Morone chrysops
Morone chrysops
(White Bass)
Native Transplant

1144 results for Morone chrysops (White Bass)
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Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number What's this? Drainage nameStatus
1403001   Chikaskia (HUC8) non-specific1995 11060005 Chikaskialocally established
1402939   Cibolo-Red Light (HUC8) non-specific1980 13040201 Cibolo-Red Lightlocally established
1402893   Farmers-Mud (HUC8) non-specific1980 11130201 Farmers-Mudlocally established
1402991   International Falcon Reservoir (HUC8) non-specific1980 13080003 International Falcon Reservoirlocally established
1402895   Lake Texoma (HUC8) non-specific1980 11130210 Lake Texomalocally established
1402992   Los Olmos (HUC8) non-specific1980 13090001 Los Olmoslocally established
1403032   Lower Levisa (HUC8) non-specific1986 05070203 Lower Levisalocally established
1402981   Lower Trinity (HUC8) non-specific1980 12030203 Lower Trinitylocally established
1403087   Thompson (HUC8) non-specific1997 10280102 Thompsonlocally established
1402999   Upper Chariton (HUC8) non-specific1987 10280201 Upper Charitonlocally established
1403035   Upper Fox (HUC8) non-specific1979 07120006 Upper Foxlocally established
1402983  Val VerdeLower Devils (HUC8) non-specific1980 13040302 Lower Devilslocally established
164915 AL Alabama drainage, lower1999 03150204 Lower Alabamaestablished
164914 AL Alabama drainage, middle1999 03150203 Middle Alabamaestablished
164912 AL Alabama drainage, upper1999 03150201 Upper Alabamaestablished
26405 AL Alabama pond in the Escambia drainage1955 03140305 Escambiaestablished
26360 AL Black Warrior River1992 03160100 Black Warrior-Tombigbeeestablished
164921 AL Black Warrior River, upper1999 03160112 Upper Black Warriorestablished
164922 AL Black Warrior, lower portion1999 03160113 Lower Black Warriorestablished
26361 AL Cahaba River1992 03150202 Cahabaestablished
164913 AL Cahaba River1999 03150202 Cahabaestablished
26369 AL Chattahoochee drainage1992 03130000 Apalachicola Basinestablished
26368 AL Choctawhatchee (HUC6) non-specific1992 03140200 Choctawhatcheeestablished
164904 AL Coosa drainage, middle1999 03150106 Middle Coosaestablished
164903 AL Coosa drainage, upper1999 03150105 Upper Coosaestablished

Data Disclaimer: Number of records does not imply species abundance. This summary represent collection records only and may not reflect the actual distribution of established populations. These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/19/2025].

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