Alternanthera philoxeroides
Alternanthera philoxeroides

68 results for Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligatorweed)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Reference
3027 Alternanthera philoxeroides Competition Anecdotal N/A Alligator weed out-competes native plants due to it high tolerances and reproductive capacity. 10264
3028 Alternanthera philoxeroides Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Alternanthera philoxeroides mats on the water surface impedes water movement. 10264
3029 Alternanthera philoxeroides Recreation Anecdotal N/A Alternanthera philoxeroides mats on the surface of the water restrict boat traffic... 10264
3030 Alternanthera philoxeroides Infrastructure Anecdotal N/A Alternanthera philoxeroides mats clog canals and irrigation channels, creating public... 10264
3031 Alternanthera philoxeroides Human Health Anecdotal N/A Alternanthera philoxeroides mats clog canals and irrigation channels, creating public... 10264
3032 Alternanthera philoxeroides Recreation Anecdotal N/A Alternanthera philoxeroides grows in dense mats that impede boating and other recreation... 33598
3033 Alternanthera philoxeroides Water Quality Anecdotal N/A Alternanthera philoxeroides grows in dense mats that interferes with water quality and... 33598
3034 Alternanthera philoxeroides Recreation Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides restricts boat access, and treatment to remove the plant in... 31455
3035 Alternanthera philoxeroides Property Value Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides restricts boat access, and treatment to remove the plant in... 31445
3036 Alternanthera philoxeroides Recreation Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides restricts boat access and impedes other recreational... 31435
3040 Alternanthera philoxeroides Recreation Observational Field The presence of Alternanthera philoxeroides in a reservoir in Mississippi negatively... 30128
3044 Alternanthera philoxeroides Recreation Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides has negatively impacted the recreation and services of a... 29483
3067 Alternanthera philoxeroides Habitat Alteration Observational Field The abundance of Alternanthera philoxeroides in a north-eastern Mississippi shaded the... 28968
3068 Alternanthera philoxeroides Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides forms dense vegetation mats that can be ~1m deep and over 100m... 28880
3069 Alternanthera philoxeroides Competition Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides forms dense vegetation mats that can be ~1m deep and over 100m... 28880
3070 Alternanthera philoxeroides Habitat Alteration Observational Field Alligator weed provides important habitat for the endangered Watercress Darter, Etheostoma... 28877
3073 Alternanthera philoxeroides Harvest Anecdotal N/A Alternanthera philoxeroides forms dense mats that clog rice fields, as well as drainage... 28694
3081 Alternanthera philoxeroides Habitat Alteration Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides dominated vegetation cover and increased vegetation cover in a... 33838
3082 Alternanthera philoxeroides Habitat Alteration Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides clogs the local river in times of flood in northern China. 33840
3083 Alternanthera philoxeroides Habitat Alteration Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides creates habitat that promotes the breeding of marsh mosquitoes... 28607
3084 Alternanthera philoxeroides Human Health Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides creates habitat that promotes the breeding of marsh mosquitoes... 28607
3085 Alternanthera philoxeroides Recreation Observational Field The accumulation of Alternanthera philoxeroides has impacted a Mississippi reservoir by... 19093
5232 Alternanthera philoxeroides Other Observational Field Alternanthera philoxeroides provides emergent substrate for the egg masses of the... 38014
5703 Alternanthera philoxeroides Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Alternanthera philoxeroides alters desirable feeding growths for waterfowl. 10115
5704 Alternanthera philoxeroides Navigation Anecdotal N/A Alternanthera philoxeroides clogs waterways and impedes boating access and drainage. 10115

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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/10/2024].

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