Lepomis gulosus
Lepomis gulosus
Native Transplant

42 results for Lepomis gulosus (Warmouth)
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Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number What's this? Drainage nameStatus
1336212   French (HUC8) non-specific1983 05010004 Frenchestablished
1403226   French (HUC8) non-specific1983 05010004 Frenchestablished
1336214   Lower Monongahela (HUC8) non-specific1983 05020005 Lower Monongahelaestablished
1336166   Lower Wisconsin (HUC8) non-specific1983 07070005 Lower Wisconsinestablished
1403349   Lower Wisconsin (HUC8) non-specific1983 07070005 Lower Wisconsinestablished
1336169   Pike-Root (HUC8) non-specific1983 04040002 Pike-Rootestablished
1336213   Shenango (HUC8) non-specific1983 05030102 Shenangoestablished
1403225   Shenango (HUC8) non-specific1983 05030102 Shenangoestablished
1336168   Sugar (HUC8) non-specific1983 07090004 Sugarestablished
1403347   Sugar (HUC8) non-specific1983 07090004 Sugarestablished
1336167   Upper Fox (HUC8) non-specific1983 07120006 Upper Foxestablished
1403348   Upper Fox (HUC8) non-specific1983 07120006 Upper Foxestablished
1336053   Upper St. Croix (HUC8) non-specific1983 07030001 Upper St. Croixestablished
1702492 ON Lake Pond, Point Pelee National Park1983 04250001 Cedar Creek-Frontal Lake Erie 
1702493 ON Lake Pond, Point Pelee National Park1983 04250001 Cedar Creek-Frontal Lake Erie 
1403224 PA Monongahela drainage1983 05020005 Lower Monongahelaestablished
159873 PR state non-specific1983 21010000 Puerto Ricocollected
1336149 WI Castle Rock (HUC8) non-specific1983 07070003 Castle Rockestablished
1403351 WI Castle Rock (HUC8) non-specific1983 07070003 Castle Rockestablished
46508 WI eastern Wisconsin (Milwaukee drainage)1983 04040003 Milwaukeecollected
1403350 WI eastern Wisconsin (Milwaukee drainage)1983 04040003 Milwaukeeestablished
1403344 WI Fox-Wolf system1983 04030202 Wolfestablished
1336148 WI Lake Dubay (HUC8) non-specific1983 07070002 Lake Dubayestablished
1403346 WI Lake Dubay (HUC8) non-specific1983 07070002 Lake Dubayestablished
1403353 WI lakes in the east-central part of the state1983 04030201 Upper Foxestablished

Data Disclaimer: Number of records does not imply species abundance. This summary represent collection records only and may not reflect the actual distribution of established populations. These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/7/2024].

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