Neogobius melanostomus
Neogobius melanostomus
(Round Goby)

68 results for Neogobius melanostomus (Round Goby)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Reference
2318 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Experimental Laboratory Neogobius melanostomus exhibited more aggressive behavior than logperch (Percina... 24183
2322 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Sites where Neogobius melanostomus were numerically dominant had 2.9 fewer native species... 26633
2323 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Several native benthic-feeding fish such as perch (Perca spp.), sculpin (Cottus spp.), and darter... 27072
2327 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Two species found to have significant diet overlap with Neogobius melanostomus in... 28227
2333 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Mottle sculpin (Cottus bairdii) and Johnny darter (Etheostoma nigrum) have been... 22628
2334 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field The several native fish species populations have declined in areas where the Neogobius... 874
2336 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Neogobius melanostomus have a significant overlap in diet preference with many native fish... 16594
2339 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Experimental Laboratory Mottled sculpins (Cottus bairdi) have been almost totally extirpated from the study area... 13824
2342 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Experimental Laboratory Laboratory experiments have shown that the more aggressive N. melanostomus will evict... 22570
2363 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field The Neogobius melanostomus is credited for several regional extirpations of the Mottled... 32325
2364 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Competition from the introduced Neogobius melanostomus, coupled with the impacts of zebra... 32325
2367 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Anecdotal Field Neogobius melanostomus may compete with and have the potential to affect other benthic... 22497
3566 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Significant diet overlap was observed between small Neogobius melanostomus and Rainbow... 16594
3567 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Diet overlap between large Neogobius melanostomus and logperch (Percina caprodes)... 16594
3570 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Both large and small Neogobius melanostomus showed significant diet overlap with small... 16594
3573 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Anecdotal Field The significant diet overlap between northern madtoms (Noturus stigmosus) and... 16594
3600 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field Proterorhinus semilunaris have been present at this site since 1998 and became the... 34202
3612 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Anecdotal N/A This agressive nature probably allows them to occupy optimal sites among rocks and to defend... 633
3613 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Anecdotal N/A they have a well developed lateral line system, almost unique among Great Lakes fishes. This, we... 633
3615 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Anecdotal N/A its reproductive pattern confers an ecological advantage on this species. Round gobies spawn over a... 633
3622 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Experimental Laboratory The mean reactive distance for mottled sculpins was 3.7 (SD =1.27) mm, whilst the mean reactive... 22782
3627 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Anecdotal N/A Aggressive round gobies probably drive a guarding male mottled sculpin off its nest and eat its... 22782
3628 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational N/A This competitive interaction would be most intense at small sizes, since both species are... 22782
3645 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Observational Field In the years following the arrival in 2011 of N. melanostomus in the River Meuse, a rapid... 34243
3652 Neogobius melanostomus Competition Experimental Laboratory Neogobius melanostomus was able to displace the resident fish. The higher aggression of... 34252

View all impact types for Neogobius melanostomus
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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/12/2025].

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