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California Academy of Sciences. 2013. California Academy of Sciences herpetology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA. Created on 04/20/2012. Accessed on 04/09/2013.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 25916
Type: Database
Author: California Academy of Sciences.
Date (year): 2013
Title:California Academy of Sciences herpetology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
Publisher:California Academy of Sciences.
Publisher Location:San Francisco, CA
Accessed on: 04/09/2013
Created on: 04/20/2012
Keywords: CAS, herpetology
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Chelydra serpentina

    CA - Oso Flaco Lake, 8 km S of Grover City
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, East Ave, Piute Ponds

Chrysemys picta bellii

    CA - San Joaquin River near Stockton
    AZ - below Lyman Dam
    AZ - below Lyman Dam

Lithobates catesbeianus

    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Cottonwood Creek, at the Hwy I-5 bridge (on the N bank of the creek)
    CA - Del Puerto Creek, ca. 0.5 mi downstream from the E boundary of Minniear Campground
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - MacKerricher State Park, Lake Cleone
    CA - 0.25 mi NE of Bellevue Rd and Sixmile Grade (G St) jct (N of Merced), Lower Golf Lateral
    CA - Lake McKenzie, off Black Rd
    CA - 0.5 mi NW of Los Trancos Woods
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Top Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Ceremonial Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Barn Pond, 37 05 37.43 N, 121 44 25.23 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Barn Pond, 37 05 37.43 N, 121 44 25.23 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Barn Pond, 37 05 37.43 N, 121 44 25.23 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Barn Pond, 37 05 37.43 N, 121 44 25.23 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Barn Pond, 37 05 37.43 N, 121 44 25.23 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Barn Pond, 37 05 37.43 N, 121 44 25.23 W
    CA - Cedar Creek, 0.8 mi upstream from the confluence with Hagermann Canyon
    CA - Hunting Hollow, 0.6 mi upstream from mouth
    CA - Santa Rosa Creek, ca 50 yds downstream from Hwy 1 bridge
    CA - San Simeon Creek at gravel plant (3 mi upstream from mouth)
    CA - San Jose, Santa Teresa Golf Course
    CA - Cedar Creek, 1.2 mi upstream from the confluence with Hagermann Canyon
    CA - San Simeon Creek (at Segment #10), in slough next to Hwy 1
    CA - 1 km upstream from Beaver Creek Pinery Campground, mouth of Beaver Creek (tributary to Deer Creek)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Ceremonial Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Owl Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Owl Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Owl Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Owl Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Hidden Valley Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Hidden Valley Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Hidden Valley Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Rubble Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `New Juvenile Pool'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Top Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Narrow Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Narrow Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Flat Rock Pool'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Flat Rock Pool'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Diamond Valley, N base of 'South Hills', farm reservoir, 33 40 35.5 N, 116 59 37.9 W, T6S R1W Sec 4 (NW quarter of SW quarter)
    CA - Diamond Valley, N base of 'South Hills', farm reservoir, 33 40 35.5 N, 116 59 37.9 W, T6S R1W Sec 4 (NW quarter of SW quarter)
    CA - Diamond Valley, N base of 'South Hills', farm reservoir, 33 40 35.5 N, 116 59 37.9 W, T6S R1W Sec 4 (NW quarter of SW quarter)
    CA - Diamond Valley, N base of 'South Hills', farm reservoir, 33 40 35.5 N, 116 59 37.9 W, T6S R1W Sec 4 (NW quarter of SW quarter)
    CA - irrigation pond next to Hwy 63, 1.1 mi S of Hwy 201 jct
    CA - Dye Creek Ranch, Dye Creek
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Dead Bullfrog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Dead Bullfrog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Dead Bullfrog Pond'
    CA - 0.05 mi E of Toll House Rd bridge, seep next to Saratoga Creek
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Ceremonial Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Ceremonial Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Ceremonial Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Cut Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Hidden Valley Pond'
    CA - Cache Creek just above bridge at Guinda (Vernon A. Nichols County Park)
    CA - Cache Creek at Rd 41 bridge at Rumsey
    CA - Cache Creek at Rd 41 bridge at Rumsey
    CA - Cache Creek at bridge 22-19 on Hwy 20 (ca 1 mi W of Camp Haswell, Boy Scouts of America)
    CA - irrigation pond next to Hwy 63, 1.1 mi S of Hwy 201 jct
    CA - pond in Tick Creek drainage, 0.60 mi W of Old Monterey Rd
    CA - stock pond just N of Tradition Golf Course site, 0.6 mi SE of jct of Bailey Ave and McKean Rd
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Lower Dam Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - 13.6 mi ESE of Lower Lake (Lake County), Davis Creek above Davis Creek Reservoir
    CA - 13.6 mi ESE of Lower Lake, Davis Creek below Davis Creek Reservoir
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Turtle Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Dead Bullfrog Pond'
    CA - Cache Creek below confluence with Bear Creek
    CA - Bear Creek, ca 1 km above Wilbur Springs
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Cole Creek at `Eight Frog Pond'
    CA - 1 km SE of Livermore, Hwy 84, 1 km SW of East Vineyard Ave, 25 m S of Hwy 84, Datjen Pond
    CA - 1 km SE of Livermore, Hwy 84, 1 km SW of East Vineyard Ave, 25 m S of Hwy 84, Datjen Pond
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond at jct of French Creek Rd (Forest Rd 21N79Y) and Forest Rd 22N34, 39 43 23.1 N, 121 21 53.7 W, T22N R5E Sec36 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond at jct of French Creek Rd (Forest Rd 21N79Y) and Forest Rd 22N34, 39 43 23.1 N, 121 21 53.7 W, T22N R5E Sec36 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond at jct of French Creek Rd (Forest Rd 21N79Y) and Forest Rd 22N34, 39 43 23.1 N, 121 21 53.7 W, T22N R5E Sec36 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond at jct of French Creek Rd (Forest Rd 21N79Y) and Forest Rd 22N34, 39 43 23.1 N, 121 21 53.7 W, T22N R5E Sec36 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4)
    CA - S side of pond in Williams Loop (railroad), 39 54 35.6 N, 120 48 33.2 W, T24N R10E Sec25 (SW 1/4 of SE 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond along Western Pacific Railroad tracks, 39 56 15.9 N, 120 51 24.4 W, T24N R10E Sec15 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond along Western Pacific Railroad tracks, 39 56 15.9 N, 120 51 24.4 W, T24N R10E Sec15 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond along Western Pacific Railroad tracks, 39 56 15.9 N, 120 51 24.4 W, T24N R10E Sec15 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond along Western Pacific Railroad tracks, 39 56 15.9 N, 120 51 24.4 W, T24N R10E Sec15 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond along Western Pacific Railroad tracks, 39 56 15.9 N, 120 51 24.4 W, T24N R10E Sec15 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond along Western Pacific Railroad tracks, 39 56 15.9 N, 120 51 24.4 W, T24N R10E Sec15 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, Snake Lake spillway, T24N R9E Sec6 (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39 58 22.404 N, 121 00 55.764 W
    CA - Plumas National Forest, Smith Lake, SW side, T25N R9E Sec31 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 59 4.236 N, 121 01 07.86 W
    CA - Plumas National Forest, Smith Lake, SW side, T25N R9E Sec31 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 59 4.236 N, 121 01 07.86 W
    CA - Plumas National Forest, Smith Lake, SW side, T25N R9E Sec31 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 59 4.236 N, 121 01 07.86 W
    CA - Plumas National Forest, Smith Lake, SW side, T25N R9E Sec31 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 59 4.236 N, 121 01 07.86 W
    CA - Plumas National Forest, Smith Lake, SW side, T25N R9E Sec31 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 59 4.236 N, 121 01 07.86 W
    CA - Plumas National Forest, Wapaunsie Creek, 39 57 15.318 N, 121 02 8.376 W, T24N R8E Sec12 (NW 1/4 of SE 1/4)
    CA - San Jose, pond on S side of Bailey Ave, 0.85 mi W of Santa Teresa Blvd
    CA - ca 3.5 mi S of Gilroy, pond 0.1 mi W of Old Monterey Rd (0.3 mi from jct with Hwy 101)
    CA - ca 3.5 mi S of Gilroy, pond 0.1 mi W of Old Monterey Rd (0.3 mi from jct with Hwy 101)
    CA - Lemoore Naval Air Station, Grangeville Bypass, 0.75 mi SE (by rd) of Elgin Ave
    CA - ca 3.6 mi S of Gilroy, pond 0.2 mi W of Old Monterey Rd (0.4 mi from jct with Hwy 101)
    CA - Sierra National Forest, Sycamore Creek, NW of Hacker Mtn, 36 55 14.9 N, 119 18 25.5 W, T12S R24E Sec1 (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4)
    CA - Rosendin Pond, 37 09 43.35 N, 121 37 15.3 W
    CA - Calero County Park, Calero Reservoir, 37 11 00.35 N, 121 46 54.66 W
    CA - Calero County Park, Fish Camp, 37 10 7.69 N, 121 46 42.55 W
    CA - Calero County Park, Fish Camp, 37 10 7.69 N, 121 46 42.55 W
    CA - Rosendin Pond, 37 09 43.35 N, 121 37 15.3 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    TX - San Antonio
    TX - San Antonio
    TX - San Antonio
    TX - San Antonio
    TX - San Antonio
    TX - San Antonio
    TX - San Antonio
    TX - San Antonio
    TX - San Antonio
    TX - San Antonio
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    CA - Danville, Alamo Creek and Camino Tassajara Rd, 37 47 56.64 N, 121 52 55.69 W
    CA - Danville, Alamo Creek and Camino Tassajara Rd, 37 47 56.64 N, 121 52 55.69 W
    CA - Danville, Alamo Creek and Camino Tassajara Rd, 37 47 56.64 N, 121 52 55.69 W
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond on E side of Forest Rd 119 at Mountain House, 39 42 18.81 N, 121 19 22.2 W, T21N R6E Sec 5 (SE 1/4 of NE 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond on E side of Forest Rd 119 at Mountain House, 39 42 18.81 N, 121 19 22.2 W, T21N R6E Sec 5 (SE 1/4 of NE 1/4)
    CA - Plumas National Forest, Barnard Diggings pond, 39 39 35.78 N, 120 59 22.65 W, T21N R9E Sec 20 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4)
    CA - Camp San Luis Obispo, Chorro Creek Reservoir
    CA - 10 km NE of Watsonville, Walsh-Fletcher Ranch, Big Pond, ca 2 km S of Hwy 152
    CA - 10 km NE of Watsonville, Walsh-Fletcher Ranch, Big Pond, ca 2 km S of Hwy 152
    CA - 10 km NE of Watsonville, Walsh-Fletcher Ranch, Upper Pond, ca 1.5 km S of Hwy 152
    CA - 10 km NE of Watsonville, Walsh-Fletcher Ranch, Upper Pond, ca 1.5 km S of Hwy 152
    CA - Camp Roberts, San Antonio River, ca 2 mi SW (upstream) of Hwy 101
    CA - Camp Roberts, San Antonio River, ca 2 mi SW (upstream) of Hwy 101
    CA - Camp San Luis Obispo, 4.5 km NNW of Bishop Peak, Delta Range Pond
    CA - Toro Creek drainage, 2 km NE of E end of Santa Margarita Lake, stock pond on Howard Jacob's ranch, T30S R15E Sec6 (NW 1/4 of SW 1/4)
    CA - Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Culp Valley, Lews Spring
    CA - Mendocino National Forest, Little Stony Creek, between confluence of Sullivan Creek and confluence of Trout Creek, 39 15 36.44 N, 122 35 39.87 W
    CA - Mendocino National Forest, Little Stony Creek at Little Stony Creek Campground (Digger Pine Campground), 39 17 8.27 N, 122 34 34.40 W
    CA - Mendocino National Forest, Little Stony Creek, downstream of Little Stony Creek Campground (Digger Pine Campground), T17N R6W Sec29 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 17 27.2 N, 122 33 30.95 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Sierra Way, 0.4 mi N (by rd) of Tulare Co. line, T24S R33E Sec32 (NW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 35 47 57.8 N, 118 26 58.8 W
    CA - 564 m bearing 288 degrees from intersection of Hwy 101 and Old Monterey Rd, T11S R4E Sec29 (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4), 36 57 06.84 N, 121 33 28.28 W
    CA - San Francisco, John McLaren Park, ca 20 m SW of SW corner of intersection of Bacon Street and Oxford Street, 37 43 23.94 N, 122 25 06.3 W
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 6 mi W of La Grange
    CA - 6 mi W of La Grange
    CA - 6 mi W of La Grange
    CA - 6 mi W of La Grange
    CA - Quincy
    CA - Rio Linda
    CA - 2 mi NW of Rio Linda
    CA - S of Franklin, Cosumnes River
    CA - Rio Linda
    CA - Rio Linda
    CA - 2 mi NW of Rio Linda
    CA - 2 mi NW of Rio Linda
    CA - San Joaquin Experimental Range
    CA - San Joaquin Experimental Range
    CA - San Joaquin Experimental Range
    CA - San Joaquin Experimental Range
    CA - San Joaquin Experimental Range
    CA - Roseville
    CA - Roseville
    CA - near Guinda, Cache Creek
    CA - 10 mi SE of Davis
    CA - 10 mi SE of Davis
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - 1 mi NW of Farmington, A.B. Haslacher Ranch
    CA - Linden Rd (Hwy 27), 3 mi E of Stockton, frog farm of F.A. Schmitt
    CA - 8 mi W of Gridley
    CA - ca 6 mi NW of Sierraville, headwaters of the Feather River, E 72112, N 4410424
    CA - San Francisco, John McLaren Park, ca 20 m from SW corner of intersection of Bacon and Oxford Streets, 37 43 23.94 N, 122 25 06.3 W
    CA - San Jose, Pennitencia Creek on downstream side of Capitol Expressway
    CA - Sierra National Forest, Kings River, Kirch Flat Campground
    CA - ca 10 km NE of Santa Rosa, Mark West Creek at Slusser Rd, 300 m N of River Rd
    CA - ca 10 km NE of Santa Rosa, Mark West Creek at Slusser Rd, 300 m N of River Rd
    CA - ca 10 km NE of Santa Rosa, Mark West Creek along Alpine Rd, 1.5 km NW of Calistoga Rd
    CA - Harney Drive, 1.5 km SE of Glen Ellen
    CA - Harney Drive, 1.5 km SE of Glen Ellen
    CA - 6 km SE of Santa Rosa, Matanzas Reservoir
    CA - 6 km SE of Santa Rosa, Matanzas Reservoir
    CA - 6 km SE of Santa Rosa, Matanzas Reservoir
    CA - 10 km SE of Santa Rosa, Annadel State Park, Ledson Marsh
    CA - 12 km NW of Santa Rosa, Russian River, 200 m N of Wohler Bridge
    CA - 12 km NW of Santa Rosa, Russian River, 200 m N of Wohler Bridge
    CA - Goose Lake
    CA - ca 0.25 mi S of Sequoia National Forest, crossing of White Deer Creek and Hopewell Rd, T13S R26E Sec17 (NW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 36 47 53.8 N, 119 10 29.0 W
    CA - ca 0.25 mi S of Sequoia National Forest, crossing of White Deer Creek and Hopewell Rd, T13S R26E Sec17 (NW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 36 47 53.8 N, 119 10 29.0 W
    CA - ca 0.25 mi S of Sequoia National Forest, crossing of White Deer Creek and Hopewell Rd, T13S R26E Sec17 (NW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 36 47 53.8 N, 119 10 29.0 W
    CA - ca 0.25 mi S of Sequoia National Forest, crossing of White Deer Creek and Hopewell Rd, T13S R26E Sec17 (NW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 36 47 53.8 N, 119 10 29.0 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Mountain Home, Bear Creek, T20S R30E Sec7 (NE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 36 11 57.0 N, 118 45 40.6 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Mountain Home, unnamed pond 500 m W of visitor parking area in Clemmie Gill Sciences and Conservation School (Scion), T20S R30E Sec7 (NE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 36 11 56.9 N, 118 45 50.8 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Mountain Home, unnamed pond 500 m W of visitor parking area in Clemmie Gill Sciences and Conservation School (Scion), T20S R30E Sec7 (NE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 36 11 56.9 N, 118 45 50.8 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Mountain Home, unnamed pond 500 m W of visitor parking area in Clemmie Gill Sciences and Conservation School (Scion), T20S R30E Sec7 (NE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 36 11 56.9 N, 118 45 50.8 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Mountain Home, unnamed pond 500 m W of visitor parking area in Clemmie Gill Sciences and Conservation School (Scion), T20S R30E Sec7 (NE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 36 11 56.9 N, 118 45 50.8 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Mountain Home, unnamed pond 500 m W of visitor parking area in Clemmie Gill Sciences and Conservation School (Scion), T20S R30E Sec7 (NE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 36 11 56.9 N, 118 45 50.8 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Kings River, T12S R26E Sec27 (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36 51 48.7 N, 119 7 25.7 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Pierce Valley Lake, T15S R28E Sec4 (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36 38 59.2 N, 118 56 20.1 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Hume Lake National Recreation Area, Tenmile Creek, T13S R28E Sec14 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36 47 48.82 N, 118 53 53.09 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Hume Lake National Recreation Area, Tenmile Creek, T13S R28E Sec14 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36 47 48.82 N, 118 53 53.09 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Hume Lake National Recreation Area, Tenmile Creek, T13S R28E Sec14 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36 47 48.82 N, 118 53 53.09 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Kings River, T12S R26E Sec27 (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36 51 48.7 N, 119 7 25.7 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Pierce Valley Lake, T15S R28E Sec4 (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36 38 59.2 N, 118 56 20.1 W
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Hume Lake National Recreation Area, Tenmile Creek, T13S R28E Sec14 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36 47 48.82 N, 118 53 53.09 W
    CA - Big Sur, Post Ranch Inn, 1 mi S Pfeiffer State Park, 1/4 mi W of Hwy 1 at pond, 36 13.813 N, 121 46.128 W
    CA - Stevens Creek at Stevens Canyon Rd bridge, 37 17 04 N, 122 04 39 W
    CA - Stevens Creek at Stevens Canyon Rd bridge, 37 17 04 N, 122 04 39 W
    CA - Willow Creek, ca 2.0 mi SE (by rd) of Bridge Haven (Hwy 1 at Russian River), 38 25 55.8 N, 123 04 52.98 W
    CA - Post Ranch Inn, ca 1 mi S of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, near Hwy 1, 36 13 49.08 N, 121 45 58.68 W, UTM 10S 610869E 4010001N
    CA - Post Ranch Inn, ca 1 mi S of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, near Hwy 1, 36 13 49.08 N, 121 45 58.68 W, UTM 10S 610869E 4010001N
    CA - Post Ranch Inn, ca 1 mi S of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, near Hwy 1, 36 13 49.08 N, 121 45 58.68 W, UTM 10S 610869E 4010001N
    CA - Post Ranch Inn, ca 1 mi S of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, near Hwy 1, 36 13 49.08 N, 121 45 58.68 W, UTM 10S 610869E 4010001N
    CA - Post Ranch Inn, ca 1 mi S of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, near Hwy 1, 36 13 49.08 N, 121 45 58.68 W, UTM 10S 610869E 4010001N
    CA - Camp Pendleton Marine Base, San Mateo Creek Estuary, 33 23 9.456 N, 117 35 37.248 W
    CA - Camp Pendleton Marine Base, San Mateo Creek Estuary, 33 23 9.456 N, 117 35 37.248 W
    CA - Camp Pendleton Marine Base, San Mateo Creek Estuary, 33 23 9.456 N, 117 35 37.248 W
    CA - Camp Pendleton Marine Base, San Mateo Creek Estuary, 33 23 9.456 N, 117 35 37.248 W
    CA - Camp Pendleton Marine Base, San Mateo Creek Estuary, 33 23 9.456 N, 117 35 37.248 W
    CA - Big Tujunga Canyon, Big Tujunga Creek, pool immediately downstream from creek crossing at Stoneyvale Picnic Area, 34 17 06.65 N, 118 13 29.35 W
    CA - Big Tujunga Canyon, Big Tujunga Creek, pool immediately downstream from creek crossing at Stoneyvale Picnic Area, 34 17 06.65 N, 118 13 29.35 W
    CA - Big Tujunga Canyon, Big Tujunga Creek, pool immediately downstream from creek crossing at Stoneyvale Picnic Area, 34 17 06.65 N, 118 13 29.35 W
    CA - Big Tujunga Canyon, Big Tujunga Creek, pool immediately downstream from creek crossing at Stoneyvale Picnic Area, 34 17 06.65 N, 118 13 29.35 W
    CA - Little Cow Creek near Coronado Mine, 40 44 19.65 N, 122 04 14.63 W, T33N R2W Sec 3 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4)
    CA - Little Cow Creek near Coronado Mine, 40 44 19.65 N, 122 04 14.63 W, T33N R2W Sec 3 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4)
    CA - Pit River, unnamed pond adjacent to Forest Rd 36N36, 40 59 16.39 N, 121 51 24.25 W, T36N R1E Sec 9 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4)
    CA - Camp Pendleon, lower Santa Margarita, 33 17 19.284 N, 117 22 41.52 W
    CA - Santa Margarita, 33 17 50.496 N, 117 22 7.86 W
    CA - Torrey Pines, 32 54 33.3 N, 117 13 56.64 W
    CA - Sierra National Forest, Dry Creek, ca 200 m NW of confluence with Big Creek, 36 56 00.0 N, 119 14 39.8 W
    CA - Santa Monica Mtns National Recreation Area, Malibu Creek, 0.25 mi S of Malibu Creek State Park, 0.5 mi E of Peter Strauss Ranch off Mulholland Hwy, 34 06 42.3 N, 118 46 20.7 W
    CA - outlet canal at SE corner of Paicines Reservoir
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Cole Creek at S Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Cole Creek at S Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Cole Creek at Lucky Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Cole Creek at Pyramid Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at Indian Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at South Gravel Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at Log Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at 2 Frog Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at Eight Frog Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at Dark Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at Narrow Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at Ship Rock Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at Owl Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at 2 Frog Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at 98 Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve, Cole Creek at Eight Frog Pond
    CA - Cayetano Creek, 0.05 mi upstream from confluence with Arroyo Las Positas
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Sylvan Meadows, Rocky Head Cut Pond
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Sylvan Meadows, Dead Bullfrog Pond in a tributary to Cole Creek
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Sylvan Meadows, Windmill Pond on a tributary to Cole Creek
    CA - Half Moon Bay, unnamed drainage ditch at the S end of Pacific Ave
    CA - South Fork Pacheco Creek
    NV - near Vegas, Manse
    CA - East Branch North Fork Feather River at Rich Bar, isolated side pool 25 m SW of W bank, 40 0 32.04 N, 121 11 35.30 W
    CA - Beale Air Force Base, unnamed pond S of 6th St, 39 05 45.96 N, 121 21 21.13 W
    CA - Sweetwater River, below confluence with Lawson Creek, 32 46 19.42 N, 116 47 57.37 W
    CA - Sweetwater River, below confluence with Lawson Creek, 32 46 19.42 N, 116 47 57.37 W
    CA - Sweetwater River, below confluence with Lawson Creek, 32 46 19.42 N, 116 47 57.37 W
    CA - Sweetwater River, below confluence with Lawson Creek, 32 46 19.42 N, 116 47 57.37 W
    CA - Sweetwater River, below confluence with Lawson Creek, 32 46 19.42 N, 116 47 57.37 W
    CA - Middle Cedar Creek, 33 0 11.16 N, 116 42 24.73 W
    CA - Sweetwater River, below confluence with Lawson Creek, 32 46 19.42 N, 116 47 57.37 W
    CA - Sweetwater River, below confluence with Lawson Creek, 32 46 19.42 N, 116 47 57.37 W
    CA - Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve, Willow Pond, 32 40 43.27 N, 116 51 35.14 W
    CA - W bank of White Pines Lake, 38 16 4.92 N, 120 20 36.55 W
    CA - Alameda Creek, at Calaveras Creek confluence, 37 30 13.12 N, 121 49 15.72 W
    CA - Alameda Creek, at Little Yosemite, 37 30 19.53 N, 121 48 51.90 W
    CA - Garnett Creek at Greenwood Ave crossing, 38 35 34.72 N, 122 35 29.25 W
    CA - Hwy 12, ca 2.53 mi W (by rd) of Burson Rd intersection, in small irrigation ditch ca 20 m S of Hwy 12, 38 10 39.85 N, 120 56 8.43 W
    CA - Manzanita Lake, ca 50 m upstream of dam, W bank, 37 14 40.93 N, 119 30 59.57 W
    CA - Alameda Creek, ca 40 m upstream of Calaveras Creek confluence, 37 30 14.19 N, 121 49 14.64 W
    CA - creek tributary to Alameda Creek, Lowry Rd and Southern Pacific Railroad
    CA - creek tributary to Alameda Creek, Lowry Rd and Southern Pacific Railroad
    CA - Elk Grove, North Fork of Cosumnes River at Hwy 99
    CA - Elk Grove, North Fork of Cosumnes River at Hwy 99, bridge and 350 yds E along river bottom
    CA - Elk Grove, North Fork of Cosumnes River at Hwy 99, bridge and 350 yds E along river bottom
    CA - Elk Grove, North Fork of Cosumnes River at Hwy 99, bridge and 350 yds E along river bottom
    CA - Elk Grove, North Fork of Cosumnes River at Hwy 99, bridge and 350 yds E along river bottom
    CA - Delta-Mendota Canal
    CA - Ca 4 mi from Clarksburg
    CA - San Joaquin River at Durham Ferry State Recreation Area
    CA - Del Puerto Creek (ca. 7.2 km W of Interstate 5)
    CA - from pond at 1435 Howell Mtn Rd N, ca 3 km NNE of Angwin
    CA - Pescadero Natural Area at pond next to the Sequoia Audubon Trail (200 yds N of Pescadero Creek Lagoon)
    CA - Battle Creek at the Jellys Ferry Rd bridge
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - Butano Creek, downstream (N) from the Pescadero Rd bridge
    CA - Butano Creek, downstream (N) from the Pescadero Rd bridge
    CA - pond on N side of Colorado River, ca. 0.4 mi W of Neighbours Blvd between fence road and outer levee road (directly E of Palo Verde)
    CA - Del Puerto Creek near road marker (13 mi W of Hwy I-5)
    CA - Del Puerto Creek near road marker (13 mi W of Hwy I-5)
    CA - Del Puerto Creek, 4.1 rd mi from the Frank Raines Regional Park sign off Hwy I-5
    CA - Del Puerto Creek, 4.1 rd mi from the Frank Raines Regional Park sign off Hwy I-5
    CA - Del Puerto Creek, ca. 0.5 mi downstream from the E boundary of Minniear Campground
    CA - Del Puerto Creek, 4.5 rd mi from the Frank Raines Regional Park sign off Hwy I-5
    CA - Del Puerto Creek, near road marker (13 mi W of Hwy I-5)
    CA - Del Puerto Creek, 12 rd mi from the Frank Raines Regional Park sign off Hwy I-5
    CA - Pescadero Marsh, North Pond area
    CA - in Eticuera Creek along Knoxville-Berryessa Rd ca 5.25 mi N of Lake Berryessa
    CA - Capell Creek just upstream from Hwy 128 bridge (3.675 mi W of Hwy 121 intersection)
    CA - Capell Creek just upstream from Hwy 128 bridge (3.675 mi W of Hwy 121 intersection)
    CA - Capell Creek just upstream from Hwy 128 bridge (3.675 mi W of Hwy 121 intersection)
    CA - near Snelling, North Side Canal near the corner of Keyes Rd and Montgomery St
    CA - near Snelling, North Side Canal near the corner of Keyes Rd and Montgomery St
    CA - Miami Creek, in pool immediately below Rd 620 crossing
    CA - in Eticuera Creek along Knoxville-Berryessa Rd ca 5.25 mi N of Lake Berryessa
    CA - Deep Creek at Mojave River Flood Control Dam (6 mi SE of Hesperia)
    CA - Yates Rd crossing of the Mojave River at Mojave Forks Regional County Park
    CA - Mojave River at National Trails Hwy bridge (Hwy I-15 NE of Victorville)
    CA - Del Puerto Creek, 12.2 rd mi from the Frank Raines Regional Park sign off Hwy I-5
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca. 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, in Tenaja ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the preserve main gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - extreme SE corner of Oxbow Lake (SE of Palo Verde)
    CA - extreme SE corner of Oxbow Lake (SE of Palo Verde)
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau in Tenaja, ca 200 yds SW of the road in from the Preserve Main Gate (corner of Tenaja and Clinton Keith Rds)
    CA - Deep Creek at the Mojave River Forks Reservoir
    CA - Webber Creek at Snows Rd
    CA - Webber Creek at Snows Rd
    CA - Webber Creek at Snows Rd
    CA - Webber Creek at Snows Rd
    CA - Dry Creek (tributary to Traverse Creek) at Traverse Creek Rd bridge
    CA - Woodleaf
    CA - Woodleaf
    CA - Old Hernandez Rd along the San Benito River, 9.9 mi N of the jct with Coalinga Rd
    CA - Grant Line Rd
    CA - Grant Line Rd
    CA - Grant Line Rd
    CA - vic Haystack Mtn, Flying M Ranch
    CA - Rancho Seco Lake
    CA - Bidwell Park, Big Chico Creek at `Alligator Hole'
    CA - Bidwell Park, Big Chico Creek at `Alligator Hole'
    CA - Orrs Springs Rd, 1.3 mi W of North State St, Ackerman Creek
    CA - MacKerricher State Park, Lake Cleone
    CA - MacKerricher State Park, Lake Cleone
    CA - MacKerricher State Park, Lake Cleone
    CA - MacKerricher State Park, Lake Cleone
    CA - MacKerricher State Park, Lake Cleone
    CA - Bear Creek, 1.5 mi W of Hwy 99
    CA - Bear Creek, 1.5 mi W of Hwy 99
    CA - Bear Creek, 1.5 mi W of Hwy 99
    CA - Cedar Creek, 3 mi upstream from White Mill Rd
    CA - Cedar Creek, 2 mi upstream from White Mill Rd
    CA - Cedar Creek, 2 mi upstream from White Mill Rd
    CA - Cedar Creek, 3 mi upstream from White Mill Rd
    CA - Cedar Creek, 4 mi upstream from White Mill Rd
    CA - Cedar Creek, 4 mi upstream from White Mill Rd
    CA - Sunflower Reservoir in Sunflower Gulch (T26N, R7W, Sec 25)
    CA - San Mateo Creek in San Mateo Canyon Wilderness near Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base boundary
    CA - Hwy 46 at Jack Creek
    CA - Carroll Canyon
    CA - 1 mi NE of the corner of Sixmile Grade (G St) and Cardella Rd (N of Merced), vernal pool next to Sells Lateral
    CA - canal immediately N of the east-west levee, across from the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters, 7 m below outfall pipe
    CA - Cayetano Creek
    CA - Llano Rd, 0.8 mi SE of Ludwig
    CA - S of Hwy 156, 0.5 mi E of Hwy 101
    CA - Rancho San Carlos, 1.2 mi SW of Robinson Canyon Rd, along dirt road going west (just S of main reservoir), turn south after gate
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, Soldier Creek, T1S, R19E, Sec 31
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, Soldier Creek at Harden Flat Rd, T1S, R19E, Sec 31
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, Soldier Creek at Harden Flat Rd, T1S, R19E, Sec 31
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, Soldier Creek at Harden Flat Rd, T1S, R19E, Sec 31
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, Soldier Creek at Harden Flat Rd, T1S, R19E, Sec 31
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, Soldier Creek at Harden Flat Rd, T1S, R19E, Sec 31
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, Soldier Creek at Harden Flat Rd, T1S, R19E, Sec 31
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, South Fork Tuolumne River, T1S, R18E, Sec 24
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, South Fork Tuolumne River, T1S, R18E, Sec 29
    CA - 7 mi NE of Sonora, 246 m from Kewin Rd, 100 yds from Cedar Ridge Lake, Five Mile Creek
    CA - Stanislaus National Forest, South Fork Tuolumne River, T1S, R18E, Sec 29
    CA - Williams Valley, unnamed Lake, E side, T23N, R12W, Sec 22
    TX - Hwy 277, 20 mi WNW of Carrizo Springs
    TX - Hwy 277, 20 mi WNW of Carrizo Springs
    AZ - Quartzite
    AZ - Hwy 162 at the San Pedro River
    AZ - E of Parker Reservoir, Parker Store
    CA - unnamed tributary to Kent Lake, ca 375 m upstream of confluence, 37 57 26.2512 N, 122 39 59.5512 W
    CA - unnamed tributary at confluence with Kent Lake, 37 57 20.718 N, 122 39 30.5532 W
    CA - unnamed tributary to Kent Lake, ca 320 m upstream of confluence, 37 57 27.4176 N, 122 39 57.8556 W
    CA - unnamed tributary south of Old Vee Rd, 37 57 29.8152 N, 122 39 01.17 W
    CA - unnamed tributary south of Old Vee Rd, 37 57 26.9748 N, 122 38 54.9132 W
    AZ - Porter Creek below Scott Reservoir
    CA - N boundary of Fort Hunter-Liggett Military Reservation, North Fork San Antonio River
    CA - 1 mi S of Crescent Mills, Indian Creek
    CA - Rd 222, N side of San Joaquin River
    CA - San Jose, Coyote Creek
    CA - 2 mi above the end of Stevens Creek Canyon Rd
    CA - Palo Alto, Adobe Creek
    CA - San Jose, Guadalupe River near Meridian Ave
    CA - Newark, Coyote Hills Regional Park, Frog Pond
    CA - San Jose, Los Gatos Creek
    CA - Los Banos
    ID - Boise
    CA - Twain Harte, W bank of Cedar Ridge Lake
    CA - Twain Harte, W bank of Cedar Ridge Lake
    CA - Lake McKenzie, off Black Rd
    CA - Del Puerto Canyon, 4.0 mi W of Hwy 5
    CA - Del Puerto Canyon, 4.0 mi W of Hwy 5
    CA - Bullhead Canyon, head of Pacheco Creek
    CA - Bullhead Canyon, head of Pacheco Creek
    CA - Bullhead Canyon, head of Pacheco Creek
    CA - Kings River at the North Fork
    AZ - Hwy 80, 3 mi S of Rodeo
    CA - Guadalupe Reservoir
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    CA - near Fresno, Kings River, 1 mi E of Centerville
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 6 mi S of Boise
    ID - 6 mi S of Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    ID - Boise
    NH - Dummer
    HI - Makalena Valley
    CA - 1 mi N of Hoberg's resort, along California hwy 39
    CA - 1 mi N of Hoberg's resort, along California hwy 39
    TX - 13 mi NE Caldwell on FM 50
    CA - Sacramento River canal, ca 2 mi NE of Rio Vista (38 11 N, 121 40 W)
    CA - Sacramento River canal, ca 2 mi NE of Rio Vista (38 11 N, 121 40 W)
    CA - 1.5 mi S of Weaverville, Trinity River
    CA - Lake Tahoe, Taylor Creek Meadows
    CA - Lake Tahoe, Taylor Creek Meadows
    CA - Lake Tahoe, Taylor Creek Meadows
    CA - Lake Tahoe Region
    CA - Lake Tahoe Region
    CA - Lake Tahoe Region
    CA - Tallac Hatchery
    CA - Lake Almanor, 0.5 mi S of Lassen View Camp, log jam along shore
    CA - vic of Havasu Landing, W side of Lake Havasu
    CA - vic of Havasu Landing, W side of Lake Havasu
    CA - vic of Havasu Landing, W side of Lake Havasu
    CA - vic of Havasu Landing, W side of Lake Havasu
    CA - vic of Havasu Landing, W side of Lake Havasu
    AZ - 10 mi N of Mesa, Granite Reef
    NV - Hobo Spring
    CA - Pepperwood Creek (Valley)
    CA - in foothills W of Patterson, Canyon del Puerto
    CA - in foothills W of Patterson, Canyon del Puerto
    CA - in foothills W of Patterson, Canyon del Puerto
    CA - in foothills W of Patterson, Canyon del Puerto
    CA - in foothills W of Patterson, Canyon del Puerto
    CA - in foothills W of Patterson, Canyon del Puerto
    CA - in foothills W of Patterson, Canyon del Puerto
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - 4 mi NW of Sonora
    CA - Palo Alto, near University
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Oakland, Lake Temescal
    CA - Oakland, Lake Temescal
    CA - Oakland, Lake Temescal
    CA - Oakland, Lake Temescal
    CA - Oakland, Lake Temescal
    CA - Oakland, Lake Temescal
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - Kern River, 18 mi downstream from Hobo Hot Springs [Miracle Hot Springs]
    CA - 2.5 mi SE of Kingsburgh at Kings River and main highway
    CA - 2 mi NE of Centerville, on hwy to Trimmer Springs Irrigation ditch tributary to Kings River
    NV - near Vegas, Manse
    NE - pond just S of North Platte
    NE - pond just S of North Platte
    OK - small lake 2 mi N of Beaver
    CA - near Fresno, Kings River, 1 mi E of Centerville
    CA - 0.6 mi N of Scales, brook crossing road
    CA - Mojave River, Afton Station
    CA - Mojave River, Afton Station
    CA - drainage ditch W side of entrance to the Audubon Kern River Preserve, 35 39 52.2 N, 118 18 18.6 W
    CA - Annadel State Park, Ledson Marsh
    CA - Tulloch Reservoir
    CA - Tulloch Reservoir
    CA - Tulloch Reservoir
    CA - Tulloch Reservoir
    CA - North Fork Kings River, ca 1.0 mi upstream of Kings River confluence, left bank, 36 52 46.884 N, 119 07 43.104 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Rosendin Pond, 37 09 43.35 N, 121 37 15.3 W
    CA - Rosendin Pond, 37 09 43.35 N, 121 37 15.3 W
    CA - Rosendin Pond, 37 09 43.35 N, 121 37 15.3 W
    CA - Rosendin Pond, 37 09 43.35 N, 121 37 15.3 W
    CA - Rosendin Pond, 37 09 43.35 N, 121 37 15.3 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Calero County Park, Fish Camp, 37 10 7.69 N, 121 46 42.55 W
    CA - Calero County Park, Fish Camp, 37 10 7.69 N, 121 46 42.55 W
    CA - Alum Rock, Joseph Grant County Park, Rattlesnake Pond, 37 18 54.50 N, 131 40 27.51 W
    CA - Alum Rock, Joseph Grant County Park, Rattlesnake Pond, 37 18 54.50 N, 131 40 27.51 W
    CA - Alum Rock, Joseph Grant County Park, Rattlesnake Pond, 37 18 54.50 N, 131 40 27.51 W
    CA - Alum Rock, Joseph Grant County Park, Rattlesnake Pond, 37 18 54.50 N, 131 40 27.51 W
    CA - Alum Rock, Joseph Grant County Park, Rattlesnake Pond, 37 18 54.50 N, 131 40 27.51 W
    CA - Alum Rock, Joseph Grant County Park, Rattlesnake Pond, 37 18 54.50 N, 131 40 27.51 W
    CA - Alum Rock, Joseph Grant County Park, Rattlesnake Pond, 37 18 54.50 N, 131 40 27.51 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Plumas National Forest, pond at jct of French Creek Rd (Forest Rd 21N79Y) and Forest Rd 22N34, 39 43 23.1 N, 121 21 53.7 W, T22N R5E Sec36 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4)
    CA - Danville, Sycamore Creek, intersection of Camino Tassajara and Sycamore Valley Rd
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Sierra Way, 0.4 mi N (by rd) of Tulare Co. line, T24S R33E Sec32 (NW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 35 47 57.8 N, 118 26 58.8 W
    CA - 2 mi NW of Rio Linda
    CA - ca 10 km NE of Santa Rosa, Mark West Creek along Alpine Rd, 1.5 km NW of Calistoga Rd
    CA - Sequoia National Forest, Hume Lake National Recreation Area, Tenmile Creek, T13S R28E Sec14 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36 47 48.82 N, 118 53 53.09 W
    CA - Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Cole Creek at Owl Pond
    CA - Beale Air Force Base, unnamed pond S of 6th St, 39 05 45.96 N, 121 21 21.13 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Rosendin Pond, 37 09 43.35 N, 121 37 15.3 W
    CA - Bear Trap Spring, 39 23 47 N, 120 55 27 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Beaver Pond, 37 05 19.53 N, 121 44 38.01 W
    CA - Frog Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 28.22 N, 121 44 11.32 W
    CA - Hidden Pond, T10S R02E S03, 37 05 56.55 N, 121 44 32.32 W
    CA - Gilroy, Silver Oaks Ostrich Farm, Barn Pond, 37 05 37.43 N, 121 44 25.23 W
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - Boise
    ID - 2 mi W of Boise
    CA - vic of Havasu Landing, W side of Lake Havasu
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - Stanford University, Lake Lagunita
    CA - 2 mi S of Storey, near Madera
    CA - Black Butte Lake, unnamed canal ca 100 m S of spillway, 39 48 46.4508 N, 122 20 02.5476 W
    CA - Black Butte Lake, unnamed canal ca 100 m S of spillway, 39 48 46.4508 N, 122 20 02.5476 W
    CA - Black Butte Lake, unnamed canal ca 100 m S of spillway, 39 48 46.4508 N, 122 20 02.5476 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 245 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 02.26 N, 122 39 01.59 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 755 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 02.55 N, 122 38 48.15 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 625 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 01.16 N, 122 38 52.41 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 705 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 04.39 N, 122 38 44.16 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 380 m downstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 57 57.77 N, 122 39 23.46 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 485 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 01.16 N, 122 38 52.41 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 960 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 10.81 N, 122 38 39.99 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 645 m downstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 03.35 N, 122 38 46.38 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 400 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 00.69 N, 122 38 55.41 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 170 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 02.17 N, 122 39 04.17 W
    CA - Benton Valley, Hwy 120, 1.74 rd mi W of Foothill Rd, 37 48 04.1 N, 118 31 39.3 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 560 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 02.42 N, 122 38 49.58 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 100 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 02.55 N, 122 39 06.65 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 775 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 03.29 N, 122 38 46.46 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 125 m downstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 03.02 N, 122 39 16.01 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 710 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 01.78 N, 122 38 51.35 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 850 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 07.72 N, 122 38 40.01 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 850 m upstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 57 58.01 N, 122 39 21.81 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 175 m downstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 58 01.84 N, 122 39 17.30 W
    CA - Little Carson Creek, 690 m downstream of Kent Pump Road crossing, 37 57 55.46 N, 122 39 35.07 W

Nerodia fasciata pictiventris

    CA - Folsom: constructed marsh 100 yards southeast of intersection of Riley Street and Blue Ravine Road, near confluence of Humbug and Willow Creeks, T9N R7E (west of sections 6 and 7), approximate lat/long 38 39 35 N, 121 09 30 W
    CA - Folsom: constructed marsh 100 yards southeast of intersection of Riley Street and Blue Ravine Road, near confluence of Humbug and Willow Creeks, T9N R7E (west of sections 6 and 7), approximate lat/long 38 39 35 N, 121 09 30 W
    CA - Folsom: constructed marsh 100 yards southeast of intersection of Riley Street and Blue Ravine Road, near confluence of Humbug and Willow Creeks, T9N R7E (west of sections 6 and 7), approximate lat/long 38 39 35 N, 121 09 30 W
    CA - Folsom: constructed marsh 100 yards southeast of intersection of Riley Street and Blue Ravine Road, near confluence of Humbug and Willow Creeks, T9N R7E (west of sections 6 and 7), approximate lat/long 38 39 35 N, 121 09 30 W
    CA - Folsom: constructed marsh 100 yards southeast of intersection of Riley Street and Blue Ravine Road, near confluence of Humbug and Willow Creeks, T9N R7E (west of sections 6 and 7), approximate lat/long 38 39 35 N, 121 09 30 W
    CA - Folsom: constructed marsh 100 yards southeast of intersection of Riley Street and Blue Ravine Road, near confluence of Humbug and Willow Creeks, T9N R7E (west of sections 6 and 7), approximate lat/long 38 39 35 N, 121 09 30 W
    CA - Folsom: constructed marsh 100 yards southeast of intersection of Riley Street and Blue Ravine Road, near confluence of Humbug and Willow Creeks, T9N R7E (west of sections 6 and 7), approximate lat/long 38 39 35 N, 121 09 30 W
    CA - Folsom: constructed marsh 100 yards southeast of intersection of Riley Street and Blue Ravine Road, near confluence of Humbug and Willow Creeks, T9N R7E (west of sections 6 and 7), approximate lat/long 38 39 35 N, 121 09 30 W

Trachemys scripta elegans

    CA - Davis, University of California, ponds at Arboretum
    CA - Davis, University of California, ponds at Arboretum
    CA - Davis, University of California, Arboretum Waterway

Trachemys scripta

    CA - County Rd A17 (Balls Ferry Rd), 3.6 mi NE (by rd) of Cottonwood, 40 24 59.54 N, 122 12 52.02 W

Trachemys scripta elegans

    CA - Camp Pendleton Marin Base

Trachemys scripta

    CA - San Francisco, Presidio of San Francisco, Mountain Lake, 37 47 19.8 N, 122 28 11.88 W

Trachemys scripta troostii

    IL - [No locality information provided]

Trachemys scripta elegans

    IN - Lake Maxinkuckee

Trachemys scripta

    TX - Toyahvale

Trachemys scripta troostii

    TX - Toyahvale
    TX - Balmorhea, Toyah Creek, or-a-tributary

Trachemys scripta elegans

    TX - Balmorhea, Toyah Creek, or-a-tributary

Trachemys scripta scripta

    FL - [No locality information provided]

Trachemys scripta elegans

    IN - New Harmony, ponds N of New Harmony Inn, 38 07 57.36 N, 87 55 59.52 W
    IN - New Harmony, ponds N of New Harmony Inn, 38 07 57.36 N, 87 55 59.52 W
    IL - Hwy 14 (County Road 1845 N), where it bisects an oxbow of the Fox River, ca 1.9 km (by road) NW of the Wabash River, 38 08 27.60 N, 87 57 45.72 W
    IL - Hwy 14 (County Road 1845 N), where it bisects an oxbow of the Fox River, ca 1.9 km (by road) NW of the Wabash River, 38 08 27.60 N, 87 57 45.72 W

Trachemys scripta

    CA - John McLaren Park, pond ca 20 m from SW corner of intersection of Bacon and Oxford Streets, 37 43 23.94 N, 122 25 6.3 W

Trachemys scripta elegans

    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Davis, Putah Creek at the University of California Davis Arboretum
    CA - Brisbane, ca 25 ft from edge of lagoon, 37 41 17.15 N, 122 23 46.45 W

Xenopus laevis

    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, Piute Ponds
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, E end of West Ave C, North Ducks Unlimited Pond
    CA - Edwards Air Force Base, E end of West Ave C, North Ducks Unlimited Pond
    CA - Dulzura, 32 37 29 N, 116 46 34 W
    CA - Dulzura, 32 37 29 N, 116 46 34 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Dulzura, 'Chicken Ranch Road Pond', 32 37 30 N, 116 46 35.004 W
    CA - Dulzura, 'Chicken Ranch Road Pond', 32 37 30 N, 116 46 35.004 W
    CA - Mission Trails Regional Park, Shepherd Canyon, Shepherd Pond, 32 50 55.788 N, 117 04 23.412 W
    CA - Mission Trails Regional Park, Shepherd Canyon, Shepherd Pond, 32 50 55.788 N, 117 04 23.412 W
    CA - Mission Trails Regional Park, Shepherd Canyon, Shepherd Pond, 32 50 55.788 N, 117 04 23.412 W
    CA - Marron Valley, Cottonwood Creek, 32 34 22.5 N, 116 45 28.8 W
    CA - Sweetwater River, 32 46 17 N, 116 47 56.44 W
    CA - Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve, Corral Pond, 32 40 34.18 N, 116 51 47.7 W
    CA - Marron Valley, Cottonwood Creek, 32 34 22.44 N, 116 45 28.87 W
    CA - Marron Valley, Cottonwood Creek, 32 34 22.5 N, 116 45 28.8 W
    CA - Marron Valley, Cottonwood Creek, 32 34 22.5 N, 116 45 28.8 W
    CA - Sand Canyon Reservoir, 33 38 30.84 N, 117 47 42.29 W
    CA - Bommer Canyon, 33 35 41.64 N, 117 47 1.68 W
    CA - San Diego Creek, 33 38 7.8 N, 117 43 56.46 W
    CA - Laguna Canyon, 33 38 5.28 N, 117 44 43.62 W
    CA - Sand Canyon Reservoir, 33 34 40.51 N, 117 48 37.19 W
    CA - Bonita, S of Hwy 54 via Valley Road, 32 39 41.76 N, 117 3 17.28 W
    CA - Spring Valley
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.99 N, 122 27 43.94 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.99 N, 122 27 43.94 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.99 N, 122 27 43.94 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W
    CA - Jamul, California Department of Fish and Game Rancho Jamul Reserve, 'Kiln Pond', 32 40 03.288 N, 116 51 47.304 W
    CA - Mission Trails Regional Park, Shepherd Canyon, Shepherd Pond, 32 50 55.788 N, 117 04 23.412 W
    CA - Strawberry Farms Golf Pond, 33 38 53.16 N, 117 47 38.15 W
    CA - San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Lily Pond, 37 46 14.76 N, 122 27 42.67 W


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [1/30/2025].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.