Ludwigia cf. grandiflora/hexapetala
(large-flower primrose-willow)

45 results for Ludwigia cf. grandiflora/hexapetala (large-flower primrose-willow)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Reference
2612 Ludwigia hexapetala Water Quality Anecdotal N/A Dense stands of Ludwigia hexapetala reduced water quality 32936
2613 Ludwigia hexapetala Infrastructure Anecdotal N/A Dense stands of Ludwigia hexapetala reduced water floodwater retention 32936
2614 Ludwigia hexapetala Habitat Alteration Observational Field Ludwigia hexapetala provides foraging habitat for the Giant Garter Snake (Thamnophis... 37348
2615 Ludwigia hexapetala Other Observational Field Ludwigia hexapetala cost the city of Eugene, OR $100,000 to control the plant's spread... 28951
2616 Ludwigia hexapetala Habitat Alteration Observational Field Ludwigia hexapetala impeded access of waterfowl, fish, and turtles to a wetland pond... 28951
2617 Ludwigia hexapetala Habitat Alteration Observational Field Monotypic stands of Ludwigia hexapetala clog waterways and reduce areas of open water. 28950
2618 Ludwigia hexapetala Infrastructure Observational Field Ludwigia hexapetala impedes important water conveyance systems including water supply... 28428
2619 Ludwigia hexapetala Aquaculture/Agriculture Observational Field Ludwigia hexapetala impedes important water conveyance systems including water supply... 28428
2620 Ludwigia hexapetala Property Value Anecdotal N/A Invasions of flood control reservoirs and flood drainage channels pose a risk to stakeholders, and... 28428
2621 Ludwigia hexapetala Recreation Observational Field Ludwigia hexapetala inhibits access to waterways for boating, fishing, hunting, and... 28428
2626 Ludwigia hexapetala Competition Anecdotal N/A Article claims that dense mats of Ludwigia hexapetala exclude other species of plants, but... 33756
2627 Ludwigia hexapetala Infrastructure Anecdotal N/A Article claims that dense mats of Ludwigia hexapetala reduce flood capacity, but it does... 33756
2628 Ludwigia hexapetala Food Web Anecdotal N/A Article claims that dense mats of Ludwigia hexapetala likely alters food webs, but it does... 33756
2629 Ludwigia hexapetala Human Health Observational Field Dense mats of Ludwigia hexapelata inhibit the effective application of larvicides for... 33756
2630 Ludwigia hexapetala Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Experimental Laboratory Growth and biomass of Mentha aquatica was altered through alleopathy when grown in the... 33758
2634 Ludwigia hexapetala Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Experimental Laboratory Ludiwiga hexapetala caused a decrease in the relative growth rate of Ceratophyllum... 33757
3488 Ludwigia grandiflora Food Web Experimental Field Ludwigia grandiflora increased pollinator visits to Lythrum salicaria in mixed... 32944
3490 Ludwigia grandiflora Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Experimental Laboratory Ludwigia grandiflora inhibited the germination and increased mortality of Nasturtium... 32930
3494 Ludwigia hexapetala Disease/Parasites/Toxicity Experimental Laboratory Growth of Ludwigia hexapetala decreased root length in Mentha aquaticavia... 32945
3495 Ludwigia grandiflora Habitat Alteration Observational Field Ludwigia grandiflora can grow as impenetrable mats at the water surface, blocking incoming... 28428
3496 Ludwigia hexapetala Habitat Alteration Observational Field Ludwigia hexapetala can grow as impenetrable mats at the water surface, blocking incoming... 28428
3498 Ludwigia grandiflora Habitat Alteration Observational Field Native plant species richness, especially submerged plants, declined in ponds with high abundance... 32943
3499 Ludwigia grandiflora Competition Observational Field Native plant species richness, especially floating and emergent plants occupying the same water... 32943
3503 Ludwigia grandiflora Food Web Observational Field Invertebrate richness and abundance declined in ponds with high abundance of Ludwigia... 32943
4163 Ludwigia grandiflora Food Web Experimental Field When Ludwigia grandiflora was present in high abundance, pollinator densities increased by... 32944

Data Disclaimer: These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [10/25/2024].

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