Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
(Rainbow Trout)
Native Transplant

55 results for Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow Trout)
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Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number What's this? Drainage nameStatus
268223 COMoffatGreen River, in Dinosaur National Monument (Echo Park site)1970 14060010 Lower Green-Diamondestablished
44767 UT Green River below San Rafael River1982 14060008 Lower Greenstocked
44768 UT Green River between Price and White rivers1982 14060005 Lower Green-Desolation Canyonstocked
44770 UT Strawberry drainage1982 14060004 Strawberryestablished
263699 UTCarbonheadwaters of Price River2000 14060007 Priceestablished
262675 UTCarbonRock Creek, in Desolation Canyon1967 14060005 Lower Green-Desolation Canyonestablished
262676 UTCarbonRock Creek, in Desolation Canyon1968 14060005 Lower Green-Desolation Canyonestablished
262677 UTCarbonRock Creek, in Desolation Canyon1973 14060005 Lower Green-Desolation Canyonestablished
263917 UTCarbonScofield Reservoir2000 14060007 Pricestocked
262215 UTDuchesneBig Sand Wash Reservoir2000 14060003 Duchesnestocked
262353 UTDuchesneDuchesne River, North Fork, about 12 miles northwest of Hanna2000 14060003 Duchesneestablished
262350 UTDuchesneDuchesne River, southeast of Tabiona2000 14060003 Duchesneestablished
263322 UTDuchesneLake Fork River2000 14060003 Duchesnestocked
263556 UTDuchesneMirror Lake, northwest corner of Duchesne County2000 14060003 Duchesnestocked
263558 UTDuchesneMoon Lake2000 14060003 Duchesnestocked
263894 UTDuchesneRed Creek Reservoir2000 14060004 Strawberrystocked
263902 UTDuchesneRock Creek, northwest corner of the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation2000 14060003 Duchesnestocked
264956 UTDuchesneStrawberry River, east of Starvation Reservoir2000 14060004 Strawberrystocked
265732 UTDuchesneUinta River2000 14060003 Duchesnestocked
265752 UTDuchesneWhiterocks River2000 14060003 Duchesneestablished
265770 UTDuchesneYellowstone Creek2000 14060003 Duchesnestocked
44769 UTDuchesne-UintahDuchesne drainage1982 14060003 Duchesneestablished
262294 UTEmeryCleveland Reservoir2000 14060009 San Rafaelstocked
262300 UTEmeryCottonwood Creek, northwest of Castle Dale2000 14060009 San Rafaelestablished
262867 UTEmeryElectric Lake, east of Fairview2000 14060009 San Rafaelestablished

Data Disclaimer: Number of records does not imply species abundance. This summary represent collection records only and may not reflect the actual distribution of established populations. These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/7/2024].

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