Specimen ID | 1724603 |
Group | Mollusks-Bivalves |
Genus | Corbicula |
Species | fluminea |
Common Name | basket clam |
State | WA |
County | Clallam |
Locality | Lake Crescent |
Mapping Accuracy | Accurate |
HUC8 Name | Crescent-Hoko |
HUC8 Number | 17110021 |
HUC10 Name | Lyre River |
HUC10 Number | 1711002102 |
HUC12 Name | Cresent Lake-Lyre River |
HUC12 Number | 171100210202 |
Map | |
Collection Day | 14 |
Collection Month | 8 |
Collection Year | 2022 |
Year Accuracy | Actual |
Potential Pathway | dispersed | released for food | hitch hiker gut passage |
Comments | A detailed technical report of the full survey of Lake Crescent, completed through cooperative agreement P19AC00752 between Olympic National Park and Walla Walla University, has been provided to Olympic National Park. |
Record Type | NAS sighting report |
Verifier | David Cowles (Walla Walla University) |
Freshwater/Marine | Freshwater |