Bacopa rotundifolia
(disk waterhyssop)
Native Transplant

21 results for Bacopa rotundifolia (disk waterhyssop)
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Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number What's this? Drainage nameStatus
1440078 CAButteBiggs UC Field Station. North of town of Biggs, W of jct of Hwys 99 and 162. Just S of main research buildings at field station, W of RR tracks and ca. 2 east-west running dirt roads S of buildings. Along east-west running dirt road.2001 18020158 Butte Creekestablished
1441926 CAButteHarter's Cherokee Ranch located on the w side of Hwy 99 between Hwy 149 and Dry Creek.1988 18020158 Butte Creekestablished
1435955 CAButteNelson Rd and Sutter St1923 18020158 Butte Creekestablished
1441534 CAButtePeter Ahart Ranch, about 2 1/4 miles north and 1/4 mile east of Honcut, about 12 miles south of Oroville.2014 18020159 Honcut Headwaters-Lower Featherestablished
1441758 CAButtePeter Ahart Ranch, ca 2 1/4 mi n and 1/4 mi e of Honcut.1982 18020159 Honcut Headwaters-Lower Featherestablished
1440160 CAButteSacramento River National Wildlife Refuge, Llano Seco Unit. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service parcel between 7 Mile Lane and the Sacramento River. In a drainage in the SW corner of Tract 2, Sanctuary II.1996 18020158 Butte Creekestablished
1439743 CAButteSheep Camp Ditch and Vandergrift Lake on the w side of the n end of Cana-Pine Creek Rd. In both ditch and the lake.1989 18020157 Big Chico Creek-Sacramento Riverestablished
1435968 CAGlennBlack Butte Lake Recreation Area, E of Stony Gorge Reservoir1947 18020104 Sacramento-Stone Corralestablished
1440029 CAGlennRefuge located ca. 7 mi S of Willows, near the middle of the S leg of the Tour Route ( S side of Cell 3 of Tract 14).1993 18020104 Sacramento-Stone Corralestablished
1435982 CAMerced2 mi N of Los Banos; Los Banos Wildlife Refuge1948 18040001 Middle San Joaquin-Lower Chowchillaestablished
1441535 CAMercedca 4 mi wsw Merced (on Dickenson Ferry Road at Buhach Road)1977 18040001 Middle San Joaquin-Lower Chowchillaestablished
1439985 CASacramentoCosumnes River Preserve Plant Inventory.1993 18040013 Upper Cosumnesestablished
1439321 CASacramentoSacramento River Delta; Georgiana Slough confluence at Walnut Grove 14 miles W to Mokelumne River intersection1998 18040012 Upper Mokelumneestablished
1440279 CAShastaFall River Valley2005 18020003 Lower Pitestablished
1440144 CAShastaFall River Valley.2005 18020003 Lower Pitestablished
1441536 CASutteralong State Highway 24 just one-half mi s Sutter By-Pass Causeway (Sacramento Valley); Sacramento Valley1957 18020104 Sacramento-Stone Corralestablished
1441927 CASutterca 0.5 mi e Meridian1976 18020104 Sacramento-Stone Corralestablished
1441888 CASutterca 1.5 mi n Knights Landing (on Route 113)1976 18020104 Sacramento-Stone Corralestablished
1441759 CASutterca 2 mi sw Live Oak (ne of Meridian, end of Paseo Road)1976 18020159 Honcut Headwaters-Lower Featherestablished
1441887 CASutterLive Oak; Canal at Larkin Road near Encinal2010 18020159 Honcut Headwaters-Lower Featherestablished
1435961 CASutterSutter bypass just s. of Marysville1949 18020159 Honcut Headwaters-Lower Featherestablished

Data Disclaimer: Number of records does not imply species abundance. This summary represent collection records only and may not reflect the actual distribution of established populations. These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/6/2025].

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