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Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Walsh, M. 2007. Pennsylvania invasive mollusk survey for 2007. (unpublished data). Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, Pittsburgh, PA.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 16761
Type: Database
Author: Walsh, M.
Date (year): 2007
Title:Pennsylvania invasive mollusk survey for 2007. (unpublished data).
Publisher:Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program
Publisher Location:Pittsburgh, PA
Accessed on:
Created on:
Keywords: invertebrate, mollusks, bivalves, snails, Corbicula, Cipangopaludina, Dreissena polymorpha, bugensis, Pennsylvania
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Cipangopaludina chinensis

    PA - Sinnemahoning Creek Reservoir at reservoir boat launch on west side of reservoir, Sinnemahoning State Park[=George B. Stevenson Reservoir in Lushbaugh]

Corbicula fluminea

    PA - Brandywine Creek at Route 100 and Route 1 in Chadds Ford, at Brandywine Conservancy River Museum
    PA - Chester Creek in Cheyney
    PA - Chester Creek [just W of Lenni] upstream of Lenni Road
    PA - Ridley Creek below SR1 [in Media]
    PA - Ridley Creek at Ridley Creek State Park, above Bishop Hill Rd (SR 4003) [just N of Media]
    PA - Little Yellow Creek, at Yellow Creek Lake near Lakeview Pavillion in Yellow Creek State Park [~6 mi SE of Indiana]
    PA - Conemaugh River above confluence with Kishkimentas River in town of Salzburg
    PA - Mahoning Creek along TR 494, near town of Dee
    PA - Mahoning Creek at SR 1007 [~3 mi E of Dee]
    PA - Mahoning Creek above SR 1025, at town of Putneyville
    PA - Canoe Creek in Canoe Creek State Park, above Rt. 22 [~6 mi E of Altoona]
    PA - Delaware River in Philadelphia at Pennypack Park, immediately downstream of confluence with Pennypack Creek
    PA - Delaware River in NE Philadeplphia at Neshaminy State Park beach
    PA - Delaware River in Philadelphia at Fort Mifflin [next to airport]
    PA - Allegheny River at Dotter
    PA - Sandy Creek at SR 3015 [in Raymilton]
    PA - Allegheny River at confluence with Hemlock Creek [between Eagle Rock and President]
    PA - Allegheny River at confluence with Sandy Creek [just N of Brandon]
    PA - Sandy Creek above and below Rt 965 bridge (Waterloo bridge) [just S of Polk]
    PA - South Branch Plum Creek at TR 689 crossing [just NE of Gastown]
    PA - South Branch Plum Creek at TR 666 crossing [~3 mi E of Gastown]
    PA - French Creek surveyed below covered bridge at Rapps Dam Rd crossing [just W of Phoenixville]
    PA - Manatawny Creek at Memorial Park in Pottstown
    PA - Pigeon Creek at Bethel Church Road in Parker Ford
    PA - Pennypack Creek in Lorimar Park [NE Philadelphia]
    PA - Neshaminy Creek, in Dark Hollow Park about 1/2 mile upstream of Rt 263 bridge. [~3 mi SE of Doylestown]
    PA - Little Neshaminy Creek at Valley Road crossing, in Kemper Park [in Neshaminy]
    PA - Delaware River upstream of Rt 413 bridge, at Maple Beach in Bristol
    PA - Brandywine Creek at Brandywine Picnic Park in Lenape
    PA - West Branch Brandywine Creek at railroad bridge in Embreeville
    PA - East Branch Brandywine Creek at Stroud Nature Preserve [just W of West Chester]
    PA - Canoe Creek Lake in Canoe Creek State Park [in town of Canoe Creek]


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/18/2025].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.