Specimen ID | 158975 |
Group | Mollusks-Bivalves |
Genus | Corbicula |
Species | fluminea |
Common Name | basket clam |
State | MI |
County | Kalamazoo |
Locality | Eagle Creek |
Mapping Accuracy | Accurate |
HUC8 Name | Kalamazoo |
HUC8 Number | 04050003 |
HUC10 Name | Marrow Lake-Kalamazoo River |
HUC10 Number | 0405000305 |
HUC12 Name | Eagle Lake-Kalamazoo River |
HUC12 Number | 040500030508 |
Map | |
Collection Day | 15 |
Collection Month | 6 |
Collection Year | 2000 |
Year Accuracy | Actual |
Potential Pathway | unknown |
Status | established |
Comments | This site was studied intensively in 1998 as part of the Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiment. No corbicula were found in 1998 or 1999. In 2000 a huge population was discovered. Eagle Creek is unnamed on maps. A creek draining Eagle Lake in the Fort Custer State Park near the City of Battle Creek. Study reach drains wetland on, and extends north of National Cemetery property, to confluence with the Kalamazoo River. |
Record Type | Personal communication |
Earliest Record | locale |
Freshwater/Marine | Freshwater |