Gambusia geiseri
Gambusia geiseri
(Largespring Gambusia)
Native Transplant

80 results for Gambusia geiseri (Largespring Gambusia)
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Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number What's this? Drainage nameStatus
1340389 NMSandovalMcCauley Spring2012 13020202 Jemezestablished
1340341 NMSandovalMcCauley Spring2016 13020202 Jemezestablished
614048 OKHarmonHead spring of South Fork Concho River.1954 11130101 Groesbeck-Sandyestablished
44241 TX headwaters of the Concho River (actually Head of the River Ranch, formerly Anson Spring, south of Christoval)1991 12090106 Middle Coloradoestablished
614043 TXCrockettPecos River at mouth of Independence Creek, 30 mi. SE of Sheffield.1976 13070012 Lower Pecosestablished
614045 TXCrockettUnspecified Spring near Pecos River; 230 meters downstream of Independence Creek1979 13070012 Lower Pecosestablished
614041 TXJeff Davis[No locality string in original GBIF record]1968 13070003 Toyahestablished
614042 TXJeff Davis[No locality string in original GBIF record]1970 13070003 Toyahestablished
44355 TXJeff DavisPhantom Cave, Reeves County (one of the springs in the Balmorhea complex)1995 13070003 Toyahestablished
614031 TXJeff DavisRefugium in Phantom Lake spring1995 13070003 Toyahestablished
614032 TXJeff DavisRefugium in Phantom Lake spring1995 13070003 Toyahestablished
614090 TXLibertyPhillips Creek2003 12030203 Lower Trinityestablished
614035 TXPecosComanche Springs1956 13070007 Landreth-Monument Drawsestablished
44324 TXPecosComanche Springs near Fort Stockton1937 13070007 Landreth-Monument Drawsextirpated
44357 TXPecosDiamond Y Refugium on Leon Creek, Pecos County1995 13070007 Landreth-Monument Drawscollected
44243 TXPecosLeon Creek (actually Diamond Y Springs on Leon Creek)1991 13070007 Landreth-Monument Drawsestablished
614040 TXReeves(WJM2867)1995 13070003 Toyahestablished
614038 TXReeves[No locality string in original GBIF record]1968 13070003 Toyahestablished
614039 TXReeves[No locality string in original GBIF record]1970 13070003 Toyahestablished
44325 TXReevesBalmorhea area, consists of many springs including Phantom Cave, Giffin, San Solomon, E&W Sandia (Hubbs, pers. comm)1956 13070003 Toyahestablished
44356 TXReevesBalmorhea area, consists of many springs including Phantom Cave, Giffin, San Solomon, E&W Sandia (Hubbs, pers. comm)1995 13070003 Toyahestablished
44354 TXReevesCarpenter Hill, Reeves County (an irrigation ditch in the Balmorhea springs complex)1995 13070003 Toyahestablished
614036 TXReevesONE mile northeast QAYSHOALE1960 13070003 Toyahestablished
44240 TXReevesSan Solomon Springs and associated irrigation network (part of the Balmorhea springs complex)1991 13070003 Toyahestablished
850332 TXReevesSan Solomon Springs, Balmorhea State Park, Toyahvale2009 13070003 Toyahestablished

Data Disclaimer: Number of records does not imply species abundance. This summary represent collection records only and may not reflect the actual distribution of established populations. These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/10/2025].

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