NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Freeman, S.L., and I.A. Pfingsten. 2021. First record of Najas marina (Hydrocharitaceae) for Montana and an update on the North American distribution. Phytoneuron 2021-51:1-7.
Reference Number: 35847 Type: Journal Article Author: Freeman, S.L., and I.A. Pfingsten Date (year): 2021 Article Title:First record of Najas marina (Hydrocharitaceae) for Montana and an update on the North American distribution Journal Name: Phytoneuron Volume: 2021-51 Issue: Pages: 1-7 URL: Keywords: Najas marina, spiny water-nymph, MT
Najas marina MT - Frenchtown Pond CA - Upper end of Lake Del Valle south of Livermore CA - San Francisco Bay Area; Quarry Lakes Park on Ishewood Rd in Fremont CA - San Francisco Bay Area; Shadow Cliff Lake in Pleasanton CA - San Francisco Bay Area; Del Valle Reservoir in Livermore CA - San Francisco Bay Area; Pond in Del Valle Park, 7000 Del Valle Rd, Livermore CA - Lake Chabot; Castro Valley, 17936 Lake Chabot Road CA - Lost Lake CA - Fresno Slough, Mendota Wildlife Area CA - Between Calipatria & Brawley on Imperial Waterfowl Refuge CA - Imperial Valley Irrigation District CA - Canal above Laguna Dam, Lower Colorado River CA - Ramer Lake CA - Colorado Desert, along Colorado River at Picacho State Rec. area at Stewart's Lake CA - Squaw [sic] Lake, Imperial Reservoir CA - Death Valley National Monument, Furnace Creek Ranch CA - Eastern San Joaquin Valley. Lake Ming, northeast of Bakersfield CA - about 1/2 mi w of Lancaster Road (near Branch Memorial Park, near Los Angeles County line, Edwards Air Force Base); Edwards Air Force Base CA - N of El Monte, Peck Road, near Arrow Hwy CA - West Lake, Los Angeles-Ventura County line off Highway 101 CA - Lake Shangri-La: near El Monte CA - Los Banos Reservoir c. 7 mi SW of Los Banos CA - Coleman Reservoir, ca. 1 km N of Upper Milpitas Rd, 1.6 km W of Mission Crk; Ft Hunter Liggett CA - Barton Hill, northwest shore of Lake Berryessa. Walter Springs 7.5' Quad CA - Alligator Slough on the Colorado River CA - Western Colorado Desert, Indio, lake in municipal golf course [Ave. 42, sea level] CA - Canyon Lake, ca. 3.5 miles southeast of Arlington CA - Vail Lake area, along west shore of lake 1/2 mi S of dam CA - Colorado Desert, Salton Sink: Dos Palmas oasis area CA - 1000 Palms Oasis. East facing slope above lake CA - Along San Benito River near Hollister, from Union Road to Hospital Road CA - San Bernardino Mountains. Cushenbury Springs, lower end of Cushenbury Canyon CA - Whipple Mountains: Bass Point day use area, along Parker Dam road CA - Whipple Mountains: Gene Wash, toward head. First left off Intake Pump Plant Rd, up canyon past swimming hole. MWD property CA - Sweetwater basin [Reservoir?] CA - Peninsular Range, Loveland Reservoir, south of Alpine and east of El Cajon, on Sweetwater River CA - De Luz Canyon: Along De Luz Creek and near small reservoir, not far from junction of Cottonwood Canyon and De Luz-Murrieta roads CA - San Elijo Lagoon CA - reservoir, Bishop Ranch, Goleta CA - Ramona, in private reservoir near Highway 78. (IPB 12/06) CA - South shore of Kumeyaay Lake, Mission Trails Regional Park, San Diego CA - Growing in pond, Scripps Miramar Ranch CA - Daley Ranch Preserve, north of Escondido, near ranch headquarters. Growing in pond. (IPB 12/06) CA - Loveland Reservoir: S of Alpine and Japatul Valley Road; along the south shore, 1.1 air miles E of the dam located at the southeast end of the reservoir CA - Poway; Poway Lake, ca I(c) mi E of intersection of Lake Poway Road and Espola Road (County Hwy S-5), on the shoreline of the lake CA - Barrett Lake (City of San Diego), Boneyard Canyon on northern edge of east fork, ca 5 miles NNE of junction Barrett Lake Road and Highway 94, adjacent to Hauser Wilderness CA - 4 mi nw of Guadalupe (Oso Flaco Lake); Oso Flaco Lake CA - La Panza Range. Santa Margarita Lake near Salinas Dam CA - Just NE of the airport on the campus of Calif State Polytechnic College, San Luis Obispo CA - Berquist Ranch Pond. 12.8 mi N of hwy 58 on Shell Creek Rd CA - Sinton Middle Pond on Shell Crk Rd 8.0 mi N of hwy 58 CA - Tepesquet Vinyard Ponds 4-6 mi S of Shandon on San Juan rd CA - Sinton South Pond on Shell Crk Rd 6.4 mi N of hwy 58 CA - Shepperd's Reservoir, Cal Poly Campus CA - Santa Margarita Lake, reservoir formed by dam on Salinas River CA - Whale Rock Reservoir, Cayucos CA - San Simeon creek drainage; Egeberg Ranch pond; in the lined pond CA - SW edge of Laguna Blanca (Hope Ranch Lake); Santa Barbara CA - Eastern end of Lake Cachuma CA - Los Corrallitos; Pinto Lake CA - Sunset Golf Course, Thousand Oaks. CA - Lake Casitas. Northern lake shore, S of Rt 150 CA - Santa Monica Mountains; Lake Sherwood, at edge of lake near fire station - Etang Saum�tre, Haiti - Etang Lachaux, ca 3 air km SE of Camp Perrin, Haiti MN - Big Stone Lake MN - Upper Norway Lake MN - Big Kandiyohi Lake MN - Maple Lake MN - off G. Bonham's, Eagle Lake, N. of Willmar MN - Bear Paw Point MN - National Waterfowl Production Are; NW end of Lee Lake, ca. 6 mi E of Elbow Lake (town) [Redhead Slough Wildlife Management Area] MN - 1 mi N of the town of Erskine; E shore of Badger Lake MN - [Hasselton Wildlife Management Area] 4.5 mi S of the town of Fosston; W shore of Sandhill [Sand Hill] Lake AZ - Colorado River, Searchlight Ferry, ca 25 mi NW of Chloride CA - Laguna Res. (Colorado River) AZ - Temple Bar on Lake Mead MN - Starbuck Marina at W edge of Lake Minnewaska MN - Point Lake; ca. 3 miles north of Wilmar MN - Lake Anka; 139 acre lake near Ashby MN - Lake Christina MN - Lake Lizzie; Survey sample station # 138 MN - Lake Simon; Survey sample station # 1 MN - Lake Hassel; Survey sample station # 140 MN - Florida Slough Lake; Survey sample station #10 MN - Mud Lake (Monongalia); DOW# 34-158; site 103 MN - Shible Lake; Survey sample station # 6 MN - W shore of Clear Lake; 12 mi NW of the town of Fergus Falls MN - NW shore of Brophy Lake; 3.5 mi NW of the town of Alexandria MN - N central and SE shore of Stony Lake; DNR Site# 59 MN - Lake Andrew; public boat access on SE shore MN - N shore of Wall Lake; 5 mi E of the town of Fergus Falls MN - NE bay of North Ten Mile Lake; 10 mi SE of the town of Fergus Falls AZ - Topock Marsh, Havasu National Wildlife Refuge AZ - Cholla Lake AZ - Pond at Arivaca Junction MN - Mineral Lake; 9 mi SE of the town of Fergus Falls; SE bay of the lake MN - NE shore of Florida Slough Lake; 9 mi N of the town of Willmar MN - N side of Lake Pelican; near public access MN - Lobster Lake; N shore of W bay, ca. 100 m N of public access MN - Big Lake, SE bay, N of public access MN - Lake Becker, SW bay of lake MN - N end of Lake Mina MN - Lake Minnewaska AZ - Springs, Crittenden AZ - Near Ft. Mohave. Colorado River Saw(?) AZ - near Yuma AZ - Papago Park Fish and Game Pond AZ - Mud flats bordering Lake Havasu at Topock AZ - Indian Bend Country Club Lake, Scottsdale AZ - Babocomari Ranch to area 2 miles east of ranch AZ - San Bernadino Ranch; 17 mi. east of Douglas; at 'North Slough' AZ - Santa Cruz River near Tucson AZ - Castle Dome Annex. Yuma Proving Ground - Cuba AZ - Indian Hot Springs AZ - Tempe, ponds of the Salt River AZ - Paradise Valley golf course AZ - N shore of Saguaro Lake on Salt River. AZ - Gilbert Water Ranch (SE Corner) of Greenway and Guadalupe Rd, Mesa AZ - Salt River bed south of gate, on dry river bed. AZ - Salt River - Price Drain, upstream and beneath the N101/202 freeway interchange in Tempe AZ - Colorado River, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, near shore across from Opal Mountain, NV AZ - Quitobaquito Springs AZ - Green Valley south of Tucson AZ - Agua Caliente Park, Tucson AZ - Kennedy Lake, in Kennedy Park; southwestern end of Tucson, off Ajo Way AZ - Bingham Swamp, about 2 miles north of Redington; San Pedro Valley AZ - Marteniz Lake - Lower Colorado River mile #565 (S of Lee's Ferry) AZ - Araby Acres Trailer Park 6649 E Hy. 80, Yuma 85365 CA - San Diego County, US-CA, US CA - San Diego County, US-CA, US AZ - Santa Cruz River - golden isles dairy road, Nassau, Bahamas - Laguna Papagayo, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico MN - Glacier Lake, Murray Co. - Lake Chanmico, El Salvador - Coral Harbor Golf Course, Nassau - Lago de Ilopango, El Salvador - Cedar Hill, Antigua - Twin Lake, Andros Island, Bahamas - Agua Caliente Springs, Baja California Sur, Mexico - flamingo reserve, Great Inagua, The Bahamas - Laguna de Santa Maria del Oro, Nayarit, Mexico - Tijuana, Mexico MN - Lake Wakanda, MN - La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico - Sud Department, Haiti - La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico - San Angel Oasis - Arroyo Mulegue - Lago de Peten near Flores. Guatemala - San Luis R�o Colorado, Son., M�x. WI - Wisconsin, US CA - California, US CA - California, US AZ - United States CA - San Diego County, US-CA, US CA - San Diego County, US-CA, US WI - Wisconsin, US WI - Wisconsin, US OH - Ohio, US AZ - Yuma County, US-AZ, US UT - Utah, US WI - Wisconsin, US CA - California, US - California, US CA - California, US AZ - Clark County, US-NV, US CA - San Diego County, US-CA, US WI - Wisconsin, US CA - California, US - Reservoir, Arroyo Santa Rita, San Jorge (W of Santiago) - W of Mulege; W side of the mountain range in the vicinity of Rancho El Tule, east of San Martin and La Vinorama - Estero San Jos� - Arroyo en el cruce de la carretera en Cadej� - Base del Pil�n de las Parras - Arroyo del Rancho Santa Rita del Coyote - 1.67 km al NW del Patrocinio (en linea recta) - Canal La Polilla, NE of Santa Tecla - Lago de Tequesquitengo - Azoche, 500 m al S de Ciudad Ayala - 200 m al NW de la carr. a Jojutla - Dique La Primavera, 4 km al S de Culiac�n - Panuco river near Ebano NV - Moapa Valley, Center Pond, Blind #32, along shore of pond in a floating mat of aquatic plants, central section of Area, Overton Wildlife Management Area NV - spring source (one of several) of Muddy River NV - Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Lake Mead Marina NV - Panaca Springs NV - Pahranagat Valley, Ash Springs NV - Mason Valley Wildlife Area, Fort Churchill Cooling Ponds NV - Fish Lake Valley, just N of Fish Lake NV - UNR Gund Ranch Experiment Station. Cool pond at Walti Ranch NV - In the pond at the north side of Panaca NV - Duckwater Indian Reservation, Big Warm Springs, just W of NV Hwy 20 NV - Seepage area north of Dianas Punch Bowl [Monitor Valley] NV - White River Valley, Hot Creek Spring NV - Blue Eagle spring at the Blue Eagle Ranch, on the NE side of the valley NV - Watkin's Ranch, Ash Meadows TX - Olmito, Resaca del Rancho Viejo TX - Brownsville TX - Resaca de los Cuates at Bayview (San Roman) - Clipperton Island ND - Elsie Lake, Hankinson UT - Fish Springs Pond at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge UT - Blue Lake about 14 miles south of Wendover FL - St. Marks Nat'l Wildlife Refuge. Edge of Mounds Pool no. 1 FL - Fort Myers SD - Blue Cloud Abbey, SD UT - Great Salt Lake, Spring Bay UT - Porcupine Reservoir FL - N Merritt's Island FL - Fort Lauderdale, FL FL - Mosquito control cannals at Homosassa Spring FL - Along US Route 41 about 1 mile east of Collier-Seminole State Park FL - Palm Creek, near Cape Romano FL - Fairchild Tropical Garden FL - Fort Pickens, Santa Rosa Island, FL FL - Sanibel Island, FL FL - Waccasassa Bay State Preserve FL - N side of the Manatee River, E of US 41-301 between Palmetto and Ellenton FL - Salt Spring, ONF FL - on edge of ponds along road just east of Homestead Air Force Base FL - Longboat Key, W of Gulf of Mexico Drive ca. 0.1 mi. NW of entrance to golf course FL - pond 2 mi NE of Flamingo NM - Chaves Co., NM NM - Eddy Co., NM NM - Lincoln Co., NM NM - Otero Co., NM CA - Clear Lake NV - Huntington Valley, NV CA - Ft Bragg, MacKerricher State Park CA - Irvine Lake W shore, 1300 NW from entrance kiosk CA - Lake Mission Viejo CA - Laguna Lake, Fullerton UT - Utah Lake - Pine Cay, Caicos FL - Sand Point, FL FL - NW South Lake, FL FL - Cuthbert Lake, FL FL - West Lake, FL - iguana cove, albemarle island, Galapagos - Caledonia Harbor, San Blas, Panama - Great Harbour Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas - Great Abaco near Sandy Point airstrip - Great Exuma: 1 mile N.W. of Mt. Thompson - Great Inagua: near John Gray Hill - Great Inagua: Conch Shell Point pond - Long Island: Grays - South Bimini: Duck Pond near airport - Sandino, Cuba - Las Marias de Neyba, Baoruco, Dominican Republic - Barahona: Cabral, Laguna Rincon - Laguna Lim�n, El Seibo, Dominican Republic - Independencia: Cristobal, Laguna Rincon - Laguna Saladilla, monte cristi, Dominican Republic - Puerto Plata: Laguna Cabarete - Gona'ives, Desdunes, Plaine de L'Artibonite - Etang Bois-Neuf, S.W. of St. Marc - L'Ouest: Etang Saumatre - Trou ca'iman - Nord: Etang Romeo - Sud: Etang Miragoane - Etang Cocodillo, S.E. of Camp Perrin - Etang Pernele, N. of Port-a-Piment - Anse-a-Veau - Parish St. Andrew: Mona Reservoir, Jamaica - Parish St. Catherine, Salt Island Lagoon - Parish St. Elizabeth, Broad River: 1 mile W.S.W. of Burnt Savanna - Lago de Coatepeque, Santa Ana, El Salvador - between Canipole and Comondu, Baja California
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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/11/2025].
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