The Harris mud crab was introduced to California in 1937 and is now abundant in the brackish waters of San Francisco Bay and freshwaters of the Central Valley (Aquatic Invaders, Elkhorn Slough Foundation). Ricketts and Calvin (1952) noted its occurrence in Coos Bay, Oregon in 1950. Rhithropanopeus harrisii, a common resident of Texas estuaries, has recently expanded its range to freshwater reservoirs in that state (Howells 2001; Texas Parks and Wildlife). They have been found in the E.V. Spence, Colorado City, Tradinghouse Creek, Possum Kingdom, and Lake Balmorhea reservoirs. These occurrences are the first records of this species in freshwater inland lakes. This crab has been introduced to various European countries including Britain, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, and France, and in Russia, Romania, and Bulgaria (Christiansen 1969). Williams (1984) noted that this crab was first observed in Europe in the Zuiderzee, The Netherlands and was confined in that area until 1936. Established populations were noted in rivers in southern Russia in 1939 (Williams 1984). Gadzhiev (1936) and Turoboyski (1973) reviewed distribution of this species in the Caspian and Black seas. Mizzan and Zanella (1996) recorded this species in Italy.
† Populations may not be currently present.
References: (click for full references)
Christiansen, M.E. 1969. Crustacea Decapoda Brachyura. Marine Invertebrates of Scandinavia. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. 143 pp.
Costlow, J.D., Jr., C.G. Bookhout, and R. Monroe. 1966. Studies on the larval development of the crab, Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould). The effect of salinity and temperature on larval development. Physiological Zoology 39(2):81-100.
Aquatic Invaders, Elkhorn Slough Foundation.
Gadzhiev, D.V. 1963. Dutch crab in the Caspian Sea. (Gollandskii krab v Kaspiiskom more.) Priroda 10:126.
Howells, R. 2001. Introduced non-native fishes and shellfishes in Texas waters: an updated list and discussion. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Management Data Series 188.
Keith, D. E. 2005. Occurrence of the estuarine mud crab, Rhithropanopeus harrisii, in Texas reservoirs.
Mizzan, L. and L. Zanella. 1996. First record of Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Xanthidae) in the Italian waters. Bolletino del Museo civico di Storio naturale di Venezia 46:109-120.
Payen, G.G. and J.R. Bonami. 1979. Mise en evidence de particles d'allure virale associees aux noyaux des cellules mesodermiques de la zone germinative testiculaire du crabe Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) (Brachyura, Xanthidae). Rev. Trav. Inst. Pech. Marit. 43:361-365.
Petersen, C. 2002. Characterization of larval dispersal within the California Current by two estuarine crabs. Abstract, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Rathbun, M.J. 1930. The cancroid crabs of America of the families Euryalidae, Portunidae, Atelecyclidae, Cancridae and Xanthidae. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Bulletin 152:1-609.
Ricketts, E.F. and J.Calvin. 1952. Between Pacific Tides, 3rd edition. Stanford University Press, California. 502 pp.
Turoboyski, K. 1973. Biology and ecology of the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii spp. tridentatus. Marine Biology 23(4):303-313.
Williams, A.B. 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs of the Atlantic Coast of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 550 pp.
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