REF | Type | Cut-and-Paste Reference |
Journal Article
| Agard, J., and R. Kishore. 1992. Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758): first record of the Indo-Pacific green mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Caribbean. Caribbean Marine Studies 3:59-60. |
Conference Proceedings
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Journal Article
| Baker, P., J.S. Fajans, and S.M. Baker. 2012. Habitat dominance of a nonindigenous tropical bivalve, Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758), in a subtropical estuary in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Molluscan Studies 78:28-33. |
Journal Article
| Baker, P., J.S. Fajans, S.M. Baker, and D.C. Bergquist. 2006. Green mussels in Florida, USA: review of trends and research. World Aquaculture 37(4):43-48, 65-67. |
Journal Article
| Baker, P., J.S. Fajans, W.S. Arnold, D.A. Ingrao, D.C. Marelli, and S.M. Baker. 2007. Range dispersal of a tropical marine invader, the Asian green mussel, Perna viridis, in subtropical waters of the southeastern United States. Journal of Shellfish Research 26(2):345-355. |
Journal Article
| Barber, B.J., J.S. Fajans, S.M. Baker, and P. Baker. 2005. Gametogenesis in the non-native green mussel, Perna viridis, and the native scorched mussel, Brachidontes exustus, in Tampa Bay, Florida. Journal of Shellfish Research 24(4):1087-1095. |
Journal Article
| Becker, K. 1995. A study of the natural antifouling mechanisms of the green mussel Perna viridis L. (Mytilidae). Biofouling 8:233-242. |
Journal Article
| Benson, A.J., D.C. Marelli, M.E. Frischer, J.M. Danforth, J.D. Williams. 2001. Establishment of the green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus 1758) (Mollusca: Mytilidae) on the west coast of Florida. Journal of Shellfish Research 20(1):21-29. |
Journal Article
| Bigatti, G., P. Miloslavich, and P.E. Penchaszadeh. 2005. Sexual differentiation and size at first maturity of the invasive mussel Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mollusca: Mytilidae) at La Restinga Lagoon (Margaita Island, Venezuela). American Malacological Bulletin 20(1/2):65-70. |
Journal Article
| de Bravo, M.I.S., Chung, K.S., and Perez, J.E. 1998. Salinity and temperature tolerances of the green and brown mussels, Perna viridis and Perna perna (Bivalvia : Mytilidae). Revista de Biologia Tropical 46:121-125. |
Journal Article
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| Firth, L.B., A.M. Knights, and S.S. Bell. 2011. Air temperature and winter mortality: Implications for the persistence of the invasive mussel, Perna viridis in the intertidal zone of the south-eastern United States. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 400:250256. |
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Journal Article
| Hawkins, A.J.S., R.F.M. Smith, S.H. Tan, Z.B. Yasin. 1998. Suspension-feeding behaviour in tropical bivalve molluscs: Perna viridis, Crassostrea belcheri, Crassostrea iradelei, Saccostrea cucculata and Pinctada margarifera. Marine Ecology Progress Series 166:173-185. Accessed 8/15/2003. |
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| Holt, W.A., and Y.L. Garner. 2018. Tracking biological invasions: an assessment of mussel species in the St. Johns River, Jacksonville, FL. Southeastern Naturalist 17(4):583-596. |
Conference Proceedings
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| Knott, D.M., E.L. Wenner, and R.A. King. 2008. A preliminary assessment of the occurrence of the invasive Asian Green Mussel, Perna viridis, in South Carolina. Grant # R11C-R110. Marine Resources Research Institute. |
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
| Power, A.J., R.L. Walker, K. Payne, D. Hurley. 2004. First occurrence of the nonindigenous green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) in coastal Georgia, United States. Journal of Shellfish Research 23(3):741-744. |
Journal Article
| Raabe, J.M., and M.R. Gilg. 2020. Native and nonnative bivalve settlement: potential competition for spatial resources in a northeast Florida estuary. Journal of Molluscan Studies 86:372-381. |
Journal Article
| Rajagopal, S., K.V.K. Nair, G. van der Velde, and H.A. Jenner. 1997. Seasonal settlement and succession of fouling communities in Kalpakkam, east coast of India. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology 30(4):309-325. |
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
| Rajagopal, S., V.P. Venugopalan, K.V.K. Nair, G. van der Velde, and H.A. Jenner. 1998. Settlement and growth of the green mussel Perna viridis (L.) in coastal waters: influence of water velocity. Aquatic Ecology 32:313-322. |
Journal Article
| Rajagopal, S., V.P. Venugopalan, K.V.K. Nair, G. van der Velde, H.A. Jenner, and C. den Hartog. 1998. Reproduction, growth rate and culture potential of the green mussel, Perna viridis (L.) in Edaiyur backwaters, east coast of India. Aquaculture 162:187-202. |
Journal Article
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Journal Article
| Wells, F.E., T. Duangdee, K. Sanpanich, and S.S. Lukehurst. 2024. Status of the invasive charru mussel Mytella strigata (Hanley, 1843) in the upper Gulf of Thailand five years after it was first surveyed. BioInvasions Records 13(1):69-82. |
Book Chapter
| Wong, W.H., and S.G. Cheung. 1998. Feeding behavior of the green-lipped mussel, Perna viridis, during spring and neap tidal cycles in Bieler, R., and P.M. Mikkelsen, eds. Abstracts, World Congress of Malacology. World Congress of Malacology. Washington, DC. |
Conference Proceedings
| Yen, I.C., M. Guppy, and J. Agard. 1999. Perna viridis: potential as a novel food source and sentinel organism (abstract only). Page 20 in Book of abstracts, Institute of Marine Affairs 6th annual research symposium, July 20–22, 1999. Institute for Marine Affairs. Trinidad & Tobago, WI. |
Journal Article
| Zhao, H., J. Sagert, D.S. Hwang, and J.H. Waite. 2009. Glycosylated hydroxytryptophan in a mussel adhesive protein from Perna viridis. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284(35):23344-23352. |