Ref ID | Type | Author | Date | Title |
| Journal Article | Beaver, J., T. Renicker, C. Tausz, J. Young, J. Thomason, Z. Wolf, A.L. Russell, M.A. Cherry, K.C. Scotese, and D.T. Koenig | 2018 | Winter swarming behavior by the exotic cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi Sars, 1885 in a Kentucky (USA) reservoir |
| Report | Brown, R.L. (Ed.). | 2002 | Interagency Environmental Program (IEP) Newsletter. |
| Database | California Department of Fish and Game. | 2009 | California Aquatic Non-native Organism Database (CANOD). |
| Journal Article | Davidson, N.L., Jr., and W.E. Kelso | 1997 | The exotic daphnid, Daphnia lumholtzi, in a Louisiana river-swamp. |
| Journal Article | DeVries, D.R., R.A. Wright, and T.S. DeVries | 2005 | Daphnia lumholtzi in the Mobile River drainage, USA: invasion of a habitat that experiences salinity. |
| Journal Article | Dobberfuhl, D.L., and J.J. Elser | 2002 | Distribution and potential compettitve effects of an exotic zooplankter (Daphnia lumholtzi) in Arizona reservoirs. |
| Journal Article | Dzialowski, A.R., W.J. O'Brien, and S.M. Swaffer | 2000 | Range expansion and potential dispersal mechanisms of the exotic cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi. |
| Journal Article | East.T.L., K.L. Havens, A.J. Rodusky, and M.A. Brady | 1999 | Daphnia lumholtzi and Daphnia ambigua: population comparisons of an exotic and native cladoceran in Lake Okeechobee, Florida. |
| Database | EPA Great Lakes National Program Office. | 2008 | EPA Monitoring Data. |
| Report | Goulden, C.E., D. Tomljanovich, D. Kreeger, and E. Corney. | 1995 | The invasion of Daphnia lumholtzi Sars (Cladocera, Daphniidae) into a North American Reservoir. |
| Journal Article | Havel, J.E., and J.B. Shurin | 2004 | Mechanisms, effects, and scales of dispersal in freshwater zooplankton. |
| Journal Article | Havel, J.E., J.B. Shurin, and J.R. Jones | 2002 | Estimating dispersal from patterns of spread: spatial and local control of invasion by Daphnia lumholtzi in Missouri lakes. |
| Journal Article | Havel, J.E., W.R. Mabee, and J.R. Jones | 1995 | Invasion of the exotic cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi into North American reservoirs. |
| Journal Article | Havens, K.E., T.L. East, J. Marcus, P. Essex, B. Bolan, S. Raymond, and J.R. Beaver | 2000 | Dynamics of the exotic Daphnia lumholtzi and native macro-zooplankton in a subtropical chain-of-lakes in Florida, U.S.A.. |
| Journal Article | Hiskey, R.M. | 1996 | The occurrence of the exotic Daphnia lumholtzi in Grand Lake St. Marys, Ohio. |
| Database | iNaturalist | 2024 | |
| Database | McMahon, R. | 2019 | Observations of Daphnia lumholtzi in Texas waterbodies |
| Journal Article | Muzinic, Christopher J. | 2000 | First record of Daphnia lumholtzo Sars in the Great Lakes. |
| Database | Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) | 2010 | Exotic species data for Ontario, Canada (unpublished). |
| Conference Proceedings | Sharp, B., and D. White. | 1995 | Zooplankton of Kentucky Lake with emphasis on Daphnia lumholtzi. [abstract only] |
| Journal Article | Sorensen, K.H., and R.W. Sterner | 1991 | Extreme cyclomorphosis in Daphnia lumholtzi. |
| Web Page | Stoeckel, J.A., and P.M. Charlebois. | 1999 | Daphnia lumholtzi: The Next Great Lakes Exotic?. |
| Journal Article | Stoeckel, J.A., L. Camlin, K.D. Blodgett, and R.E. Sparks | 1996 | Establishment of Daphnia lumholtzi (an exotic zooplankter) in the Illinois River. |
| Journal Article | Thorp, J.H., A.R. Black, and K.H. Haag | 1994 | Zooplankton assemblages in the Ohio River: seasonal, tributary, and navigation dam effects. |
| Journal Article | Trebitz, A.S., C.W. West, J.C. Hoffman, J.R. Kelly, G.S. Peterson, and I.A. Grigorovich | 2010 | Status of non-indigenous benthic invertebrates in the Duluth-Superior Harbor and the role of sampling methods in their detection. |
| Journal Article | Tudorancea, C., K. Bowen, and J. Gerlofsma | 2009 | Daphnia lumholtzi Sars a new alien species in Lake St. Clair. |
| Journal Article | Walker, C.E., S.J. Hermann, D.R. Nimmo, and J.R. Beaver | 2013 | Range extensions for three new invasive species in Pueblo Reservoir, Colorado, USA: water flea Daphnia lumholtzi (G. O. Sars, 1885), calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880), and freshwater bryozoan Lophopodella carteri (Hyatt, 1865). |