NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Clark, J.L. (curator), J. Lopez-Bautista (curator), S. Ginzbarg, R.R. Haynes, and B. Keener. 2009. University of Alabama Herbarium (UNA). University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Reference Number: 28165 Type: Database Author: Clark, J.L. (curator), J. Lopez-Bautista (curator), S. Ginzbarg, R.R. Haynes, and B. Keener. Date (year): 2009 Title:University of Alabama Herbarium (UNA) Publisher:University of Alabama Publisher Location:Tuscaloosa, AL URL: Accessed on: Created on: Keywords: herbarium
Alternanthera philoxeroides AL - small creek at opening in Alabama River; ca. 6 1/2 mi. NNE of Montgomery Sec. 31, T17N, R17E
Ceratopteris richardii AL - Marr's Spring behind Comer Hall, campus of University of Alabama
Eichhornia crassipes AL - Shallow water along margins of open, swampy area on W side of US 31 which is fed by outflow from large spring on E side of US 31; ca 3 mi N of jct US 31 and US 72A; ca 5 mi NNE of Decatur
Hydrilla verticillata verticillata AL - Shades Creek; 1/2 mi W of US 280 on Rt 149(SE of Homewood). AL - Raft River near mouth of Crab Creek. AL - Aliceville Reservoir, Tombigbee River AL - Lake Frank Jackson, ca. 3 miles N. of Opp; at junction of Hwy. 331 with Hwy. 38 AL - South Bank Of Tombigbee River Ca. 0.5 Mi Upstream From Coffeeville Lock And Dam, Ca. 10 Mi E Of Silas; N1/2 Sec 13, T9n R2w AL - Shallow Water Along Shoreline In Mulberry Creek Embayment On Pickwick Reservoir At Trm 241.5l; Ca 3 Mi E Of Cherokee. AL - Growing In Ca 7 Ft Of Water In Pickwick Reservoir Along The Southern Shoreline At Trm 238.7l, Just Downstream Of An Industrial Water Intake; Ca 2 Mi Upstream Of The Natchez Trace Parkway Bridge. MS - Ca. 5.5 Mi. Nw Of Columbus; Just E Of Hwy Ms 50 Bridge Over Tennessee- Tombigbee Waterway. T17s R19w S13 Sw1/4 AL - Shallow Water At The Upstream End Of Finley Island In Wheeler Reservoir At Trm 299.7l; Ca. 4.5 Mi. Nw Of Decatur. MS - E side of bridge where Hwy 50 crosses Tombigbee River ca 100 yards from Clay co. line T17S R19W S13
Hygrophila polysperma AL - Mobile municipal Park (Langan), southwest of junction of Ziegler Blvd. and Forest Hill Drive, West Mobile
Iris pseudacorus AL - Intersection of Co. rte. 12 and 97 on either side of road just east of intersection. Town of Green Pond. Ca. 20 mi. N Centreville
Marsilea minuta AL - Conecuh River, NE of Hwy 29 bridge
Marsilea mutica AL - private farm pond in Hamilton, S of John Craft Hwy, N of CR 90
Myriophyllum aquaticum AL - Lightseys Pond @ AL 219, 3 mi S Centerville AL - Miller's Ferry Reservoir of the Alabama River, ca. 10 mi. NNW of Camden AL - On I-59 ca.1 miles South of US 11, just west of Argo
Najas minor MN - Lac Lavon Lake
Pistia stratiotes AL - swamp between the sewage lagoons and Sandy Creek on Conecuh County Highway 29 in Evergreen
Salvinia minima AL - Polecat Bay, N side Mobile Bay Causeway at USS Alabama Battleship Park
Salvinia molesta AL - Auburn, Indian Pines Country Club, golfcourse pond AL - Auburn, Indian Pines Country Club, golfcourse pond AL - pond, north of Auburn, resulting from impounded tributary of Sougahatchee Creek AL - Seale, DeYoung pond at 310 Clark Rd., aprox. 200 meters from Uchee Creek
Selaginella uncinata AL - lime-clay near mouth of cave at edge of quarry, 2 mi N of Mexia near Monroeville
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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [3/14/2025].
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