Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
University of New Mexico. 2013. Museum of Southwestern Biology amphibian and reptile collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Created on 04/03/2007. Accessed on 04/10/2013.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 25961
Type: Database
Author: University of New Mexico
Date (year): 2013
Title:Museum of Southwestern Biology amphibian and reptile collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
Publisher:University of New Mexico
Publisher Location:Albuquerque, NM
Accessed on: 04/10/2013
Created on: 04/03/2007
Keywords: MSB, herpetology
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Lithobates catesbeianus

    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - Guadalupe County (no specific locality)
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    CO - Denver
    CO - 8 mi E of Johnstown
    CO - 5 mi NE of Raymer
    CO - 5 mi S Ft. Collins, Harmony Rd. , I-25
    CA - near Meadowlark Ranch
    CA - near Meadowlark Ranch
    CO - 3 mi N, 9 mi W of Goodnight
    CO - 3 mi N, 9 mi W of Goodnight
    CO - 3 mi N, 9 mi W of Goodnight
    CO - 3 Km SW Crook, Tamarack SWA, South Platte River
    NE - Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, HQ, pond at dump
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, pond, 0.75 mi N, 3.25 mi E HQ
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - 1 mi N, 1 mi E Valentine, Minnechaduza Creek at Valentine State Fish Hatchery
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, pond on S side Niobrara River, 1 mi N, 3 mi E HQ
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, pond, 0.75 mi N, 3.25 mi E HQ
    NE - Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, beaver ponds in N Buffalo pasture, V
    NE - Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, Headquarters
    NM - 1 mi W Rio Grande on Hwy 60
    NM - Santa Fe National Forest, Pecos River, near confluence of Canon de la Damiana, 5.27 mi W (270.70 degrees) of Tecolotito
    WA - Fort Lewis Military Reservation; N Fort Lewis Sequalitchew Lake East Cove
    NM - Tularosa River, Hell's Hole
    WA - Dailman Lake, Fort Lewis Military Reserve
    NM - Beaver Creek, headwater trip to East Fork Gila River
    WA - Nisqually River, Lower Johnson Marsh, Fort Lewis Military Instalation
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - 6.4 road miles via NM 47-361 South of intersection with NM 500 - 1/2 miles West of Highway
    NM - 0.125 miles North and 200 yards West intersection NM 47 and Rio Bravo, Albuquerque
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Alameda Drain near Sandoval County border
    NM - San Juan River, approximately 9.3 river miles downstream Shiprock
    NM - 0.2 miles South US 66, Tingley Park, Albuquerque
    NM - NM 116; 20 mi S, 1.91 mi W Los Lunas; (I-25 & NM 6)
    NM - Gila River, Mouth of Nichols Canyon
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Isleta Swamp, 1 mile North of Bernalillo and Valencia County border, US Highway 85
    NM - San Juan River, approximately 9.3 river miles downstream Shiprock
    NM - Rio Grande, 4.4 Kilometers North of NM Highway 346 Bridge
    NM - Lake Valley Ranch, 3 miles North East Lake Valley Berrenda Creek
    NM - 5.5 miles South Belen, Upper Sabinal Drain and Ponds near NM 109
    NM - Approximately 2.4 kilometers Northnortheast Riverside, Gila River at Riverside Bridge
    NM - Gila River, 0.5 Kilometers above mouth Nichol's Canyon
    NM - Village de los Ranchos, north of Albuquerque
    NM - Rio Grande, old channel just below Cochiti Dam
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 0.125 miles Northwest intersection Rio Bravo and Broadway, Albuquerque
    NM - Albuquerque, Tingley Beach
    NM - Isleta Marsh
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    MA - Gunners Exchange Pond, Miles Standish National Forest
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - just South Caballo Dam
    NM - San Francisco Hot Springs, San Francisco River, 1.5 miles South Pleasanton
    NM - San Francisco River, approximately 1.6 Kilometers downstream of Pleasonton, USGS guage
    NM - 0.125 miles North and 200 yards West intersection NM 47 and Rio Bravo, Albuquerque
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande 4.8 mi downstream of Isleta Diversion Dam.
    NM - San Francisco Hot Springs, San Francisco River, 1.5 miles South Pleasanton
    NM - Gila River, Mouth of Nichols Canyon
    NM - Wall Lake and Taylor Creek immediately Above lake
    NM - East Fork Gila River, approximately 1.8 miles East Gila Hot Springs
    NM - Isleta Marsh
    NM - San Acacia, 1.9 miles East of Interstate 25 and San Acacia exit on West side of Rio Grande between railroad tracks and river
    NM - Rio Grande, 1.4 miles downstream of Santo Domingo Peublo Bridge, Santa Domingo Pueblo
    NM - 5.6 road miles via US 85 North of intersection with NM 6 (in Las Lunas)
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - 1.5 miles North of Las Palomas, 300 yards East of the Rio Grande, Se
    NM - 7 miles East and 2 1/2 miles South Hermanas, NM 9, mile 76
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - 7 miles East and 2 1/2 miles South Hermanas, NM 9, mile 76
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1.5 miles North of Las Palomas, 300 yards East of the Rio Grande, Se
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Gray Ranch, Animas Valley, Sacahuiste Well
    NM - 0.125 miles North and 200 yards West intersection NM 47 and Rio Bravo, Albuquerque
    NM - 0.25 miles downstream from Gila Hot Springs on Gila River
    NM - county Road 162, Abiquiu, Rio Chama, 0.5 miles upstream, US Highway 84 bridge
    NM - Village de los Ranchos, north of Albuquerque
    NM - 2.6 miles South Isleta Pueblo, 1.8 miles West Highway 47
    NM - San Francisco Hot Springs
    NM - Conservancy Ditch Northeast end US Highway 66 Rio Grande Bridge
    NM - 5.6 road miles via US 85 North of intersection with NM 6 (in Las Lunas)
    MA - Gunners Exchange Pond, Miles Standish National Forest
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - North of Isleta, East of railroad
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition Experiment 4, pond 10
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Isleta Swamp, 1 mile North of Bernalillo and Valencia County border, US Highway 85
    NM - East Fork Gila River, upper Grapevine Campground, NM Highway 15, approximately 2 miles South Gila Hot Springs
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River, Middle Fork trail head
    NM - 0.125 miles North and 200 yards West intersection NM 47 and Rio Bravo, Albuquerque
    NM - Upper end Caballo Reservoir, ca. 1 mi N Las Palomas
    NM - Albuquerque, 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection Highway 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - Rio Grande at US Hwy I-25 bridge, Albuquerque (RM 172.6; Isleta Quadrangle)
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - Isleta Marsh
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
    NM - Jemez River, Canon
    NM - Rio Grande, 4.4 Kilometers upstream of NM Highway 346
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - Old US Highway 85, 12 miles North of Bernalillo
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - San Francisco River, Glenwood Ranger Station, Glenwood
    NM - Carrizozo Creek at NM Highway 18
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Corrales
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - Rio Grande, 4.7 miles downstream of US Highway 60 bridge
    NM - Rio Grande, approximately 4.0 miles Downstream of US Highway 380 bridge
    NM - Taylor Creek just above confluence with Beaver Creek approximately 6 miles South Beaverhead
    NM - pond 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection NM Highway 47 and Rio Grande Blvd
    NM - San Francisco Hot Springs, San Francisco River, 1.5 miles South Pleasanton
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - Jemez River, South of Jemez Springs, NM Highway 485 bridge
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1.5 miles North of Las Palomas, 300 yards East of the Rio Grande, Se
    NM - Rio Grande, approximately 4.8 miles downstream Isleta diversion dam, Isleta Pueblo
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Jemez River, South of Jemez Springs, NM Highway 485 bridge
    TX - Sinton, collected along shore and in edge of large pond at Live Oak Park
    TX - Sinton, collected along shore and in edge of large pond at Live Oak Park
    TX - Sinton, collected along shore and in edge of large pond at Live Oak Park
    TX - Sinton, collected along shore and in edge of large pond at Live Oak Park
    NM - Beaver Creek, Gila National Forest, head water trib. To E Fork Gila River
    TX - Sinton, collected along shore and in edge of large pond at Live Oak Park
    NM - Cienega Canyon, trib. to Rio San Francisco ca. 4.5 air mi. NW Reserve
    NM - Cienega Canyon, trib. to Rio San Francisco ca. 4.5 air mi. NW Reserve
    NM - Cienega Canyon, trib. to Rio San Francisco ca. 4.0 air mi. NW Reserve
    NM - irrigation ditch 30' W Rio Grande, 1 mi S Jct. Rio Grande Blvd. and Shalem Bridge Rd.
    NM - Wolf Creek at I-25 N of Luctros
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    WY - Horse Creek, off of HWY 92
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Rio Grande, Pena Blanca
    NM - Rio Ojo Calinete, 3 air miles North of Ojo Caliente (T24N,R8E,NE 1/4?, Sec 1)
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - San Juan River at River mile 149.1 Navajo nation
    NM - Miami lake
    NM - San Juan River Navajo nation
    NM - San Juan River Navajo nation
    NM - San Juan River Navajo nation
    NM - San Juan River at River mile 149 Navajo nation
    NM - San Juan River Navajo nation
    NM - clear ditch Pena Blanca
    NM - Rio Tusas, ~2 miles below Servilleta (T25N,R9E, NW 1/4 Sec 16)
    NM - San Juan River Navajo nation
    NM - Miami lake
    NM - Manuclitas Creek
    NM - San Juan River at River mile 154.4
    NM - Mora River at I-25 Watros
    NM - San Juan River Navajo nation
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Mora River at I-25 Watros
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - San Juan River at River mile 154.4
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - San Juan River Navajo nation
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Rio Tusas, ~2 miles below Servilleta (T25N,R9E, NW 1/4 Sec 16)
    NM - Cuchillo Creek at Rio Grande
    NM - pond 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection NM Highway 47 and Rio Grande Blvd
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - San Acacia, 1.9 miles East of Interstate 25 and San Acacia exit on West side of Rio Grande between railroad tracks and river
    NM - San Francisco River; 11 mi N, 1.5 mi W Glenwood
    NM - East Fork Gila River
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition experiment 4, pond 6
    NM - Evans Ranch cattle tank, NM Highway 9, 3.6 miles East of Junction US Highway 80
    NM - 0.125 miles North, 100 yards West intersection NM 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - Glenwood
    NM - East Fork Gila River, confluence with Beaver Creek and Taylor Creek
    NM - Village de los Ranchos, north of Albuquerque
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - Gila River, 0.25 miles downstream from mouth Nichols Canyon
    NM - San Juan River at River mile 149.3 Navajo nation
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - East Fork Gila River 1.7 miles downstream of confluence with Beaver and Taylor Creeks
    NM - 0.7 miles West Albuquerque Fedway Store, Highway 85, near Isleta
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Old fish hatchery below Elephant Butte Dam, Uppermost hatchery pond
    NM - 6 miles North, 33.5 miles West of Winston, Forest Road 142C
    NM - Village de los Ranchos, north of Albuquerque
    NM - 4.5 miles West Hope on US 82
    NM - San Francisco River, upstream of confluence of Big Dry Creek, 6.8 mi S, 0.5 mi W of Glenwood
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Gila River, 0.25 miles downstream from mouth Nichols Canyon
    NM - San Juan River Navajo nation
    NM - Turkey Creek between Skeleton and Brush Canyons, 13.2 miles North Gila
    NM - pond 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection NM Highway 47 and Rio Grande Blvd
    NM - 0.5 miles West, 2 miles South Isleta
    AZ - Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge, Black Draw
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - 0.125 miles Northwest intersection Rio Bravo and Broadway, Albuquerque
    NM - Rosario
    NM - East Fork Gila River 1.7 miles downstream of confluence with Beaver and Taylor Creeks
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - East Fork Gila River
    NM - Albuquerque, 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection Highway 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition experiment 4, pond 3
    NM - 2 miles North and 1 miles East Las Palomas
    NM - Ocate Creek, Charette lakes 5x w/l area
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition Experiment 4, pond 12
    NM - Conchos River, 6.5 air miles West, 8.0 air miles South Trujillo, on NM Highway 104
    NM - Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, 1 miles East and 0.25 miles North of refuge Headquarters
    NM - Turn, East floodplain of Rio Grande
    NM - San Francisco Hot Springs, San Francisco River, 1.5 miles South Pleasanton
    NM - Gila River, Mouth of Nichols Canyon
    NM - Wall Lake and Taylor Creek immediately Above lake
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - 1 mile North Isleta, ditch off US 85
    NM - East Fork Gila River
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - East Fork Gila River 0.9 miles downstream of confluence with Beaver and Taylor Creeks
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1.5 miles North of Las Palomas, 300 yards East of the Rio Grande, Se
    NM - Rio Grande 4.0 mi upstream of US Hwy 380 Bridge.
    NM - low flow conveyance canal, 150m upstream confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - 5.5 miles South Belen, Upper Sabinal Drain and Ponds near NM 109
    NM - Rio Grande, Angostura Diversion Dam, Angostura
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction Broadway and Rio Bravo Boulevard, Albuquerque
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 2 miles North, 1 miles East Las Palomas
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande, Elephant Butte Spillway
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - 0.125 miles Northwest intersection Rio Bravo and Broadway, Albuquerque
    NM - Wolf Creek at Ft Union
    NM - Lake Valley Ranch, 3 miles North East Lake Valley Berrenda Creek
    NM - East Fork Gila River, Lyons Lodge approximately 2 miles East Gila Hot Springs
    NM - 0.5 miles West, 2 miles South Isleta
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - East Fork Gila River, Fowler Ranch
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 0.125 miles Northwest intersection Rio Bravo and Broadway, Albuquerque
    NM - approximately 1 mile South Junction NM Highway 78 and US Highway 180
    NM - Rio Grande, Elephant Butte Spillway
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - San Francisco River, Glenwood Ranger Station, Glenwood
    NM - Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Found by park house (# 7 Permian Drive), 0.06 mi (map distance) west (272 degrees true) of natural entrance to Carlsbad Cavern.
    NM - Approximately 1/2 miles Northnortheast junction NM 47 and NM 6 East at Belen
    NM - Santa Fe River, Canada de Santa Fe; Santa Fe National Forest
    NM - Cimarron River City park Springer
    NM - Santa Fe River, Canada de Santa Fe; Santa Fe National Forest
    NM - Ladder Ranch
    NM - clear ditch Pena Blanca
    NM - San Juan River Navajo nation
    NM - Pond in Albuquerque, NM
    NM - Ladder Ranch
    NM - Pond in Los Lunas, NM
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Vicinity of Caballo Dam, Caballo Lake State Park, Caballo, NM
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Tularosa River at Hell's Hole
    NM - Tularosa River below Hell's Hole
    NM - Tularosa Wetlands at Apache Creek Confluence
    NM - Rocky Canyon, Gila National Forest
    NM - Rocky Canyon, Gila National Forest
    NM - Tularosa River, S of beaver pond; S of FS Rd 94 Bridge, ca. .1 air mi E jct Hwy 12 and town of Apache Creek.
    NM - wpt 2321LITCAT, Mason's GPS
    NM - Carrizozo Creek at NM Highway 18
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition Experiment 4, pond 4
    NM - Isleta Marsh
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - Turn, East floodplain of Rio Grande
    NM - 1.5 miles South Glenwood, San Fransico River at Hot Springs
    NM - Village de los Ranchos, north of Albuquerque
    NM - Rio Grande, US Highway 60 bridge crossing
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition exp. 5A, Pond 7W
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 2 miles West Anthony
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - pond 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection NM Highway 47 and Rio Grande Blvd
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - Bridge
    NM - Bridge
    NM - Valley View Park, Los Lunas, NM
    NM - Valley View Park, Los Lunas, NM
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - AOR Highway 60
    NM - Heart Bar pond
    NM - Bridge
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - 2.0 miles South and 5.5 miles East Hermanas along NM 9
    NM - Rio Grande, on South boundary of Santa Clara Reservation, North of Black Mesa
    NM - 2 miles North, 1 miles East Las Palomas
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - Flood control ditch off Sunnyslope Road, 9 Kilometers South and 0.9 Kilometers East US Highway 66
    NM - East Fork Gila River, confluence with Beaver Creek and Taylor Creek
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River, Middle Fork trail head
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    TX - Rio Grande, approximately 15 Kilometers South Laredo, Rio Bravo Township
    NM - Rio Chama, NM Highway 285 crossing, upstream of Abiquiu
    NM - Gila River, 3.5 miles South, 4.5 miles East of Virden
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - Aragon
    NM - West Fork, Gila River
    NM - 265 m S of Gila Visitor Center, on Gila Cliff Dwelling Visitor Center Rd.
    NM - West Fork, Gila River
    NE - Dead on NE-7
    NE - Alive on NE-7
    NM - Guadalupe County (no specific locality)
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - Bernalillo County (no specific locality)
    NM - No specific locality recorded.
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Wall Lake
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - East Fork of the Gila just downstream from the Diamond Creek confluence
    NM - Ute Lake State Park, 5 air miles S/SW Logan
    NM - Santa Fe National Forest, Pecos River, near confluence of Canon de la Damiana, 5.19 mi W (272.81 degrees) of Tecolotito
    NM - 1 mile south west of bridge just north of Hatch
    NM - Rio Grande River 1 mile Southwest of bridge just North Hatch
    NM - Rio Grande River 1 mile Southwest of bridge just North Hatch
    NM - 1 mile south west of bridge just north of Hatch
    NM - 1.0 mi W of 1st Rio Grande RVR and US 85 bridge N of Hatch N. Mex. On SW side of River
    NM - Pond just W Interstate 25 1/4 mi N Garfield exit
    NM - 2.5 mi W of us 85 jct. on unmarked road, N Hatch
    NM - 1.0 mi W of bridge N of Hatch, N. Mex. On SW side of river
    NM - under bridge on N Valley Drive, at Leasburg State Park
    NM - under bridge on N Valley Drive, at Leasburg State Park
    NM - under bridge on N Valley Drive, at Leasburg State Park
    NM - under bridge on N Valley Drive, at Leasburg State Park
    NM - under bridge on N Valley Drive, at Leasburg State Park
    NM - Near confluence of West Fork of Gila River and Little Creek
    NM - BLM-Taos: Santa Fe River-Canyon
    NM - BLM Taos: Santa Fe Marsh
    NM - BLM Taos: Ojo Caliente
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - marsh Ca 1/2 mi below Navajo Dam S side San Juan River T30N R8W center sec 13
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Ocate Creek, Charette lakes 5x w/l area
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Of channel wetland South side of San Juan River at Hogback diversion
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Rio Grande, Pena Blanca
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - San Juan River at River mile 156.5 Navajo nation
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Rio Tusas, ~2 miles below Servilleta (T25N,R9E, NW 1/4 Sec 16)
    NM - San Juan River at River mile 149.1 Navajo nation
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Chiricahua Desert Museum, Rodeo, NM
    NM - Deformed Pond, Los Lunas
    NM - Tennessee Creek/Harden Cienega Rd.
    NM - 275 m SSW of NM Hwy 32 and NM Hwy 12 junction, on Tularosa River
    NM - Tennessee Creek/Harden Cienega Rd.
    NM - 275 m SSW of NM Hwy 32 and NM Hwy 12 junction, on Tularosa River
    NM - 275 m SSW of NM Hwy 32 and NM Hwy 12 junction, on Tularosa River
    NM - 275 m SSW of NM Hwy 32 and NM Hwy 12 junction, on Tularosa River
    NM - Near Apache Creek Campground, Tularosa River, at end of County Rd 94
    NM - 275 m SSW of NM Hwy 32 and NM Hwy 12 junction, on Tularosa River
    NM - 275 m SSW of NM Hwy 32 and NM Hwy 12 junction, on Tularosa River
    NM - 275 m SSW of NM Hwy 32 and NM Hwy 12 junction, on Tularosa River
    NM - 275 m SSW of NM Hwy 32 and NM Hwy 12 junction, on Tularosa River
    NM - 15 km NNE of Cliff, Off Turkey Creek Rd., on banks of Gila River
    NM - Tennessee Creek/Harden Cienega Rd.
    NM - Tennessee Creek/Harden Cienega Rd.
    NM - Gila National Forest, East Fork Gila River ~1/4 mile SW from bridge junction where Forest Road 225 and Forest Road 18 meet
    NM - Gila National Forest, East Fork Gila River ~550 ft SW from bridge junction where Forest Road 225 and Forest Road 18 meet
    NM - Gila National Forest, Gila River ~400 feet W from Brock Canyon off of Turkey Creek Road
    NM - Gila National Forest, East Fork Gila River, on river ~535 ft SW from bridge junction where Forest Road 225 and Forest Road 18 meet.
    NM - 111m NNE of Apache Creek Campground on Tularosa River
    NM - Rio Grande at U.S. Hwy bridge 60 crossing Bernardo. [RM 130.6;Abeytas Quad]
    NM - Peralta Drain at the diversion (turnout) into the Lower Peralta Drain, Belen
    NM - Gila River confluence at Nichols at USGS guye.
    NM - Rio Grande at San Marcial railroad crossing, San Marcial.
    NM - Rio Grande, directly below San Acacia Diversion Dam, San Acacia River mile 116.2. San Acacia Site.
    NM - Rio Grande directly below San Acacia Diversion Dam, San Acacia. [RM 116.2;San Acacia Quad]
    NM - Rio Grande southern boundary of Pueblo de Cochiti (ca 4 miles downstream of state hwy 22 bridge). T16N,R5E,S36
    NM - Rio Grande at gas pipeline crossing 2.6 miles upstream of NM State Hwy bridge 346 turn. [Veguila Quad;RM 143.4]
    NM - Pecos River;Sego Spring pooled seepage. Bitter Lake National Wildflife Refuge, Roswell.
    NM - Rio Grande ~ 4.5 miles downstream of NM State HWY 140 bridge at Rincon [Sierra Alto Quad]
    NM - Rio Chama, at the US Hwy 285 bridge crossing, Chamita.[San Juan Pueblo Quad]. Rio Grande drainage.
    NM - Rio Grande at Augostura Diversion Dam, Augostura.[Rm 209.7;San Felipe Pueble Quad]
    NM - Rio Grande, at the US Hwy 60 Bridge crossing, Bernardo.[Abeytas Quad]
    UT - San Juan drainage. DM at RM 162.5. Shock and Seine.
    NM - Bitter Lake NWR, Pecos/Rio Grande drainage pool.
    NM - Rio Grande immediatley downstream of Leasburg Dam, Leasburg State Park [Leasburg Quad]
    NM - Del Rio Drain, 0.5 miles upstream of NM State HWY 374 [Black Mesa Quad]
    NM - Rio Grande, ca 0.5 miles downstream of NM State Hwy 225, at NM-TX border, Anthony [La Union Quad]
    NM - Hell's Hole
    NM - Rio Grande ~ 2.5 miles upstream of Mesquite (State HWY 192 bridge crossing) [San Miguel Quad]
    NM - Rio Grande ca 1.5 miles below San Acacia Diversion Dam, San Acacia.
    NM - Rio Grande, directly below San Acacia Diversion Dam, San Acacia [RM116.2], San Acacia Quad]
    NM - Rio Grande east of Socorro 0.5 miles upstream of Socorro low-flow conveyance channel bridge[RM99.5;Loma de Las Canas Quad]
    NM - Rio Grande at Augostura Diversion Dam, Augostura
    NM - Rio Grande ca 4.0 miles upstream of US Hwy bridge 380 [RM91.70;San Antonio Quad]
    NM - Sego Springs Pond Bitter Lake NWR, Roswell. Pecos River drainage.
    NM - Rio Grande, ca 0.5 milesd downstream of NM State Hwy 225 (off of road 1905), at NM-TX border, Anthony [La Union Quad]
    UT - San Juan River, between river miles 123.2-124.0
     - Rio Grande, 0.7 miles downstream of Zaragosa International Bridge crossing [Ysleta Quad]
    UT - San Juan River 156.6 river mile
    NM - Gila River, Middle Fork
    NM - Lower San Juan Riverside drainage, ca. 1.6 miles downstream of State HWY 60, Conteras
    NM - Rio Grande, at Central Ave Bridge (US Hwy 66), Albuquerque.[RM 183.4; Albuquerque West Quad]
    NM - Bitter Lake NWR, Sego Spring Pond=not a real name. Pecos/Rio Grande drainage pool.
    NM - Rio Grande ~0.5 miles downstream of US HWY 70 bridge crossing, Las Cruces [Las Cruces Quad]
    NM - Rio Grande at Rio Bravo Bridge (NM State Hwy 500) crossing, Albuquerque [RM 178.3;Albuquerque west Quad] Rio Grande drainage
    NM - Gila River, Middle Fork
    NM - North America, United States, New Mexico, Grant County
    NM - Hell's Hole
    NM - Rio Grande directly east of Bosque Del Apache NWR Headquarters [RM 79.1;San Antonio, SE quad]
    TX - Big Bend National Park, Glen Springs
    NM - Gila River, Middle Fork
    NM - Gila River, Middle Fork
    NM - Hell's Hole
    NM - Hell's Hole
    NM - Little Creek, near Heart Bar
    NM - Rio Grande ca 0.2 miles upstream of the Angostura Diversion Dam
    NM - Rio Grande ca. 0.7 miles downstream of the Angostrura Diversion Dam
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River at Trailhead above Wilderness Center
    NM - Mora River .9 km downstream on Canyon Ancho confluence, approx. 20 miles upstream of Canadian River confluence
    NM - San Juan River@Rm. 124.8
    NM - Rio Grande at NM State Hwy. 44 Bridge crossing
    NM - Pecos River
    NM - East Fork of Gila River. Downstream 0.5km of Fowler Ranch
    NM - East Fork of Gila River at Lyons Lodge
    UT - San Juan RM. 155.4
    NM - Mora River approximately .7 km upstream of I-25 bridge crossing
    NM - at Watrous
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River at Trailhead above Wilderness Center
    NM - at Watrous
    NM - Mora River .9 km downstream on Canyon Ancho confluence, approx. 20 miles upstream of Canadian River confluence
    NM - Ca. 300 m upstream confluence w/Campbell Blue
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River at Trailhead above Wilderness Center
    NM - E. Fork Gila above confluence with W. Fork at Grapevine campground (immediately above SA Canyon)
    NM - at Hot Springs
    NM - Mora River approximately 3 km. downstream of Loma Parda, NM
    NM - Pritzlaff Ranch@San Ignacio
    NM - RM. 155.3
    NM - Ute Creek, ca. 4.4km upstream of US Highway 56 bridge crossing, on Wesley Floyd Ranch. Gladstone quadrant
    NM - at I-25 Bridge
    NM - Tinaja Creek approx. 4.2 km upstream of confluence with Canadian River
    NM - San Juan Drainage; RM 158.2
    NM - Mora River approximately .7 km upstream of I-25 bridge crossing
    NM - Watrous Valley Ranch East Bound
    NM - Philmont Scout Ranch, Pinyon Flats Pasture, 0.75 km N, 5.25 km W of Rayado
    NM - Philmont Scout Ranch, Pinyon Flats Pasture, 0.75 km N, 5.25 km W of Rayado
    NM - Philmont Scout Ranch, Rayado Creek, 1.25 km W of Rayado
    NM - Off channel pool
    NM - Off channel pool
    NM - Off channel pool
    NM - Off channel pool
    NM - Gila River ~200m downstream of confluence of East Fork
    NM - private pond near Valley High St SW and NM-303
    NM - private pond near Valley High St SW and NM-303
    NM - Benson's Fish Ranch, Highway 85, North of Albuquerque
    NM - Gray Ranch, pond 100 yds South of Robert Burris House, Clanton Draw
    NM - 1 mile East Western Skies
    NM - Benson's Fish Ranch, Highway 85, North of Albuquerque
    NM - 1 mile East Western Skies
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - 1 mile East Western Skies
    NM - Corrales
    NM - Albuquerque, West of Rio Grande, 1 mile North Central
    NM - Benson's Fish Ranch, Highway 85, North of Albuquerque
    NM - Approximately 28 miles North, 6 miles East Redstone, East Fork Gila River 2 kilometers below Wall Lake
    NM - 1 mile North of Corrales
    CA - 10 miles Southeast Oakdale
    NM - Glenwood Fish Hatchery
    NM - Hot Springs below Lyon's Lodge
    NM - Alameda, 11033 US 85, Shady Lakes Trout Farm
    NM - East fork Gila River, 0.25 miles above Junction with West fork
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - 1.5 miles North Alameda Bridge, Corrales
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction NM 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - 7 miles North Rodeo
    NM - Hot Springs below Lyon's Lodge
    NM - Approximately 3 miles East, 6 miles North Gila, Gila River at US Forest Service road 755 near Mogollon Creek
    NM - Isleta Slough
    NM - confluence of East and West forks of Gila River
    NM - San Francisco River, 0.25 miles from San Francisco Hot Springs
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Isleta Marsh, 3 miles South of Isleta
    NM - Gray Ranch, pond 100 yds South of Robert Burris House, Clanton Draw
    NM - 2.1 miles North Corrales Bridge, 2 blocks West Corrales Road
    NM - Corrales
    NM - Conservancy Ditch, West of US 66 Bridge, Albuquerque
    NM - About Fish Hatchery, downstream from Elephant Butte Dam
    NM - 6 mi W of Crossroads on NM 580 (Stock tank on N side of road) [assumed to be NM508, NM 580 does not run through Crossroads]
    NM - Albuquerque, West of Rio Grande, 1 mile North Central
    NM - Conservancy Ditch, West of US 66 Bridge, Albuquerque
    NM - 3/4 miles East of San Acacia, Cor Base line, principle meridian
    NM - About 1 miles North Isleta Pueblo, Isleta Indian Reservation
    NM - Albuquerque, Ernie Pyle Beach
    NM - Approximately 26 miles North, 7 miles East Redstone, Beaver Creek 1 kilometer above East Fork Gila River
    NM - Conservancy Ditch, North Second St, between Albuquerque and Alameda
    NM - 1/2 miles below Navaho Dam, San Juan River
    NM - Gray Ranch, pond 100 yds South of Robert Burris House, Clanton Draw
    NM - Gray Ranch, pond 100 yds South of Robert Burris House, Clanton Draw
    NM - 1.7 miles East of Interstate 25 turnoff in San Acacia
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Conservancy Ditch, West of US 66 Bridge, Albuquerque
    NM - East Fork Gila River, 0.125 miles above conJunction with West Fork
    NM - Gila River, 0.5 miles below Lyon's Lodge
    NM - Approximately 3 miles East, 6 miles North Gila, Gila River at US Forest Service road 755 near Mogollon Creek
    NM - 1/2 miles below Navaho Dam, San Juan River
    NM - Isleta Marsh, 3 miles South of Isleta
    NM - Isleta Marsh, 3 miles South of Isleta
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Hot Springs below Lyon's Lodge
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Conservancy Ditch, West of US 66 Bridge, Albuquerque
    NM - 1 mile South Gila Hot Springs, West Fork Gila River
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - 1.5 miles North of Belen
    NM - 10 miles North, 5 miles East Gila, Turkey Creek 0.25 miles above Skeleton Canyon
    NM - 1/2 miles below Navaho Dam, San Juan River
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - 3 miles South Pleasanton, San Francisco Hot Springs
    NM - Bernalillo, Riverside Drain
    NM - 1 mile North Los Lunas on West levee roadof Rio Grande
    NM - Hot Springs below Lyon's Lodge
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction NM 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction NM 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Hot Springs below Lyon's Lodge
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction NM 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    AZ - Fort Apache Indian Reservation
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Approximately 10 miles North, 5 miles East Gila, Turkey Creek 0.25 miles below Hot Springs
    NM - Algodones Drainage Ditch
    NM - 1 mile East Western Skies
    NM - Caballo Reservoir, near Truth or Consequences
    NM - Gray Ranch, pond 100 yds South of Robert Burris House, Clanton Draw
    NM - Hot Springs below Lyon's Lodge
    NM - Bernalillo, Riverside Drain
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Bernalillo, Riverside Drain
    NM - Algodones Drainage Ditch
    NM - ditch between Algodones and Rio Grande
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Albuquerque, South of US Highway 66, Tingley Dr
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction NM 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Caballo Lake, South of Dam
    NM - E. Fork Gila River at Tom Moore Canyon
    NM - Albuquerque, Pond, 0.2 miles North and 0.1 miles West Junction Rio Bravo and South Broadway
    NM - 9 miles North Rodeo
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Hwy 180 at jct ? 396, 5 mi N of White City & 4 mi W of Black River Village
    NM - Albuquerque, Pond North of Rio Bravo Road, West of South Power Station
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - 1.7 miles South of US 85 - NM 45 junction, Isleta Reservation
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Albuquerque, Pond 0.2 miles North and 0.1 miles West Junction Rio Bravo Road and South Broadway
    NM - 1/2 miles North of NM 49, on East side of river
    NM - Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, 1 miles East and 0.25 miles North of refuge Headquarters
    NM - Benson's Fish Ranch, Highway 85, North of Albuquerque
    NM - Hwy 180 at jct ? 396, 5 mi N of White City & 4 mi W of Black River Village
    NM - Benson's Fish Ranch, Highway 85, North of Albuquerque
    NM - Albuquerque, West of Rio Grande, 1 mile North Central
    NM - East Fork Gila River, 0.125 miles above conJunction with West Fork
    NM - Conservancy Ditch, West of US 66 Bridge, Albuquerque
    NM - Along San Fransisco River at San Fransisco Hot Springs
    NM - Gray Ranch, pond 100 yds South of Robert Burris House, Clanton Draw
    NM - 1 mile East Western Skies
    NM - Albuquerque, Tingley Park Pond
    NM - Albuquerque, South of US Highway 66, Tingley Dr
    NM - 1.5 miles North Alameda Bridge, Corrales
    NM - Gila River
    NM - Conservancy Ditch, West of US 66 Bridge, Albuquerque
    NM - Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, 7.5 miles South and 0.5 miles West of San Antonio
    NM - Hwy 180 at jct ? 396, 5 mi N of White City & 4 mi W of Black River Village
    NM - Gila River, 0.25 miles below Lyon's Lodge
    CA - 10 miles Southeast Oakdale
    NM - 1/2 miles North of NM 49, on East side of river
    NM - Mouth of Taylor Creek, Wall Lake
    NM - Pool in Corrales Riverside Drain approximately 0.75 miles South of Corrales Road, Alameda Bridge
    NM - Small muddy pool of Rio Grande approximately 0.5 miles South of Corrales Road, Alameda Bridge,
    NM - Wall Lake, Black Range
    NM - San Acacia, small irrigation ditch South East of dam on Rio Grande
    NM - Wall Lake, Black Range
    NM - Mouth of Taylor Creek, Wall Lake
    NM - Isleta Swamp, East of US Highway 85, across railroad tracks
    NM - Isleta Swamp, East of US Highway 85, across railroad tracks
    NM - Mouth of Taylor Creek, Wall Lake
    NM - Isleta Sod Pits, 8 miles South Albuquerque
    NM - just South Caballo Dam
    NM - Wall Lake, Black Range
    NM - Pool in Corrales Riverside Drain approximately 0.75 miles South of Corrales Road, Alameda Bridge
    NM - Rattlesnake Springs, Carlsbad Caverns National Park
    NM - Wall Lake, Black Range
    NM - Wall Lake, Black Range
    NM - Tijeras Canyon, 9 miles East and 1.5 miles South Albuquerque
    NM - Tijeras Canyon, 9 miles East and 1.5 miles South Albuquerque
    NM - Rattlesnake Springs, Carlsbad Caverns National Park
    NM - Rio Grande, 0.25 miles below Angostura Diversion Dam
    NM - West Fork Gila River, 2 miles above conJunction with East Fork Gila River
    NM - Rio Grande, just North West Central Bridge
    NM - Rattlesnake Springs, Carlsbad Caverns National Park
    NM - Manzano Lake, Manzano
    NM - Rattlesnake Springs, Carlsbad Caverns National Park
    NM - pond 0.75 miles South Dexter
    NM - Isleta Sod Pits, 8 miles South Albuquerque
    NM - Rio Grande, just North West Central Bridge
    NM - Junction of East and West forks of Gila River
    NM - Junction of East and West forks of Gila River
    NM - Pool in Corrales Riverside Drain approximately 0.75 miles South of Corrales Road, Alameda Bridge
    NM - Wall Lake, Black Range
    NM - Rattlesnake Springs, Carlsbad Caverns National Park
    NM - Wall Lake, Black Range
    NM - Wall Lake, Black Range
    NM - San Acacia, small irrigation ditch South East of Rio Grande
    NM - Pool in Corrales Riverside Drain approximately 0.75 miles South of Corrales Road, Alameda Bridge
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition exp. 5A, Pond 4W
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction South Broadway and Rio Bravo Boulevard, Albuquerque
    NM - Rio Grande and Calabacillas Arroyo, approximately 7.0 miles downstream Alameda Ave Bridge,
    NM - Patterson Lake, 14 miles East Aragon
    NM - La Joya Game Management Area, approximately 20 miles North Socorro
    NM - Gila River, Riverside bridge, approximately 1.5 miles North North East Riverside, US Highway 180
    NM - Storrie Lake near Las Vegas, Marshes below Dam
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Former swampy area along road of , 3.8 rd. mi. N. of Rt. 44
    NM - Downstream of Paseo del Norte bridge, Rio Grande, main canal return, approximately 2.0 miles
    NM - Rio Grande, San Ildefonso
    NM - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM Highway 1, 4.1 mile South junction NM Highway 1 and US Highway 380 in San Antonio
    NM - Beaver Creek at confluence with Taylor Creek approximately 6 miles South Beaverhead
    NM - Rio Grande, 4.4 Kilometers upstream of NM Highway 346
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Corrales, Meadowlark Lane
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction South Broadway and Rio Bravo Boulevard, Albuquerque
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction South Broadway and Rio Bravo Boulevard, Albuquerque
    NM - Rio Grande, 4.4 Kilometers upstream of NM Highway 346
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande just East of Pajarito on San Idelfonzo Pueblo, just upstream of Otowi bridge
    NM - 1.5 miles South Glenwood, San Fransico River at Hot Springs
    NM - Rio Grande just East of Pajarito on San Idelfonzo Pueblo, just upstream of Otowi bridge
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande (ca.) 1 mi upstream of Montano Bridge crossing, Albuquerque (RM 188.9; Los Griegos Quadrangle).
    NM - Animas Creek, at NM 338, 5 1/2 miles West, 2 miles South of Animas Peak
    NM - Rio Grande, the middle of the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
    NM - La Joya State Game Refuge, ponds at South end of Refuge
    NM - Beaver Creek at confluence with Taylor Creek approximately 6 miles South Beaverhead
    NM - Albuquerque, on Four Hills Golf Course
    NM - East Fork Gila River 1.7 miles downstream of confluence with Beaver and Taylor Creeks
    NM - Lake Valley Ranch, 3 miles North East Lake Valley Berrenda Creek
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Albuquerque, West US Highway 66 Rio Grande Bridge
    NM - 2 mi N & 1 mi E Las Palomas
    NM - San Francisco Hot Springs
    NM - Rio Grande just East of Pajarito on San Idelfonzo Pueblo, just upstream of Otowi bridge
    NM - Rio Grande, 4.4 Kilometers upstream of NM Highway 346
    NM - Conservancy Ditch, 1-2 miles North Alameda
    NM - Albuquerque, 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection Highway 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - Rio Grande, directly below San Acacia Diversion Dam, San Acacia. [RM 116.2; San Acacia quadrangle]
    NM - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM Highway 1, 4.1 mile South junction NM Highway 1 and US Highway 380 in San Antonio
    NM - of dirt Road 0.25 miles East off Highway 85, 5.6 miles North of Junction Highway 6 and Highway 85, Highway 85
    NM - Rio Grande, Otowi bridge, San Idelfonso Pueblo
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River, Middle Fork trail head
    NM - North Second Street, just South of Alameda
    NM - Storrie Lake near Las Vegas, Marshes below Dam
    NM - San Juan River, 2 miles below Shiprock
    NM - Approximately 1 mile East, approximately 0.5 miles North of San Acacia, West side of Rio Grande
    NM - Rio Grande, on Santa Clara Pueblo, confluence with Santa Clara Creek
    NM - Rio Grande, Arroyo tounge, 0.3 miles upstream from San Felipe Pueblo River Mile 216.44, bridge, usgs gauge station
    NM - San Juan River, approximately 8.0 to 8.9 river miles downstream of Farmington
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM Highway 1, 6.3 miles South junction NM Highway 1 and US Highway 380 in San Antonio
    NM - Carrizozo Creek at NM Highway 18
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 2 miles North, 1 miles East Las Palomas
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - Rio Grande, Cochiti Arroyo just downstream of Cochiti Dam
    NM - Isleta Marsh
    NM - Rio Grande, US Highway 60 bridge crossing
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande Drainage, Rio Chama, 0.5 mi upstream US Hwy 84 bridge(See Note)
    NM - Albuquerque, West US Highway 66 Rio Grande Bridge
    NM - Albuquerque, West US Highway 66 Rio Grande Bridge
    NM - Isleta Marsh, 8 miles South Albuquerque
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Slide pool Gila River, mouth Cottonwood Canyon
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition exp. 5A, Pond 2W
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - San Francisco River downstream from Alma Bridge, 1.5 mi S, 1.25 mi W of Alma.
    NM - Elena Gallegos Picnic Area
    NM - West Riverside drain, 1 mile South Alameda
    NM - Carrizozo Creek at NM Highway 18
    NM - South Fork Palomas Creek, ca. 0.5 mi upstream of Evans Ranch on the Ladder Ranch [Thumb Tank Peak Quad]
    NM - Pond just off Rio Grande, South end of Santa Clara Reservation
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River, Middle Fork trail head
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction Broadway and Rio Bravo Boulevard, Albuquerque
    NM - Gila River, Mouth of Nichols Canyon
    NM - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM Highway 1, 4.1 mile South junction NM Highway 1 and US Highway 380 in San Antonio
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Approximately 1 mile East, approximately 0.5 miles North of San Acacia (center), West side of Rio Grande
    NM - 3 miles South Alameda, on West side of Rio Grande
    NM - Isleta Swamp, 1 mile North of Bernalillo and Valencia County border, US Highway 85
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - 1.5 miles North of Las Palomas, 300 yards East of the Rio Grande, Se
    NM - Wall Lake and Taylor Creek immediately Above lake
    NM - East Fork Gila River 1.7 miles downstream of confluence with Beaver and Taylor Creeks
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - San Francisco Hot Springs, San Francisco River, 2 miles South Pleasanton
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - Rio Grande, just downstream of Cochiti Dam
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande, US Highway 60 bridge
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
    NM - Gila River, 0.5 Kilometers above mouth Nichol's Canyon
    NM - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - Turn, East floodplain of Rio Grande
    NM - 1 1/2 miles North, 1/2 miles East Las Palomas
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - Gila River, Riverside bridge
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Lake Valley Ranch, 3 miles North East Lake Valley Berrenda Creek
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - 5.5 miles South Belen, Upper Sabinal Drain and Ponds near NM 109
    NM - just South Caballo Dam
    NM - San Francisco Hot Springs
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Lake Valley Ranch, 3 miles North East Lake Valley Berrenda Creek
    NM - Albuquerque, Rio Grande, Central Ave bridge
    NM - Storrie Lake near Las Vegas, Marshes below Dam
    NM - 1.5 miles South NM 44 at Rio Grande River
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Albuquerque, 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection Highway 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    AZ - Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge, Black Draw
    NM - 0.125 miles Northwest intersection Rio Bravo and Broadway, Albuquerque
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 0.7 miles West Albuquerque Fedway Store, Highway 85, near Isleta
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River, Middle Fork trail head
    NM - Santa Fe River, 100 m upstream of confluence with Rio Grande
    NM - Gray Ranch Cienega, Ranch headquarters, mouth of Clanton Draw
    NM - 0.125 miles North, 100 yards West intersection NM 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - Rio Grande, 9.5 Kilometers North of Elephant Butte State Park
    NM - Gila River, Riverside bridge, approximately 1.5 miles North North East Riverside
    NM - Albuquerque, 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection Highway 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - 1/2 miles North of NM 49, on East side of river
    NM - Albuquerque, 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection Highway 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - South East Albuquerque, Pond on 4 Hills Golf Course, in Alge near bank
    NM - 1/4 miles below Cochiti Dam, side channel of Rio Grande (West side)
    NM - Frisco Hot Springs
    NM - Conservancy Ditch Northeast end US Highway 66 Rio Grande Bridge
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande, 9.5 Kilometers North of Elephant Butte State Park
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - La Joya Game Management Area, approximately 20 miles North Socorro
    NM - Frisco Hot Springs
    NM - Albuquerque, West US Highway 66 Rio Grande Bridge
    NM - San Acacia, at terminas of dirt Road 0.5 miles East San Acacia
    NM - 2 road miles South of junction of NM 45 with Interstate 25, 0.1 mile East of Interstate 25
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande, Oxbow 10 Kilometers Downstream of Cochiti Dam
    NM - Rio Grande, South end of Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge
    NM - Beaver Pond adjacent to the Rio Grande, 4.8 miles downstream of Isleta Diversion Dam
    NM - Beaver pond S of FS Rd 94 bridge, just east of HWY 12, .1 air mi SE of Apache Creek
    NM - 1 3/4 miles North and 1/2 miles East Las Palomas
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River, Middle Fork trail head
    NM - pond 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection NM Highway 47 and Rio Grande Blvd
    NM - 1.5 miles North of Las Palomas, 300 yards East of the Rio Grande, Se
    NM - Springs and seeps,side Beaver Creek approximately 6.5 miles South Beaverhead
    NM - East Fork Gila River, confluence with Beaver Creek and Taylor Creek
    NM - 0.25 miles downstream from Gila Hot Springs on Gila River
    NM - 1.5 miles West Farmington
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River, Middle Fork trail head
    NM - Turkey Creek between Skeleton and Brush Canyons, 13.2 miles North Gila
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - Wall Lake and Taylor Creek immediately Above lake
    NM - Conservancy Ditch Northeast end US Highway 66 Rio Grande Bridge
    NM - East Fork Gila River, Fowler Ranch
    NM - Pond, North edge of Reserve, East of North State Highway 12
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - San Francisco River, approximately 4.8 Kilometers downstream of USGS guage, Pleasanton
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande, 300 m above San Acacia Diversion Dam
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - San Francisco River downstream from Alma Bridge; 1.3 mi. S, 1 mi. W Alma
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition Experiment 4, pond 9
    NM - Rio Grande, 6.6 Kilometers upstream of Highway 408 crossing
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition experiment 4, pond 15
    NM - 1.5 miles North of Las Palomas
    NM - Rio Gande Drainage, Low flow Conveyance Canal, 150m upstream Rio Grande confluen
    NM - Rio Grande, 2.5 miles downstream North boundary of San Felipe Pueblo, San Felipe Pueblo, River mile 219.5
    NM - San Juan River, 10 miles downstream of Shiprock
    NM - Village de los Ranchos, north of Albuquerque
    NM - Gila River, confluence with East and West Forks approximately 1 mile South Gila Hot Springs NM Highway 15
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition experiment 4, pond 13
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Taylor Creek just above confluence with Beaver Creek approximately 6 miles South Beaverhead
    NM - Isleta Marsh
    NM - La Joya Game Management Area, approximately 20 miles North Socorro
    NM - San Juan River, 4 miles upstream of Shiprock
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Turkey Creek, 9 miles North, 5.5 miles West Gila
    NM - Albuquerque, 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection Highway 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - Rio Grande, Oxbow 10 Kilometers Downstream of Cochiti Dam
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition exp. 5A, Pond 3W
    NM - Approximately 3 kilometers North San Felipe Pueblo Bridge Crossing
    NM - Old US Highway 85, 12 miles North of Bernalillo
    NM - Isleta Marsh
    NM - Rio Grande, Mud Springs outflow, Truth or Consequences
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, 1 miles East and 0.25 miles North of Headquarters
    NM - pond 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection NM Highway 47 and Rio Grande Blvd
    NM - Isleta Indian Reservation, US Highway 85, 1 Road miles South of NM Highway 45 turnoff
    NM - East Fork Gila River 1.7 miles downstream of confluence with Beaver and Taylor Creeks
    NM - 1.5 miles North of Las Palomas, 300 yards East of the Rio Grande, Se
    NM - Paradise Club, 7 miles East of Albuquerque, US Highway 66
    NM - 2 miles North Isleta Pueblo
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction South Broadway and Rio Bravo Boulevard, Albuquerque
    NM - Glenwood
    NM - 0.125 miles North and 200 yards West intersection NM 47 and Rio Bravo, Albuquerque
    NM - 1 mile North Isleta, ditch off US 85
    NM - East Fork Gila River, Fowler Ranch
    NM - Conservancy Ditch Northeast end US Highway 66 Rio Grande Bridge
    NM - Corrales, Meadow Lark Lane
    NM - East Fork Gila River, Fowler Ranch
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River, Middle Fork trail head
    NM - Lake Valley Ranch, 3 miles North East Lake Valley Berrenda Creek
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition Experiment 4, pond 14
    NM - Approximately 2 miles South Rodeo at NM-AZ border
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    TX - San Lorenzo Creek, Farm Road 1472 crossing, approximately 90 Kilometers North of Laredo
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, competition experiment 4, pond 19
    NM - Albuquerque, 0.25 miles North and 0.125 miles West intersection Highway 47 and Rio Bravo Boulevard
    NM - Rio Grande Drainage, Rio Chama, US Hwy 285 crossing, Chamita(San Juan Pueblo)
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North of Los Lunas on West side of Rio Grande
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Springs and seeps,side Beaver Creek approximately 6.5 miles South Beaverhead
    NM - Lake Valley Ranch, 3 miles North East Lake Valley Berrenda Creek
    NM - Middle Fork Gila River, Middle Fork trail head
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1.5 miles downstream from Frisco Hot Springs on Frisco River
    NM - East Fork Gila River, confluence with Beaver Creek and Taylor Creek
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande, the Corrales Siphon, Rio Rancho-Corrales Municipal Limits
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Alameda: Rio Grande 0.75 miles below Alameda bridge
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Wall Lake and Taylor Creek immediately Above lake
    NM - NM Highway 47, East Peralta, irrigation ditch
    NM - Rio Grande, US Highway 40 bridge crossing
    NM - Little Creek
    NM - San Francisco Hot Springs, San Francisco River, 2 miles South Pleasanton
    NM - Rio Grande, 1.0 miles downstream Santa Domingo Bridge, Santa Domingo Pueblo river mile 223.4
    NM - San Juan River, 6 miles below, downstream of Shiprock
    NM - Gila River, Mouth of Nichols Canyon
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande, 0.3 miles upstream South boundary of Santa Domingo Pueblo, Santa Domingo, river mile 220.3
    NM - Old fish hatchery below Elephant Butte Dam, Uppermost hatchery pond
    NM - 1.5 miles North Las Palomas, East side Rio Grande
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - 1 mile North NM Highway 6 bridge at Los Lunas, West side Rio Grande, Los Lentos
    NM - Rio Grande, just West of Algodones near Algodones power station
    NM - Rio Grande, 19 Kilometers downstream of Cochiti Dam
    NM - 5 miles South Albuquerque, East of Rio Grande
    NM - 0.125 miles North junction South Broadway and Rio Bravo Boulevard, Albuquerque

Trachemys scripta

    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 5.81 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 5.81 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 8.97 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 4.55 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 5.81 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 5.81 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 8.97 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Resevoir; S Black Butte
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 9.6 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 5.81 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 5.81 air mi upstream of dam
    KS - [No locality information provided]
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; ca. 5.81 air mi upstream of dam
    NM - old hatchery ponds just below Elephant Butte Reservoir Dam
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; S Hatch Pond
    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir; S Hatch Pond
    NM - Conchas Lake, Southside Boat Ramp
    NM - Conchas Lake, Southside Boat Ramp
    NM - under bridge where NM419 crosses Canadian River
    NM - Outside of CERIA building, UNM campus
    NM - Middle Hatchery Pond at Paseo Del Rio Campground
    NM - Rio Grande Nature Center, Candelaria Pond
    NM - Rio Grande Nature Center, Candelaria Pond
    NM - Rio Grande Nature Center, Candelaria Pond
    NM - Rio Grande Nature Center, Candelaria Pond
    NM - Rio Grande Nature Center, Candelaria Pond
    NM - Old Hatchery Ponds-12
    NM - Old Hatchery Ponds-12
    NM - Old Hatchery Ponds-12
    NM - Set 3-12
    NM - Old Hatchery Ponds-12
    NM - Los Lunas Pond in Community (deformed bulfrog pond)
    NM - along Delaware River; ca. 13.6 air mi S Malaga
    NM - Delaware River
    NM - Old Hatchery Ponds-12
    NM - Old Hatchery Ponds-12
    NM - Old Hatchery Ponds-12
    NM - ~ 1.1 km East of NM 179 and LakeShore Road
    NM - Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, Dane Smith Hall

Trachemys scripta elegans

    NM - Albuquerque, Rio Grande Nature Center State Park, Main pond at Visitor Center
    NM - Albuquerque, Rio Grande Nature Center State Park, Main pond at Visitor Center
    NM - Albuquerque, Rio Grande Nature Center State Park, Main pond at Visitor Center
    NM - Albuquerque, Rio Grande Nature Center State Park, Main pond at Visitor Center
    NM - Albuquerque, Rio Grande Nature Center State Park, Main pond at Visitor Center
    NM - Albuquerque, Rio Grande Nature Center State Park, Main pond at Visitor Center


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/7/2024].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.