Specimen ID | 1684579 |
Group | Plants |
Genus | Potamogeton |
Species | crispus |
Common Name | curly-leaf pondweed |
State | MN |
County | Carver |
Locality | Lake Waconia, Carver County, MN |
Mapping Accuracy | Accurate |
HUC8 Name | Lower Minnesota |
HUC8 Number | 07020012 |
HUC10 Name | Carver Creek |
HUC10 Number | 0702001210 |
HUC12 Name | Lake Waconia |
HUC12 Number | 070200121002 |
Map | |
Collection Day | 18 |
Collection Month | 6 |
Collection Year | 2013 |
Year Accuracy | Actual |
Potential Pathway | unknown |
Status | unknown |
Reference 1 |
Ref. Number: | 24369 |
Author: | Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. |
Date: | 2024 |
Title: | EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system |
Publisher: | The University of Georgia |
Comments | carver County Water Management Organization sent the "Aquatic Plant Assessments for Lake Waconia, Carver County, Minnesota, 2013" the MnDNR where Curly-leaf pondweed was documented in Lake Waconia. "The first assessment was conducted on June 18, 2013 and the second assessment was conducted on August 28, 2013. In June, six submerged aquatic plants were observed including curlyleaf pondweed but no Eurasian watermilfoil was observed. The most common plant observed in June was curlyleaf pondweed." Blue Water Science 2014 |
Record Type | Literature |
Freshwater/Marine | Unknown |