NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Lee, C.E. 1999. Rapid and Repeated Invasion of Fresh Water by the Copepod Eurytemora affinis. Evolution 53(5):1423-1434.
Reference Number: 13541 Type: Journal Article Author: Lee, C.E. Date (year): 1999 Article Title:Rapid and Repeated Invasion of Fresh Water by the Copepod Eurytemora affinis. Journal Name: Evolution Volume: 53 Issue: 5 Pages: 1423-1434 URL: Keywords: Eurytemora affinis, copepod
Eurytemora affinis NY - Lake Ontario MA - Johns Pond NC - Sutton MS - Horn, Mississippi River System, Oxbow lakes MS - Black Bayou, Yazoo drainage MS - Beulah, Mississippi River System, Oxbow lakes LA - Lake Providence KY - Ohio River in the McAlpine Pool [~R.M. 607] IL - Heidecke Lake (Collins) AR - Merrisach Lake AR - Arkansas River at Dardanelle Reservoir AR - Nimrod Lake OK - Kerr Reservoir OK - Lake Eufaula OK - Arcadia Lake OK - Keystone Lake OK - Lake Texoma OK - Lake Murray OK - Lake of the Arbuckles OK - Waurika Lake [~4 mi N of Waurika, OK] OK - Clear Creek Lake OK - Duncan Lake OK - Lake Humphreys [~5 mi NE of Duncan, OK] OK - Lake Taylor TX - Meredith Reservoir [Lake] TX - Travis Reservoir NM - Lake Avalon CA - Lake Merced (San Francisco water supply)
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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [12/6/2024].
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