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Reference Number: 23933
Type: Other
Author: Williams, J.D.
Date (year): 1996
Book Title:
Title:U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service field notes referencing Corbicula fluminea (unpublished data).
Thesis/Dissertation Type:
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Pages: 417 pp
Location: NAS
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Keywords: Corbicula fluminea, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Corbicula fluminea

    GA - Flint River, 3 miles above Big Slough
    GA - Flint River, 3 miles above Big Slough
    GA - Big Slough Creek, at confluence with Flint River
    GA - Flint River below Big Horseshoe Bend (NM 22.9)
    GA - Dry Creek, at mouth (tributary of Flint River)
    GA - Flint River above Lamar
    GA - Cypress Creek, tributary to Flint River
    GA - Flint River above Bainbridge
    GA - Spring Creek, north of hwy 253 bridge, as it enters Lake Seminole
    GA - Lake Seminole River channel of Old Flint River arm [historic Hutchinson's Ferry site]
    GA - Lake Seminole, Flint River arm
    FL - Apalachicola River, US 90 bridge 0.8 km W of Chattahoochee below Jim Woodruff Dam
    FL - Apalachicola River, just south of Rock Bluff Landing (NM 92.5)
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 86.1
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 83
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 78
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 75.7
    FL - Apalachicola River at Point Poloway (NM 70.8)
    FL - Apalachicola River below Jim Woodruff dam
    FL - Apalachicola River at Race Bluff (NM 105.2)
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 104.6 (backside of island in middle of channel)
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 99.6 (Mouth of Flat Creek just North of dirt boat ramp)
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 93.9
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 89.7
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 90.0
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 88
    FL - Chipola River at Peacock Springs (NM 55)
    FL - Chipola River near Bullet Bend, NM 53.1 (unofficial map)
    FL - Chipola cut-off, second large bend in cut-off (nearer Apalachicola side)
    FL - Chipola River cut-off, edge of bend
    FL - Whites River
    FL - Chipola River, 1 RM north of Scott's Ferry
    FL - Chipola River, Dead Lakes, 100m below 22A bridge
    FL - Irwin Mill Creek at confluence with Chattahoochee River
    GA - Chattahoochee River at NM 31
    GA - Chattahoochee River at NM 34.8
    AL - Chattahoochee River at NM 41.3 (Smith's Bend)
    GA - Chattahoochee River at NM 54.2, just above Freeman Bend
    GA - Chattahoochee River at NM 60.1 (Smith's Bend)
    GA - Chattahoochee River at NM 69.2 (at mouth of Roaring Branch)
    AL - Chattahoochee River at NM 77 (Lake Walter F. George)
    GA - Pataula Creek about .25m E of bridge going North to South across water (near confluence with George Lake)
    GA - Chattahoochee River at Walter F. George Reservoir (NM 81.6)
    AL - Chattahoochee River (Walter E. George Lake) at Lake Point Resort State Park
    AL - Walter E. George Reservoir (arm of Cowikee Creek)
    AL - Chattahoochee River at NM 107 (at fish attractor F46)
    GA - Chattahoochee River at NM 108 (Walter E. George Reservoir)
    AL - Chattahoochee River at Bluff Creek (NM 120.3)
    AL - Chattahoochee River at NM 123.6 (near Harding Landing)
    AL - Chattahoochee River at NM 131.2 (southern edge of Ft. Benning Military Reservation)
    GA - Shell Creek (just inside southern edge of Fort Benning) about 0.5 m upstream from Chattahoochee River
    GA - Red Mill Creek at Chattahoochee River mile 134.7
    AL - Uchee Creek just downstream from Hwy 165 bridge
    AL - Uchee Creek, 2 miles upstream from Uchee Park
    AL - Uchee Creek mouth
    AL - Chattahoochee River, across from Ft. Benning airstrip
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 65.0
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 61.2 (Mouth of Bee Tree Slough)
    FL - Iamona Lake (Creek) at NM 55.9 of Apalachicola River
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 56.0
    FL - Equaloxic Creek, near confluence with Apalachicola River (At NM 51.9)
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 50.7, in backwater area near mouth
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 47.4
    FL - Florida River, 0.3 miles upstream from Apalachicola River (near NM 43.1)
    FL - Apalachicola River (NM 43.1) at mouth of Florida River
    FL - Apalachicola River (NM 40.4) at mouth of Swift Slough
    FL - River Styx, second fork on left from Apalachicola River (NM 35.4)
    FL - Lower Piney Reach at Old River Channel (Apalachicola River NM 31.6)
    FL - Battle Bend (Apalachicola River at NM 28.8
    FL - Apalachicola River, along east bank (near mouth of Chipola River), river mile 27.8 - station 7.
    FL - Douglas Slough, 0.2 NM upstream from Chipola River
    FL - Chipola River, Dead Lakes, 100m below 22A bridge
    FL - Apalachicola at Brickyard Island (NM 21.8)
    FL - Brickyard Island, West channel (Apalachicola River)
    FL - Apalachicola River (NM 17.7) at mouth of Smith Creek
    FL - Apalachicola River (NM 15.0) just South of Dike 2
    FL - Little Brothers Slough (Creek) 100m upstream of confluence with Brothers River
    FL - Brothers River at Three Fingers, North of Brickyard Cutoff
    FL - Brothers River, southeast corner of dogleg between Brickyard Cutoff and Howard Creek.
    FL - Bearman Creek, north end of tear drop island
    FL - Harrison Creek, North side of first 180 degree turn
    FL - St. Marks River, 40m in from Apalachicola River
    FL - Saul Creek Cutoff, South bank 53m from junction with Apalachicola River
    FL - Four Tree Cut-off, northeast bank of bend
    FL - St. Marks River and Little St. Marks River confluence, northwest bank
    FL - St. Marks River at backwater just South of East River Cut-off
    FL - Clark Creek, west bank of mouth at junction with Jackson River
    FL - Apalachicola River at back channel of Bloody Bluff Island
    FL - Hoffman Creek at mouth
    FL - Chipola River, 5 miles north of Hwy 71
    FL - Chipola River 8 miles North Hwy 71 bridge
    FL - Chipola River, 3 miles South of Rt 20 bridge
    FL - Chipola River at mouth of Tamile Creek
    FL - Chipola River at bend (NM 49.8)
    FL - Chipola River at mouth of Fourmile Creek
    FL - Chipola River at Rt 20 bridge
    FL - Chipola River at Mear's Bend, East of Altha
    FL - Chipola River at mouth of Sink Creek
    FL - Chipola River at spring between Dry Creek and Bridge Creek (NM 72.7 on map made by M. Spelman)
    FL - Chipola River at tiny island near NM 69.6)
    FL - Spring Creek
    FL - Chipola River, 200m above Rt. 167 bridge
    FL - Chipola River at long straight stretch around NM 79.8
    FL - Chipola River, mouth of Spring Creek
    FL - Dead Lakes, 300 South of Magnolia Lodge on west bank at mouth of small creek
    GA - Flint River, 5 NM South of Rt. 37 bridge
    GA - Flint River, 2.5 NM South of Rt. 37 bridge
    GA - Flint River, 2.0 NM above Rt. 37 bridge
    GA - Flint River, mouth of Raccoon Creek
    GA - Flint River, 1 RM below Dry Creek
    GA - Flint River, 0.25 NM above Dry Creek
    GA - Turtle Shoals, 0.5 RM above Dry Creek
    GA - Flint River at Abrams Creek
    GA - Flint River, 0.5 m above Rt. 32 bridge at mouth of Philema Creek
    AL - Otter Creek, on dirt road, 3.5 mi from Rt. 84 off 2nd dirt road, NE of Belleville
    AL - Burnt Corn Creek, 2.3 miles west of Belleville on Rt. 84
    AL - Limestone Creek on Rt. 20, 5 miles Southeast of Monroeville
    AL - Horse Creek, CR77 4.1 miles SW of junction of AL 10
    AL - Horse Creek on dirt road, 0.7 miles Southeast from Hwy 77 crossing
    AL - Patsaliga Creek, CR 82, 2.8 miles West of Gantt
    AL - Jordan Creek at US31 crossing, 5 miles South of junction of US31 and US84 in Evergreen
    AL - Jordan Creek at CR17, 5 miles Southwest of junction 84 and 31
    AL - Jordan Creek, 7 air miles from Evergreen, on Tate Road
    AL - Brushy Creek on CR30, 0.3 miles East of Peterman
    AL - Limestone Creek on unpaved county road, 0.5 miles East of Monroeville
    AL - Unnamed tributary of Limestone Creek, 5.5 air miles ESE of Monroeville on dirt road
    AL - Halawakee Creek at end of Tillary Crossroad, CR 879
    AL - Halawakee Creek arm of Lake Harding
    AL - Halawakee Creek and edge of reservoir
    AL - Lake Harding in Halawakee Creek arm at railway tressle
    AL - Lake Harding, 300m E of railroad trussle
    GA - Chattahoochee River SW of Whitesville, GA
    GA - Chattahoochee River below Riverview Dam
    GA - Idle Hour Park at boat ramp
    AL - Osanippa Creek at CR55, South of Fairfax (at bridge)
    AL - Sandy Point Landing, directly below Bartlett's dam
    GA - Spring Creek at SR84 bridge in Brinson
    GA - Dry Creek at Rt 88 bridge, about 1 mile up from confluence with Spring Creek
    GA - Mosquito Creek at GA 97 bridge, 17.8 miles Southwest of Bainbridge
    GA - Kirkland Creek at US84
    GA - Sawhatchee Creek on Rt. 273, 0.9 mi West of Cedar Springs
    GA - Coheelee Creek, CR 80 bridge, 1.5 air mile northwest of Hilton
    GA - Spring Creek on Ga Rt. 62 bridge, 9.8 air miles East of Blakely
    GA - Chickasawhatchee Creek at CR121 bridge, 8.8 air miles Northwest of Newton
    GA - Ichawaynochaway Creek on GA Hwy 216, 4.8 miles WNW of junction Hwy 216 and 37
    GA - Ichawaynochaway Creek on GA Rt. 200, 9.5 air miles WSW of Newton
    GA - Spring Creek at GA Rt. 190 bridge, 0.4 miles from junction W from GA Rt. 191, 2.5 miles SW of Boykin
    GA - Aycocks Creek at GA Rt. 190, 3.2 miles WSW of Boykin
    GA - Dry Creek on GA Rt. 3 at bridge, 8.2 air miles South of Albany
    GA - Flint River in backwater area about 300m above Reeves Landing, 12.4 air miles ENE of Americus
    GA - Flint River 1.5 miles below Reeve's Landing at first fork/island
    GA - Flint River in backwater area, about 0.5 miles South of GA Rt. 27 bridge
    GA - Mill Creek, 7.5 miles South of Oakfield and 1.5 miles North of CR line on Rt. 300 bridge
    GA - Unnamed tributary to Abrams Creek on CR 123 bridge, below impoundment, 6.2 air miles SW of Oakfield
    GA - Mercer Mill Pond, off unnamed tributary of Mill Creek on CR 12, about 7 air mile South of Oakland
    GA - Cedar Creek on CR20 (Byrds Mill Road) about 5 air miles SW of Cordele
    GA - West Fork Little River on CR 65 (Highland Road), about 5.3 air miles SE of Clemont
    GA - Wahoo Creek at Stephens Road
    GA - Johns Creek at bridge on Old Alabama Road
    GA - Chattahoochee River at GA SR120
    GA - Suwanee Creek on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard
    GA - Lake Sidney Lanier, off Swiss Air Road (off CR171 - Bethel Road)
    GA - Lake Sidney Lanier on CR217 (Nix Bridge Road)
    GA - Hogcrawl Creek at GA Rt. 329 bridge
    GA - Sandy Mount Creek, below unnamed dam off CR 111, 1.4 air miles NW of Vienna
    GA - Lime Creek on CR 53 (Joe Steward Road), 13 air miles E of Americus
    GA - Flint River at GA RT 127, 4 miles SE [actually SW] of Marshallville
    GA - Flint River at GA Rt. 137 crossing, 10.5 air miles NE of Butler
    GA - Flint River at US 19 crossing, 11 air miles N of Butler
    GA - Spring Creek at CR 160, 5.5 air miles SW of Roberta
    GA - Ulcohatchee Creek at US 80, 6 air miles NW of Roberta
    GA - Auchumpkee Creek on CR 174, 10.5 air miles SE of Thomaston
    GA - Tobler Creek at CR 420, 5.2 air miles SE Thomaston
    GA - Potato Creek at CR 419, 5.5 air miles SW of Thomaston
    GA - Flint River at GA RT 36 bridge, 6.3 air miles SW of Thomaston
    GA - Little Bear Creek on GA RT 166, 8 air miles South of Douglasville
    GA - Sweetwater Creek on CR 818, 7.7 air miles ENE of Douglasville
    GA - Camp Creek on GA RT 154/70, 7.5 air miles NW of Union City
    GA - Mountain Creek at CR 252 (Smokey Road), 6 air miles North of Corinth
    GA - Cedar Creek at CR 307 (Sewell Road), below Sewell Mill, 7 air miles NW of Newnan
    GA - White Oak Creek at GA RT 16, 4.3 air miles W of Turin
    GA - Line Creek at GA RT 34, 10 air miles E of Newnan
    GA - Line Creek at GA RT 85/74, 2.3 air miles NE of Senoia
    GA - Line Creek at GA RT 16, 4.2 air miles SE of Senoia
    GA - Whitewater Creek at CR 275, 2.8 air miles SW of Fayette
    GA - Centralhatchee Creek at GA RT 27, 2 air miles N of Franklin
    GA - Pink Creek at CR 3, 2.8 air miles NE of Centralhatchee
    GA - Red Oak Creek at GA RT 109, 2 air miles SW of Gay
    GA - Cane Creek at GA RT 85W, 4.5 air miles NE of Warm Springs
    GA - Flint River on GA RT 26 in Montezuma
    GA - Flint River at GA RT 49 in Montezuma
    GA - Flint River at CR 1334, 8.4 air miles SW junction with I75 in Morrow
    GA - Flint River at CR 1331, 1 air mile E of Woolsey
    GA - Flint River at CR 502, 8.4 air miles SW of Sunny Side
    GA - Flint River at GA RT 16, 9.5 air miles W of Griffin
    GA - Flint River at GA RT 362 crossing, 8.3 air miles W of Williamson
    GA - Flint River at CR 246, 5 miles WSW of Concord
    GA - Flint River at GA RT 18/109, 2.3 air miles SW of Molena
    GA - Flint River at end of CR 49 at BSA camp "Thunder", 13 miles NW of Thomaston
    GA - Flint River at Spewrell Bluff Park, 9.5 air miles West of GA 3 in Thomaston
    GA - Pigeon Creek at CR 186, 3.9 air miles NE of Manchester
    GA - Hackasofkee Creek [Richland Creek] on CR 2, 11.3 air miles NE of Talbotton
    GA - Upatoi Creek at US RT 280, 1.8 air miles E of US 185 in Columbus
    AL - Uchee Creek at Uchee Creek Recreational Area on Fort Benning
    AL - Uchee Creek on AL Rte. 169, 5.8 air miles NNW of Seale
    AL - Uchee Creek at US RT 431, 5.8 air miles NE of Seale
    AL - Little Uchee Creek at CR 28, 7.2 air miles NE of Seale
    AL - Halawakee Creek at CR 69, 7.6 air miles NE of Opelika
    AL - Little Uchee Creek, below CR bridge and Meadows Mill pond, 6.2 air iles NNW of Crawford
    AL - Little Uchee Creek at CR 79[interpreted as 179], 4.8 air miles W of Phenix City
    GA - Mulberry Creek at US 27, 3.4 air miles S of Hamilton
    GA - Big Lazer Creek [Edwards Creek] at GA RT 41, 4.3 air miles NNW of Talbotton
    GA - Muckalee Creek at GA RT 30, 1.2 air miles W of US 19 in Americus
    GA - Chokee Creek at GA RT 30, 2.1 air miles E of GA 118 in Leslie
    GA - Kinchafoonee Creek at GA RT 45, 5.3 air miles SW of Plains
    GA - Muckalee Creek at GA RT 195
    GA - Ichawaynochaway Creek at CR 167, 8 air miles SW of Dawson
    GA - Chickasawhatchee Creek at CR 130, 4 air miles SW of Chickasawhatchee
    GA - Pachitla Creek on CR 153, 4 air miles S of Morgan
    GA - Pachitla Creek at CR 44, 3.8 air miles SW of Shellman
    AL - Hatchechubee Creek at AL 1/US 431, 11 air miles S of Seale
    AL - North Fork Cowikee Creek at unnamed dirt road, 7.5 air miles E of Spring Hill
    AL - South Fork Cowikee Creek, 1.3 air miles NE of Batesville
    AL - Abbie Creek at AL RT 53, 4.4 air miles SE of Abbeville
    GA - Lime Springs Branch at CR 148, 6.8 air miles SE of Westville
    GA - Pumpkin Creek at CR 27, 3 air miles WSW of Benevolence
    GA - Spring Creek at CR 132, 2.5 air miles SE of Bluffton
    GA - Hog Creek at GA RT 266, 2.8 air miles ENE of Fort Gaines
    AL - Spivey Mill Creek at ? [Early Walden Road], 5.3 air miles ESE of Headland
    AL - Cedar Creek at CR ? [East Cook Road], 4 air miles NW of Gordon
    GA - West Point Lake at YC 38, 200 yards below RT 1 bridge
    GA - Yellowjacket Creek in West Point Lake, 150 m above YC33 buoy
    GA - West Point Lake at YC20, 0.6 air miles S of Rt 219 bridge
    GA - West Point Lake, near Dixie Creek WMA, 1 air mile S of Rt 219 bridge
    GA - Chattahoochee River at shoal, 1.8 air miles NE of Franklin
    GA - Chattahoochee River, above West Point Lake, 1 air mile NE of Franklin
    GA - West Point Lake, 1.3 air miles SSW of GA Rt 100/GA Rt 1 bridge
    GA - Chattahoochee River at Webb's Ferry Road (CR179), 4.4 air miles NE of Centralhatchee
    GA - Lake Blackshear, in front of Loron William Park, 0.3 air miles above dam
    GA - Lake Blackshear, in Cedar Creek arm, 200 m West of Rt 358, 8 air miles WSE of Cordele
    GA - Lake Blackshear, in front of mouth of Cedar Creek, 2.9 air miles WSW juction US41/US280 in Cordele
    GA - Lake Blackshear, 100 yards below US Rt 280, next to marina on west bank
    GA - Lake Blackshear, 0.3 air miles South of US280 bridge, at edge of GA Veterans State Park
    GA - Flint River, at mouth of Frazer Branch, 3 air miles S of GA96 bridge
    GA - Flint River, 1 River mile below Fraser Branch, 3 air miles below GA96 bridge
    GA - Flint River, 4 air miles below Rt 96 bridge
    GA - Flint River, 2 air miles above Rt 345 boat ramp
    GA - Flint River at bend right below fork in GA 253, 8.5 air miles NNE US 84 in Bainbridge
    GA - Chattahoochee River (Lake Seminole), 100m below NM 19.9 on east bank
    FL - Chattahoochee River, 50m below NM 23.7
    GA - Spring Creek, 1 river mile above Smith Landing, 9 air miles W of Bainbridge
    FL - Apalachicola River, below Jim Woodruff Dam at NM 106
    GA - Ochlockonee River at CR 222, 10 air miles SW of Moultrie
    GA - Ochlockonee River at GA RT 188, 6.7 air miles ENE of Ochlocknee
    GA - Ochlockonee River at US 19, 4.5 air miles SE of Ochlocknee
    GA - Ochlockonee River at GA 38/US 84, 4 air miles NW of Thomasville
    GA - Barnetts Creek on CR159 (McMillan Road, 3.5 air miles SW of Ochlocknee
    GA - Little Ochlockonee River at GA Rt 188, 2 air miles E of Ochlocknee
    GA - Ochlockonee River at GA RT 93, 6.5 air miles SE of Cairo
    GA - Ochlockonee River at CR 154 crossing, 10 air miles S of Cairo
    GA - Barnetts Creek at CR 300, 4.7 air miles SW of Ochlocknee
    GA - Little Ochlockonee River at CR 157, 4 air miles SE of Ochlocknee
    GA - Brumbley Creek on CR 324, 5.5 air miles SE of Cairo
    GA - Tired Creek on CR 151, 7.5 air miles SSE [SSW] of Cairo
    GA - Ochlockonee River at end of CR 196, 13 air miles SSE [SSW] of Cairo
    GA - Tired Creek at CR 319, 4 air miles South of Cairo
    FL - Little River at FL RT 12, 2.2 air miles E of Quincy
    GA - Little Ochlockonee River at CR 133, 3.5 air miles NE of Ochlocknee
    GA - Ochlockonee River at GA RT 202, 5.5 air miles WSW [ESE] of Ochlocknee
    GA - Barnetts Creek at GA RT 38/US 84, 6.5 air miles SSW of Ochlocknee
    FL - Ochlockonee River at US27, 6.2 air miles SSE of Havana
    FL - Ochlockonee River on private road on Phelps Plantation, off Orchard Road, 18 air miles NNW of Tallahassee
    FL - Ochlockonee River, on Phipps Plantation, or Orchard Road, 19 air miles NNW of Tallahassee
    FL - Ochlockonee River at end of Tower Road (below US 27 crossing, 12 air miles NW of 27 and 10 junction in Tallahassee
    GA - Attapulgus Creek on CR 128, 1.4 air miles ENE of Attapulgus
    FL - Attapulgus Creek
    FL - Little River at CR 268, 5 air miles WNW of Midway
    FL - Willacoochee Creek on FL RT 65, 6 air miles N of Quincy
    FL - Attapulgus Swamp Creek at CR 159, 4.5 air miles NW of Havana
    FL - Ochlockonee River, 300 m below the dam on US20
    FL - Ochlockonee River, 2.2 air miles below SR 20 bridge
    FL - Ochlockonee River at mouth of Black Creek
    FL - Ochlockonee River, 3.5 air miles S of Rt 20 bridge
    FL - Ochlockonee River at Stautamire Landing, 4.8 air miles below Rt 20
    FL - Ochlockonee River, 15 RM below Pine Creek boat ramp
    FL - Ochlockonee River at Robert's Landing, 12 air miles WNW of Sopchoppy
    FL - Apalachicola River at Natural Rock Shoal, just above US10 bridge, at NM 100.1-100.4 on west bank
    FL - Ochlockonee River 0.25 above Silver Lake Landing
    FL - Ochlockonee River, 3 air miles W of Sanborn
    FL - Ochlockonee River, above Roberts Landing and ?? RM above Silver Lake and 9 air miles W of Sopchoppy
    FL - Ochlockonee River at mouth of Syfrett Creek
    FL - Ochlockonee River, 6.5 air miles W of Sopchoppy (below Syfrett cut-off)
    FL - Ochlockonee River, 2 air miles N of mouth of Syfrett Creek and 7 miles WSW of Sopchoppy
    FL - Ochlockonee River, between power lines, almost direct west of end of Rt 22, 7 air miles W of Sopchoppy
    FL - Ochlockonee River on Fl Rt 263, CR 157, 15 air miles NW of Tallahassee
    GA - Little Ochlockonee River at CR 157, 4 air miles SE of Ochlocknee
    FL - Ochlockonee River, 100 yards S of mouth of Crooked River, 1.5 air miles W of US319
    GA - Lake Sidney Lanier, off Swiss Air Road (off CR171 - Bethel Road)
    GA - Antioch Creek on CR 186 (Malone Road), 3.2 air miles NE of Brooks
    FL - New River at SR 18, 1 mile from Worthington Springs
    FL - Santa Fe River, near I75, at Ewel Farm
    GA - Bailey Branch on CR 300 (Middle River Road), 7 air miles E of Americus
    FL - Baker Creek at CR ?, unnamed dirt road near Jenkins Pond, 6 air miles NE of Marianna
    AL - Howards Mill Creek at AL RT 95, 1 air mile SE of Gordon
    FL - New River at SR 18, 1 mile from Worthington Springs
    GA - Muckalee Creek at GA RT 195
    GA - Kinchafoonee Creek at CR 227 (Pine Woods Road)
    GA - Cooleewahee Creek on GA Rt 91, just above Newton
    GA - Chickasawhatchee Creek on Ga Rt 37, just W of Elmodel
    GA - Aycocks Creek at GA Rt. 190, 3.2 miles WSW of Boykin
    GA - Spring Creek at GA Rt. 190 bridge, 0.4 miles from junction W from GA Rt. 191, 2.5 miles SW of Boykin
    FL - Apalachicola River, below Jim Woodruff Dam at NM 106
    AL - North Fork Cowikee Creek at unnamed dirt road, 7.5 air miles E of Spring Hill
    GA - Mercer Mill Pond, off unnamed tributary of Mill Creek on CR 12, about 7 air mile South of Oakland
    GA - Unnamed tributary to Abrams Creek on CR 123 bridge, below impoundment, 6.2 air miles SW of Oakfield
    AL - North Fork Cowikee Creek at unnamed dirt road, 7.5 air miles E of Spring Hill
    AL - Hatchechubee Creek at AL 1/US 431, 11 air miles S of Seale
    GA - Jones Creek at GA Rt 300, 1.5 air miles S of Oakfield
    GA - Abrams Creek on GA Rt 300, 3.8 air miles S of Oakfield
    GA - Swift Creek on CR 33, 9 air miles SW of Cordele
    GA - Mercer Mill Pond, off unnamed tributary of Mill Creek on CR 12, about 7 air mile South of Oakland
    GA - Unnamed tributary to Abrams Creek on CR 123 bridge, below impoundment, 6.2 air miles SW of Oakfield
    AL - Little Uchee Creek, below CR bridge and Meadows Mill pond, 6.2 air iles NNW of Crawford
    GA - Lime Creek on CR 53 (Joe Steward Road), 13 air miles E of Americus
    GA - Chokee Creek at GA RT 30, 2.1 air miles E of GA 118 in Leslie
    GA - Hogcrawl Creek at GA Rt. 329 bridge
    GA - Pumpkin Creek at CR 27, 3 air miles WSW of Benevolence
    GA - Muckalee Creek at GA RT 195
    GA - Hog Creek at GA RT 266, 2.8 air miles ENE of Fort Gaines
    GA - Kirkland Creek at US84
    GA - Sawhatchee Creek on Rt. 273, 0.9 mi West of Cedar Springs
    GA - Kinchafoonee Creek on CR 123, 5.2 air miles NW of Preston
    GA - Muckalee Creek on GA Rt 19 in Americus
    GA - Ichawaynochaway Creek on GA Hwy 216, 4.8 miles WNW of junction Hwy 216 and 37
    GA - Cooleewahee Creek on GA Rt 91, just above Newton
    FL - Merritts Mill Pond
    GA - Lake Blackshear, 100 yards below US Rt 280, next to marina on west bank
    GA - Spring Creek at SR84 bridge in Brinson
    GA - Swift Creek on CR 33, 9 air miles SW of Cordele
    GA - Hogcrawl Creek at GA Rt. 329 bridge
    GA - Muckalee Creek on GA Rt 19 in Americus
    GA - Ichawaynochaway Creek on GA Hwy 216, 4.8 miles WNW of junction Hwy 216 and 37
    GA - Spring Creek on GA RT 62, just E of Bermuda
    AL - North Fork Cowikee Creek at unnamed dirt road, 7.5 air miles E of Spring Hill
    FL - Escambia River, 1 air mile SE of McDavid
    FL - Escambia River at Brognaham River
    FL - White River, 5 air miles SSE of CR 184
    GA - Sawhatchee Creek at GA Rt 38/84
    GA - Pataula Creek on CR 84, 2.6 air miles N of Morris
    GA - Hammersmith Creek at Altamaha Plantation
    GA - Altamaha Creek at mouth of unnamed creek [Tabby Creek] in Hammersmith Creek
    GA - South Branch Altamaha River below Halfway Creek (near Honeygall)
    GA - Altamaha River at the mouth of Cowpen Creek
    GA - Tired Creek on GA Rt 111, 3 air miles South of Cairo
    GA - Whitewater Creek on CR Morgan Mill Road, 2 air miles W of Brooks
    GA - Whitewater Creek at Starrs Mills at GA Rt 85 (below dam)
    GA - Line Creek, 500 yards SW of Airport off Dividend Road
    GA - Line Creek on Castlewood Road, at edge of city limits of Tyrone
    GA - Whitewater Creek at Quarters Road, 5 air miles ESE of junction 54/74 in Peachtree City
    GA - Line Creek at GA Rt 54 in Peachtree City
    GA - Line Creek at GA RT 85/74, 2.3 air miles NE of Senoia
    GA - Whitewater Creek on Bernhard Road, 4.5 air miles SE of Peachtree City
    GA - Line Creek at end of Dividend Drive (TDK Blvd) on Peachtree City Dev. Land Corp. Land
    FL - Apalachicola River, below Jim Woodruff Dam at NM 106
    FL - New River at CR 231, 2 air miles N of Brooker
    GA - Upatoi Creek, 2.25 miles WSW of Geneva
    GA - Kendall Creek on US 80, 10 air miles WSW of Geneva
    GA - Tar River on US Rt 80, 8 air miles WSW of Geneva
    AL - Uchee Creek just downstream from Hwy 165 bridge
    AL - Uchee Creek at AL Rt 39, 3.2 miles NW of Ft. Michell
    AL - Uchee Creek at US RT 431, 5.8 air miles NE of Seale
    AL - Uchee Creek, at SR 169 bridge
    AL - Uchee Creek at AL Rt 23, 7.6 miles NNW of Seale
    AL - Little Uchee Creek, above US 431 bridge, 6.7 km NW of Ft. Mitchell
    AL - Little Uchee Creek at Lee Co. 240, at Moffetts Mill
    AL - Little Uchee Creek at CR 36, 4.1 air miles SW of Salem
    AL - Little Uchee Creek at CR 28, 7.2 air miles NE of Seale
    AL - Little Uchee Creek at GA Rt 80, 6.7 air miles W of Phenix City
    AL - Halawakee Creek at site 340 on AL Rt 63, 7 air miles NE of Opelika
    AL - Halawakee Creek at US I-85 bridge
    AL - Little Uchee Creek, above US 431 bridge, 6.7 km NW of Ft. Mitchell
    GA - Cooleewahee Creek on GA Rt 91, just above Newton
    GA - Kinchafoonee Creek at GA Rt 41, Just S of Preston
    GA - Kinchafoonee Creek at GA Rt 45
    GA - Kinchafoonee Creek at GA Rt 49 bridge
    FL - Econfina Creek at FL Rt 20, 20 air miles N of Panama City
    FL - Econfina Creek at CR 388, 17 air miles N of Panama City
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 81
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 93.9
    FL - Apalachicola River at NM 93.2-93.7
    FL - Apalachicola River from NM 88.6-89.0
    NC - Lake Waccamaw, Columbus County, SW shore just above Dam
    AL - Bear Creek, just south of Bishop
    AL - Shoal Creek, just above Goose Shoals bridge
    AL - Oakmulgee Creek, about 1 mile below mouth
    AL - Bogue Chitto Creek at Iron Bridge, about 2 miles SW of Five Points
    AL - Cahaba River, 1.5 miles W of Suttle
    AL - Mulberry Creek, at Gardiner Island (mouth of creek)
    AL - Alamuchee Creek on Sumter Co. Rd. 13, 4 Miles S of Livingston
    AL - Noxubee River near Gainesville, AL
    AL - Sipsey River, 1.5 miles NW of Lewiston on Greence Co. Rd. 23
    MS - Buttahatchee River, between Caledonia Access and US 45 bridge
    NC - Lake Waccamaw, Columbus County, NE shallow sand region
    GA - Ohoopee River, SR 147 bridge 9.6 km SSW of Reidsville
    GA - Chattahoochee River [vicinity of Columbus, Georgia]
    AL - Little Uchee Creek, above US 431 bridge, 6.7 km NW of Ft. Mitchell
    AL - Uchee Creek at US RT 431, 5.8 air miles NE of Seale
    AL - Cowarts Creek on Houston Co. Rd. 55, 5 miles S of Ashford
    AL - Cowarts Creek on St. Rt 52, about 2 miles NW of AL/FL line
    AL - Big Creek on US Hwy 231, 8 miles S of Dothan
    AL - Pea River at AL RT 167, 11 miles NNW of Enterprise
    AL - Yellow River at AL Hwy 55, 10 miles NW of Florala
    AL - Yellow River on Convington Co. Rd. 4, about 5.5 miles E of Wing
    AL - Conecuh River at AL Hwy 41, 2 miles S of Brewton
    AL - Limestone Creek on Rt. 20, 5 miles Southeast of Monroeville
    AL - Unnamed tributary to Burnt Corn Creek at US 84, 3 miles W of Belleville
    AL - Pigeon Creek on Conecuh Co Rd 24, Covington County Rd. 82, 4 mi WNW of Red Level
    AL - Pursley Creek on Al Hwy 41, 3.5 miles SW of Camden
    FL - Canal on South Patric Drive at entrance to Patrick Air Force Base Golf Course, Satellite Beach
    FL - Orange Creek on St Rt 315, ca 1 mi NE Orange Springs, St. John's Drainage
    FL - Oklawaha River on Marion CR 314 at Sharps Ferry, E of Ocala
    FL - Oklawaha River at Eureka (Eureka Lock and Dam on Cross-Florida Barge Canal)
    FL - Lake Kerr at Marion Co. Boat Ramp (west end of Lake), off Marion CR 316
    FL - Apalachicola River, sand bars on east bank below Hwy 20 bridge
    FL - West Arm Creek at north side of Wewahitchka
    FL - Chipola River at Co Rd 22, E of Wewahitchka
    TN - Elk River at Hamilton Mill on CR 273
    GA - Upatoi Creek at US RT 280, 1.8 air miles E of US 185 in Columbus
    GA - Flint River at Hwy 32, 2 miles S of Philema
    AL - Reservoir behind lodge at Lakepoint State Park
    AL - Chattahoochee River at Al Hwy 10/Ga Hwy 37
    FL - Rim Canal - C24 Diversion Canal from 1 mile NE of rt 709 downstream to 0.5 below I95
    SC - Savannah River (R.M. 167.3) [~1 mi SW of Cowden]
    SC - Savannah River just below New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam
    GA - Savannah River King Mill and Sibley Mill discharge and shoal just upstream at River Mile 203.1
    GA - Savannah River, 0.8 miles upstream from I20, north side of Augusta
    SC - Lynches River on SC Rt 9, 9 miles W of Pageland
    FL - Chipola River at Co Hwy 278
    GA - Pumpkinvine Creek on St. Rd 278, 2.2 air miles W of Dallas
    GA - Little Allatoona Creek on Old Stilesboro Road, 4 air miles SW of Acworth
    GA - Raccoon Creek at Braswell Mountain Road, 3.75 air miles NE of Braswell
    GA - Mill Creek on CR 370, 3.75 air miles SE of Holly Springs
    FL - Lake Eustis
    FL - Wekiva River on FL Rt 46 at Seminole-Lake county line, W of Sanford
    FL - Juniper Creek on FL Rt 19, about 3.4 miles N of junction FL 19 and 40, 2.5 miles W of Lake George
    GA - Little Tallapoosa River, 2.5 mi W of Villa Rica on US Hwy 78
    GA - Long Swamp Creek at SR 53, 5.2 air miles SE of Jasper
    GA - Two Run Creek at County Rt 177 bridge, 6.1 air mi NNW of Cartersville, Etowah Drainage
    GA - Clear Creek on CO Rd 97, 8.5 air miles NNW of Cartersville
    TN - Elk River at River at Rutledge Ford Rd. Bridge 12.5 mi NE Center Winchester
    TN - Richland Creek at SR 273, 3.6 air miles W of Elkton
    FL - Cross Creek on Alachua Co Rt 325 at Cross Creek Fish Camp, ESE of Micanopy, 18 miles SSE of Gainesville
    FL - Suwannee River on St. Hwy 51, 3 miles N of Mayo
    FL - Suwannee River at Telford Spring Run, 3 miles N of Mayo
    FL - Cow Creek on Co. Rd. 138, 1 mile W of junction 138 and 47, 6 miles SSW of Fort White
    FL - Santa Fe River, approx 500 m downstream of US-441, near High Springs
    FL - Eau Gallie River, 0.2 miles W of Wickham Road
    AL - Otter Creek, on dirt road, 3.5 mi from Rt. 84 off 2nd dirt road, NE of Belleville
    AL - Burnt Corn Creek, 2.3 miles west of Belleville on Rt. 84
    AL - Limestone Creek on Rt. 20, 5 miles Southeast of Monroeville
    AL - Horse Creek, CR77 4.1 miles SW of junction of AL 10
    AL - Horse Creek on dirt road, 0.7 miles Southeast from Hwy 77 crossing
    AL - Patsaliga Creek, CR 82, 2.8 miles West of Gantt
    AL - Jordan Creek at US31 crossing, 5 miles South of junction of US31 and US84 in Evergreen
    AL - Jordan Creek, 7 air miles from Evergreen, on Tate Road
    AL - Autrey Creek on US 31, 2.4 miles SW of US 31 and US 84
    AL - Brushy Creek on CR30, 0.3 miles East of Peterman
    AL - Limestone Creek on unpaved county road, 0.5 miles East of Monroeville
    AL - Limestone Creek on unpaved road, 0.8 miles N of Drewry, 5.1 air miles ESE of Monroeville
    AL - Unnamed tributary of Limestone Creek, 5.5 air miles ESE of Monroeville on dirt road
    FL - Canal L31-W at Taylor Slough pump station, 7.5 air-miles WSW of Homestead
    FL - Alexander Spring Run on St. Rt. 445, 6 air miles S of Astor
    AL - Hillabee Creek on AL Hwy 22, 6.6 miles NE of Alexander City
    AL - Cheaha Creek on Co Rt 399, 1.7 miles N of junction AL Hwy 21, about 7.5 air miles NE of Talladega
    AL - Shoal Creek on Forest Service Rd 500 at Pine Glen Recreation Area
    AL - Gurley Creek on AL Hwy 79, 0.2 miles S of Jefferson/Blount county line
    AL - Calvert Prong of Little Warrior on AL Hwy 75, 3.1 miles NE of US 31 and US 75
    AL - Turkey Creek on Pinson Main Street, 1.5 miles E of Pinson
    AL - Alabama River at junction of a tributary, 1 miles upstream of Claiborne Dam
    GA - Spring Creek at SR84 bridge in Brinson
    GA - Dry Creek at Rt 88 bridge, about 1 mile up from confluence with Spring Creek
    GA - Fourmile Creek on GA Hwy 97, 4 air miles SW of Bainbridge
    GA - Mosquito Creek at GA 97 bridge, 17.8 miles Southwest of Bainbridge
    GA - Kirkland Creek at US84
    GA - Sawhatchee Creek on Rt. 273, 0.9 mi West of Cedar Springs
    GA - Chattahoochee River, below George Andrews Lake and Dam
    GA - Coheelee Creek on Co Rd 80, 1.5 air miles NW of Hilton
    GA - Spring Creek on Ga Rt. 62 bridge, 9.8 air miles East of Blakely
    GA - Cooleewahee Creek on GA Rt 91, just above Newton
    GA - Chickasawhatchee Creek at CR121 bridge, 8.8 air miles Northwest of Newton
    GA - Ichawaynochaway Creek on GA Hwy 216, 4.8 miles WNW of junction Hwy 216 and 37
    GA - Ichawaynochaway Creek on GA Rt. 200, 9.5 air miles WSW of Newton
    GA - Spring Creek at GA Rt. 190 bridge, 0.4 miles from junction W from GA Rt. 191, 2.5 miles SW of Boykin
    GA - Aycocks Creek at GA Rt. 190, 3.2 miles WSW of Boykin
    GA - Spring Creek on Rt. 391, 1.3 miles W of GA Rt 310, 12 air miles NW of Bainbridge
    FL - Alapaha River on St. Rt. 150, 2 miles E of Jennings
    GA - Alapaha River on GA Hwy 94 at Statenville
    AL - Robinson Creek on AL 47 and 21, ca 3.5 mi SW of Beatrice
    AL - Hunter Creek on Hwy 84, 2.6 miles W of junction of I65 and US84
    AL - Jordan Creek at US31 crossing, 5 miles South of junction of US31 and US84 in Evergreen
    AL - Tributary of Limestone Creek on Co Rt 27, 3.5 air miles WNW of Monroeville
    AL - Bear Creek, trib. of Randons Creek, 5.5 air miles W of Frisco City
    AL - Randons Creek on Co Rt 1, 6 air miles S of Perdue Hill (on Rt. 84)
    FL - Drainage ditch on State Route 82, about 5 miles west-northwest of the junction with State Route 29.
    AL - Hunter Creek on Hwy 84, 2.6 miles W of junction of I65 and US84
    AL - Sipsey Fork at end F.S. Rd. 234 at 5.7 air mi NNEof Double Springs, Black Warrior Drainage
    TN - Little River at junction of Old Welland Rd and Ellijoy Road
    FL - Escambia River, 1 air mile SE of McDavid
    FL - Escambia River, 1.75 air miles ENE of McDavid
    FL - Escambia River at boat ramp st. rt. 184 bridge, 4 air mi Cottage Hill
    FL - Escambia River at Chumuckla Springs Boat Ramp, 3.5 air miles SSE of McDavid
    AL - Conecuh River below Container Corp. Plant, 1.5 air miles SSW of mouth of Murder Creek
    AL - Murder Creek about 200m above its junction with Conecuh River, 3 air miles SW of East Brewton
    AL - Conecuh River, north bank just upstream of mouth of Murder Creek, 3 air miles SW of East Brewton
    FL - Conecuh River, 0.6 miles downstream from AL/FL line, 3 air miles NNW of Jay
    AL - Old Faulkner Lake
    FL - Escambia River at Terrel Landers Landing, just below Bray Mill Creek junction, 2.8 air miles NW of Jay
    FL - Escambia River at boat ramp, 0.8 air miles SE of Bluff Springs
    AL - Conecuh River, 0.4 miles upstream of CR 4 bridge, 8 air miles E of East Brewton
    AL - Conecuh River at boat ramp, 1.2 miles S of Hwy 29, 14 air miles E of East Brewton
    AL - Patsaliga Creek, CR 82, 2.8 miles West of Gantt
    AL - Patsaliga Creek at lower end of island, about 0.6 miles below Co Rt 82 bridge
    AL - Patsaliga Creek, slough on impounded lower end, about 0.7 air miles N of Co Rt 59 bridge
    AL - Conecuh River at upper end of Gantt Reservoir
    AL - Gantt Lake in old river channel near boat ramp, 4 air miles W of Rose Hill
    AL - Conecuh River at upper end of Gantt Reservoir
    AL - Conecuh River at US 29 Crossing, Escambia Drainage
    AL - Sepulga River on County Rd. 42 at .2 mi SE Brooklyn, Escambia Drainage
    AL - Battle Creek on CR 43, 0.5 air miles NE of Brooklyn
    AL - Sepulga River on dirt road, 4 air miles NE of Brooklyn
    AL - Sepulga River on US Hwy 31, 10 air miles E of Evergreen
    AL - Pigeon Creek on Conecuh Co Rd 24, Covington County Rd. 82, 4 mi WNW of Red Level
    AL - Pigeon Creek on CR 107, 5 air miles NNW of Red Level
    AL - Conecuh River at County Rd. 77 at 1 mi SE jct US 29 and Co Rd.77 in Dozier
    AL - Conecuh River at US 331, 0.7 air miles SSE of Brantley
    AL - Conecuh River on CR 6, 0.7 miles ESE of Glenwood
    AL - Conecuh River on County Rd 28 at 0.8 mi ESE of Goshen
    AL - Conecuh River at US 29 Crossing, Escambia Drainage
    AL - Patsaliga Creek, Co Rd 50 at 0.5 mi SE of Patsburg
    AL - Patsaliga Creek on AL Hwy 106, 7 miles NNW of Dozier
    AL - Patsaliga Creek on dirt road at 7 air mi NNW of Gantt, Escambia drainage
    AL - Patsaliga Creek on dirt road, 3 air miles W of Gantt, and 2 air miles N of Co Rt 82 bridge
    AL - Conecuh river at upper end of Point A Lake (reservoir), just below US 29 crossing
    AL - Conecuh River on Co Rd 42, 5.5 air miles WSW of Andalusia
    FL - Escambia River at Molino boat ramp


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/9/2025].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.