Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Nalepa, T.F.. D.L. Fanslow, G.A. Lang, K.Mabrey, and M.Rowe. 2014. Lake-Wide Benthic Surveys in Lake Michigan in 1994-95, 2000, 2005, and 2010: Abundances of the Ampipod Diporeia Spp. and Abundances and Biomass of the Mussels Driessena Polymorpha and Dreissena Rostriformis Bugensis.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 28933
Type: Report
Author: Nalepa, T.F.. D.L. Fanslow, G.A. Lang, K.Mabrey, and M.Rowe
Date (year): 2014
Report TitleLake-Wide Benthic Surveys in Lake Michigan in 1994-95, 2000, 2005, and 2010: Abundances of the Ampipod Diporeia Spp. and Abundances and Biomass of the Mussels Driessena Polymorpha and Dreissena Rostriformis Bugensis
Publisher Location:
Keywords: Lake Michigan, Benthos, Dreissena Polymorpha, Dreissena Rostriformis Bugensis, Diporeia, Zebra, Quagga
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Dreissena bugensis

    WI - Station 9552
    MI - Station 9554
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    WI - Station 82922
    MI - Station 84450
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    MI - Station 95120
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    MI - Lake Michigan, Station H-18
    WI - Station KE-1
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    MI - Station L-220
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    MI - Station M-25


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/20/2024].

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