township
    ON - Solitaire Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Nearest Town: Limberlost Lodge, Sinclair Township
    ON - St. Nora Lake, Haliburton County, Nearest Town: Township of Algonquin Highland, Sherborne township, Bancroft MNR District
    ON - Sturgeon Lake, Kawartha Lakes Division, Fenelon Township
    ON - Sucker Lake, Parry Sound District, Humphrey Township
    ON - Temagami River, Nipissing District, Crerar Township
    ON - Tobacco Lake, Manitoulin District, Gordon Township, Sudbury MNR District
    ON - Tunnel Lake, Algoma District, Gould Township
    ON - Twelve Mile Lake, Haliburton County, Minden Township
    ON - Upper Island Lake, Algoma District, Aweres Township
    ON - Virtue Lake, Parry Sound District, Christie Township
    ON - Wakomata Lake, Algoma District, Casson Township, Sault Ste Marie MNR District
    ON - Walker Lake, Sudbury District, Truman Township
    ON - Whitefish Lake, Parry Sound District, Humphrey Township
    ON - Windermere Lake, Sudbury District, Druillettes Township, Chapleau MNR District
    ON - Wolfe Lake, Frontenac County, South Canonto Township
    ON - Young Lake, Muskoka District Municipality, Watt Township, Parry Sound MNR District
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    ON - Georgian Bay, Manitoulin District
    ON - Georgian Bay, Manitoulin District, Nearest Town: TobermoryNearest Intersection: Little Dunk's Bay, Leslie Shoal S of Cove Is.
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County, Nearest Town: TobermoryNearest Intersection: Lighthouse At Tobermory.
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce County
    MI - Lake Huron, Bruce County
    ON - Lake Huron, Bruce County
    ON - Lake Huron, Bruce County
    ON - Lake Huron, Bruce County
    ON - Lake Huron, Huron County, Stanley Township
    MI - Lake Huron
    MI - Lake Huron
    MI - Lake Huron
    MI - Lake Huron
    MI - Lake Huron
    MI - Lake Michigan, Berrien County [likely off mouth of St. Joseph River]
    MI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    IL - Lake Michigan
    IL - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan, Allegan County [likely off Saugatuck]
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    IL - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan, Allegan County [likely off Saugatuck]
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan, Ottawa County
    MI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Michigan

Cabomba caroliniana

    ON - Kasshabog Lake, Methuen Twp.
    ON - Kasshabog Lake, Methuen Twp.
    ON - North River, Peterborough Co.,
    ON - South Lake, Peterborough Co.,
    ON - South Lake, Peterborough Co., shallow bay, 0.75m
    ON - South Lake, Peterborough Co.,
    ON - North River, Methuen Twp., Peterborough Co.

Carassius auratus

    ON - Ancaster Creek, Hamilton Division,
    ON - Ancaster Creek, Hamilton Division,
    ON - Baker Creek, Niagara Regional Municipality, Willoughby Twp.
    ON - Baker Creek, Niagara Regional Municipality, Willoughby Twp., Near mouth at Niagara Parkway
    ON - Big Creek, Marsh near Holiday Beach Provincial park, Malden Twp., Essex Co.,
    ON - Big Creek, Essex Co.,
    ON - Big Otter Creek, Elgin Co.,
    ON - Brock Creek, Elgin Co., Aldborough Twp., Near Eagle, Water Treatment Plant.
    ON - Canard River, Sandwich Twp., Essex Co.,
    ON - Canard River, Anderdon Twp., Essex Co.,
    ON - Catfish Creek, Dorchester Twp., Elgin Co.,
    ON - Cedar Creek, Gosfield Twp., Essex Co.,
    ON - Cedar Creek, Colchester, Twp., Essex Co., S of Hwy 18

Cercopagis pengoi

    NY - Canandaigua Lake
    NY - Cross Lake (Cross Lake is part of the Erie Canal)
    ON - Lake Erie, Essex Co., Ontario near Amherstburg and inflow of the Detroit River
    MI - Lake Michigan near Grand Traverse Bay
    IL - Lake Michigan, Waukegan Harbour
    ON - Lake Ontario, Northumberland Co., near Gosport.
    ON - Lake Onario, Peterborough Co., Marysburgh Twp.
    ON - Lake Ontario, Lennox and Addington County, near Kingston, Between False duck, Yorkshire & Main Duck Islands
    ON - Lake Ontario, Durham Regional Municipality, near Port Whitby
    ON - Lake Ontario, Northumberland Co.,
    ON - Lake Ontario
    NY - Otisco Lake, near Finger Lakes
    NY - Seneca Lake
    NY - Cayuga Lake
    NY - Owasco Lake
    ON - St. Lawrence River, Leeds and Grenville Co.,

Cipangopaludina chinensis

    ON - Moira Lake, Dummer Twp., Peterborough Co., 2km east of Madoc, ONT
    ON - Stony Lake, Dummer Twp., Peterborough Co, near Mt. Eagle Island
    ON - Stony Lake, Dummer Twp., Peterborough Co., Near Fairy Lake Island.

Dreissena bugensis

    ON - Hamilton Harbour, Barton Twp., CCIW Breakwall
    ON - Lake Erie, Elgin Co., near Port Stanley navigational buoy
    ON - Lake Erie, Elgin Co near Port Stanley, inshore
    ON - Lake Huron, Bruce Co., South Bay
    ON - Lake Ontario, Marysburgh Twp., Northumberland Co., Near Picton and Smith Bay
    NY - Lake Ontario [N of Rochester]
    ON - Lake Simcoe, Georgina Twp., York Regional Municipality, near Sutton,
    ON - Lake Simcoe, North Gwillimbury Twp., York Regional Municipality, near Sutton and Fox Island
    ON - Lake Simcoe, Oro Twp., Simcoe Co. near Eight Mile Pt.
    ON - Lake Simcoe, Innisfil Twp., York Regional Municipality, near Sutton and Big Bay Pt.
    MN - Lake Superior, near Duluth-Superior Harbor
    ON - Rideau River, Montague Twp., Lenark Co., near Smith Falls and Old Slys Lock

Dreissena polymorpha

    ON - Adams Lake, Lanark County
    ON - Farren Lake, Lanark County
    ON - Lyndhurst Lake, Leeds and Grenville County
    ON - Otty Lake, Lanark County
    ON - Paugh Lake, Renfrew County
    ON - Red Horse Lake, Leeds and Grenville Counties, Lansdowne Twp.
    ON - Big Cedar Lake, Peterborough County, Burgess Twp.
    ON - Black Creek, Halimand-Norfolk Reg. Munic., Woodhouse Twp.
    ON - Black Donald Lake, Renfrew County, Brougham Twp.
    ON - Bobs Lake, Frontenac County, Bedford Twp.
    ON - Ottawa River at Browns Bay, Renfrew County, Horton Twp.
    ON - Burridge Lake, Frontnac County, Bedford Twp.
    ON - Big Gull Lake, Frontenac County, Clarendon Twp.
    ON - Cameron Lake, Kawartha Lakes Division, Fenelon Twp.
    ON - Christie Lake, Lanark County, South Sherbrooke Twp.
    ON - Clear Lake, Frontenac County, Hinchinbrooke Twp.
    ON - Davern Lake, Lanark County, South Sherbrooke Twp.
    ON - Consecon Lake, Prince Edward Division, Ameliasburgh Twp.
    ON - Golden Lake, Renfrew County, Algona Twp.
    ON - Ottawa River, at Lac Coulonge, Renfrew County, Westmeath Twp.
    ON - Long Lake, Lanark County, Burgess Twp.
    ON - Ottawa River at Lower Allumette Lake, Renfrew County, Westmeath Twp.
    ON - Lynn River, Haldimand-Norfolk Reg. Muni., Woodhouse Twp.
    ON - Mill Pond, Leeds and Grenville United Counties, Burgess Twp.
    ON - Mosque Lake, Frontenac County, Miller Twp.
    ON - Muskrat River, Renfrew County, Pembroke Twp.
    ON - Steenburg Lake, Hastings County, Limerick Twp.
    ON - Young Lake, Kawartha Lakes Division, Dalton Twp.
    ON - Femoy Lake, Frontenac County, Bedford Twp.
    ON - Flower Round Lake, Lanark County, Lavant Twp.
    ON - Big Rideau Lake at Hoggs Bay, Lanark County, Burgess Twp.
    ON - Little Crosby Lake, Leeds and Grenville County, North Crosby Twp.
    ON - Loon Lake, Lanark County, Burgess Twp.
    ON - McLaren Lake, Lanark County, Burgess Twp.
    ON - Rainbow Lake, Lanark County, South Sherbrooke Twp.
    ON - Raven Lake, Haliburton County, Sherborne Twp.
    ON - Robertson Lake, Lanark County, Lavant Twp.
    ON - Sand Lake, Frontenac County, Clarendon Twp.
    ON - Tommy Lake, Leeds and Grenville Counties, North Crosby Twp.
    ON - Westport Sand Lake, Leeds and Grenville United Counties, North Crosby Twp.
    ON - Wolfe Lake, Frontenac County, North Crosby Twp.
    ON - Eagle Lake, Frontenac County, Hinchinbrooke Twp., Ontario, Canada
    ON - Shabomeka Lake, Frontenac County, Barrie Twp.
    ON - Big Bissett Lake, Renfrew County, Maria Twp.
    ON - Diamond Lake, Hastings County, Herschel Twp.
    ON - Madawaska River, Renfrew County, Mcnab Twp.
    ON - Big Clear Lake, Frontenac County, Kennebec Twp.
    ON - Jack Lake, Peterborough County, Methuen Twp.
    ON - Constance Lake, Ottawa Division, March Twp.
    ON - Julian Lake, Peterborough County, Burleigh Twp.
    ON - Jeffreys Lake, Renfrew County, Ross Twp.
    ON - White Lake, Renfrew County, Bagot Twp.
    ON - Kangaroo Lake, Lanark County, Dalhousie Twp.
    ON - Lake Kagawong, Manitoulin District, Allan Twp.
    ON - Grippen Lake, Leeds and Grenville United Counties, Leeds Twp.

Echinogammarus ischnus

    ON - Detroit River, Malden Twp., Essex Co., south shore at river mouth, 1m depth
    ON - Lake Erie, Elgin Co., near Pelee Island - Mill Pt. Rd., 0.5m depth

Esox niger

    ON - Lake Ontario, near Parrot Bay, Ernestown Twp. Lennox and Addington Co., ONT

Faxonius rusticus

    ON - Arrow River
    ON - Balsam Lake
    ON - Balsam Lake
    ON - Balsam Lake
    ON - Barlow Creek
    ON - Basswood Lake
    ON - Basswood Lake
    ON - Beaver Creek
    ON - Beaver Creek
    ON - Beaver River
    ON - Berford Lake
    ON - Berford Lake
    ON - Berford Lake
    ON - Berford Lake
    ON - Berry Lake at the Lodge, KM
    ON - Berry Lake at the Lodge, KM
    ON - Big Bald Lake
    ON - Big Gull Lake @ outlet/ 7.2m SSE Ardoch
    ON - Big Gull Lake @ outlet/ 7.2m SSE Ardoch
    ON -
    ON - Black Creek
    ON - luther marsh dam
    ON -
    ON - Dumfries Township
    ON - Bobcaygeon River, Harvey Township
    ON - Bobcaygeon River, Harvey Township
    ON - Bonnechere River, Horton Township; from Golden Lake to Renfrew
    ON - Bonnechere River, North Algona Township
    ON - Brassils Creek, BrassilsCreek@PadenRd
    ON - Brassils Creek, Marlborough Township
    ON - Brassils Creek, BrassilsCreek@PadenRd
    ON - Brassils Creek, BrassilsCreek@PadenRd
    ON - Bridal Veil Falls, above and below falls, Billings Township
    ON - Bruce Creek; Markham Township
    ON - Bruce Creek; Markham Township
    ON - Buckhorn Lake; Harvey Township
    ON - Buckhorn Lake; 6km NE Buckhorn, Harvey Township
    ON - Buckshot Creek, Clarendon Township
    ON - Buckshot Creek, Clarendon Township
    ON - Buckshot Creek, Clarendon Township
    ON - Buckshot Creek, Clarendon Township
    ON - Buckshot Creek, Clarendon Township
    ON - Buckshot Creek, Plevna,Hwy509/BuckshotCrk, Clarendon Township
    ON - Burnley Creek, Percy Township, Warkworth is closest town
    ON - Cavan Creek, Monaghan Township
    ON - Chandos Lake
    ON - Chandos Lake
    ON - Chemong Lake, Ennismore Township
    ON - Coon Lake, Burleigh Township
    ON - Crowe Lake, Marmora
    ON - Crystal Lake, Galway Township
    ON - Dales Creek, Oxford On Rideau Township
    ON - Deer Bay, Smith Township
    ON - Deer Bay Creek, Harvey Township
    ON - Devil Lake Creek, Frontenac Park off Devil lake Road, Bedford Township
    ON - Dogpaw Lake,outflow frDogpaw L.,L.of theWoods,WhitefishBay
    ON - Drag Lake, Haliburton County, Dudley Township
    ON - Drag Lake, Haliburton County, Dudley Township
    ON - Drag River, Snowdon Township
    ON - Duffins Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - Dummer Lake, Dummer Township
    ON - East Cross Creek, EastCrossCreek/Hwy7a, Cartwright Township
    ON - East Cross Creek, EastCrossCreek/Hwy7a, Cartwright Township
    ON - Eels Creek, Harvey Township
    ON - Eels Lake, Nearest Town: Haultain, Burleigh Township
    ON - Eels Lake, Nearest Town: Haultain, Burleigh Township
    ON - Emily Creek, Verulam Township
    ON - Emily Creek, Verulam Township
    ON - Eramosa River, Guelph Township
    ON - Eramosa River, Guelph Township
    ON - Eramosa River, EremosaR@EdenMills bridge, Eramosa Township
    ON - Fairchild Creek,Nearest Town: St. George, Dumfries Township
    ON - Fairchild Creek, Nearest Town: Paris, W from sighting and Nearest Landmark: tributary of Fairchild Creek, Brantford Township
    ON - Fairchild Creek, tributary of Fairchild Creek near McLean School Rd, Dumfries Township
    ON - Fairchild Creek, Nearest Town: Brantford, S from sighting and Nearest Landmark: tributary, Dumfries Township
    ON - Fairchild Creek, Dumfries Township
    ON - Fawn Lake, Fawn Lake @ outlet /2.1km ESE Ardoch, Clarendon Township
    ON - Fawn Lake, Fawn Lake @ outlet /2.1km ESE Ardoch, Clarendon Township
    ON - Fenelon River, Fenelon Township
    ON - Fleetwood Creek, Nearest Town: Bethany, 5 KM W from sighting and Nearest Landmark: at rd. 32 S of 7A, Manvers Township
    ON - Fleetwood Creek, Porter Road ,2.1km SW Bethany, Manvers Township
    ON - Four Mile Lake, Somerville Township
    ON - Ganaraska River, Nearest Town: Campbellcroft,Nearest Landmark: Glenvalley road, Hope Township
    ON - Georgian Bay, Nearest Town: Cape Rich, Nearest Landmark: minnow trail
    ON - Georgian Bay, Nearest Town: South Bruce Peninsula, Nearest Intersection: Colpoy's Bay,
    ON - Gore Bay, Gordon Township
    ON - Grand River, Nearest Intersection: Waldermar, Amaranth Township
    ON - Grand River, Nearest Intersection: Hwy 9, Amaranth Township
    ON - Hawkestone Creek, Oro Township
    ON - Head lake, Dysart Township
    ON - Head lake, Dysart Township
    ON - Holland River, East Branch, East Gwillimbury Township
    ON - Humber River
    ON - Hurds Creek, Grattan Township
    ON - Hutton Creek, Nepean Township
    ON - Indian Rier, Otonabee Township
    ON - Indian River, Nearest Landmark: Indian River/Hwy, Otonabee Township
    ON - Indian River, Nearest Town: Keene, 1 KM N from sighting, Otonabee Township
    ON - Indian River, Nearest Town: Keene, 1 KM N from sighting, Otonabee Township
    ON - Indian River, Otanabee Township
    ON - Indian River, Otanabee Township
    ON - Indian River, Nearest Landmark: East Branch Indian River/ Co Road 38, Warsaw, Otonabee Township
    ON - Indian River, Nearest Landmark: West Branch Indian River/ Co Road 4, Warsaw, Otonabee Township
    ON - Jack Lake, Peterborough County, Methuen Twp.
    ON - Jackfish River, Corrigal Township
    ON - Jock River, Nearest Landmark: mouth of the Jock River, Nepean Township
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township, Nearest Landmark: JockR/GreenbankRd
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township, Nearest Landmark: Jock R/MoodieDrive
    ON - Jock River, Nearest Landmark: mouth of the Jock River, Nepean Township
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township, Nearest Landmark: JockR/GreenbankRd
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township, Nearest Landmark: Jock R/MoodieDrive
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township, Nearest Landmark: JockR/GreenbankRd
    ON - Jock River, Nearest Landmark: mouth of the Jock River, Nepean Township
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township, Nearest Landmark: JockR/GreenbankRd
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township, Nearest Landmark: above mouth at Canal river near Hwy16
    ON - Jock River, Nearest Landmark: JockR just blwRichmond weir, Goulbourn Township
    ON - Jock River, Goulbourn Township, Nearest Landmark: JockR/EaglesonDr/1.6kmNNE Richmond
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township, Nearest Landmark: Jock R/MoodieDrive
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township, Nearest Landmark: JockR,abv OldHwy16 bridge
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township
    ON - Jock River, Nepean Township
    ON - Julian Lake, Peterborough County, Burleigh Twp.
    ON - Kaministiquia River, Neebing Township
    ON - Kashagawigam Lake, Miden Township
    ON - Kashagawigam Lake, Miden Township
    ON - Kasshabog Lake, Methuen Twp.
    ON - Katchewanooka Lake
    ON - Katchewanooka Lake
    ON - Lake Clear, Sebastopol Township
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Mcgeorge Township
    ON - Lake of the Woods in Ontario, Canada
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Landmark: Lobstick Bay
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Landmark: Long Bay, N of Coral Portage
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Landmark: Reed Narrows bridge
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Landmark: Berry Creek at Hwy71
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Landmark: ReedNarrows bridge
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Landmark: Sammons Bay, N of Sioux Narrows airstrip
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Sioux Narrows, Nearest Landmark: Regina Bay, 3.8 KM SE from sighting, Willingdon Township
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Willingdon Township, Nearest Landmark: Regina Bay, Sioux Narrows Provincial Park
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Landmark: Long Bay, island just E of Rendezvous Pt
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Landmark: small island Rendezvous Pt,Long Bay, 1.3 KM E from sighting
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Mcquarrie Township, Nearest Landmark: Long Bay, N shore of Rendezvous Pt
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Landmark: Long Bay,island 1.6 km WNW Rendezvous Pt
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Intersection: Sabaskong Bay
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Intersection: Sabaskong Bay
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting and Nearest Landmark: Garden Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, KM N from sighting
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Oak Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Bell Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Hayter Peninnsula - Whitefish Bay,
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Regina Bay
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Cochrane Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: La Verendyre Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Rendevous Point
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Yellow Girl Bay
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Bishop Point
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Chrisholm Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Shore Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Cresent Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting, Nearest Landmark: Barrier Islands
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting and Nearest Landmark: Middle Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting and Nearest Landmark: Cocksrew Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods, Nearest Town: Kenora, N from sighting and Nearest Landmark: Wolfe Island
    ON - Lake of the Woods
    ON - Lake Ontario
    ON - Lake Ontario
    ON - Lake Ontario
    ON - Lake Scugog, Cartwright Township
    ON - Lake Simcoe, Nearest Landmark: Sibbald Point Provincial Park, 0 KM S from sighting
    ON - Lake Simcoe, Nearest Town: Beaverton, Nearest Landmark: Mouth Beaverton River
    ON - Lake St. John, Rama Township
    MN - Lake Superior, Nearest Intersection: Bong Bridge/ Duluth- Superior Harbor
    MN - Lake Superior, Nearest Intersection: Blatnik Bridge
    ON - Lake Travers, White Township, Nearest Town: Deux Riviere
    ON - Lake Travers, Nearest Town: Deux Rivieres, 30 KM SE from sighting, Nearest Landmark: NRC Radio Observatory, White Township
    ON - Lenore Lake, Pardee Township
    ON - Little Bob Channel, Verulam Township
    ON - Little Pine River, Crooks Township
    ON - Little Rouge Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - Little Rouge Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - Little Rouge Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - Little Rouge Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - Little Rouge Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - Little Rouge Creek, Nearest Town: Toronto, Nearest Landmark: east of Meadowvale
    ON - Lovers Creek, Innisfil Township
    ON - Lyn Creek, Nearest Landmark: LynCreek/Hwy2
    ON - Madawaska River, Renfrew County, Mcnab Twp.
    ON - Magnetawan River, Nearest Landmark: between Emsdale and Kearney, Wallbridge Township
    ON - Mariposa Brook, Nearest Town: Taylor Corners, Mariposa Township
    ON - McLaren Creek, Fenelon Township
    ON - Milkshake Lake, Sibley Township
    ON - Mississagua River, Harvey Township
    ON - Mississippi River, Nearest Landmark: Hwy7/MississippiR, Innisville, Drummond Township
    ON - Mississippi River, Nearest Landmark: Meyers Cave, Barrie Township
    ON - Mississippi River, Nearest Landmark: Ardoch @ bridge, Clarendon Township
    ON - Mississippi River, Fitzroy Township
    ON - Moira Lake, Huntington Township
    ON - Moira Lake, Nearest Town: Madoc, Huntington Township
    ON - Moore Lake, Lutterworth Township
    ON - Munuscong Channel, Nearest Town: Kelden, Nearest Landmark: Mouth of Munscong River (US)
    ON - Muskrat river, Nearest Town: Meath, Nearest Landmark: @Hwy17, Westmeath Township
    ON - Muskrat River, Nearest Landmark: Muskrat River @ Hwy 17 0.6 km NW Meath, Westmeath Township
    ON - Napanee River, Nearest Landmark: Napanee River @ Yarker, Richmond Township
    ON - Neebing-McIntyre Floodway, 0 km to Thunder Bay
    ON - No Waterbody, Nearest Town: Collingwood, Nearest Landmark: soccer field near intersection of 1st and Oak Street, Nottawasaga Township
    ON - Nogies Creek, Harvey Township
    ON - North Channel, Nearest Town: Billings, Nearest Intersection: Clapperton Channel
    ON - North Channel
    ON - Otonabee River, Otonabee Township
    ON - Otonabee River, Otonabee Township
    ON - Otonabee River, Nearest Landmark: Otanabee River @ Youngs Pt, old Hwy 28 bridge
    ON - Otonabee River, Nearest Landmark: Douro Lock # 24, Douro Township
    ON - Otonabee River, Nearest Town: Peterborough,Nearest Landmark: Riverview park and zoo, Smith Township
    ON - Ottawa River, Nearest Landmark: Petawawa Pt, mouth of Petawawa River, Petawawa Township
    ON - Ottawa River, Nearest Landmark: Westmeath boat launch, Westmeath Township
    ON - Ottawa River, East Hawkesbury Township
    ON - Ouse River, Nearest Landmark: Birdsalls, Asphodel Township
    ON - Ouse River, Nearest Landmark: Birdsalls, Asphodel Township
    ON - Palmerston Lake, Nearest Town: Ompah, 2 KM NE from sighting, Palmerston Township
    ON - Pefferlaw Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - Pefferlaw Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - Pefferlaw Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - Pefferlaw Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - Pefferlaw Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - Pefferlaw Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - Ottawa River, Nearest Landmark: Petawawa Pt, mouth of Petawawa River, Petawawa Township
    ON - Pigeon Lake, Harvey Township
    ON - Pigeon Lake, Nearest Landmark: near Lindsay, Harvey Township
    ON - Pigeon Lake, Harvey Township
    ON - Pigeon River, Emily Township
    ON - Pigeon River, Emily Township
    ON - Pigeon River, Pardee Township
    ON - Pigeon River, Emily Township, Nearest Landmark: Hwy 7A West of Bethany
    ON - Portage Creek, Sibley Township
    ON - Pounsford Lake, Sibley Township
    ON - Pounsford Lake, Sibley Township
    ON - Pounsford Lake, Sibley Township
    ON - Rabbit Lake, Nearest Town: Kenora, Jaffray Township
    ON - Rice Lake, Otonabee Township
    ON - Rice Lake, Otonabee Township
    ON - Rice Lake, Otonabee Township, Nearest Landmark: Plum Point
    ON - Rice Lake, Otonabee Township, Nearest Town: Bewdley
    ON - Rideau River, Nearest Landmark: Rideau River, Manotick, below dam, Gloucester Township
    ON - Rideau River, Nearest Landmark: Rideau River, Manotick, below dam, Gloucester Township
    ON - Rideau River, Nearest Landmark: Rideau River, Manotick, below dam, Gloucester Township
    ON - Rideau River, Montague Township, Nearest Landmark: Andrewsville above old bridge
    ON - Rideau River, Nearest Landmark: Rideau River/1.2km N mouth of Jock River, Gloucester Township
    ON - Rideau River, Montague Township, Nearest Landmark: Rideau River, head of flats above Andrewsville bridge
    ON - Rosedale River, Fenelon Township
    ON - Rouge River, Scarborough Township, Nearest Landmark: Glen Rouge Pk
    ON - Rouge River, Scarborough Township, Nearest Landmark: Glen Rouge Pk
    ON - Rouge River, Pickering Township
    ON - Rouge River, Pickering Township
    ON - Round Lake
    ON - Round Lake, Brougham Township
    ON - Round Lake, Richards Township
    ON - Sandy Lake, Harvey Township
    ON - Shadow Lake, Laxton Township
    ON - Shaw Lake, Miller Township
    ON - Snake River, Nearest Landmark: Snake River/ Hwy 41
    ON - Speed River, Waterloo Township
    ON - Stony Lake, Dummer Township
    ON - Stouffville Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - Sturgeon Lake, Fenelon Township
    ON - Sturgeon Lake, Fenelon Township, Nearest Landmark: near Lindsay
    ON - Sturgeon Lake, Fenelon Township
    ON - Sturgeon Lake, Nearest Town: Fenelon Falls, 2 km NW, Fenelon Township
    ON - Tay River, Bathurst Township, Nearest Landmark: Con Road Dewitt Corners, 2.1 KM SW from sighting
    ON - Teeswater River, Greenock Township, Nearest Landmark: @ Concession 2, iron bridge crossing
    ON - Teeswater River, Elderslie Township
    ON - Trent Canal, Seymour Township, Nearest Landmark: CroweLocks/ Campbellford
    ON - Trent Canal, Ops Township
    ON - Trent River, Seymour Township, Nearest Landmark: MillCreek/ Trent R Campbellford, 6.8 KM SW from sighting
    ON - Trent River, Sidney Township, Nearest Landmark: Burnley Creek/ TrentR
    ON - Trent River, Asphodel Township
    ON - Trent River, Seymour Township
    ON - Trout Creek, Seymour Township, Nearest Landmark: Campbellford, 2.7 KM NE from sighting
    ON - Trout Lake, Gidley Township, Nearest Town: Kenora, 12 KM NW from sighting, Nearest Landmark: north end of the lake
    ON - Upper Chemong Lake, Smith Township, Nearest Landmark: UpperChemongDrive, 2.9 KM NW from sighting
    ON - Uxbridge Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - Uxbridge Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - Uxbridge Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - Uxbridge Brook, Georgina Township
    ON - West Duffins Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - West Duffins Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - West Ouse River, Asphodel Township
    ON - Whitefish Falls
    ON - Whitefish Lake, Lismore Township
    ON - Whites Creek, Brock Township
    ON - Winnipeg River, Nearest Town: Minaki, KM and Nearest Landmark: Whitedog Dam
    ON - Winnipeg River
    ON - Wiswell Lake, Sibley Township
    ON - Wixon Creek, Pickering Township
    ON - Wixon Creek, Pickering Township

Hemimysis anomala

    ON - Bronte Creek, Trafalgar Township, Halton Regional Municipality, Nearest town: Oakville
    ON - Lake Erie, Yarmouth Township, Elgin County, off Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
    ON - Lake Erie, near Kingsville, Essex Co, Ontario, Canada
    ON - Lake Erie, off Stelco/Nanticoke industrial complex, Woodhouse Township, near Port Dover. 5.5m depth

Hydrocharis morsus-ranae

    ON - Balsam Lake, Victoria Road, 4 km NW. Nearest Intersection: Laidlaw Point.
    ON - Balsam Lake, Victoria Road, 4 KM NW from sighting and Nearest Landmark: Laidlaw Pt. and Mackenzie Pt. West Bay
    ON - Balsam Lake, Hannivan's Creek (local name) at south side of Hwy 48, North Bay,
    ON - Belmont Lake, near Rockdale, Nearest Landmark: Swamp near Crowe River - 1m depth
    ON - Chandos Lake
    ON - Chandos Lake near Glen Ada, Nearest Intersection: Crowe River Mounth
    ON - Chandos Lake, Nearest Landmark: Crowe R. mouth
    ON - Moira Lake, near Madoc, and Nearest Landmark: Crystal Beach Trailer Park
    ON - Moira River, confluence with Skootamatta River, 1 KM N from sighting
    ON - North River, left from the county road 46 bridge going south towards round lake.
    ON - Rawdon Creek near Stirling
    ON - Rawdon Creek, near Stirling, 1 km SW. Nearest Intersection: At Hwy 35 and Bridge
    ON - Robertson Lake
    ON - Round Lake
    ON - Skootamatta River, Hastings Co., Near Sulphide
    ON - Tangamong Lake, Hasting Co.,
    ON - Trent Canal
    ON - Trent River, Hastings Co., near Glen Ross
    ON - Trent River, Northumberland Co.,
    ON - Trent River, near Trent Hills

Lepomis humilis

    ON - Big Creek, Essex Co. near Malden Center and Hwy 18

Lysimachia nummularia

    ON - Waterloo Regional Municipality, Waterloo Twp.,

Lythrum salicaria

    ON - Lake Simcoe, Carthew Bay, Orillia Twp., Simcoe Co.,
    ON - Catfish Creek, Bailoquet Twp., Algoma District near Wawa, Steephill falls road 75 m downstream of culvert
    ON - Chippewa Creek, Nipissing District, near North Bay. Wicksteed Twp.
    ON - Loon Lake, Haliburton Co., Dudley Twp.
    ON - Wellington Co., near Guelph
    ON - Wellington Co., Puslinch Twp.
    ON - Halton Regional Municipality, East Flamborough Twp.
    ON - Hamilton Division West Flamborough Twp.
    ON - Waterloo Regional Municipality, Waterloo Twp.
    ON - Waterloo Regional Municipality, Dumfries Twp.
    ON - Peel Regional Municipality, Chinguacousy Twp.
    ON - Peel Regional Municipality, Toronto Twp.
    ON - Hamilton Division, Beverly Twp.
    ON - Essex Co., Malden Twp.
    ON - Essex Co., Sandwich Twp.
    ON - Essex Co., near Deerbrook
    ON - Lambton Co., Enniskillen Twp.
    ON - Lambton Co., Sarnia Twp.
    ON - Chatham-Kent Division. Tilbury East Twp.
    ON - Chatham-Kent Division, Dover Twp.
    ON - Chatham-Kent Division, Harwich Twp.
    ON - Elgin Co., Dunwich Twp.
    ON - St. Ste. Marie, Aweres Twp., Algoma District
    ON - Havilland Twp., Algoma District near Havilland, Sault Ste. Marie
    ON - Laird Twp., Algoma District
    ON - MacDonald Twp., near Echo Bay, Algoma District
    ON - Opasatika Twp. near Kapuskasing, Algoma District
    ON - Plummer Additional Twp., Algoma District
    ON - Rabazo Twp. near Wawa. 0.5 km N of Lake Superior Park. Algoma District.
    ON - Tarbutt Additional Twp., near Desbarats, Echo Bay, Algoma District
    ON - Tarentorus Twp. near Sault Ste. Marie. Algoma District.

Myriophyllum spicatum

    ON - Desbarats River, Algoma District, Johnson Twp, near Kensington Complex PSW
    ON - Sharbot Lake, near West Basin, Tomlinson Bay
    ON - St. Joseph Channel
    ON - St. Marys River
    ON - Canonto Lake near Ompah, 10 km SW.

Osmerus mordax

    ON - Detroit River, Sandwich Twp., Essex Co., near Peche Island
    ON - Detroit River, Malden Twp., Essex Co., near Bois Blanc Island
    ON - Detroit River, Sandwich Twp., Essex Co., near Grass Island,
    MI - Detroit River, near western Grosse Isle pay bridge
    ON - Detroit River, Malden Twp., Essex Co., near Bar Point and Amherst pointe
    ON - Georgian Bay near Barrow Bay, Eastnor Twp., Bruce Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, Bruce Co.,
    ON - Georgian Bay, near Little Cove, St. Edmund's Twp., Bruce Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, near Tobermory, St. Edmunds Twp., Bruce Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, near Fathom Five National Marine Park, St. Edmund's Twp., Bruce Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, St. Vincent Twp., Grey Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay near Colpoys Bay at mouth of Gleason Brook, Keppel Twp., Grey Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, near Pottawatomi River mouth, Sarawak Twp., Grey Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, near Owen Sound, Sarawak Twp., Grey Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, Mouth of Bothwell's Creek, Sydenham Twp., Grey Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, near South Bay shore, Assiginack Twp., Manitoulin District
    ON - Georgian Bay, South Bay, Tehkummah Twp., Manitoulin District
    ON - Georgian Bay, Mouth of bay, Tehkummah Twp., Manitoulin District
    ON - Georgian Bay, near Parry Sound, Carling Twp., Parry Sound District,
    ON - Georgian Bay, Nottawasaga Bay, Nottawasaga Twp., Simcoe Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, Collingwood Harbour, Nottawasaga Twp., Simcoe Co.
    ON - Georgian Bay, Penetang Harbour, Tiny Twp., Simcoe Co.
    ON - Lake Erie, near Morpeth, mouth of unnamed creek, Howard Twp., Chatham-Kent Division

Potamogeton crispus

    ON - Grand River, Dunn Twp. 3km NW of Cayuga.
    ON - Grand River, Senega Conservation Area, Dunn Twp. SE of Calidonia, near McClung Road at Hwy 54
    ON - Lake Erie near Port Burwell Provincial Park Beach in Bayham Twp., Elgin Co.
    ON - Lake Erie, South of Pelee Island
    ON - Lake Erie, Middle Pelee Island point as west end, S from sighting
    ON - Lake Erie (near Haldimand-Norfolk Regional Municipality)
    ON - City of St. Thomas, Near Post Office
    ON - Interprative center on marsh dyke trail, North of Point Pelee National Park
    ON - Big Creek Marsh, Near Amherstburg, 10 KM SE from sighting and Nearest Landmark: Holiday Beach Provincial Park, 1 KM W from sighting
    ON - near London.
    ON - near Dorchester Post Office, 1 KM S from sighting
    ON - Oxbow Creek, near Komoka PO, 2 KM N from sighting
    ON - Rice Lake, Peterborough Co., near Keene, 2 KM SE from sighting and Nearest Landmark: Serpemt Mounds PP, N Shore Rice Lake
    ON - Thames River, near City of London, Nearest Landmark: junction of Hwy. 100 and Hamilton Road
    ON - Thames River, near Dorchester

Potamopyrgus antipodarum

    ON - Lake Ontario, Nelson Twp., Halton Regional Municipality near Burlington Beach
    NY - Lake Ontario, near Wilson
    MN - Lake Superior, near Duluth-Superior Harbor

Viviparus georgianus

    ON - Balsam Lake, Kawartha Lakes Division. Nearest Town: Coboconk, 3 km NE. Nearest Intersection: Lightning Point. Canada Waterbody ID 17-7415-48483
    ON - Four Mile Lake, Kawartha Lakes Division, Sommerville Township. Nearest Town: Burnt River. Bancroft MNR District. Canada Waterbody ID 17-6793-49499
    ON - Kasshabog Lake, Peterborough, ONT, Near Township of Havelock-Belmont. Crowe Valley Conservation Authority.
    ON - Malcolm Lake, Frontenac Co. ONT, Nearest Town: Ardoch 4km SE. Clarendon Twonship. 1m depth.
    ON - Man-made pond connected to Grass Lake. 1/2 acre, spring fed. Orillia Township, Simcoe County. Sand substrate.


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/13/2024].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.