Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records as well as those with scientific name Cherax quadricarinatus listed in key words.

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30029 Journal Article Ahyong, S. T., and D. C. Yeo. 2007. Feral populations of the Australian red-claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus von Martens) in water supply catchments of Singapore. Biological Invasions 9(8):943-946.
42604 Journal Article Akmal, S.G., Y., F. Yulianda, L. Adrianto, and J. Patoka. 2023. Potential spread of invasive crayfish used as life bait by Indonesian anglers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife Latest articles:2234394.
33493 Web Page Anonymous. 2018. Went to Lake Balboa and caught 2 Tilapia and 1 Lobster and some small Bass! Accessed on 08/06/2019.
32792 Journal Article Anson, K. J., and D.B. Rouse. 1994. Effects of Salinity on Hatching and Post-Hatch Survival of the Australian Red Claw Crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 25(2):277-280.
37883 Journal Article Arias Rodríguez, A., and A. Torralba Burrial. 2021. First record of the redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868) on the Iberian Peninsula. Limnetica 40:33-42.
32793 Database Austin, C.M., C. Jones and M. Wingfield. 2009. Cherax quadricarinatus. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. Accessed on 10/10/2018.
44750 Journal Article Barki, A., T. Levi, G. Hulata, I. Karplus. 1997. Annual cycle of spawning and molting in the red-claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, under laboratory conditions. Aquaculture 157(3-4):239-249.
40038 Journal Article Baudry, T., Q. Mauvisseau, J. Goût, A. Arqué, C. Delaunay, J. Smith-Ravin, M. Sweet, and F. Grandjean. 2021. Mapping a super-invader in a biodiversity hotspot, an eDNA-based success story. Ecological Indicators 126:107637.
33469 Journal Article Bortolini, J.L., F. Alvarez, and G. Rodriguez-Almaraz. 2007. On the presence of the Australian redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, in Mexico. Biological Invasions 2007(9):615-620. 10.1007/s10530-006-9054-0.
33467 Journal Article Bowater, R.O., M. Wingfield, A. Fisk, K.M.L. Condon, A. Reid, H. Prior, and E.C. Kulpa. 2002. A parvo-like virus in cultured redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatusfrom Queensland, Australia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 50:79-86.
42484 Journal Article Chakandinakira, A.T., T.C. Madzivanzira, S. Mashonga, J.V. Muzvondiwa, N. Ndlovu, and J. South. 2023. Socioeconomic impacts of Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus in Lake Kariba. Biological Invasions 25:2801-2812.
33581 Journal Article Couchran, J., and G. Daly. 2012. Potential threats posed by a translocated crayfish: the case of Cherax destructor in coastal drainages of New South Wales. Crustacean Research 7:5-13.
30271 Journal Article Coughran, J., and S. R. Leckie. 1997. Invasion of a New South Wales stream by the tropical crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens). Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance:40-46.
41108 Journal Article Deidun, A., A. Sciberras, J. Formosa, B. Zava, G. Insacco, M. Corsini-Foka, and K.A. Crandall. 2018. Invasion by non-indigenous freshwater decapods of Malta and Sicily, central Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Crustacean Biology 38(6):748-753.
41583 Journal Article DiStefano, R.J, M.G. Glon, and B.M. O'Brian. 2023. Managing pathways for introduction of alien crayfish: evaluation of a midwestern state's regulations on the pet industry. Fisheries 48(5):190-196.
33464 Journal Article Doupé, R.G., D.L. Morgan, H.S. Gill, and A.J. Rowland. 2004. Introduction of redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens) to Lake Kununurra, Ord River, Western Australia: prospects for a ‘yabby’ in the Kimberley. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87:187-191.
44754 Journal Article Douthwaite, R.J., E.W. Jones, A.B. Tyser, and S.M. Vrdoljak. 2018. The introduction, spread and ecology of redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus in the Zambezi catchment. African Journal of Aquatic Science 43(4):353-366.
33465 Journal Article Edgerton, B.F., R. Webb, I.G. Anderson, and E.C. Kulpa. 2000. Description of a presumptive hepatopancreatic reovirus, and a putative gill parvovirus, in the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 41:83-90.
42600 Report Eilitta, M., E. Nambeye-Kaonga, H.G. Mudenda, C. Katapa, B. Chimai-Mulenga, and M.A. Rice. 2023. Population Ecology and Distribution Assessment of the Introduced Invasive Crayfish in the Kafue Floodplain and Lake Kariba, Zambia. Mississippi State University.
26554 Web Page Fetzner, Jr., J.W. 2013. The crayfish and lobster taxonomy browser: Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868). Created on 09/06/2013. Accessed on 09/06/2013.
33622 Thesis or Dissertation García Vázquez, S. 2008. Distribution of exotic Australian crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868) in Puerto Rico. Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, Mayagüez, PR.
26553 Journal Article Groff, J.M., T. McDowell, C.S. Friedman, and R.P. Hedrick. 1993. Detection of a nonoccluded baculovirus in the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus in North America. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 5:275-279.
42036 Journal Article Harlioğlu, M.M., and A.G. Harlioğlu. 2006. Threat of non-native crayfish introductions into Turkey: global lessons. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 16:171-181.
38849 Journal Article Hassan, M., N.N. Azri-Shah, M.I. Zakariah, N.A.H. Yusoff, F. Abdullah, W. Wahab, A.N. Ishak, N.M. Husin, and J.B. Jones. 2022. Morphological and molecular identification of Diceratocephala boschmai Baer, 1953 and Decadidymus sp. Cannon, 1991 on wild and cultured environment of Cherax quadricarinatus in Malaysia. International Journal of Field Research on Biological Invasions 11(2):495-509.
40060 Journal Article Haubrock, P.J., F.J. Oficialdegui, Y. Zeng, J. Patoka, D.C.J. Yeo, and A. Kouba. 2021. The redclaw crayfish: A prominent aquaculture species with invasive potential in tropical and subtropical biodiversity hotspots. Reviews in Aquaculture 13(3):1488-1530.
33466 Journal Article Hauck, A.K., M.R. Marshall, J.K.K. Li, and R.A. Lee. 2001. A new finding and range extension of bacilliform virus in the freshwater redclaw crayfish in Utah, USA. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 13:158-162.
25556 Journal Article Hein, C.L., M.J. Vander Zanden, and J.J. Magnuson. 2007. Intensive trapping and increased fish predation cause massive decline of an invasive crayfish. Freshwater Biology 52:1134-1146.
32745 Journal Article Holdich, D.M., J.D. Reynolds, C. Souty-Grosset, and P.J. Sibley. 2009. A review of the ever increasing threat to European crayfish from non-indigenous crayfish species. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 11:394-395.
27421 Report Hyatt, M.W. 2004. Investigation of crayfish control technology. Final report (No.1448-20181-02-J850) to Arizona Game and Fish Department.
25944 Database iNaturalist. 2024. Accessed on 08/13/2024.
26555 Web Page Jones, C. 2011. Cherax quadricarinatus. Cultured Aquatic Species Information Programme. In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department [online]. Rome. Updated 13 January 2011. [Cited 6 September 2013],. Created on 09/06/2013. Accessed on 09/06/2013.
42207 Journal Article Jutagate, T., W. Kwangkhwang, and S. Saowakoon. 2023. Growth and competitions of the Australian red-claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in Thailand: the experimental approaches. Aquatic Invasions 18(1):103-117.
41113 Journal Article King, G., S. Balcombe, S. Capon, and B. Cockayne. 2022. Do opposites attack? Resource interactions between an alien and native crayfish from the Lake Eyre Basin. Marine and Freshwater Research 73(7):873-883.
33489 Journal Article Leland, J.C., J. Coughran, and J.M. Furse. 2012. Further translocation of the Redclaw, Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae), to Lake Ainsworth in northeastern New South Wales, Australia. Crustacean Research 7:1-4.
44747 Journal Article Liu, S., C. Qi, Y. Jia, Z. Gu. and E. Li. 2020. Growth and intestinal health of the red claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, reared under different salinities. Aquaculture 524:735256.
44744 Web Page Live Aquaponics. 2024. Redclaw Crayfish.
44753 Book Chapter Lynas, J., F. Gherardi, A. Storey, and B. Knott. 2007. Introduction and spread of crayfish (Parastacidae) in Western Australia and their potential to displace indigenous species in Gherardi, F, ed. Biological invaders in inland waters : profiles, distribution and threats. Volume 2. Springer. Dordrecht.
34000 Thesis or Dissertation Macias, N.A. 2014. Abundance, distribution, and genetic variation of the non-native red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) recently introduced to Puerto Rico. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Geogia Southern University.
36126 Journal Article Macias, N.A., P.J. Torres, and C. Colón-Gaud. 2021. Records of the Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) on the island of Puerto Rico. BioInvasions Records 10(2):348-359.
42339 Journal Article Madzivanzira, T.C., A.T. Chakandinakira, C.P. Mungenge, G. O’Brien, T. Dalu and J. South. 2023. Get it before it gets to my catch: misdirection traps to mitigate against socioeconomic impacts associated with crayfish invasion. Management of Biological Invasions 14(2):335-346.
35573 Journal Article Madzivanzira, T.C., J. South, and O.L.F. Weyl. 2021. Invasive crayfish out perform Potamonautid crabs at higher temperatures. Freshwater Biology 66(5):978-991.
39268 Journal Article Madzivanzira, T.C., J. South, B.R. Ellender, R. Chambers, G. Chisule, C.R. Coppinger, F.H. Khaebeb, F.J. Jacobs, M. Chomaba, B. Musando, C. Mwale, T. Nhiwatiwa, C.L. Rennie, N. Richardson, and O.L.F. Weyl. 2021. Distribution and establishment of the alien Australian redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, in the Zambezi Basin. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(11):3156-3168.
39987 Journal Article Madzivanzira, T.C., J. South, L.E. Wood, A.L. Nunes, and O.L.F. Weyl. 2021. A Review of Freshwater Crayfish Introductions in Africa. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 29(2):218-241.
43348 Journal Article Madzivanzira, T.C., J. South, T. Nhiwatiwa, and O.L.F. Weyl. 2021. Standardisation of alien invasive Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus sampling gear in Africa. Water SA 47(3):380-384.
37892 Journal Article Madzivanzira, T.C., O.L.F. Weyl, and J. South. 2022. Ecological and potential socioeconomic impacts of two globally-invasive crayfish. NeoBiota 72:25-43.
40014 Journal Article Martín-Torrijos, L., A.J. Correa-Villalona, J.C. Azofeifa-Solano, F. Villalobos-Rojas, I.S. Wehrtmann, and J. Diéguez-Uribeondo. 2021. First Detection of the Crayfish Plague Pathogen Aphanomyces astaci in Costa Rica: European Mistakes Should Not Be Repeated. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:623814.
40067 Journal Article Marufu, L.T., M. Barson, C. Phiri, and T. Nhiwatiwa. 2020. Spatial and temporal distribution of an invasive crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Lakes & Reservoirs 25(4):394-402.
37842 Journal Article Marufu, L.T., T. Dalu, C. Phiri, M. Barson, R. Simango, B. Utete, and T. Nhiwatiwa. 2018. The diet of an invasive crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868), in Lake Kariba, inferred using stomach content and stable isotope analyses. BioInvasions Records 7(2):121-132.
26966 Report Masser, M.P., and D.B. Rouse. 1997. Australian Red Claw Crayfish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.
41117 Journal Article Mauro, M., V. Arizza, M. Arculeo, A. Attanzio, P. Pinto, P. Chirco, G. Badalamenti, L. Tesoriere, and M. Vazzana. 2022. Haemolymphatic parameters in two aquaculture crustacean species Cherax destructor (Clark, 1836) and Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868). Animals (Basel) 12(5):543.
44745 Journal Article Max-Aguilar, A., H. Villarreal, I. Leyva-Valencia, R. Valencia-Valdez, J. Naranjo-Páramo, M. Vargas-Mendieta, A. Villarreal-García, and P. Cruz-Hernández. 2021. Genetic diversity of divergent redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868) populations evaluated to initiate a breeding program in Mexico. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 49(2):272-279.
32794 Journal Article Medley P.B., R.G. Nelson, L.U. Hatch, D.B. Rouse, and G.F. Pinto. 1994. Economic feasibility and risk analysis of Australian red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus aquaculture in the southeastern United States. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 25(1):135-146.
30942 Journal Article Moorhouse, T. P., Poole, A. E., Evans, L. C., Bradley, D. C., and D. W. Macdonald. 2014. Intensive removal of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) from rivers increases numbers and taxon richness of macroinvertebrate species. Ecology and Evolution 4(4):494-504.
34150 Journal Article Morningstar, C.R., W.D. Daniel, M.E. Neilson, and A.K. Yazaryan. 2020. The first occurrence of the Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in the contiguous United States. BioInvasions Records 9(1):120-126.
40046 Journal Article Mozsár, A., D. Árva, V. Józsa, K. Györe, B. Kajári, I. Czeglédi, T. Erős, A. Weiperth, and A. Specziár. 2021. Only one can remain? Environmental and spatial factors influencing habitat partitioning among invasive and native crayfishes in the Pannonian Ecoregion (Hungary). Science of The Total Environment 770:145240.
33632 Database North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences. 2019. North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences invertebrate collection. North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC. Accessed on 08/27/2019.
33876 Journal Article Nunes, A.L., T.A. Zengya, A.C. Hoffman, G.J. Measey, and O.L.F. Weyl. 2017. Distribution and establishment of the alien Australian redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, in South Africa and Swaziland. PeerJ 7(2):185-189.
44748 Web Page Oficialdegui, F.J. 2022. Cherax quadricarinatus (redclaw crayfish) - CABI Compendium.
32631 Thesis or Dissertation Patillo, A. 2010. Improving Redclaw Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) Aquaculture: Assessment of Invasive Impacts and Production of All-male Broods. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
38841 Journal Article Patoka, J., Y. Wardiatno, A. Mashar, Yonvitner, D. Wowor, R. Jerikho, M. Takdir, L. Purnamasari, M. Petrtyl, L. Kalous, A. Kouba, and M. Bláha. 2018. Redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868), widespread throughout Indonesia. BioInvasions Records 7(2):185-189.
32595 Journal Article Peay, S. 2009. Invasive non-indigenous crayfish species in Europe: recommendations on managing them. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 3:394-395.
37838 Journal Article Pinder, A., A. Harman, C. Bird, K. Quinlan, F. Angel, M. Cowan, L. Lewis, and E. Thillainath. 2019. Spread of the non-native redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) into natural waters of the Pilbara region of Western Australia, with observations on potential adverse ecological effects. BioInvasions Records 8(4):4.
42422 Journal Article Rodriguez-Cruz, L.D., M.J. Torres-Olvera, O.Y. Duran-Rodriguez, and J.P. Ramirez-Herrejon. 2023. The invasive Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus Von Martens, 1868: a new threat for biodiversity in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve, Central Mexican Plateau. Bioinvasion Records 12(3):819-828.
33468 Journal Article Romero, X., and R. Jimenez. 2002. Histopathological survey of diseases and pathogens present in redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens), cultured in Ecuador. Journal of Fish Diseases 25:653-667.
32795 Journal Article Rubino, M., N. Alon, C. Wilson, D. Rouse and J. Armstrong. 1990. Marron aquaculture research in the United States and the Caribbean. Aquacult. Mag 16(3):27-44.
44752 Journal Article Sagi, A., I. Khalaila, A. Barki, G. Hulata, and I. Karplus. 1996. Intersex Red Claw Crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens): Functional Males with Pre-vitellogenic Ovaries. The Biological Bulletin 190(1):16-23.
16229 Journal Article Saker, M.L., and G.K. Eaglesham. 1999. The accumulation of cylindrospermopsin from the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in tissues of the redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Toxicon 37(7):1065-1077.
43142 Journal Article Sanjar, A., D.R. Davis, and R.J. Kline. 2023. Evidence of an established population of Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in south Texas, USA. BioInvasions Records 12(1):284-291.
32584 Book Souty-Grosset, C., D. M. Holdich, P. Y. Noël, J. D. Reynolds, and P. Haffner. 2006. Atlas of crayfish in Europe. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Paris, France.
37836 Journal Article Tapia-Varela, J.R., J.T. Ponce-Palafox,D.S. Palacios-Salgado, C.A. Romero-Bañuelos, J.T. Nieto-Navarro, and P. Aguiar-García. 2020. Establishment of the exotic invasive redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868) in the Coastal Plain of San Blas, Nayarit, SE Gulf of California, Mexico. BioInvasions Records 9(2):357-366.
26556 Report U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2012. Australian redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus): ecological risk screening summary. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
30928 Journal Article Vodovsky, N., Patoka, J., and A. Kouba. 2017. Ecosystem of Caspian Sea threatened by pet-traded non-indigenous crayfish. Biological Invasions 19:2207-2217.
41129 Journal Article Wang, Q., C.M. Huang, K. Liu, M. Lu, S.F. Dan, Y.H. Xu, Y.X. Xu, P. Zhu, and H.P. Pan. 2020. Cloning and expression of three heat shock protein genes in the gills of Cherax quadricarinatus responding to bacterial challenge. Microbial Pathogenesis 142:104043.
40024 Journal Article Weiperth, A., M. Bláha, B. Szajbert, R. Seprős, Z. Bányai, J. Patoka, and A. Kouba. 2020. Hungary: a European hotspot of non-native crayfish biodiversity. Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 421(43):14.
9418 Journal Article Williams, E.H., Jr., L. Bunkley-Williams, C.G. Lilyestrom and E.A.R. Ortiz-Corps. 2001. A review of recent introductions of aquatic invertebrates in Puerto Rico and implications for the management of nonindigenous species. Caribbean Journal of Science 37(3-4):246-251.
32796 Journal Article Wingfield, M. 2002. An overview of the Australian freshwater crayfish farming industry. Freshwater Crayfish 13:177-184.
44712 Journal Article Yanai, Z., T. Guy-Haim, O. Koldny, Y. Levitt-Barmats, A. Mazal, A.R. Morov, A. Sagi, N. Truskanov, and D. Milstein. 2024. An overview of recent introductions of non-native crayfish (Crustacea, Decapoda) into inland water systems in Israel. BioInvasions Records 13(1):195-208.
37884 Journal Article Yau, S., and A. Lau. 2021. First record of the Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in Hong Kong, China. BioInvasions Records 10(2):369-377.
44751 Journal Article Yeh, H.S., and D.B. Rouse. 1995. Effects of Water Temperature, Density, and Sex Ratio on the Spawning Rate of Red Claw Crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens). Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 26(2):160-164.
44746 Journal Article Yuliana, E., N. Yonvitner, S.G. Akmal, R.A. Subing, S.A. Ritonga, A. Santoso, A. Kouba, and J. Patoka. 2021. Import, trade and culture of non-native ornamental crayfish in Java, Indonesia. Management of Biological Invasions 12(4):846-857.
44755 Journal Article Zeng, Y., K.K. Shakir, and D.C.J. Yeo. 2019. Competition between a native freshwater crab and an invasive crayfish in tropical Southeast Asia. Biological Invasions 21:2653-2663.
39989 Journal Article Zengeya, T.A., R.J. Lombard, V.E. Nelwamondo, A.L. Nunes, J. Measey, and O.L. Weyl. 2022. Trophic niche of an invasive generalist consumer: Australian redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, in the Inkomati River Basin, South Africa. Austral Ecology 47(7):1480-1494.
44749 Journal Article Zheng, S., F. Meng, D. Li, L. Liu, D. Ge, Q. Wang, and H. Liu. 2022. A Deacetylase CqSIRT1 Promotes WSSV Infection by Binding to Viral Envelope Proteins in Cherax quadricarinatus. Viruses 14(8):1733.


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