Corbicula fluminea
Corbicula fluminea
(basket clam)

1105 results for Corbicula fluminea (basket clam)
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Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number What's this? Drainage nameStatus
1649852 ALChiltonYellow Leaf Creek, `3-5 km upstream of AL Hwy 145 (Shannon's Mill upstream site)2007 03150107 Lower Coosaestablished
1649850 ALShelbyMuddy Prong, Shelby CR 552007 03150107 Lower Coosaestablished
1337553 ARCleburneNORTH FORK CADRON CREEK2007 11110205 Cadronestablished
1337890 ARCrawfordFROG BAYOU2007 11110201 Frog-Mulberryestablished
1337664 ARFaulknerEAST FORK CADRON CREEK2007 11110205 Cadronestablished
1337891 ARGrantCADDO RIVER2007 08040203 Upper Salineestablished
886236 ARLeeMississippi River At Ashley Point Landing, River Mile 689. T2n R6e Ne4 Section 9.2007 08020100 Lower Mississippi-Helenaestablished
886649 ARLeeMississippi River At Ashley Point Landing, Rm 689. T2n R6e Ne4 Section 9.2007 08020100 Lower Mississippi-Helenaestablished
1338036 ARMontgomeryCADDO RIVER2007 08040102 Upper Ouachitaestablished
1337779 ARPerrySOUTH FOURCHE LA FAVE RIVER2007 11110206 Fourche La Faveestablished
1337773 ARPerrySOUTH FOURCHE LA FAVE RIVER2007 11110206 Fourche La Faveestablished
1337980 ARPerrySOUTH FOURCHE LA FAVE RIVER2007 11110206 Fourche La Faveestablished
1337637 ARPopeILLINOIS BAYOU2007 11110202 Dardanelle Reservoirestablished
1337901 ARPopeMIDDLE FORK ILLINOIS BAYOU2007 11110202 Dardanelle Reservoirestablished
1337724 ARScottPOTEAU RIVER2007 11110105 Poteauestablished
1337937 ARSharpSTRAWBERRY RIVER2007 11010012 Strawberryestablished
1337651 ARYellDUTCH CREEK2007 11110204 Petit Jeanestablished
253618 COBentArkansas River, at Hasty Lake, just below John Martin Dam near Caddoa2007 11020009 Upper Arkansas-John Martin Reservoirestablished
253626 COBentPurgatoire River, Route 101 crossing, 2 mi S and 1 mi E of Las Animas2007 11020010 Purgatoireestablished
253622 COCrowleyLake Meredith, NE side2007 11020005 Upper Arkansas-Lake Meredithestablished
253624 COKiowaNeegronda Reservoir, SE side, 2 m N of tri-county line2007 11020009 Upper Arkansas-John Martin Reservoirestablished
253623 COKiowaNeenoshe Reservoir, south side2007 11020009 Upper Arkansas-John Martin Reservoirestablished
1635223 COMontezumaTotten Reservoir2007 14080202 McElmounknown
253628 COOteroPurgatoire River at Hwy 109, ~1.7 mi SSE of La Junta and 2 mi SE of Higbee2007 11020010 Purgatoireestablished
253627 COOteroPurgatoire River, at Hwy 109 about 1.9 mi S and 1 mi E of La Junta2007 11020010 Purgatoireestablished

Data Disclaimer: Number of records does not imply species abundance. This summary represent collection records only and may not reflect the actual distribution of established populations. These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [3/13/2025].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.
