Ref ID | Type | Author | Date | Title |
| Database | California Department of Fish and Game. | 2009 | California Aquatic Non-native Organism Database (CANOD). |
| Report | Cohen, A.N., and J.T. Carlton. | 1995 | Nonindigenous Aquatic Species in a United States Estuary, A Case Study of the Biological Invasions of the San Francisco Bay and Delta. |
| News | Echo Press staff | 2024 | No additional signal crayfish discovered at Lake Winona |
| Report | Fay, V. | 2002 | Alaska aquatic nuisance species management plan |
| Report | Fong, D., and J.A. Howell. | 2006 | Distribution and abundance of California Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon ensatus) and Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in the Upper Redwood Creek Watershed, Marin County, California: USGS Open-File Report 2006-1066. |
| Journal Article | Girdner, S.F., A.M. Ray, M.W. Buktenica, D.K. Hering, J.A. Mack, and J.W. Umek | 2018 | Replacement of a unique population of newts (Taricha granulosa mazamae) by introduced signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in Crater Lake, Oregon |
| News | Goldfarb, B. | 2015 | Invasive crayfish in Oregon devastate native newts |
| Journal Article | Hobbs, H.H., Jr. | 1989 | An illustrated checklist of the American crayfishes (Decapoda: Astacidae, Cambaridae, and Parastacidae) |
| Book | La Rivers, I. | 1962 | Fishes and fisheries of Nevada. |
| Journal Article | Light, T. | 2005 | Behavioral effects of invaders: alien crayfish and native sculpin in a California stream |
| Journal Article | Light, T., D.C. Erman, C. Myrick, and J. Clarke | 1995 | Decline of the Shasta crayfish (Pacifastacus fortis Faxon) of northeastern California. |
| Report | McClory, J. and T. Gotthardt | 2008 | Non-native and invasive animals of Aslaka: a comprehensive list and select species status reports
| News | Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) | 2023 | Signal crayfish confirmed in Minnesota |
| Journal Article | Riegel, J.A. | 1959 | The systematics and distribution of crayfishes in California. |
| Journal Article | Sanders, C.H., S.P. Rice, P.J. Wood, and L.K. Albertson. | 2023 | River bank burrowing is innate in native and invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and is driven by biotic and abiotic cues |