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Cut-and-Paste Reference:
La Rivers, I. 1962. Fishes and fisheries of Nevada. Nevada State Print Office, Carson City, NV.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 121
Type: Book
Author: La Rivers, I.
Date (year): 1962
Title:Fishes and fisheries of Nevada.
Publisher:Nevada State Print Office, Carson City, NV.
Publisher Location:
Pages: 782 pp
Keywords: Nevada fishes
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Ameiurus catus

    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Indian Lakes
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Fallon vicinity
    NV - Fallon vicinity, both above and below the Lahontan Dam
    NV - 8.4 km N of Stillwater
    NV - 1.6 km N of Stillwater
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Indian Lakes
    NV - Stillwater Marsh

Ameiurus melas

    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Reese River, about 16 km WSW of Austin

Ameiurus nebulosus

    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - state non-specific

Archoplites interruptus

    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Fallon area
    NV - Bassett Lake in Steptoe Valley
    NV - Spring Valley, Clark County
    NV - Wabuska Drain
    NV - lowland slough at Lusetti Ranch, about 25.6 km N of Ely
    UT - Pruess (Garrison) Reservoir
    UT - Pruess (Garrison) Reservoir south of Garrison

Carassius auratus

    NV - Lake Mead
    NV - Lake Mohave
    NV - Big Shipley Warm Springs, Diamond Valley
    NV - Brower's Mansion, south of Reno
    NV - Eureka Consolidated Mine site, outside Eureka
    NV - Blue Eagle Ranch, east of Railroad Valley
    NV - Blue Eagle Ranch, east of Railroad Valley
    NV - Indian Springs
    NV - small pond at Warm Springs, Ely-Tonopah Highway
    NV - Humboldt River, below Rye Patch Dam
    NV - Fallon [unspecified waters]
    NV - McGill
    NV - Campbell Ranch, 28.8 km N of Ely
    NV - 20 km S of Cherry Creek
    NV - Steve Collins Ranch in Ash Meadows
    NV - warm springs at the Goicoechea Ranch in Newark Valley
    NV - Schellbourne, at the site of the old town

Catostomus tahoensis

    CA - headwaters of the Sacramento drainage (Feather and Rubicon)

Crenichthys nevadae

    NV - artificial ponds at Sodaville, southeastern part of Mineral County, west side of highway 95
    NV - artificial ponds at Sodaville, southeastern part of Mineral County, west side of highway 95

Cyprinodon nevadensis

    NV - spring on the Las Vegas golf course

Cyprinus carpio

    CA - Topaz Lake (Reservoir of West Walker River)
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Snake drainage
    NV - White River drainage
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Bonneville drainage
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Topaz Lake (Reservoir of West Walker River)
    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Lake Mead
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Douglas County
    NV - Storey County
    NV - Lyon County
    NV - Mineral County
    NV - Churchill County
    NV - Pershing County
    NV - Humboldt County
    NV - Nye County
    NV - Pyramid Lake

Dorosoma petenense

    AZ - Colorado River - whole length of state
    CA - Colorado River
    CA - state non-specific
    NV - Overton Arm of Lake Mead
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Overton Arm of Lake Mead
    NV - Overton Arm of Lake Mead

Gambusia affinis

    CA - lower Carson River near Los Angeles
    CA - lower Carson River near Los Angeles
    CA - state non-specific
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - White River drainage
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Lyon County
    NV - Douglas County
    NV - Moapa (Muddy) River
    NV - Lake Mead, shore
    NV - Lake Mead
    NV - Virgin River above the lake
    NV - Lovelock area

Gammarus fasciatus

    NV - Lake Mohave
    NV - Lake Mohave

Gila atraria

    NV - Shoshone Ponds, near Ely, Spring Valley
    NV - Geyser Ranch in Duck (Lake) Valley, northern part of Lincoln County
    NV - Murphy Ranch, Steptoe Valley
    NV - Shoshone Ponds, near Ely, Spring Valley
    NV - Geyser Ranch in Duck (Lake) Valley, northern part of Lincoln County

Ictalurus punctatus

    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Lake Mead

Lepidomeda albivallis

    CO - state non-specific
    NV - Railroad Valley

Lepidomeda mollispinis mollispinis

    NV - Lake Mead Boat Dock
    NV - Lake Mead

Lepomis cyanellus

    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Reno
    NV - Fallon area
    NV - Boulder Lake
    NV - Lake Mead

Lepomis macrochirus

    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - White River drainage
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Adams-McGill Reservoir, Sunnyside Wildlife Management Area in extreme NE Nye County on the White River
    NV - Olsen's Lake at Ely
    NV - Fallon area (Cottonwood Canon Creek)
    NV - West Carson River near Genoa
    NV - Carson River, lower
    NV - Lake Mead
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Reno and vicinity
    NV - Lake Mead
    NV - Lake Mohave
    NV - Fish Lake Valley
    NV - Silver Peak
    NV - Adams-McGill Reservoir

Micropterus dolomieu

    NV - Carson River
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - private reservoir near Carson
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Carson River near Carson City
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Stone Cabin (=Willow Creek) Valley
    NV - Lake Mead
    NV - Humboldt River from Battle Mountain to Elko
    NV - state non-specific

Micropterus salmoides

    NV - Fish Lake
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - White River drainage
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Reno and vicinity
    NV - Lake Mead
    NV - Lake Mohave
    NV - Stillwater Marsh and vicinity
    NV - Ruby Marsh
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Weber Reservoir (lower Walker River)
    NV - Fish Lake Valley
    NV - Fish Creek Springs
    NV - Railroad Valley
    NV - Manzanita Lake, on the University of Nevada campus
    UT - Pruess (Garrison) Reservoir

Micropterus sp.

    NV - Adams-McGill Reservoir, Sunnyside Wildlife Management Area in extreme NE Nye County on the White River

Notemigonus crysoleucas

    AZ - Coconino National Forest
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Colorado River

Oncorhynchus aguabonita

    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - two lakes of the Ruby Mountains, northern NV (at Cold Lakes), above the Sorenson Ranch, between Lamoille and Ft. Halleck, at the head and middle fork of Cold Creek
    NV - two lakes of the Ruby Mountains, northern NV (at Cold Lakes), above the Sorenson Ranch, between Lamoille and Ft. Halleck, at the head and middle fork of Cold Creek

Oncorhynchus clarkii

    CA - Independence Lake
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno

Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi

    CA - state non-specific
    CA - San Joaquin (HUC6) non-specific
    CA - Heenan Lake, (drains into East Carson River), NE corner of county
    CA - Blue Lake [ two Blue Lakes Upper and Lower]
    MN - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus clarkii

    NV - White River drainage

Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi

    NV - Summit Lake, in western part of county, on Indian Reservation
    NV - Summit Lake, in western part of county, on Indian Reservation
    NV - Toiyabe and Toquima Ranges
    NV - Grass Valley north of Austin
    NV - Roberts Creek northwest of Eureka
    NV - Kingston Creek, south of Austin of the east side of the Toiyabe Range
    NV - Tierney Creek in the Toiyabe Range of central NV
    NV - Pine Creek in the Toquima Range of central NV
    NV - Moore Creek in the Toquima Range of central NV
    NV - Edwards Creek in the Desatoya Range of Central NV
    NV - Callahan Creek on the east side of the Toiyabes
    NV - Catnip Reservoir (in NE corner of county)
    NV - Pyramid Lake

Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi

    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Washoe County
    NV - Lander County
    NV - Elko County
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Walker Lake drainage

Oncorhynchus clarkii utah

    NV - Cleve Creek, Spring Valley
    NV - Moorman Ranch {near} (Illipah) in Jakes Valley
    NV - Pine Creek in the Snake Range
    NV - Ridge Creek in the Snake Range
    NV - Muncy Creek in Schell Creek Range
    NV - Hampton Creek, headwaters in the Snake Range

Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi

    WY - Sevenmile Lakes (outside Laramie)
    WY - Eightmile Lake (near Sweetwater County line)

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Independence Lake
    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - Topaz Lake (Reservoir of West Walker River)
    CA - Twin Lakes, 22.4 km SW of Bridgeport
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - White River drainage
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Bonneville drainage
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Topaz Lake (Reservoir of West Walker River)
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Wildhorse Reservoir on the Owyhee River's East Fork
    NV - Lake Mead
    NV - Pyramid Lake

Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus

    NV - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus mykiss kamloops strain

    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Pyramid Lake and above in the Truckee River
    NV - Pyramid Lake and above in the Truckee River
    NV - Pyramid Lake and above in the Truckee River

Oncorhynchus nerka

    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Independence Lake
    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Topaz Lake (Reservoir of West Walker River)
    CA - Twin Lakes, 22.4 km SW of Bridgeport
    CA - Twin Lakes, 22.4 km SW of Bridgeport
    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Donner Lake
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Topaz Lake (Reservoir of West Walker River)
    NV - Wildhorse Reservoir on the Owyhee River's East Fork
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Virginia Lake, Reno
    NV - Wildhorse Reservoir on the Owyhee River's East Fork
    NV - Wildhorse Reservoir on the Owyhee River's East Fork
    NV - Wildhorse Reservoir on the Owyhee River's East Fork
    NV - Wildhorse Reservoir on the Owyhee River's East Fork
    NV - Wildhorse Reservoir on the Owyhee River's East Fork
    NV - Wildhorse Reservoir on the Owyhee River's East Fork
    NV - Wildhorse Reservoir on the Owyhee River's East Fork
    NV - lake, reservoirs and streams of west-central Nevada
    NV - lake, reservoirs and streams of west-central Nevada
    NV - Pyramid Lake

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Lahontan Basin, lakes and major rivers
    NV - Lahontan Basin, lakes and major rivers
    NV - Lahontan Basin, lakes and major rivers
    NV - Lahontan Basin, lakes and major rivers
    NV - Lake Tallac

Orthodon microlepidotus

    NV - Truckee Meadows area near Reno
    NV - Truckee Meadows area near Reno
    NV - Sparks, irrigation ditches to the east of Sparks
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Lahontan Dam
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir

Pacifastacus leniusculus

    CA - Independence Lake
    CA - Donner Lake
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir

Pantosteus platyrhynchus

    NV - Colorado drainage

Perca flavescens

    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Stillwater Marsh
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - West Carson River near Genoa
    NV - lower Humboldt system
    NV - Fallon area
    NV - Reno and vicinity
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Basset Lake in Steptoe Valley

Poecilia latipinna

    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Rogers Spring (Overton Arm of Lake Mead)

Poecilia latipinna × velifera

    NV - Big Spring, Ash Meadows, near Ash Meadows Ranch in the southeast part of the Meadows

Pomoxis annularis

    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Indian Lakes
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir [=Carson River]
    NV - Indian Lakes
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir [=Carson River]
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Lake Mead

Procambarus clarkii

    NV - Fairbanks Spring (near Rodgers Sp. ~15 km N of Ash Meadows)

Rhinichthys osculus robustus

    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - headwaters of the Sacramento drainage
    NV - Ruby Marsh

Richardsonius egregius

    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - Eagle Lake, 56 air km NW Pyramid Lake
    NV - Railroad Valley Pond No. 2
    NV - Railroad Valley Pond No. 2
    CA - headwaters of the Sacramento drainage

Salmo trutta

    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - Topaz Lake (Reservoir of West Walker River)
    CA - Twin Lakes, 22.4 km SW of Bridgeport
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Snake drainage
    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Bonneville drainage
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Topaz Lake (Reservoir of West Walker River)
    NV - Lahontan Reservoir
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Rye Patch Reservoir, on the Humboldt River
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - Sierra Nevada Mountains (near Tahoe)

Salvelinus fontinalis

    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - Twin Lakes, 22.4 km SW of Bridgeport
    CA - Prosser Creek, a tributary of the Truckee River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Walker River
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Lahontan drainage
    NV - White River drainage
    NV - Snake drainage
    NV - Bonneville drainage
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Carson River
    CA - Convict Creek in the Southern Sierras
    NV - Baker Lake, Snake Range (E side)
    NV - Pyramid Lake
    WY - Eightmile Lake (near Sweetwater County line)

Salvelinus namaycush

    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Fallen Leaf Lake
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Lake Tallac
    CA - Cascade Lake

Siphateles bicolor obesus

    NV - Potash Well No. 7 of Railroad Valley

Xiphophorus hellerii

    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Rogers Spring (Overton Arm of Lake Mead)

Xiphophorus maculatus

    NV - Colorado drainage
    NV - Rogers Spring (Overton Arm of Lake Mead)


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/20/2024].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.