Rhinella marina
Rhinella marina
(Cane Toad)

33 results for Rhinella marina (Cane Toad)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Reference
2217 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Experimental Laboratory In a Florida retention pond experiment, native Scaphiopus holbrooki (Eastern Spadefoot... 16611
2218 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Boiga irregularis (Brown Tree Snake), a native Australian snake that is invasive in Guam... 32851
2219 Rhinella marina Predation/Herbivory Observational Field In Australia Rhinella marina have been observed eating juvenile Boiga... 32910
2220 Rhinella marina Human Health Anecdotal Field Rhinella marina can act as vectors for Salmonella, including serovars (or... 32812
2221 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Rhinella marina can act as vectors for Salmonella enterica, including serovars... 32812
2222 Rhinella marina Competition Observational Field There is a high degree of dietary overlap between Rhinella marina and native Anaxyrus... 24038
2223 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field A Didelphis marsupialis (Common Opposum) was observed to kill and eat a sympatric... 14786
2225 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field The exotic tick Amblyomma rotundatum infests Rhinella marina in their native... 32914
2226 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Rhinella marina can spread the Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis fungus, which is... 31818
2227 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Consumption of Rhinella marina toxin can cause symptoms including increased salivation... 32849
2228 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Consumption of Rhinella marina toxin can cause symptoms including increased salivation... 32847
2265 Rhinella marina Predation/Herbivory Anecdotal N/A Rhinella marina were introduced to Florida for the biocontrol of sugar cane pests... 15291
2266 Rhinella marina Predation/Herbivory Anecdotal N/A Rhinella marinawere introduced to Australia for the biocontrol of sugar cane pests... 15653
2267 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Experimental Laboratory Lates calcarifer (Barramundi) and Hephaestus fuliginosus (Sooty Grunter) in... 32831
2268 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Experimental Field Sympatric Melanotaenia duboulayi (Crimson Spotted Rainbow Fish) in Australia avoided... 32734
2269 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Laboratory Some Ariopsis midgleyorum (Silver Cobbler Catfish, as Neoarius midgleyorum) in... 32907
2270 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Experimental Field Adding road-killed Rhinella marina to Australian ponds killed native Litoria... 32907
2271 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Varanus panoptes (Yellowspotted Goanna) populations in Australia declined by 83-96% after... 32855
2273 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field In Australia, Varanus varius (Lace Monitor) populations declined by 74% after the cane... 32852
2274 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Varanus panoptes (Yellowspotted Goanna) populations declined by 83-96% after the... 32855
2275 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Chlamydosaurus kingii (Frillneck Lizard) experienced Rhinella marina-mediated... 32856
2276 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Tiliqua scincoides intermedia (Bluetongue Lizard) in Australia experienced Rhinella... 32860
2277 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Varanus mertensi (Merten’s Water Monitor) populations in Australia declined by 87-93% and... 32867
2278 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Crocodylus johnsoni (= C. johnstoni, Australian Freshwater Crocodile) experience extremely... 32826
2280 Rhinella marina Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Observational Field Dasyurus hallucatus (Northern Quoll) populations in Australia declined significantly when... 32841

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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [10/25/2024].

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