NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Swift, C.C., T.R. Haglund, M. Ruiz, and R.N. Fisher. 1993. The status and distribution of the freshwater fishes of southern California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 92(3):101-167.
Reference Number: 544 Type: Journal Article Author: Swift, C.C., T.R. Haglund, M. Ruiz, and R.N. Fisher Date (year): 1993 Article Title:The status and distribution of the freshwater fishes of southern California. Journal Name: Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences Volume: 92 Issue: 3 Pages: 101-167 URL: Keywords: fishes, California
Acanthogobius flavimanus CA - Ballona Marsh
Acipenser transmontanus CA - Lake Havasu CA - Irvine Lake CA - Santa Ana River lakes
Catostomus fumeiventris CA - June Lake, in Mono Lake drainage CA - Santa Clara drainage
Cottus asper CA - Castaic Creek, just below Castaic Lagoon[Lake] CA - Piru Creek, 9.1 km from confluence with Santa Clara River. CA - Piru Creek, mouth at sand bars and flats for ca. 400 m above buoy line. CA - Sespe Creek, at Hwy 127 crossing, 1 mile west of Filmore. CA - Pyramid Lake; mouth of Tin Cup Canyon, downstream Piru Creek mouth on south side. CA - Piru Creek, 18.7 km from confluence with Santa Clara River. CA - Irvine Lake, upper end ca. 0.5 miles downstream from the mouth of Santiago Creek. CA - Santa Ana River, 1.5 mi. E of Lakeview Ave. CA - Big Bear Lake CA - Gorman Creek Siphon [=Gorman Canal], tributary to Pyramid Lake.
Cyprinodon nevadensis CA - Old (Eagle) Borax Works on the west side of Death Valley
Cyprinodon salinus CA - River Springs on the east side of Adobe Valley
Gasterosteus aculeatus CA - Big Bear Lake (near Big Bear City) CA - Dos Pueblos Canyon CA - Little Rock Creek CA - Big Rock Creek CA - Holcomb Creek CA - Lake Arrowhead, north of San Bernardino CA - Sweetwater River CA - Pine Creek, tributary to Otay River CA - June Lake, in Mono Lake drainage CA - Owens River, upper reach down to Bishop CA - Huasna River CA - Alamo Creek
Gila orcuttii CA - Cuyama River CA - Big Bear Lake (near Big Bear City)
Gillichthys mirabilis CA - Colorado River, lower CA - lower Salt Creek near the Salton Sea
Gillichthys seta CA - Salton Sea
Lavinia exilicauda CA - Pyramid Lake CA - Lake Silverwood, north of San Bernardino CA - Pyramid Lake CA - Ramer Lake CA - isolated pools of Aliso Canyon, tributary to Santa Clara River in Soledad Canyon
Menidia audens CA - Lake Silverwood CA - Pyramid Lake CA - Castaic Lake CA - Skinner Reservoir CA - Pyramid Lake
Oncorhynchus mykiss CA - Colorado River, lower CA - Boulder Creek, tributary to San Diego River CA - Cold Creek, tributary to Green Valley Creek CA - Pine Valley Creek, tributary to Otay River CA - Gaviota Creek CA - Mission Creek CA - Atascadero Creek CA - Ventura River CA - Santa Clara River CA - Mullholland Canyon CA - Big Sycamore Canyon CA - Malibu Creek CA - Topanga Creek [=Malibu Creek]
Pantosteus santaanae CA - River Springs
Percina macrolepida CA - Irvine Lake CA - Pyramid Lake CA - Castaic Lake in Southern CA CA - Silverwood Lake in Southern CA
Pogonichthys macrolepidotus CA - Lake Silverwood, north of San Bernardino
Ptychocheilus grandis CA - Chorro Creek, tributary to Morro Bay CA - South Fork Eel River CA - Lake Arrowhead, north of San Bernardino CA - Los Osos Creek, tributary to Morro Bay CA - Pyramid Lake CA - Eel River in northern CA
Rhinichthys osculus CA - Willow Creek, near the northwestern end of Saline Valley CA - Saline Valley CA - River Springs on the east side of Adobe Valley CA - Cuyama River CA - Davy Brown Creek CA - Tepusquet Creek CA - Sisquoc River
Siphateles bicolor mohavensis CA - Lark Seep Lagoon, China Lake Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, San Bernardino County CA - Soda Springs [Zzyzx Spring] near Baker CA - Desert Studies Center Pond at Hinkley CA - California Desert Information Center in Barstow [831 Barstow Rd] CA - Camp Cady Wildlife Area near Newberry Springs
Tridentiger bifasciatus CA - Suisan marsh south to Pyramid Lake (via California Aqueduct?) CA - Piru Creek CA - lower Sacramento drainage
The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.
Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/14/2025].
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